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Author Topic:   America's very own Class system, caste system,snobbery and other harsh realities
posted January 28, 2009 10:52 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Marriage and Caste

Kay S. Hymowitz


America’s chief source of inequality?

The Marriage Gap.

For a while it looked like Hurricane Katrina would accomplish what the NAACP never could: reviving civil rights liberalism as a major force in American politics. There it was for the whole world to see: the United States was two nations, one rich, one poor and largely black, one driving away in the family SUV to sleep in the snug guest rooms of suburban friends and relatives, the other sunk in the fetid misery of the Superdome. Newsweek, echoing Michael Harrington’s 1962 landmark book that ignited the War on Poverty, titled its Katrina coverage “The Other America” and warned the nation not to return to the “old evasions, hypocrisies, and not-so-benign neglect” of the “problems of poverty, race, and class.”

{{ Gasp...what was THAT ?

Class }}

Though that liberalism revival only lasted for about five minutes, the post-Katrina insight was correct. There are millions of poor Americans, living not just in down-on-your-luck hardship but in entrenched, multigenerational poverty. There is growing inequality between the haves and the have-nots. And there are reasons to worry whether the American dream is within the reach of all.

But what two-America talk doesn’t get is just how much these ominous trends are entangled with the collapse of the nuclear family. While Americans have been squabbling about gay marriage, they have managed to miss the real marriage-and-social-justice issue, one that affects far more people and threatens to undermine the American project. We are now a nation of separate and unequal families not only living separate and unequal lives but, more worrisome, destined for separate and unequal futures.

Two-America Jeremiahs usually nod at the single-parent family as a piece of the inequality story, but quickly change the subject to describe—accurately, as far as it goes—an economy that has implacably squeezed out manufacturing jobs, reduced wages for the low-skilled, and made a wallet-busting college education crucial to a middle-class future. But one can’t disentangle the economic from the family piece. Given that families socialize children for success—or not—and given how marriage orders lives, they are the same problem. Separate and unequal families produce separate and unequal economic fates.

Most people understand what happened to the American family over the last half-century along these lines: the birth control pill begat the sexual and feminist revolutions of the 1960s, which begat the decline of the traditional nuclear family, which in turn introduced the country to a major new demographic: the single mother. Divorce became as ubiquitous as the automobile; half of all marriages, we are often reminded, will end in family court. Growing financial independence and changing mores not only gave women the freedom to divorce in lemming-like numbers; it also allowed them to dispense with marriage altogether and have children, Murphy Brown–style, on their own. (This is leaving aside inner-city teenage mothers, whom just about everyone sees as an entirely different and more troubling category.) Today, we frequently hear, a third of all children are born to unmarried women.

To put it a little differently, after the 1960s women no longer felt compelled to follow the life course charted in a once-popular childhood rhyme—first comes love, then marriage, then the baby carriage. Sure, some people got married, had kids, and stayed married for life, but the hegemony of Ozzie and his brood was past. Alternative families are just the way things are; for better or for worse, in a free society people get to choose their own “lifestyles”-bringing their children along for the ride-and they are doing so not just in the United States but all over the Western world.

That picture turns out to be as equivocal as an Escher lithograph, however. As the massive social upheaval following the 1960s—what Francis Fukuyama has termed “the Great Disruption”—has settled into the new normal, social scientists are finding out that when it comes to the family, America really has become two nations. The old-fashioned married-couple-with-children model is doing quite well among college-educated women. It is primarily among lower-income women with only a high school education that it is in poor health. This fact may not conform to the view from Hollywood; movies from Kramer vs. Kramer to The Ice Storm to the recent The Squid and the Whale, not to mention unmarried celebrity moms like Goldie Hawn and moms-to-be like Katie Holmes, have helped reinforce the perception that elite women snubbing a conformist patriarchy were the vanguard of a vast social change. Now it’s pretty clear that this is a myth saying more about La-La Land than the reality of American family breakdown.

The most important recent analysis of that reality is “The Uneven Spread of Single-Parent Families,” a 2004 paper by Harvard’s David Ellwood and Christopher Jencks. The Kennedy School profs divide American mothers into three categories by education level: women with a college degree or higher; women with a high school diploma (including those with some college, whose trends look very similar to those with high school alone); and women who never graduated high school. The paper’s findings are worth pondering in some detail.

