Topic: bride burning alive and well
venusdeindia unregistered
posted January 28, 2009 11:39 AM
As for Single motherhood, i am sorry to offend you Lexx or anyone else , but the fact is i am not alone .
Ann Coulter,Nancy Levant,Jennie Chancey, Stacy McDonald ,Phyllis Schaffly, Kathleen Parker, Camille Paglia, Christina Hoff Sommers, Jean Bethke Elshtain and Elizabeth Fox-Genovese and many more American women who are FEMINISTS - feel the same - and express the same ideas that i have expressed. Only because its not politically correct you will not find such material in bookstores but on and other online sites. Also if you are game , and willing to to be open for the fraction of a while , letting go of your doctrined beliefs... Keeping in mind, i know ,that for the current situation, the men and women are equally responsible, mind you. toady we have an epidemic of girls chasing PUA's and bad boys, we have sites teaching men how to act like that so they can score some " poontang " - disgusting the younger crowd has accepted Britney and the like as gurus and parents are pressured into being unconditionally accepting of whtever their kids do - and in most cases the father is absent - out of the mothers choice or his own - who knows ? there is a growing movement on this phenemenon and a lot of writers , both male and female are starting to express their views - to popular dissent . I personally think Ann Coulter just caught on what had been said for years and used it to further her score with the right. heres the math, IP: Logged |
venusdeindia unregistered
posted January 28, 2009 11:40 AM
Everyone has a choice .Every choice has a result thats either right or Wrong. The problem arises when some women with daddy's issues start telling us we have a right to do ANYTHING that feels right to us.
and thats where the cookie crumbles.
see, FEELING right has absolutely nothing to do with BEING right.
Feelings are volatile and relative. Right is inflexible. Right is what benefits the most of those who are involved. Wrong is what benefits the least of those or harms the most of those involved.
and single motherhood with few exceptions has been the latter, with repercussions on not just the children and their parent but also society
I am posting a thread on just how serious the repercusions are on the children themselves If you find my words harsh , Lexx and all others -i am sorry, but truth always is. A society with 70 % less crime would be a Dream few would be willing to forego. Unfortunately, thanx to single motherhood - we have to . And its too late to remedy. IP: Logged |
LEXX Moderator Posts: 4625 From: Still out looking for Schr�dinger's cat.........& LEXIGRAMMING... is my Passion! Registered: Apr 2009
posted January 28, 2009 06:18 PM
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venusdeindia unregistered
posted January 29, 2009 05:48 AM
You know Lexx, i hadn't taken your first two posts in this thread seriously when i posted my response...but know that i do - you have gone ahead and proven everything i posted in my thread on Liberal Feminism being hypocritical and being disguised Socialism - TRUE. Your are not concerned with the welfare of women or men or even society at large - like feminists should be - given they claim both the sexes are EQUAL. You are more concerned with ... Questioning my RIGHTS and FREEDOM to work or volunteer - given my values differ from yours. You know what that is called Lexx ? thats called Socialism - wanting everyone to have the same values and thought processes like one giant homogenous ant colony . In one swoop you have proven everything Jwhop and i have been saying - that liberals and feminists in the U.S. are socialists who react violently when faced with individuals who disagree with your accepted doctrine. like Azalaksh and other liberal women - you are NOT feminists but Socialists. If feminism is about the right to choose -
why does my freedom of speech and my personal Values rile you so much as to question my very existence . THAT is a mark of one very weak sense of self - dependent of something external of itself for survival. Which is - that you are EQUAL to anyone who lives and that no one is better than you. Unfortunately you are wrong. Next you changed your approach from overt to covert You asked me if MY personal beliefs and those of most educated well -off women about marrying well - meant i was implying YOU are lesser than me ...WHY ? If you have a right to be what you want to be, how come i need your approval of ME or my beliefs after i submit to their questioning ? Or else deserve the strictest action taken against me ? Knowingly or unknowingly you have exposed not only yourself but also all other liberal women on this board.
You dont care about womens rights - you care only about your rights - you have ZERO respect for the rights of others - especially those who are of a different belief school. And you did not hesitate for a moment in the reflex to have MY rights taken from me - ONLY because i dont agree with you . You know where such practices are commonplace ? - the former U.S.S.R. and other societies that acted like You,azalaksh etc. do and today are collapsed failed democracies.
no Lexx, you and i are not EQUALS, NOR WILL BE. i am not as evolved a psychic as you nor disabled and thus we are capable of different things, i am better than you in some ways and in others you are better than me. You on the other hand insist on making it look as if someone with beliefs that differ from the doctrine you have accepted are an attack to your self-esteem.
