Topic: Let's talk "Tarot"
Cat Newflake Posts: 0 From: USA Registered: Oct 2009
posted August 18, 2002 03:30 PM
Anyone have any information they'd like to share about The Tarot??? Sue 
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Rue unregistered
posted August 18, 2002 04:49 PM
Somthing that is just my own personal thing I have figured out for myself is the bottom card. I feel that this card at the bottom of your deck ties in with the rest of your spred and (to me personaly) makes the spred seem more whole.Rue  IP: Logged |
La-Tee-Da unregistered
posted August 19, 2002 04:20 AM
I keep my favorite, and most used deck, in a purple silk bag, also containing a purple plate. Seems that the purple plate "charges" the reading with much more meaning, flavor and life!!! Try'll be hooked!!! Feels like my cards literally jump out of the bag, when I begin a reading!!------------------ Hugs,LTD ~~The struggle keeps us young~~Daring to make mistakes and knowing there are none.~~DGM IP: Logged |
Cat Newflake Posts: 0 From: USA Registered: Oct 2009
posted August 19, 2002 06:52 AM
Hi Rye & La-Tee-Da  Can you maybe talk a little bit about The Tarot? For those of us that are interested in it but never used the cards? What advice would you give? Sue  IP: Logged |
Aphrodite unregistered
posted August 19, 2002 04:18 PM
hi la-tee-da,i keep my cards in a purple bag too! it has silver lace sewn on it.  aphrodite IP: Logged |
La-Tee-Da unregistered
posted August 20, 2002 03:36 AM
Aphrodite! Mine is embroidered in silver flowers!! Very magikal!!Cat! I use my Tarot a little bit differently than the conventional way. Yes, various cards have specific meanings, but like I said, I use them as a "door" into that other realm. I use the conventional Celtic Cross spread, but I read it a little differently than do most psychics, so I guess I am of little help in this department. My son, doesn't even use a spread. He just randomly picks cards out of the deck and "sees" images....kinda like clips from movies. For beginners, I highly recommend the Rider Waite deck and Volume I of The Connolly Tarot Classic Edition: Tarot A New Handbook for the Apprentice by Eileen Connolly. It is a simple and easy to follow text. Good reference book for us Tarot readers. I also recommend cleansing your mind (third eye), your body and your spirit before each reading. This, I accomplish, by making my hands into "rakes" and raking across my third eye and saying "I cleanse my mind in the name of the Goddess", then raking from feet straight up thru the hair (cleansing the body) and then raking in a circular motion to cleanse your aura (spirit). When finished raking, ask the Goddess to give you clarity of vision. So Mote It Be. Hope this helps a little. It is important to read with a clear mind and a cleansed third eye, body and spirit. You do not want your tensions and stresses to mingle with the person's reading....this is in all fairness to the person requesting the reading.  ------------------ Hugs,LTD ~~The struggle keeps us young~~Daring to make mistakes and knowing there are none.~~DGM IP: Logged |
La-Tee-Da unregistered
posted August 20, 2002 03:45 AM
Almost forgot!!! I use my Tarot to answer Yes or No Questions too. This is how: You ask a question in the most simple terms,.eg., "Am I going to marry Fred?" you start laying cards down in a pile, count thirteen, then begin a second pile and a third, UNLESS you get an Ace...then you quit counting on the pile with the Ace and go on to the second pile and so on. Two or three Aces means YES, one Ace means maybe and no aces means NO. So the counts look like this: 13 13 13UNLESS one of the piles hits an Ace before reaching the count of thirteen. You can ask endless questions of the Tarot in this fashion. Sometimes, if the questions get to convoluted, the Tarot spirit will answer in an erroneous fashion, so keep it simple. Always thank the spirit of the Tarot when you are finished!!  ------------------ Hugs,LTD ~~The struggle keeps us young~~Daring to make mistakes and knowing there are none.~~DGM IP: Logged |
Cat Newflake Posts: 0 From: USA Registered: Oct 2009
posted August 20, 2002 09:47 AM
Hey La-Tee-Da Thank you  I've always wanted to learn The Tarot, and one day I know I will. Have you ever used Liz Greene's "Mystic Tarot" cards? If you have. What do you think of them and how are they different? Sue  IP: Logged |
Cat Newflake Posts: 0 From: USA Registered: Oct 2009
posted August 20, 2002 09:48 AM
Hi Aphrodite Hope thing's are good with you  I didn't know you used The Tarot  Sue  IP: Logged |
Aphrodite unregistered
posted August 20, 2002 10:02 AM
yes, sue. i certainly do use the tarot what do you think about this study? i have several books that talk about it's history. veeerrry fascinating stuff. from what i've read, the raider-waite (sp?) is the traditional standard, but i use a deck called The Tarot of the Witches. there's lots of symbols. would be good to share our own personal wisdom on them, the symbols that is, you think that'd be okay?  aphrodite
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StarLover33 unregistered
posted August 20, 2002 11:02 AM
Thats a great yes or no way to do the cards. I usually look to see if the card is upright or upside down. But I think my way is erronous I'll try your method sometime.Ps. I recommend these sites for FREE psychic and Tarot card readings! IP: Logged |
Cat Newflake Posts: 0 From: USA Registered: Oct 2009
posted August 20, 2002 12:24 PM
Hi Aphrodite  I think would be a great idea. Will you start a new string on it?  Sue  IP: Logged |
Rue unregistered
posted August 20, 2002 12:31 PM