Forty-five years ago, there was only a small difference in the way American women went about the whole marriage-and-children question; just about everyone, from a Smith grad living in New Canaan, Connecticut, to a high school dropout in Appalachia, first tied the knot and only then delivered the bouncing bundle of joy. As of 1960, the percentage of women with either a college or high school diploma who had children without first getting married was so low that you’d need a magnifying glass to find it on a graph; even the percentage of high school dropouts who were never-married mothers barely hit 1 percent. Moreover, after getting married and having a baby, almost all women stayed married. A little under 5 percent of mothers in the top third of the education distribution and about 6 percent of the middle group were either divorced or separated (though these figures don’t include divorced-and-then-remarried mothers). And while marital breakup was higher among mothers who were high school dropouts, their divorce rate was still only a modest 8 percent or so.

That all changed in the decades following the 1960s, when, as everyone who was alive at the time remembers, the American family seemed on the verge of self-immolation. For women, marriage and children no longer seemed part of the same story line. Instead of staying married for the kids, mothers at every education level joined the national divorce binge. By 1980, the percentage of divorced college-educated mothers more than doubled, to 12 percent—about the same percentage as divorced mothers with a high school diploma or with some college. For high school dropout mothers, the percentage increased to 15 percent. An increasing number of women had children without getting married at all. So far the story conforms to general theory.

But around 1980, the family-forming habits of college grads and uneducated women went their separate ways. For the next decade the proportion of college-educated moms filing for divorce stopped increasing, and by 1990 it actually starting going down. This was not the case for the least educated mothers, who continued on a divorce spree for another ten years. It was only in 1990 that their increase in divorce also started to slow and by 2000 to decline, though it was too late to close the considerable gap between them and their more privileged sisters.

Far more dramatic were the divergent trends in what was still known at the time as illegitimacy. Yes, out-of-wedlock childbearing among women with college diplomas tripled, but because their numbers started at Virtually Nonexistent in 1960 (a fraction of 1 percent), they only moved up to Minuscule in 1980 (a little under 3 percent of mothers in the top third of education distribution) to end up at a Rare 4 percent.

Things were radically different for mothers in the lower two educational levels. They decided that marriage and children were two entirely unconnected life experiences. That decline in their divorce rate after 1990? Well, it turns out the reason for it wasn’t that these women had thought better of putting their children through a parental breakup, as many of their more educated sisters had; it was that they weren’t getting married in the first place. Throughout the 1980s and nineties, the out-of-wedlock birthrate soared to about 15 percent among mothers with less than a high school education and 10 percent of those with a high school diploma or with some college.

Many people assume that these low-income never-married mothers are teen mothers, but teens are only a subset of unmarried mothers, and a rather small one in recent years. Yes, the U.S. continues to be the teen-mommy capital of the Western world, with 4 percent of teen girls having babies, a rate considerably higher than Europe’s. But that rate is almost one-third lower than it was in 1991, and according to up-to-the-minute figures from the National Center for Health Statistics, teens account for only about a quarter of unwed births—compared with half in 1970. Today 55 percent of unmarried births are to women between 20 and 24; another 28 percent are to 25- to 29-year-olds. These days, it is largely low-income twentysomethings who are having a baby without a wedding ring. The good news is that single mothers are not as likely to be 15; the bad news is that there is now considerable evidence to suggest that, while their prospects may be a little better than their teenage sisters’ would be, they are not dramatically so.

Race has also added to misperceptions about single mothers. It’s easy to see why, with close to 70 percent of black children born to single mothers today—including educated mothers—compared with 25 percent of non-black kids. But blacks make up only 12 percent of the country’s population, and black children account for only one-third of the nation’s out-of-wedlock kids.