When nowhere in expressing myself have i used your name or actions to make my points clear. Why do you insist on tying MY self-expression into having everything to do with YOU - when none of my posts even talk about you. This is the absolute opposite of believing in Individual Liberties , let alone those of a gender. which means you have a lot in common with the Theocrats in Saudi Arabia who take any differing beliefs as a threat to their culture .And call for Jihad on the west.
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venusdeindia unregistered
posted January 29, 2009 05:49 AM
When i gave my twocents on the marriage practices that many conservative communities including jews, christians ,upper class college bred americans , oriental cultures follow - you called them Patriarchial.
Keeping in mind it is the top of the barrel of eligible women in the U.S. who will NOT marry a man unless he is as educated ,financially stable and wants to create a stable life with her as a loving partner.By what logic do you call that " Antiquated Patriarchial Beliefs " when it is WOMEN who make the call and decide they want class in their men rather than the romantic brain chemistry that fizzles out in a year , even with soulmates ? How is it antiquated and patriarchial when a WOMAN , college educated , decides to marry a man with the same ability and intentions as her - to be a loving spouse and parent and give a stable , loving childhood to their children. surely , Lexx how do you call it Patriarchial for a woman to marry a man who fits HER criteria and she is willing to love him for BEING her partner rather than be with a partner she loves who may not be what she wants in the long term. Traditional Marriages as above have a success rate of 95 % among Indians,Christians,Jews and other communities who choose a husband with the intention of loving him. On the other hand relationships and marriages based on love have a success rate of 10 % and 50 % respectively. We, indian girls, are asked WHEN and WHAT kind of a husband we would want - naturally we ask for soemone who has what is needed to be a loving husband and Father - date a guy we like out of the bunch our parents look for us with intention of marrying and do so. The men chosen , belong to the same class - as in those who have the same values as we do, who have been raised to be husbands and fathers and so can keep us happy - in the long run. How is it Patriarchial when a girl decides and gets what she wants -
as i have proven in the other thread on the reality of Class in america, It is girls who marry for traditional reasons rather than love that benefit most - as do their children. In contrast to women ,who like you find it ..patriarchial and somehow manage to make choices that leave them raising kids out of marriage or out of divorce - whom they cannot ensure a collge education, love or even a healthy psychology. and to you Lexx - THIS is Patriarchial ??? Why so ??? Do explain , and i appreciate proof based on facts or ironbound logic rather than 3 yr old ramblings like those of Azalaksh who speaks wit her foot in her brain when she comes up with statements that i can google into being absolutely Divorced from reality. The fact is far from being the land of dreams it WAS before feminism made families an oppression to resue women from - today the women like me who marry with intention of creating a better life rather than short term romance are mothering the BEST of who will be the next - generation of american achievers. whereas women who have no idea what a stable Father and husband means are creating more taxpayer charity b@strads that will be the next generation of criminals and lower class non-contribuotrs who cant get a college education because they have no stable family that provides for that. So tell me Lexx - by what logic should i deem both choices EQUAL when the repercussions are so drastically different for everyone involved ?? As proven, by the statistics and the logic in that thread , it stands that marriages based on Love are not EQUAL to marriages based on commitment by both partners to the happiness and wellbeing of their family. can you tell me Lexx what on earth am i supposed to find attractive about marrying a high-school dropout with childhood parental issues that are enough baggage for him let alone any kids i make with him , who have zero chances of going to college and being in control of their lives rather than live from bill to bill. ?
And whats bad about a man from a loving family,no baggage who is educated, well established financially and WILLING to be a loving partner and father like i am so... i am willing to pass my twinsoul himself if he is a high-school dropout - unless he is committed to making a success of himself - he is not what i need or what any children of mine need for a father figure. Nothing is EQUAL.
At this point a million girls are more intelligent and beautiful than men just as i am than another 3 million below me. We will make the best of what we have and live our lives self-sufficiently, independently - not as EQUALS . If you want better, dont ask for Equality , try to be the Best that you can be and accept that others are making the most of what they have.
