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Author Topic:   English Cabalah

Posts: 1088
From: Rio de Janeiro , Brazil
Registered: Oct 2002

posted December 28, 2002 09:31 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Jaqueline     Edit/Delete Message
Mystique and Aselzion

I didn't get to see yours replys up to now!
I knew that there was replys, but whenever I looked at this thread the only that I saw was mine !

Of course I will stay, I just don't know if I have something relevant to share !

Mystique, I also hope you have had a wonderful night of Christmas!

Thank you Aselzion for your concern!
I heard a sentence these days that made a lot of sense for me.
If there's a will, there's a way !

I just stopped to say Hello ,I have to leave now.

I will think about everything you both wrote and I'll be back !


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posted December 28, 2002 09:16 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Mystique     Edit/Delete Message
Hi Jakie,
You have much to contribute, I am sure of it...look at me, I know so little and most of the time I am sure I make no sense in what I am saying but I just rattle off...besides we are all learning and your questions will help me just like mine will help you and so it is for everyone here.

Okay so I got off work late this season has thrown me off balance and am always too busy or tired to check out some other threads other than this one and the Astral forum, so I'm off to check out your thread as well ...what can I say I'm living the Dolce Vita on a Saturday night

Hugs to you Jakie


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posted December 30, 2002 11:14 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Aselzion     Edit/Delete Message

Perhaps you misread, I don't recall talking about 26th degree so much as the number 26 in general as a significator or symbol of God.

Perhaps I am misreading. I thought this discussion started out as Qabalah, which led into Esoteric Astrology.. but maybe I missed the boat somewhere. If this is the case, please help me set myself back on track.

Hope all is well.. and actually I took this week off for a bit of a vacation before I start on my new floor.



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posted December 31, 2002 03:26 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Mystique     Edit/Delete Message
Hi Aselzion,

Sorry I see the number 26 also symbolic of the 26th degree, no?
If 26 is number of God can the 26th degree in our charts not be symbolic of it being a special degree?

I am glad you are taking vacation, you need it, working all these hours! I hope you will have lots of fun tonight and I want to wish you all of God's richest blessings for you in the New Year 2003 and of course always.
You are a lovely soul and I thank you for your guidance along my journey...looking forward to getting to know you better.


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posted December 31, 2002 04:55 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Aselzion     Edit/Delete Message
Greetings Mystique...

Well you know.. I hadn't thought about it that way before, but you may be right.

I'll have to spiral that one for a while and see where it leads... see one NEVER knows ALL there is to know... and should always be open to a new spin on an old topic!

Bright Blessings for a Magical, Healthy, Wonderful, Prosperous and Peaceful New Year...


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House Brownie

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posted January 01, 2003 06:42 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for House Brownie     Edit/Delete Message
I haven't stopped by here in awhile, but I'm glad I did, especially when I saw a thread about The English Cabalah.
The first books I bought about this were "Numerology & The English Cabalah" by Dr. Shirley Lawrence and "Cabalah Primer" by Henrietta Bernstein. They're the first "metaphysical" books I ever bought so I have a very soft spot for The English Cabalah.
Those two are great books to start with, especially "Cabalah Primer", because they take the teachings of William Eisen and simplify them in a very readable manner - and it really needs it in my opinion!
After that I got "The Essence of The Cabalah" and "The English Cabalah" (autographed by William Eisen off ebay!), and I have to admit, I've read parts of them but never straight through - a lot of it is just over my head.
I like how he applys the Tarot cards to the English's fun to take the cards and spell a word with them to see what kind of picture-story the word creates. I think his interpreation isn't the only workable interpretation of course, but very effective...there was definately some kind of guidance behind it.
I know that Phi is a huge part of it, and thats really where I get lost. It's kind of overwhelming to make sense of it. But in all those equations he made some really amazing observations.
What I got most out of it is how everything is interconnected, and that theres a cause and an order behind all things.
I spent a lot of time looking for any info on The English Cabalah on the web and found nothing. I wrote the Cabalah Research Institute founded by William Eisen and all I got back was an order form for his books, so I've always been intrigued at how elusive and underground this path seems to be, yet you can pick up books about it in a local bookstore.
I think I'll dig up my old books and see if I can make more sense of them today.