Tune out the static from teen pregnancy, race, and Murphy Brown, then, and the big news comes into focus: starting in 1980, Americans began to experience a widening Marriage Gap that has reached dangerous proportions. As of 2000, only about 10 percent of mothers with 16 or more years of education—that is, with a college degree or higher—were living without husbands. Compare that with 36 percent of mothers who have between nine and 14 years of education. All the statistics about marriage so often rehashed in magazine and newspaper articles hide a startling truth. Yes, 33 percent of children are born to single mothers; in 2004, according to the National Center for Health Statistics, that amounted to 1.5 million children, the highest number ever. But the vast majority of those children are going home from the maternity wards to low-rent apartments. Yes, experts predict that about 40 to 50 percent of marriages will break up. But most of those divorces will involve women who have always shopped at Wal-Mart. “[T]he rise in single-parent families is concentrated among blacks and among the less educated,” summarize Ellwood and Jencks. “It hardly occurred at all among women with a college degree.”

When Americans began their family revolution four decades ago, they didn’t tend to talk very much about its effect on children. That oversight now haunts the country, as it becomes increasingly clear that the Marriage Gap results in a yawning social divide. If you want to discuss why childhood poverty numbers have remained stubbornly high through the years that the nation was aggressively trying to lower them, begin with the Marriage Gap. Thirty-six percent of female-headed families are below the poverty line. Compare that with the 6 percent of married-couple families in poverty—a good portion of whom are recent, low-skilled immigrants, whose poverty, if history is any guide, is temporary. The same goes if you want to analyze the inequality problem—start with the Marriage Gap. Virtually all—92 percent—of children whose families make over $75,000 are living with both parents. On the other end of the income scale, the situation is reversed: only about 20 percent of kids in families earning under $15,000 live with both parents.

Princeton sociologist Sara McLanahan, co-author of the breakthrough book Growing Up With a Single Parent, has fleshed out the implications of the Marriage Gap for children in an important paper in Demography—and they’re not pretty. McLanahan observes that, after 1970, women at all income levels began to marry at older ages, and the average age of first marriage moved into the mid-twenties. But where mothers at the top of the income scale also put off having children until they were married, spending their years before marriage getting degrees or working, those at the bottom did neither.

The results radically split the experiences of children. Children in the top quartile now have mothers who not only are likely to be married, but also are older, more mature, better educated, and nearly three times as likely to be employed (whether full- or part-time) as are mothers of children in the bottom quartile. And not only do top-quartile children have what are likely to be more effective mothers; they also get the benefit of more time and money from their live-in fathers.

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posted January 28, 2009 11:20 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote


For children born at the bottom of the income scale, the situation is the reverse. They face a decrease in what McLanahan terms “resources”: their mothers are younger, less stable, less educated, and, of course, have less money. Adding to their woes, those children aren’t getting much (or any) financial support and time from their fathers. Surprisingly, McLanahan finds that in Europe, too—where welfare supports for “lone parents,” as they are known in Britain, are much higher than in the United States—single mothers are still more likely to be poor and less educated. As in the United States, so in Europe and, no doubt, the rest of the world: children in single-parent families are getting less of just about everything that we know helps to lead to successful adulthood.

All this makes depressing sense, but when you think about it, the Marriage Gap itself presents a puzzle. Why would women working for a pittance at the supermarket cash registers decide to have children without getting married, while women writing briefs at Debevoise & Plimpton, who could easily afford to go it alone, insist on finding husbands before they start families? For a long time, social scientists assumed, reasonably enough, that economic self-sufficiency would lead more women to opt for single motherhood. And to listen to the drone of complaint about men around water coolers, in Internet chat rooms, on the Oxygen Network, and in Maureen Dowdworld, there would seem to be plenty of potential recruits for Murphy Browndom. Certainly when they talk to pollsters, women say that they don’t think there’s anything wrong with having a baby without a husband. Yet the women who are forgoing husbands are precisely the ones who can least afford to do so.

The conventional answer to the puzzle is this: in an economy marked by manufacturing decline, especially in cities, too many of the potential husbands for low-income women are either flipping burgers, unemployed, or in jail—in other words, poor marriage material. But three facts raise doubts about this theory.

One, it’s not just unemployed men or McDonald’s cooks who have become marriage-avoidant; working-class men with decent jobs are also shying from the altar. Two, cohabitation among low-income couples has been increasing; about 40 percent of all out-of-wedlock babies today are born to cohabiting parents. Why would there be a dearth of marriageable men, when there appear to be plenty of cohabitable fathers?

