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Author Topic:   bride burning alive and well

Posts: 4625
From: Still out looking for Schr�dinger's cat.........& LEXIGRAMMING... is my Passion!
Registered: Apr 2009

posted January 24, 2009 03:07 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for LEXX     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
concerns me she works in family services here in the U.S. Hope she actually helps the kids that need help, instead of breaking up single family homes as many of the f'd up social services workers do.

That belief system is breaking down here in America, FYI.

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Posts: 982
From: New Brighton, MN, USA
Registered: Apr 2009

posted January 24, 2009 03:19 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Azalaksh     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
You know, I actually thank venus for her verbose diatribes
It makes me feel so glad to be here in the USA, in the American culture/society where class-consciousness, disdain and snobbery towards those who have less are not the prevailing mentality.....

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posted January 24, 2009 04:53 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for katatonic     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
my quote you replied to above venus, was in response to your saying that a patriarchy was the only way to go (obviously i paraphrase) and the definition regarding the man earning and doling out all the money as he saw fit was also from one of your posts. where you(or perhaps you were quoting there, makes no diff) were raving about the impending matriarchal society we are facing and how it was destructive to all...

it does sound to me like your family and father are more enlightened than that. i know a lot of indians are...which is why my post was expressing surprise that you seem so vehement about women expecting to be treated as partners not chattel...

ZALA,thank you for findng the silver lining here!!

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Posts: 4625
From: Still out looking for Schr�dinger's cat.........& LEXIGRAMMING... is my Passion!
Registered: Apr 2009

posted January 24, 2009 06:22 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for LEXX     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
As to qualifications of Class and Caste categories....
In my opinion, wealth has little to do with "class" in the ethics/morality arena!
Its mostly the upper middle class I see getting finally busted for the worse crimes.
Unfortunately they are also able to buy their way out of legal troubles.
True "class" is not about being rich or snobby.
And castes makes no damn logical or kind sense to me.
And is it true as many from India have told me...that the lighter skinned one is,
the higher class/caste they are considered to be?
If so...that is a weird and unkind racial bigotry.

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posted January 24, 2009 07:24 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Lavlee     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
LEXX and zala

This is a beautiful country. I have met many different peoples of different "classes", and truly, class comes from the heart, from experience, from having empathy... I empathize for those who are struggling. including those young single moms and dads. I empathize for women getting out of abusive relationships. I empathize for people who are homeless....I empathize for women trying to make it in the workplace..

I empathize for her (miss "v") because she does not know everything, but one day she will know more.

I could say that I am pretty damned powerful. I dont have my pluto conjunct mars (whatever), but Im sure all ladies could say that they are powerful in their own right!. Its our right!!

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Posts: 4625
From: Still out looking for Schr�dinger's cat.........& LEXIGRAMMING... is my Passion!
Registered: Apr 2009

posted January 24, 2009 07:53 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for LEXX     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Thanks Lavee!

from vdi...

thanx to feminism's lesbian stalwarts like Dworkin et al who were doing nothing more than project their own penis envy on women and men thru hate speeches today tax payers are supporting 40 % of all single moms and their b@stard spawn

Woman, WTF?????
that is so freaking cold blooded and heartless! And you think of yourself as a healer, and compassionate and caring?
And btw..penis envy had virtually nothing to do with feminism! How freaking sexist!
if you and other Liberals dont stop moralising international politics I will end up paying for the upbringing of a million B@stards so their s1ut mamas can throw themselves on junkies and bad boys with no regard for responsibility.

Sounds like the same kind of attitude as these creeps I posted about:
In my area it is very "Bible Beltish".
The right to lifers even protest the Planned Parenthood.
I have gone up to these protesters and asked
if they would adopt the unwanted children. Answers range from..
no...its black...
to even...
no way would I want to adopt a crack smoking sl-t's ba$tard brat ! That's what foster care is for you "blank(insert racial slur) lover!
Uh huh.
These narrow minded bigots think scaring teens with Bible quotes will stop them from having sex.
Sex ed has been protested too and hobbled.
And STD's and pregnancy are on the rise.
Teens who use to go to Planned Parenthood and or free clinics for condoms are afraid to now. The holier than thou would harrass and or assault them
PS. Oddly the protesters I have encountered are all white Christians. If their kids mess up they secretly "take care of the "problem"..
what a bunch of hypocrites!
So...what happens when vdi encounters such women and their children?
I shudder to think.
And what of the woman, single, who wanted and has a child without marrying a man, or a woman who was raped and decided not to abort?
I suppose their children are all "b@stard spawn" and their mothers are s1uts?

venusdeindia said:
It has always been a mtter of practice for women to marry above them.
show me women , who wants to marry below her,
unless she is in her later thirties .

