posted January 24, 2009 02:14 AM
From the record it is evident that more than 94% of the 498A cases filed by Living women are only for extrotion and Blackmailling and innocent people had been arrested only against the false and fabricated alligations without any evidence, which President of India is trying hard to hide by saying 6 to 10%.
Law Makers and Indian Goverment are fooling the Common people promoting the Extrotion, Blackmailling and arrest of innocent people, age old parents, pregnent sisters. Even Supreme court of India had already termed the Misuse of 498A as "Legal Terrorism", but President of India also failed to answer, what action Goverment has taken till date to Stop this Legal Terrorism in India in the name of Women Protections laws?
It's a clearly evident that the only cases that have gone to trial are 498A filed along with 304B i.e. where the wife is not alive. Whereas in approx 94% of cases people have proven their innocence in the Court; and the fact remains that they were arrested without any reason/evidence as 498A/304B is non-bailable and do not need any evidence to arrest any Tom, Dick or Harry.
When we compare only 498A cases, especially for living women without any 304B in dowry related law, 87% people are arrested and among that 85% have proven thier innocence in the courts. Which means the courts have found hardly 2% of the wives' complaining as genuine. Maximum convictions are under 498A which are filed along with 304B, and where the person has proven his innocence in 304B, but as he had already gone through a Jail term while under trial, the courts convicted them under 498A as by default on assumptions based view only, just to justify thier Jail term during trial, so that they can't claim any damage from the Goverment.
Whereas if the cases were true and the verbal statement of the complainant were found to be true, the conviction would have been 100% !
Still in this special law more than 94% people have proven their innocence, where as in other normal IPC sections the conviction rate is more than this one, then why is there a need for this special law?
The Answer: To unlease a Legal Terrorism and allow the Wives' family to earn money from Husband's Family as a wholesale free license and openly Blackmail and extort money in front of Police/Court/Media and the same not to be termed as a crime