And three, marriage improves the economic situation of low-income women, even if their husbands are only deliverymen or janitors. In a large and highly regarded study, the Urban Institute’s Robert Lerman concluded that married, low-income, low-educated women enjoyed significantly higher living standards than comparable single mothers. Joe Sixpack may not be Mr. Darcy, but financially, at any rate, he’s a lot better than no husband at all.

Still, whatever the arguments against it, the no-marriageable-men theory is entrenched in policy circles and in the academy and is unlikely to go anywhere soon, so let’s try another approach to the Marriage Gap conundrum. Instead of asking why poor and near-poor women have stopped marrying before having children, let’s think instead about why educated women continue to do so—even though, in order to be accepted in polite company or to put food on the table, they don’t need to.

One possible answer is especially pertinent to the Marriage Gap: educated women know that they’d better marry if they want their children to succeed academically, which increasingly is critical to succeeding in the labor market. The New Economy may have made single motherhood a workable arrangement for high-earning mothers in purely economic terms, but it made a husband a must-have in terms of child rearing. No one understands better than an Amherst or Stanford B.A. that her children will have to go to college one day—the bigger the college name, the better—if they are to keep their middle-class status. These women also understand how to get their kids college-bound. Educated, middle-class mothers tend to be dedicated to what I have called The Mission, the careful nurturing of their children’s cognitive, emotional, and social development, which, if all goes according to plan, will lead to the honor roll and a spot on the high school debate team, which will in turn lead to a good college, then perhaps a graduate or professional degree, which will all lead eventually to a fulfilling career, a big house in a posh suburb, and a sense of meaningful accomplishment.

It’s common sense, backed up by plenty of research, that you’ll have a better chance of fully “developing” your children—that is, of fulfilling The Mission—if you have a husband around. Children of single mothers have lower grades and educational attainment than kids who grow up with married parents, even after controlling for race, family background, and IQ. Children of divorce are also less likely to graduate and attend college, and when they do go for a B.A., they tend to go to less elite schools. Cornell professor Jennifer Gerner was baffled some years ago when she noticed that only about 10 percent of her students came from divorced families.

{{ Keeping in mind the divorce rate of 50 % thats a BIG SIGN }}

She and her colleague Dean Lillard examined the records of students at the nation’s top 50 schools and, much to their surprise, found a similar pattern. Children who did not grow up with their two biological parents, they concluded when they published their findings, were only half as likely to go to a selective college. As adults, they also earned less and had lower occupational status.

To repeat the question: Why do educated women marry before they have children? Because, like high-status women since status began, they are preparing their offspring to carry on their way of life. Marriage radically increases their chances of doing that.

This all points to a deeply worrying conclusion: the Marriage Gap—and the inequality to which it is tied—is self-perpetuating. A low-income single mother, unprepared to carry out The Mission, is more likely to raise children who will become low-income single parents, who will pass that legacy on to their children, and so on down the line. Married parents are more likely to be visiting their married children and their grandchildren in their comfortable suburban homes, and those married children will in turn be sending their offspring off to good colleges, superior jobs, and wedding parties. Instead of an opportunity-rich country for all, the Marriage Gap threatens us with a rigid caste society.


{{ AAAhh..third world aint that different eh Azalaksh }}


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posted January 28, 2009 12:29 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for katatonic     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
venus, have you now done a complete about-face? this completely destroys your (hypo)thesis that women's lib has destroyed the family. the women in the upper brackets are MORE likely to be "liberated" than the working class, who by the way have always had a higher percentage of deadbeat fathers, single mothers AND working mothers.

they are also more likely to practice birth control, or abortion when deemed necessary. and to have partners who appreciate a "liberated" wife...

as for the CASTE implications, yes this has always been a class ridden society despite the very appreciable flexiblity between the classes. as a child i had a friend whose parents were from "old" money, whereas my father was the son of immigrants and made all his own (a good deal more than they had!) one day this friend's mother pulled her aside and suggested that i was not a suitable companion because my family were, basically, nouveau riche...that was in the very early 60s....

this is a world in transition. there have been many wrongfooted attempts to redress social imbalances. it is not because of women's lib that working and lower class mothers are fending for themselves. more because the fathers of their children have been so undermined by the system that they basically feel sorry for themselves and therefore entitled to shuck their responsibilities. and the mothers don't have much self esteem either.