Implying that unmarried women in their "later thirties" are useless,
losing their physical beauty, practically dead to the opposite sex (what self-respecting man would want THEM?),
and have to take the "dregs" that are left??

So pushing 40 must be an awful thing for women and men who think that way.
What century is this?

venusdeindia said:

Marriage has always been more about econmics -
a partnership that aims at creating a life together - rather than love
And exactly how does that attitude,
tradition, differ from prostitution or the women you knock for using men/having sex with men, to acquire
gifts? Sounds the same to me.

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Posts: 4625
From: Still out looking for Schr�dinger's cat.........& LEXIGRAMMING... is my Passion!
Registered: Apr 2009

posted January 24, 2009 08:16 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for LEXX     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
but its not forcing women to leave their husbands
by brainwashing them through school and college
so when they hit their late thirties and men want nothinh to do with them,
off they go to the sperm donors to make up for not having a

Wow! Sexist talk from a woman!
What men pray tell? Sexist pig types who only want young women or trollops?
What kind of creepy men do you hang out with?
All men are not like that! Sounds like you hate men
since it is YOU Ms non-liberal feminist who has labeled men as idiots who would
never look at or marry or love a woman past her late 30s!
Would you let a man go scot free if his wife turns into a post-partum depression monster ,
refuses to do the chores around the house , mistreats the kids...
Men are expected to stick with their decisions and if they call
such women for what they are they are coward pigs
who only knbow to run when the going gets tough.

Your remarks are totally disgusting.
So a woman afflicted with severe post-partum depression are all:

b]such women for what they are they are coward pigs
who only knbow to run when the going gets tough.[/b]

It is a terrible medical condition not anything they chose.
Yes they can turn into monsters...or kill themselves.
It is a bio/chemical insanity.
You better hope you never become so afflicted.

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posted January 25, 2009 04:28 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for katatonic     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
not so long ago in england i was pregnant with my first child at the age of 32 (coincidentally my mother had her first pregnancy at the same age). the note on my hospital prenatal record described me, as per their criteria, as an ELDERLY primagravida! my sisterinlaw had her second at 42 and HER notes called her GERIATRIC!

so not all of us old hags are past childbearing, rearing, or even marrying age! for your information, zala, a woman reaches her PRIME near the age of 30 and it lasts a LOT LONGER than a man's prime. fortunately for the human race even men in their last years can father children - by which time one hopes they have figured out that being the breadwinner is not the only road to respect!

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posted January 25, 2009 04:43 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for katatonic     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
the fact is both men and women are to blame for failed marriages and for successful ones too. some of the most overt feminists i know have had long rewarding marriages, raised families, etc. and most men do not want doormats for wives. SORRY!

in the west, venus, marriage is still a partnership but it is based on mutually loving feelings between two adults (hopefully) and not on the dynastic needs or judgement of the family. except of course in UPPER CLASS families, where the unit can be seen as the important factor. but even there, we make OUR OWN DECISIONS. this puts more pressure on the partners but it also causes more growth. it is a flawed system, but so is india's.

what people are really objecting to here is your strident, nigh hysterical tone (a lot of which is from the articles, but you chose to quote them), your generalizations and your use of sources who could only be called "chauvinist". of course (some)men think women should get back in the kitchen and shut up! it is strange coming from a woman but you are not the only one.

the surprising thing is the women who are the loudest downplayers of "women's libbers" are extremely liberated themselves! they hold down high-paying jobs, raise children and marry late, and you, dear, look like joining their ranks -!

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Posts: 982
From: New Brighton, MN, USA
Registered: Apr 2009

posted January 25, 2009 04:59 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Azalaksh     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
katatonic ~
for your information, zala, a woman reaches her PRIME near the age of 30 and it lasts a LOT LONGER than a man's prime.
Don't I know
And, aren't we lucky
Were you directing this at me or the original poster??
I’m in charge of silver linings
kat, I had a healthy, happy baby at the advanced, useless, unwanted-by-men, falling-apart age of 42..... <3

I remember when I was 20, I thought I knew everything there was to know about life – and the older I get, the more I know the less I know. That sort of humility is empowering, and bequeaths a lot of tolerance of differences and foibles, unlike the strictly black and white perceptions of some younger people…..