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posted January 02, 2003 01:16 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Aselzion     Edit/Delete Message
Greetings House Brownie...

Yes, very difficult to read straight through! I have picked them up and put them down on many occasions, but they have always generated alot of thought!

I like the attributions of the English Letters to the Tarot keys... but I'm not always 100% convinced of his allocations. Which is kind of why I started this thread.. to see if anyone else oyut there was familiar with the work, and what their thoughts may be.

Besides, I'm always happiest when discussing things metaphysical.. that's what lights my fire!

It is my hope that you will continue to contribute your thoughts and feelings in this thread.

Peace and Magic...


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stella polaris

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posted January 02, 2003 01:57 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for stella polaris     Edit/Delete Message
This is so funny..Mystique, you led me to dig out a book I haven't opened for many years to read about the Tower. And what do I find - so MUCH...The book is Danish, by K.Frank Jensen and called "Tarot", but the writer is trying, and doing well, connecting tarot to numerology, astrology etc.
He writes that the 22 letters of the hebrew alphabet, that corresponds to the 22 pillars of the tree of life, were put to correspond also with the 22 tarot cards..Originally, Justice was number 11 and Strength number 8, but the cardswhere changed since leo comes before Libra in the zodiac..
I wish I could copy down all the book, but this list will have to do:
*0, The fool, hebrew letter Aleph, pillar 11 from Kether to Chokmah, Air.
*1, The Magician, Hebrew letter Beth, pillar 12 from Kether to Binah, Mercur.
*2, The High Priestess, letter Gimel, pillar 13 from Kether to Tiphareth, Moon
*3, The empress, letter Daleth, pillar 14 from Chokmah to Binah, Venus
* 4, The emperor, letter Heh, pillar 15 from Chokmah to Tiphareth, Aries
*5, The hierophant, The pope, letter Vau, pillar 16 from Chokmah to Chesed, Taurus
*6, The lovers, letter Zain, pillar 17 from Binah to Tipareth, Gemini
*7, The chariot, letter Cheth, pillar 18 from Binah to Geburah, Cancer
* 8, The strength, letter Teth, pillar 19 from Chesed to geburah, Leo
*9, The hermit, letter Yod, pillar 20, from Chesed to Tipareth, Virgo
*10 Wheel of fortune, letter kaph, pillar 21 from Chesed to Netzach, Jupiter
*11, Justice, letter lamed, pillar 22 from Geburah to Tipareth, Libra
* 12, The hanged man, letter Mem, pillar 23 from geburah to Hod, Water
* 13, Death, letter Nun, pillar 24 from Tiphareth to Netzach, Scorpio
*14, Temperance, letter Samekh, pillar 25 from Tipareth to Yesod, Sagitarius
* 15, The devil, letter Ayin, pillar 26 from Tipareth to Hod, Capricorn
*16, The tower, letter Peh, pillar 27, from Netzach to Hod, Mars
* 17, the star, letters Tzaddi, pillar 28 from Netzach, Yesod, Aquarius
* 18, The Moon, letter Qoph, pillar 29 from Netzach to Malkuth, Pisces
*19, The Sun, letter Resh, pillar 30 from Hod to Yesod, Sun
*20, The judgment, letter Shin, pillar 31 from Hod to Malkuth, Fire
*21, The world, letter Tau,pillar 32 from Yesod to malkuth, Saturn

Jensen bases his writings on The Golden Dawn society. As for the hebrew letters for the divine. YOD refers to fire, the tarot batons. HEH to Water, the tarot Cups. VAU to air, the tarot swords. HEH to earth, tarot coins.
In astrology Yod represents 1.,2.3, house (in equal house system), HEH, 4.,5.,6., house, VAU, 7.,8.9. house, and HEH the second, 10.,11., and 12th house.