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posted January 28, 2009 02:28 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for AcousticGod     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I sense that she's trying to convince herself...of course if that was the case, then it wouldn't necessarily make sense to post what she finds in support of the conclusions she finds desireable here....As such, I guess I have to see this as an attempt at responding to her detractors. If that's the case, I really can't be bothered. There are lots of hypotheses for which you could find people of similar opinion (for instance, people who believe Hitler was right). Opinion doesn't make a(n) hypothesis accurate, particulary when we're talking about longterm affects that combine wide factors like society, politics (perhaps), and economics.

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posted January 28, 2009 04:34 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for katatonic     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
venus did you post this as a last word or do you have something of your own to say about it??

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From: Still out looking for Schr�dinger's cat.........& LEXIGRAMMING... is my Passion!
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posted January 28, 2009 06:16 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for LEXX     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hmmm.....I was thinking of all the women I know personally who have college degrees and have stayed married.
All of them have or are having affairs. All the husbands are too.
They stay together in marriages of convenience for financial/social acceptance only.
So they all have their cake and eat it too.
Yes...there are exceptions.
However I have yet to meet any personally in person.
They have the ways and means to afford both a "show for the public" perfect marriage, and ways and means to quietly carry on their extramarital affairs.

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posted January 29, 2009 11:16 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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posted January 29, 2009 02:54 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for katatonic     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
i am not interested in multi-reply threads or multi-thread replies. i have continually asked you to discuss this in a rational and specific manner and you have not answered but one hundredth of my questions or points on this subject. you continue to use insults in place of arguments, undefined quotes as proof and so on ad nauseam. these are not the exposes of an educated woman.

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posted January 29, 2009 04:31 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Quinnie     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Venus that was incredible!
I am speechless! how can a woman post such an article and write such venom.

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From: New Brighton, MN, USA
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posted January 29, 2009 05:01 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Azalaksh     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
As if children with stable parental figures and b@stards are EQUAL.
If anything the above material proves just how very , very INEQUAL the differences are and the logic i have been given by the whining hearts of our Lady Liberty - just as they are given by any liberal douchebag is...
" We know b@stards are not EQUAL to regular children but lets not rub it in "
Children are children, no matter where and what circumstances they are born into. I've never understood why cultures blame a child for something he could not control.....

"Our Lady Liberty"?? You are not a citizen here, and I doubt you would find much happiness in this country. And I'm curious why you continue to bleat about "sustaining the cream of the lowest denominator with our hard-earned taxes." Do you pay USA taxes??

And btw, b@stard is a slur, whether it's in the dictionary or not -- there are plenty of other slurs that the dictionary lists. Why do you think it's a censored word here at LL, that you have to disguise in order to post it??

I have asked this several times before and not gotten any reply:

Why are you posting these inflammatory quotes from sources whose emotional-intelligence is questionable, and throwing in your own insulting, intolerant, narrow-minded, strident malice?? What is your purpose in sharing this propaganda with us??

Most people post at message boards because they have information to share that they think will benefit the other people at the forum. Is that what you think you're doing by plaguing us with your abusive, small-minded, un-enlightened rhetoric -- benefiting others somehow?? In my opinion, your position is pathetic and indefensible, but this country was founded on Free Speech.

Is it attention-seeking (and practicing the best and highest expression of your Mars/Pluto energies) that causes you to keep offensively (and defensively) plowing on and filling these pages with tripe?? I believe I’ve only witnessed the dismal depths of your judgmentalism in one other regular poster here. May your critical diatribes and profound anger bring you what you seek (or what fulfills your karma)….. and raise you out of your latent feelings of lack of self-esteem and grounding, your schizoid structure, zero sense of safety and fear of marriage and having babies

I could understand you venting your spleen a couple times about those terrible, irresponsible people in the world that you abhor, but day after day, post after post, diatribe after diatribe??
Perhaps you might try looking up the definitions of "fanatic" and "obsession" and see how they fit.....

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posted January 30, 2009 12:19 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Dervish     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I know someone who worked as a nurse down there. She said that the gens had been raised so much on the government that they'd literally come into ER (or bring their children into ER) over a skinned knee. Of course they couldn't handle post-Katrina New Orleans, as they've been molded in to infantile adults.