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venusdeindia unregistered
posted January 29, 2009 05:50 AM
you asked if my choice of marrying above me makes you low class or not EQUAL to me.Well, my life and the best i make of it has nothing to do with you, you are not the centre of the universe and i refuse to communicate my ideas with the intention of making sure you or anyone else is not insecure by it. your happiness is NOT my job. Make your own strength and self-conviction instead of questioning mine . And NO you are not EQUAL to me. I have not been in your situations or made your choices - nor will i ever because i have different values. I said different not better mind you. IP: Logged |
wheelsofcheese Newflake Posts: From: Registered:
posted January 29, 2009 09:27 AM
quote: Personally i know that i cannot settle for a lifestyle and values - lesser than what i wa raised by.Here it is important for you to understand , the term " Gentleman " implied a man who was an upper class, i dont know why but even here i see that my male friends from the lower class do NOT have the same values i admire in my father and other men in my family ...actually they ARE kind of dominating when it comes to women rather than treating them as equals - i dont see that in my family and community and other upperclass homes - thats why i decided not to marry someone who did not have the same vaues...i dont know if that makes me superficial but i want a husband and father for myt children who has the same refined values my father had
Venus - what you said above DOES have relevance to Lexx (being from the "lower classes" as you have termed them - I too belong to this "class") because you have completely dismissed the lower classes as having no intellect and refinement. I would say that makes you superficial. Your personal search for happiness and your choices are nobody's business but yours - for sure. But when you completely dismiss people of a lower class than yours and refuse to give them air-time - that's my business and Lexx's too. It's snobbery and generalising Venus and I find all snobbery and generalising abhorrent. You just don't care to look too hard beyond your entrenched concern with money and lifestyle and finding yourself a man that will uphold the way you've been accustomed to living - and you call these ego-concerns "values"? You call yourself an independent powerful woman? If indeed you were then the man's class and what he could give you wouldn't matter. IP: Logged |
LEXX Moderator Posts: 4625 From: Still out looking for Schr�dinger's cat.........& LEXIGRAMMING... is my Passion! Registered: Apr 2009
posted January 29, 2009 11:04 AM
wheelsofcheese Well said. Thank you! ------------------ Life is not about waiting for the storms to pass, it's about learning to dance in the rain. IP: Logged |
venusdeindia unregistered
posted January 29, 2009 11:20 AM
This is a multi thread reply to those who are whining at my calling b@stards ....well b@stards.The fact is it IS the english language Oxford dictionary term for a child born out of wedlock and is used in forner colonies of the Queen - just like it was used in literature and in practical life . b@stard is NOT a SLUR. It is only the dictionary term . Unfortunately , thax to liberal political correction or rather pussification of cultural communication campaign it has become politically incorrect to use. As if children with stable parental figures and b@stards are EQUAL. If anything the above material proves just how very , very INEQUAL the differences are and the logic i have been given by the whining hearts of our Lady Liberty - just as they are given by any liberal douchebag is... " We know b@stards are not EQUAL to regular children but lets not rub it in "
Same goes for the term " single mother " - an attempt to make who were formerly termed wh0res or mistresses look like they are EQUALS on par with mothers and wives . even when they are single handedly siring all that makes the cream of Lowest denominator - the ones we sustain with hardearned tax money. that is our reward for being responsible. Because Liberal Socialist pussies think we are EQUAL to those whose lives are a MESS of gargantaum proportions. And NO , these single whatsits are NOT mothers let alone be EQUAL to mothers.
A mother is that being who loves her children in her heart before they are evn conceived - so much so she makes sure she has all that he/she needs once on their way is in place - a loving union between the parents, a secure home ,educationa nd future.
i am NOT going to insult my Mother or any mother by implying that they are EQUAL TO - A pathologically dumb,narcissitic excuse of womanhood who thinks and acts from her Vagina - and creates her family out of the inability of keeping her knees together - and decides to keep the baby when she doesnt know which one of the many junkies,players abd badboys is the father - one who is so narcissistic she has a baby when she is no position able to give him a life worth living unless a hard - working tax payers most of whom are male pay for it - and all this to fill the hole inside her heart where a loving parental relationship would have been. To hell with EQUALITY - i am going to make sure i make myself ineligible for taxation - i will donate my hard earned cash to a women education programmes rather than sponsor a third of the nations choicest worst of human genetics....i mean b@stards.