Isn’t it kind of humorous to note that the 20-somethings who are afraid of getting older have no idea how much fun it can be??
And, they don’t realize that those boobs they’re so proud of up around their collarbones WILL descend – no one gets out of THAT alive without implants
And it's OK that our bodies change -- I earned those wrinkles around my eyes!! -- especially when those changes foster acceptance and wisdom.

It really is sad to see strident, spitting-cat-in-a-corner, callous, caustic, malicious diatribe from people who have everything going for them -- pretty on the outside, ugly on the inside

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posted January 25, 2009 05:40 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for katatonic     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
sorry, zala, that should have read VENUS. it seems obvious to me that you probably already knew that!

well you would have been a geriatric primagravida in england!! personally, rather you than me, but at the same time, more power to you.

the only problem with my marriage was that the man was really too young. i tried to hold him off but he was determined to get married AND have our daughter, but when reality struck he wasn't ready...still he was a pretty good dad and co-parent even though he went elsewhere for love and romance.

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posted January 25, 2009 05:55 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Lavlee     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I just turned 30. I feel so hot, and she has no idea what its like to turn 30 and still feel good, if not better than, in the mid 20's.

And I raise my kid on my own, I am an excellent mother.

So sad, that such superficial values run, such a fear of aging, when it is aging that beautifies a woman's soul.

Linda Goodman was so beautiful in her "older years"...

My personal goal in life is to transcend past the age thing, I still get asked if Im 16! Part of that has to do carrying ageless values, and not fearing age. If I keep hearing this BS about being old and valueless past 35, and believe that, it could happen. SO, I wont believe that, i wont listen to that either. I will stop paying attention to her hysterical posts and disgusting articles.

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Posts: 4625
From: Still out looking for Schr�dinger's cat.........& LEXIGRAMMING... is my Passion!
Registered: Apr 2009

posted January 25, 2009 08:26 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for LEXX     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I agree!
Very sad indeed.
It really is sad to see strident, spitting-cat-in-a-corner, callous, caustic, malicious diatribe from people who have everything going for them -- pretty on the outside, ugly on the inside

You said it well!

the surprising thing is the women who are the loudest downplayers of "women's libbers" are extremely liberated themselves! they hold down high-paying jobs, raise children and marry late, and you, dear, look like joining their ranks -!

I have after age 30 attracted young men....usually much younger.
My husband is 15 years younger than myself.
I am confident in just being myself. Not playing the games many (not all of course!) pretty and thin and younger women do. To my delight, THAT is often very appealing to younger men. They know they do not have to impress me...just be themselves.
Most of my friends are younger men....ages 20 to 45. And, if I were not married, they have made it quite clear they would not be adverse to having more intimate relations with me despite my being overweight, seriously saggy huge boobs, and in my mid 50s. My best woman friend, (she passed away at age 84) was also disabled. She married a younger man. Later on at age 69 she began a serious relationship with a man nearly 50 years younger than her. It lasted some 8 years. The reason it ended was he was killed in an accident.
The overriding theme in such younger men/older women relationships is the woman has a loving personality and intelligence.
Many younger men do indeed find that very appealing! The brain/mind IS the sexiest body part!

My grandmother outlived all her 5 much younger husbands. (5 out of 6)
Her first was 57 years or so older than her.
The rest were from about 5 to 20 years younger than her. She was not a pretty woman.
But she had one heck of a great personality and charisma!

Life is not about waiting for the storms to pass, it's about learning to dance in the rain.

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posted January 25, 2009 09:39 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for leapinglemur14     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
wow Venus.

You damn well know that we live in a patriarch society, and that women are not always treated fairly. Women in the same job as often get paid less (starting wage) along with fatter people. Just about every religion out there is patriarch based.

How DARE you come here and spew cr@p!!! Your mouth and rectum are one and the same.

I pray to all your gods (and mine) that you do not get any sort of Visa to the US ever again. Temporary or permanent. You do not belong in the U.S whatsoever.

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Posts: 982
From: New Brighton, MN, USA
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posted January 25, 2009 10:20 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Azalaksh     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
leaping, please lighten up on the name-calling.....

