posted April 14, 2009 08:43 AM
Not just him, I swear I heard it from many Americans and Pakis in US referring to Indians as 'Slumdogs'.Get over it. Why did you make such a movie in the first place ..Heheheh...
source: TOI
WASHINGTON: A radio jockey who frequently goes out on limb has once again pushed the limit of political correctness - this time referring to workers handling outsourced jobs in India as "slumdogs".
The epithet, derived from the movie Slumdog Millionaire, came from Rush Limbaugh, America's most widely heard radio host, during a discussion on the economy last week.
Responding to a listener's call about flight of jobs, Limbaugh referred to President Obama's statement that the jobs aren't coming back to US. He said, "They're outsourced for a reason, an economic reason, and they're not coming back. If you're sitting out waiting for a job that's now being done by a slumdog in India, and you're waiting for that job to be cancelled, for the slumdog to be thrown out of work, and you to get the job, it ain't going to happen."
Limbaugh is not new to controversy. He has mocked Obama on his program, including playing a parody song titled 'Barack the Magic Negro'