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Posts: 796
From: Peabody, MA USA
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posted January 02, 2003 10:52 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Aselzion     Edit/Delete Message
Greetings Stella...

That is the Hebrew /Tarot allocations as I learned them from my studies with B.O.T.A. a mystery school formed by Paul Foster Case after he split from the Golden Dawn.

What I think is so fascinating is the correlation of the 26 letters of the English Alphabet to the 22 Keys of the Tarot plus an additional 4 cards to round out the 26.

Eisen sets out a system in The English Cabalah, but I'm not 100% convinced of its validity. Something doesn't "quite ring true", and I also had a dream awareness where a Teacher told me that some of his allocations were off. I wrote the dream down, and now am having trouble finding where I wrote what I recalled upon awakening.

At any rate, that's what prompted me to start this thread. Also I like the Hebrew/Tarot allocations, but they cannot all be transliterated in a meaningful way into English, and there are still only 22 Hebrew letters vs the 26 in English. Granted there are only 22 Higher Arcana in the Tarot... but like Eisen, I belive that a one to one correspondence of Tarot/English must exist.

Any thoughts?

Thanks for the post!


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From: Rio de Janeiro , Brazil
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posted January 04, 2003 04:53 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Jaqueline     Edit/Delete Message
I have the most stupid question of this thread... why the number of God is 26 ?


"I live in terror of not being misunderstood."
Oscar Wilde

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posted January 04, 2003 05:29 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Aselzion     Edit/Delete Message
Jakie.. NO QUESTION IS STUPID, but the one that you don't ask!

In English Qabalah, where the letetrs derive their numerical value by their PLACEMENT in the alphabet we get the following:

G O D = 7 + 15 + 4 = 26

In Hebrew Qabalah, where the numbers and letters SHARE a symbol, so that each word is a number and each number is also a word we get:

Yod Heh Vav Heh ( the 4 lettered name of God that translates roughly to: Jehovah or Yahweh and implies I AM, I HAVE BEEN and I SHALL BE) has the following numerical values:

Yod (10) + Heh (5) + Vav (6) + Heh (5) = 26

Thus we can say that God's number is 26. We also arrive at 26 when we look at the Hebrew Tree of Life diagram and add up the Spheres or Sephiroth in the Middle Pillar (or the Pillar of Balance) as such:

Kether (1) + Tiphareth (6) + Yesod (9) + Malkuth (10) = 26

The 4 Fixed Signs in the Zodiac, that we called the Lords of Karma are numbered:

Taurus (2) + Leo (5) + Scorpio (8) + Aquarius (11) = 26

There are other instances where we manifest the 26, but I don't know enought about Freemasonry to speak intelligently about those.

Hope this helps a bit.

Bright Blessings...


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House Brownie

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posted January 04, 2003 06:06 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for House Brownie     Edit/Delete Message
Aselzion, what did you think of how Eisen describes the name "GOD" with the English letters and their Tarot card attributes?

Based on his system, the letters G-O-D are the Justice card, the Sun card, and then..the Devil card. But as we know the devil card isn't actually "the" devil - so in Cabalah Primer it says:
"God is therefore positive as well as negative, justice as well as injustice, one being weighed against the other in the two pans of the scales which are in balance about the fulcrum, the center of the solar system symbolized by the Sun. Positive, Negative, and Neutral: that is the picture of the God Consciousness."

Hmmm...well,it makes sense - and it's definately something to think about. Like you I'm skeptical though. Is it a case of streching a system to make it work?
Coming from a strict Catholic upbringing I remember being horrified of "God" as having anything "negative"...God is supposed to be ALL good, all loving, and nothing else. In the Cabalah though we know that negative dosent necessarily mean bad - the point is to take negative and positive polarities and combine them, which leads to creation, like in the Tree of Life symbol. In which case that Tarot description does make a bit of sense.
Talk about esoteric.