And it's a fact that there are hundreds of thousands of people *already* here in the USA who speak much the same as (and also much worse than) the offensive poster.
The freedom we enjoy here due to the First Amendment must apply to all or none.
I'm not thrilled that people from other countries come here to take advantage of our educational system or the job market, slagging off and sniping at 50% of the population, while enjoying the bounties and opportunity of this land. But that's what Freedom of Speech is all about.

However, it is disturbing to see -- here at LL, a place where we would expect more spiritually and socially enlightened people -- the kind of mindset we have seen abundantly and obsessively illustrated here by the offensive poster

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posted January 25, 2009 10:30 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for leapinglemur14     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Zala- you're right, my apologies.

I'm thinking I should stick my nose out of Global Unity until I learn to control my anger.

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posted January 25, 2009 11:00 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Lavlee     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
with all the different reactions, I don't know who I have seen agree with any of the poster's articles or hysterical essays. It astonishes me but hey, this is marvelous because most all of us here on LL stand connected to our common beliefs and god given powers as woman.

It is sad that because of men, women mistreat other women.

I have learned alot from this, and I smile at every woman, young and beautiful, or old and beautiful.

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Posts: 982
From: New Brighton, MN, USA
Registered: Apr 2009

posted January 25, 2009 11:57 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Azalaksh     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
leaping and lavlee ~

Your beauty is ageless and much more than skin deep

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posted January 28, 2009 06:34 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
This secure environment is known as the patriarchal structure and it produces family. Men make patriarchy. No men—No patriarchy. No patriarchy—No family. No family—No security. No security produces depressed women.

yeah well, i just posted an artocle from another blog , understanding Patrairchy to mean " Family " - with parents still married - like it was until the the past 4 decades . If patriarchy implies thge Father is more than the mother then i dont agree.

That NOT what family has ever meant here were i was raised - fathers and mothers are EQUAL - equally indispensible, equally important, equally different .

Sorry for the confusion.

I found that quite offensive and un-liberated, definitely not an equality for women thing. And quite insulting to women too. Evoking the women as property concept.

I considered it as meaning men and women in an interdependent dynamic - which implies independence as an individual before one can be interdependent .again sorrry.

quote: your I a failure because
I am disabled? Because I have lived on the streets and eaten out of trash/dumpsters, and begged for food? And still straddle the poverty rail? Men and Women both fall on hard times and need help. That does not make them all low life failures. Yeah, some are moochers, but most are not.

er...that is my signature and its a up yours to women i see here in California who have no sense of personal responsibility...again soory but that is my signature because i find it highly antiquated when women's groups push for laws that imply we are so inferior we need to be cut some slack even when we apply for a job we are to be hired on reservations rather than merit - that is most insulting

the idea is that like rights our duties and their fulfillment are what make us FREE individuals - your circumstances are the exception . :compassion:

OK...a bit lost here on what you mean

er...well where did that come up ? yikes, totally out of context - i was pondering something totally different - relevant to another forum.

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posted January 28, 2009 06:42 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
That is not me by any stretch!
And virtually everyone in America has a choice.
I had marriage proposals from two millionaires. I turned them down.
And an upper class man too.
I refused to marry for only money.
So I am lower class because I chose to marry for love, not money

No you are an admirable exception - because you found the kind of Love people read but never see in actual existence and therefore never hope to find.

I was speaking from my own experience of my friends, both in India and here in the U.S. as well what i see around me, ..i dont know why even in this AGE but still they think they are shortselling themselves by NOT marrying above them...maybe its a question of programming ...i know many of them would love to have what you have but they dont hope and settle for what seems practicla to them, maybe its some wierd genetic program that runs in aloop.even successful women , lawyers,doctors etc , check them to see if they are married below them - i havent found ONE till date

Personally i know that i cannot settle for a lifestyle and values - lesser than what i wa raised by.Here it is important for you to understand , the term " Gentleman " implied a man who was an upper class, i dont know why but even here i see that my male friends from the lower class do NOT have the same values i admire in my father and other men in my family ...actually they ARE kind of dominating when it comes to women rather than treating them as equals - i dont see that in my family and community and other upperclass homes - thats why i decided not to marry someone who did not have the same vaues...i dont know if that makes me superficial but i want a husband and father for myt children who has the same refined values my father had

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posted January 28, 2009 07:09 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
concerns me she works in family services here in the U.S. Hope she actually helps the kids that need help, instead of breaking up single family homes as many of the f'd up social services workers do.

er..i made it pretty clear i do NOT volunteer here...