How To Diagnose If A Community Is Declining point no . 4 Determine if the general use of language is losing discipline, for this can only mean the general use of thought is also losing discipline, which is a decay of understanding. Such a result is indicated by the disappearance of plain speaking from citizens' sentiments. An undeniable symptom of the malaise is the deliberate use of more words than necessary, such as invoking "at this moment in time" instead of "now", or "the state of the art" instead of "latest". And the addition of surplus words such as converting a "riot" into a "riot situation" and "opportunity" into "a window of opportunity". As well as the blurring of meaning caused by the popular adoption of vague words like "situation, position" and now (circa 2003) "focus". The less precise our language the less precise our thoughts, and the less precise our thoughts the more vague our language; which is a self-sustaining cycle of increasing weakness of understanding
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sunshine_lion unregistered
posted January 29, 2009 11:37 AM
well, Most of the men I know of that have great incomes are not what I would consider a gentleman. That is something a man has inside of himself that makes him a considerate person. Men with money can be accomodating - ie. shopping sprees, nice dinners, but often their actions are indeed selfish and behind your back not so much the gentleman, as they are busy smooth talking the next pretty lady in thier path.I don't feel like anyones worth is defined in anyway by what they may or may not have. I have lived in million dollar house, I havve been homeless, now I am probly what you would consider middle class, all of that is situational and none of it changes who I am. Many great men will tell you he is what he is because of the support of a woman. Or he wouldn't be what he is today without my wife, blah blah blah. Real honourable men are what I call a gentleman and I would prefer to take a blue collar honest man, make him feel like a million bucks and trust me there is nothing he won't do to make a good woman happy. My two cents on that, I look inside, if you don't have what I like there, there is nothing you have that I want. not your boat, not your jaguar, not your day spa package (well, maybe the day spa package), If you posess what I am looking for on the inside, there is nothing we can not accomplish together, so who cares what you have, we can make any dream come true together. SO that being said, I would marry for happiness knowing if you want a big fancy house or dream vacations, you can make it happen. nothing worse than the lonlieness of the owning finer things and having no substance in your life. it is a very empty feeling. IP: Logged |
sunshine_lion unregistered
posted January 29, 2009 11:47 AM
wow venus. you never cease to amaze you believe in god? not that i care if you do, i personally do, in my own fashon, it says in the bible that he is not a respector of persons. it also says man looks on the outside, but god looks upon the heart. I am pretty sure that mean to him, ******* spawn are just as important as spoonfed rich kids from two parent homes. Whether you think so or not, we are all created equal and in his image, even narrow minded biggots. rich, poor, black, white, brown, loving, hateful, open minded, biggots, good neighborhoods, slum residents... to him all created equal. and by the way, you never did prove to me that 98 percent of bride burning claims are false. please explain to me why they find women wrapped in something, doused in kerosence and burnt to a crispy death, and call them kitchen fires? I have never heard of this type of kitchen fire here. this common kitchen fire involving kerosene.please prove to me your 2 percent true theory.
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katatonic Knowflake Posts: 6024 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted January 29, 2009 03:45 PM
on what may seem to be a small point, venus, do you not know you cannot contract VD from shaking hands with someone?? or does your traditional value system also collude in keeping these facts from young virginal girls for their own protection? if your "selected" husband turns out not to be satisfied in bed and goes to a prostitute, knowing facts like these can save your life!i don't consider america to be shangrila. i lived abroad for many years and while i did not agree with some of the practices and beliefs in other countries, i never put myself up as an authority on something i knew precious little about. the women you work with are by definition "victims" whether self-defined or by society. i.e., they have scant support systems and/or self-esteem to deal with these problems privately. in the hope of helping them progress to a better place in life, clinics like yours were founded. if the one you work in is full of idiots that doesn't prove ann coulter's point! i'm sorry but your arguments are specious, generalized, second-hand and VERY CONDESCENDING in their tone... as to marrying above or below oneself, that is a matter of opinion. many a lower class nerd has turned into steve jobs...and the opposite is also true. jack the ripper was a prince of england! do you think even his mother knew who he really was?? IP: Logged |
AcousticGod Knowflake Posts: 4415 From: Pleasanton, CA Registered: Apr 2009
posted January 29, 2009 04:27 PM
quote: thats called Socialism - wanting everyone to have the same values and thought processes like one giant homogenous ant colony .
It would appear that we have a Socialist claiming to be against Socialists in the house. I always find it amusing when people start getting ironic in their arguments; accusing others of the behavior they're exhibiting. IP: Logged | |