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posted January 04, 2003 07:03 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Aselzion     Edit/Delete Message
Hello again HB...

As I said, I'm not 100% convinced of the Tarot/English attributes that Eisen set forth, but for now let us assume that they are correct until we can do better!

As you say the picture we get is:

Justice .....The Sun ..... The Devil

Here I would say that: Justice/Libra which one of my Teachers associates with God due to the fact that it is the only sign in the zodiac represented by an inanimate object rather than a living entity is an apt beginning.

Justice is the IDEAL Balance, that which brings harmony and ultimately Peace. Some have equated this card with the work of Karma, and that may also be indicative of God. However it is my personal belief that God does not do the judging or the punishing (read Karma) but this WE do to ourselves.

The Sun I think speaks for itself, as the center of our Solar System, but for centuries and more occultists have spoken of the Sun behind the Sun, or what has been called the Solar Logos. It is the force that generates, Life and Warmth and Heat and all that implies.

In terms of the Devil, one of the best quotes I have ever heard about this card is: "The Devil is God as He is misunderstood by the wicked."

There is no Devil but the one created by our belief that there is a Devil. It is a thought form that has taken on a Life of it's own as people fear, and worship and commit all manner of atrocities in his name. Black Magic is the force that feeds this thoughtform.

At any rate; God is ALL that is. I think the key is to NOT be fooled by appearances... to open the inner EYE (and the Hebrew letter associated with The Devil card is Ayin "the Eye") and see the Truth behind the appearance.

In this way, I believe that the picture is accurate... but certainly not the ALL.

I have not stated the whole of my opinion here, as I'd like to see what other knowflakes may have to say in this regard. I love a good metaphysical conversation and this one contains plenty of "food for thought"!

Happy Spiraling...


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posted January 07, 2003 01:42 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message

"Never mentally imagine for another that which you would not want to experience for yourself, since the mental image you send out inevitably comes back to you." Rebecca Clark

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posted January 08, 2003 04:55 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Aselzion     Edit/Delete Message

Mystique... are you still out there?

Hope all is well.



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posted January 09, 2003 07:25 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Mystique     Edit/Delete Message
Oh hello Aselzion and House-Brownie
Happy New Year and all the best!

I apologize for my absence and thank you for your concern, how sweet! You know it just seems that since the holidays the new year is progressing soooooo quickly and I am trying to catch up. I hope your holidays were relaxing and you got to finish your floors..did you?

I will be more available soon A, and I really do miss Lindaland!

You know what I bought 2 books on the Qabalah that I have not had time yet to myself to read. Tell me what you think, they are "Esoteric Magic and the Cabala" by Phillip Cooper and "Qabalah" A Magical Primer by John Bonner, were the only books I could find when we went shopping but I figured they will help me get started...and so we can discuss more as I know I will have many questions

I just wanted to add about the devil you know how he is portrayed as the most hideous and evil looking being, whether in movies or art or whatever...well he is basically a creation of all the world's fears projected onto this image. So if we can let go of our fears than this image will not exist anymore because really even if there was a devil according to religious beliefs, what does he feed on? People's fears right! Has no power whatsoever in God's Presence! And God is Love and Fearlessness!
Hmm, just my 2 cents worth!


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posted January 09, 2003 07:33 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Mystique     Edit/Delete Message
So Stella, did the Tower help you with your dream or did you get carried away reading into all the other great stuff you found and forgot why you originally dug up the book cause it happens to me like that you know!


Hi Randall


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posted January 11, 2003 05:05 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Aselzion     Edit/Delete Message
Greetings Mystique..

Yes, fascinating subject indeed, the Qabalah. I don't know either of those books that you mention, but I'll see what I can sleuth down online.