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posted January 28, 2009 07:30 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
that a patriarchy was the only way to go (obviously i paraphrase) and the definition regarding the man earning and doling out all the money as he saw fit was also from one of your posts. where you(or perhaps you were quoting there, makes no diff) were raving about the impending matriarchal society we are facing and how it was destructive to all...

Well like i have explained to Lexx above, i thought of family when i said that.

And if you have read my explanations and do believe in equality then you will understand that at the age of 18 no one is financially secure and thats why in India parents provide for their they can be equal partners in making a new life with their spouses.

hmm...i will check out the contents of my dowry and get back with ya

Lexx said

the upper middle class I see getting finally busted for the worse crimes.
Unfortunately they are also able to buy their way out of legal troubles.

I wish that was true . but i see the highest statistics of crimes against women and children among the lower classes..both here and back home.

i am sorry but the fact is that bride burning is an exclusively lower class phenomenon - the men in the upper classes have a second citizen status when it comes to what is good for the women and kids in the family.

Whereas a majority of all the mothers and fathers who physically abuse their children do come from the lower classes , most of them living on welfare.

The value system among the classes is toooo different .

True "class" is not about being rich or snobby.

Thats what it means here as well, many higher class families might financially not be so well off...

castes makes no damn logical or kind sense to me.
And is it true as many from India have told me...that the lighter skinned one is it was based on occupation - that a person chose. Accordingly the family was termed as belongiong to the Warrior,Trader,Labour or Clergy which comprise the Caste system.

and its not all.

Besides it became defunct like back in 1947.

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posted January 28, 2009 07:32 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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posted January 28, 2009 10:35 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Azalaksh said

It makes me feel so glad to be here in the USA, in the American culture/society where class-consciousness, disdain and snobbery towards those who have less are not the prevailing mentality.....

Well, it means i have missed a Dodo sighting then

All i see here in CA is the opposite of what you said..Women at the workplace divided in camps of college girls and highschoolers...leaving me no option but to choose one of them , Guess which ???

At the workplace ,at the clubs, at social events,at where do i see the Shangrila you just describes Azalaksh.....and CA is Liberal....

Everyone looks for friendships and relationships that are the road to their goals

Use and get Used.

Women here in CA have 2 careers - the dayime Job and the nightime one - that of an Amateur Prostitute, spreading their legs for any man who is willing to take the tab on a free fine -dining meal - because thanx to liberal gender neutralising feminism they have NO idea how to loving partners - thats all they are good for - and the men know that and USE them for what they ARE good for.

the ones who want REAL relationships are single moms who didnt think it was sooo hard raising two kids by themselves and never imagined that ,men wouldnt be interetsted in loving and raising someones else rejects.

Also looking for real relationships are career women who cant score with men given men find women half their age and size more alluring.

All in all , one hell of a sad place, full of men who choose to be with wh0res rather than even attempt something as naive as a marriage, women who are disillusioned and cant understand why men are CHOOSING to have nothing meaningful to do with them.

And they have to thank the Women's Lib for that , How quaint

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posted January 28, 2009 10:36 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

I havent shaken hands with anyone ever since i knew the rates of VD among women are as high as 4 out of 5 yeeesssshhhhh. talk about women being Public Toilets ....

Besides Equality desnt really exist does it , the same action by two different individuals can give two different results -

Equality is an Illusion .

Or the emperor's new clothes and i am the one with the balls to see it.


Rather glad that if I want to get married i do not have to be a free fcukdoll for atleast 20 men - hoping ONE of them will want to marry me .

all i need to do in my oppressed culture is let it be known i want to get married and the most eligible bachelors who WANT be good husbands line up for a courtship - and we can see if we are both willing to be loving partners.

like i said i AM glad, i am not liberated into Prostitution or Single Motherhood.

Always GLAD

Do let me know if you ARE glad about not having THAT among other indian oppressions as well Azalaksh ....

And for you , exclusively dear Azalaksh i present

a verbose diatribe on the Class ssytem, Disdain , snobbery yadayada in your very own America, hope that adds to your glad-soup

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