Also, many fatherless families aren't because of feminism, but because the men don't want to be married or tied down to a family.

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From: Still out looking for Schr�dinger's cat.........& LEXIGRAMMING... is my Passion!
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posted January 30, 2009 12:31 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for LEXX     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Also, many fatherless families aren't because of feminism, but because the men don't want to be married or tied down to a family.
THAT appears to be the most common reason I have observed.

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From: Still out looking for Schr�dinger's cat.........& LEXIGRAMMING... is my Passion!
Registered: Apr 2009

posted January 30, 2009 12:34 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for LEXX     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
And by bucking her parents' traditional wishes, she is indeed being at least partially a liberal feminist.

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From: Still out looking for Schr�dinger's cat.........& LEXIGRAMMING... is my Passion!
Registered: Apr 2009

posted January 30, 2009 01:29 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for LEXX     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
same vdi?

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posted January 30, 2009 04:30 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Dervish     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

From that link:

Today, I am formally declaring a sacred vow. I might've hinted this in the past, and I don't think I've ever actually formally said it until now... but here goes. Let it be heard now and forever: I will never allow any American woman to ever marry me!

He says that as if he's not doing American women a favor. Now if only he'd do the same for all the other women in the world.


Oh, yes, and I have to add this one:

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posted January 30, 2009 06:22 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
And the empowered fox looks at the high hanging grapes and says " Honestly i dont know what to do here, i have neither the Judgement or Intelligence to reach out for you, nor the Ability to actually reach all that way high - then again there's the matter of my not being Deserving - which means Law of Attraction just wont work - What the hell - theres a 10 % chance you are sour anyway "

And so she walks away from the sweet grapes into the shithole of the forest welfare cave where she lives happily ever after on the scraps all other animals are forced to throw at her and her little cubbies .

Far , far away us conservative feminists who are smart enough to be free of such self -delusional defence mechanisms and grounded in Reality while being brave enough to face it - make their cakes and eat it with their stable men.Continuing to contribute to the Nations Wealth by using her college education, she takes a break when her kids come along and lets hubby hunt for the furs a while.When the cubs start school she resumes her contributions to the creation of wealth.

and thus it is that a new generation of american achievers is born - trained by their smart Mommies who avoided all the potholes that claimed their stupid proletarian sisters.

Sadly enough these sisters and their equally thankless, good for nothing ( in most cases ) b@stards were in for a shock...

see the conservative feminists didnt live responsibly and smartly so they could be living paychecks for the undeserving, lazy @ass , good for nothing crowd...

instead , the clever college girls raised a generation of Capitalistic geniuses - and taught them how to beat the qualifications of taxation

and so it was that the free - lunches ceased to exist.

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posted January 30, 2009 06:31 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
for the bleeding hearts of our Lady sluttany club - here is a short psalm on our beloved , immaculately conceived , single m^&***...


a virtous single m$^^$ discovers her boyfriend out of the 20 is NOT the father - and she cant claim welfare because she doesnt know who the 20 men she fukced are...


A lady of Bethany prostituting her 5 yr old daughter - for cigarettes

And before you call the above ....exceptions ...


Third National Incidence Study of Child Abuse and Neglect (NIS-3) from the US Department of Health and Human Services paints an appalling picture.

According to this report, children in mother-only households are 4 times more likely to be fatally abused than children in father-only households. Children in mother-only households are 40% more likely to be sexually abused than children in father-only households. Women (mothers and female care givers) are 78% of the perpetrators of fatal child abuse, 81% of natural parents who seriously abuse their children, 72% of natural parents who moderately abuse their children, and 65% of natural parents who are inferred to have abused their children. Natural mothers are the perpetrators of 93% of physical neglect, 86% of educational neglect, 78% of emotional neglect, 60% of physical abuse, and 55% of emotional abuse.

Moreover, the lives of children are rarely improved when the custodial mother remarries. When the perpetrator of abuse is a non-natural parent a.k.a. one the b1tch is fukcing , males [read: non-biological fathers] are the perpetrators of 90% of physical abuse, 97% of sexual abuse, 74% of emotional abuse, and 82% of educational neglect.