In terms of the thoughts on the Devil; has anyone noticed that his name (or title) Lexigrams into VEIL'D LIE. LIVE/EVIL - LIE. VILE LIE.

Any thoughts?

More later...

Pax et Bonum...


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From: Rio de Janeiro , Brazil
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posted January 11, 2003 05:12 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Jaqueline     Edit/Delete Message
Aselzion...thanks for your explanation and please forgive me for my delay in aswering...

Tomorrow I'll be here...with more time



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posted January 12, 2003 02:21 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Aselzion     Edit/Delete Message
Hi Jakie... hope all is well.

In Pythagorean Numerology, and by reduction to single numbers of the English letter values we get a chart that looks something like this.

1 = A...J...S
2 = B...K...T
3 = C...L...U
4 = D...M...V
5 = E...N...W
6 = F...O...X
7 = G...P...Y
8 = H...Q...Z
9 = I...R...(ACE) ?!?

It is interesting to note the following thoughts brought about when you read the letter symbols in a row across to form words and spiral on them for a bit.

1 (AJS) brings into manifestation the AGES, eons of history or TIME, which we view as linear but which in reality is all happening within the Eternal Now. Note the up and down figure of the number 1 (sort of like a magic wand) which makes me think, As Above, So Below.

2 (BKT) seems to say BOOK T. The Tarot? Long considered a source of hidden Esoteric and exoteric wisdom. It has been stated by a master occultist: "The Tarot is a veritable oracle, and replies to all possible questions with precision and infallibility. A prisoner, with no other book than the Tarot, if he knew how to use it, could in a few years acquire a universal science, and be able to speak on all subjects with unequalled learning and inexhaustible eloquence. The oracles of the Tarot give answers as exact as mathematics, and as measured as the harmonies of Nature. By the aid of these signs and their infinite combinations, it is possible to arrive at the natural and mathematical revelation of all the secrets of Nature. The practical value of the Tarot is truly and above all marvelous." (Eliphas Levi)

3 (CLU) tells us that there is a CLUE hidden in the English alphabet, waiting to be discovered and followed to knowledge and Wisdom.

See next post. (trying to avoid the Infernal Posting error)


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From: Peabody, MA USA
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posted January 12, 2003 03:03 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Aselzion     Edit/Delete Message
Hello again...

To continue the musings on the alphabet:

4 (DMV) seems to say DAMN Vee (the name of the letter V spelled out.) If we adjust (or Lexigram, if you will) the spelling of Vee a wee bit we get EVE; so we may as easily (and Qabalistically) read that statement as DAMN EVE. Linda wrote about this in the Lexigram for the word EVOLVE, in which we are told to LOVE EVE. However, patricarchal religion loves to blame her for the FALL from Grace, as if she pushed the apple into Adam's mouth while he was kicking and screaming! I think this is more in the nature of a CLUE to wisdom than an actual suggestion from the English Alphabet!

5 (ENW) Tells us that every day provides us with a NEW opportunity. Life is not static, but rather in a constant state of flux.. Behold, I make all things NEW again! (a promise from the Creator) In numerology 5 represents CHANGE (travel, communication etc.) so again, the English alphabet gives us a CLUE to the meaning of the 5, by the very letters that carry that vibration.

6 (FOX) Hmmm. FOX = 666. The number of a beast (hee hee), and also the number of a man as the book of Revelation tells us. Foxes have always been described as cunning and clever. And the number 6 has to do with the material plane, the only plane in fact in which the Beast, or the DEVIL if you will, has any influence. MAN created the DEVIL and gives him his power here. Interesting, no?

7 (GPY) well that could be read as GYP... being cheated or losing out. Some people, the more materialistic, might think that traveling the SPIRITUAL (note the meaning of 7) Path can only be done by giving up any attachment to the material plane. Not so! I also think that GPY calls to mind the word GYPSY. (and they have long been accused of "gypping" people) It has been said that the GYPSIES were once eGYPtians, charged with keping the Tarot intact through the ages when religious persecution was rampant. Their use of the Tarot as a simple fortune telling device, veiled it's true import. (recall BOOK T from the discussion of the number 2). OH MY.. in old numerology BOTH the number 2 and 7 were ruled by or associated with the Moon. Hmmm! New spiraling going on here... BOOK T... the BOOK of THOTH... is the Tarot indeed one of the legendary missing books of Thoth? What do you knowflakes think?

8 (HQZ) Well that seems to say HEADQUARTERS. 8 is definitely an EARTHy number in that it is associated with TIME and KARMA, again both concepts that only impact us on the material plane. Earth.. Eden.. HEAVEN. Could it be a CLUE about the true location of HEAVEN. Might it be implying that through HARD WORK, DISCIPLINE and by DUTIFULLY (all Saturn concepts) following the Spiritual Path (7 - and note that 8 FOLLOWS the 7) can we restore the Earth to its rightful place as an Eden Heaven?

(pause here to ponder, and again avoid the long posting error)

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posted January 12, 2003 03:05 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Aselzion     Edit/Delete Message
Hello again...

And finally the 9's.

9 (IR) Hmm.. I ARE. Horrible grammar.. or is it? Hoping the word druids will help me out here!

I AM. Probably the most powerful bit of magic in the English language. Why, you may ask? Well, when God was asked to tell us His name, SHE simply stated I AM. When we speak that same phrase, we are issuing a command to the universe... to make us BE whatever follows. The universe is like a big copying machine... when you say the magic words, the universe will do it's best to fulfill the request.

How does this happen? Well, we INVOKE the power of the GREAT I AM (read God) each time we utter that phrase. As we are co-creators with God, the universe must bend to our will. Is this not the secret of ALL magic?

When we say I AM sick and tired of blah, blah, blah.. the universe hears and obeys. If we repeat that phrase again and again.. we ultimately become sick and tired!

If we say, Oh I'm (read I AM) so fat! The pounds are magically drawn to our hips. (or thighs or butt or whatever!)

Now, does this happen immediately? No, not always... but when we constantly REPEAT our phrase; keep sending that idea out into the ethers it must eventually manifest. Is this not what Linda was teaching when she wrote about the use of magic sound mantras at the end of the Lexigram chapter in Star Signs?

So, back to the point. If each of us is an individual I. Then as a species, are we not a collective I? Are we not each a part of the GREAT I that is God?

So, through the benefit of the word druids, may we not say that as a group, a collective.. all of US are: I ARE? A CLUE perhaps, that none of us is in REALITY a separate entity. Again, as I have said before we are all reflections of God. (thank you, Jewel!)

Well.. there are some of my musings on the alphabet and it's Qabalistic interpretations. Much of this was inspired or seeded by William Eisen's books.

And now here is my invitation for you to share your thoughts! Perhaps some of it will be a stretch... but isn't that what spiraling is all about?

Blessed Be...


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posted January 14, 2003 06:08 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for morgana     Edit/Delete Message
Stopping by, saying hi... So much to read here... I have to print this out and if I understand anything, I'll come back later

Just a quick remark though: this Agasha entity sounds awfully similar to the Akashic records...


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From: Peabody, MA USA
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posted January 14, 2003 10:43 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Aselzion     Edit/Delete Message
Hey Morgana...

Agasha, Akasha.. yeah I see it!.. Or hear it as the case may be!

Welcome and please feel free to add or ask anything... I love yammering about this stuff!

In L.V.X.


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posted January 17, 2003 01:18 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for morgana     Edit/Delete Message
Hi, Aselzion!

Just wanted to say that I started to read your thread and it's really very very interesting! The reason I'm writing now is to tell you that I don't have time to be on the forum as I'm having some problems, so I just wanted you to know that I find all this very interesting (I said that already, didn't I?) and when I read it, I'll come back! Sorry for this! But at least I brought it to the top, didn't I?

, morgana

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