Between 1986 and 1993, as the number of single-mother households increased dramatically, fatal child abuse increased 46% and serious child abuse increased four fold. Clearly, eliminating fathers from the lives of our children has been a cultural catastrophe unmatched in history.

Takes one heck of a messed up woman to advocate single - wh0rehood -

It takes a woman who cares only for her gender and has absolute disdain for the innocent children that these monsters birth - so they can relieve their miserable lives by punishing them for their innocence

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posted January 30, 2009 08:49 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Quinnie     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Venus you are seriously deluded and I feel sorry for you, clearly you have no empathy let alone compassion for your fellow being, man or woman.

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From: New Brighton, MN, USA
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posted January 30, 2009 09:06 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Azalaksh     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Again, no answer to my direct question. Perhaps bolding it will help. Or perhaps I'm right about motive

Why are you posting these inflammatory quotes from sources whose emotional-intelligence is questionable, and throwing in your own insulting, intolerant, narrow-minded, strident malice?? What is your purpose in sharing this propaganda with us??

Do *you* pay USA taxes??

Are you trying to help the people here avoid this pothole you keep haranguing us about?? How many people here at LL do you think might benefit from your angry diatribes?? If you keep going like this, I see no joy in your future.....

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posted January 30, 2009 03:25 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
lady sluttany club? is she talking about the gadzala posters?

can i be the president of the sluttany club?

call to order, are all the ***** here and accounted for? only half...ok, as long as the ones that are missing aren't working or something like that it will be ok.

ok, **** number one, you have had a child out of wedlock, correct? did or did you not get laid this weekend? no? you will have to do better than that, your assignment is to find three bad boys this week and blow at least one of them and have sex with the other two.

ok, **** number four, do you have the minutes from last weeks meeting? no? too busy getting laid every night by bad boys? very good job.

did anyone miss work last week because they were too busy having sex with a bad boy? chocolate is available in the annex for all who replied yes.

is anyone pregnant and doesnt know who the father is? extra points and extended club membership with no annual dues to the first three who say yes.

oh and - we want longer posts - please - or just hit paste button twice, we need to know what to do, please keep the refreshing sluttany ideas rolling, original thoughts are not our strong point.

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posted January 30, 2009 03:30 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
zala - you keep up those big words and i am kicking you out of the sluttany club.

you havent found a bad boy recently
and you have too many assetts as it is.
you are dangerously close to getting kicked out.

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posted January 30, 2009 03:33 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
venus first example, is a perfect reason parties should have sign in lists.

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Posts: 982
From: New Brighton, MN, USA
Registered: Apr 2009

posted January 30, 2009 04:11 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Azalaksh     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
sunny ~
zala - you keep up those big words and i am kicking you out of the sluttany club.
But sunshine, I'm so BIG now, I'll be in 3rd grade next year and I *like* those big words cuz my mommy is proud of me for using them
you havent found a bad boy recently
and you have too many assetts as it is.
you are dangerously close to getting kicked out.
Oh Pleeeeeease don't kick me out, Slutmistress Sunshine
I promise I'll try to go out and get laid this weekend, although I've abstained from it for over 10 years since I haven't found a man I wanted to have an emotional *as well as* physical connection with.
As for the assets, well, I work for a construction company -- can you say imminent job loss due to economic downturn?? I'm saving all the money I can. And I don't drink alcohol, so bars aren't much fun for me. I'll have to find me some bad boys somewhere else..... too bad it's not summertime, I could just drive over to Sturgis, South Dakota and hustle me some biker-dudes!!

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posted January 30, 2009 04:19 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
you work on that Zala.
I think biker - dudes quantify and qualify unless they are those bikers for christ bunch, you are looking for a more.....
pussy happy slu& f-er crowd.....
you can never be sure with biker dudes, most of them are dentists, and ocd, much harder to hook up with now days.

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Posts: 982
From: New Brighton, MN, USA
Registered: Apr 2009

posted January 30, 2009 04:33 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Azalaksh     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
you can never be sure with biker dudes, most of them are dentists, and ocd, much harder to hook up with now days.
So *TRUE*!!!!!
You would be hard-pressed to find anyone more straight-laced than the president of the company I work for, but he has a Harley, and he still goes to Sturgis every summer
I may have to find some other sewer-type location to hunt for the PROPER kind of bad boys.....

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