I have a question about tarot cards if anybody could help me. I have had my deck for around 4 years. I had been to a tarot reader a few years ago and when she shuffled her cards she kept flipping them from upside down to right side up over and over again. So I figured this was the way to do it and thought I had been doing it wrong the whole time. Besides... in the tarot book I have it gives reversed meanings. But last year somthing made me want to change it and to put them all right side up again, so I did. And then once again this year (a couple weeks ago)I wanted them all flipped again. I can't seem to make up my mind! I don't feel comfortable with them all right side up because I feel it's to sugar coated, but, is right side up what it was origanally? Is this whole upside down thing just somthing new that people started not to long ago? I think I would rather stick to the origional way's. I realize it seems like kind of a dumb question... but does anybody have any suggestions?Rue  IP: Logged |
Aphrodite unregistered
posted August 20, 2002 01:14 PM
hey sue,hmm, a string for each card would make 78. would be nice if there was a tarot master around to provide guidance . . . don't want to start something with the risk of not actually finishing it   aphrodite IP: Logged |
Cat Newflake Posts: 0 From: USA Registered: Oct 2009
posted August 20, 2002 07:11 PM
Hi Aphrodite Oooo sorry I wasn't meaning a different string for each card.You said..... what do you think about this study? i have several books that talk about it's history. would be good to share our own personal wisdom on them, the symbols that is, you think that'd be okay?" I thought that you meant a string talking about the histroy of Tarot and also the card meanings. I don't know much about the Tarot (well just vague bits and pieces of info) so I don't know what I'm talking about  If you'd like to start a string to chat about stuff then that's Once a string is started other people will on it. Sue  IP: Logged |
aquamoon unregistered
posted August 21, 2002 07:48 AM
That sounds  IP: Logged |
La-Tee-Da unregistered
posted August 21, 2002 07:54 AM
Rue.....the traditional way is to have the cards all mixed together...right side up, as well as up side down. This gives a truer reading than all facing the same direction.I use my cards as portals, of sorts, so I don't think it matters for me. But if I do a traditional reading, mine are mixed. Cat......I have some cool notes that I can share with you guys, that I got from one of the Master readers in Las Vegas. But it will have to wait til I have a day off, so that I can concentrate and do a good job for you guys. How does that sound?  ------------------ Hugs,LTD ~~The struggle keeps us young~~Daring to make mistakes and knowing there are none.~~DGM IP: Logged |
Aphrodite unregistered
posted August 21, 2002 08:39 AM
hi cat,sorry! hehe, my thinking zoomed ahead of what i had put down on paper  a history would probably take not more than one string, which i thought about. as for each card, a separate string for each would be more organized, and then later put together like web bookmarks for easy access . . . but like i said, don't want to start something that may not get finished  hi la-tee-da  aphrodite IP: Logged |
Rue unregistered
posted August 21, 2002 10:56 AM
Thanks La-Tee-Da!  Rue. IP: Logged |
Cat Newflake Posts: 0 From: USA Registered: Oct 2009
posted August 21, 2002 11:00 AM
Hi La-Tee-Da and Aphrodite Great ideas  La-Tee-Da that would be excellent - please start a string for that when you have time  Aphrodite, ok I see what you're saying  Don't worry about things not getting finished, I'm sure other people will want to about this. So guys  What do you think about this for a suggestion?...... As well as La-Tee-Da's string we start off with a string for the History of the Tarot and at the same time start 5 other strings (starting with 5 of the cards from the major 22 cards - one card per string) Then when we've all chatted about those we can start another 5 strings for the next lot of major cards etc etc. How does that sound? If it sounds good to you, will you start the strings? Don't worry about putting the info there, that can be added as we move along and I'm sure other Tarot readers will help out. Sue  IP: Logged |
Bernadette1216 unregistered
posted August 21, 2002 08:44 PM
hi...i just recently bought my first deck of tarots, i bought them through i purchased the beginner card set, they have the meanings printed on the card so no need for a book...they do come with an informational card though, about spreads and such...they are very interesting and i am enjoying them alot.. but here is a question about them, have you ever asked a question and pulled a card that just seemed ridiculous? i have done this, and once before when a friend did a reading for me, he asked a question and said that the cards "jumped" as if they didn't want me to know the answer because of receiving preconcieved notions about the question in you think that when you pull a card that is seemingly not fitting that the universe is trying to tell you that it doesn't want you to know the answer just yet? IP: Logged |
Rue unregistered
posted August 21, 2002 11:06 PM
Hi, Im just writing to say that I think this tarot card idea is great!  I wish I knew more so I could help, I just need to learn to be more intuitive with them, I think. Good luck and Im really looking forward to it! Rue  IP: Logged |
La-Tee-Da unregistered
posted August 22, 2002 07:27 AM
Bernadette the spirit of the Tarot will not reveal answers that you are not ready to learn. It can be fickle sometimes and likes to hide answers until the time is right. So, yes, in answer to your question. Hi Aphrodite!!! there is that sexy name again!!!'re welcome!! Cat.....I will start mine on my next day off. Sounds like a really fun project!!! ------------------ Hugs,LTD ~~The struggle keeps us young~~Daring to make mistakes and knowing there are none.~~DGM IP: Logged |
Cat Newflake Posts: 0 From: USA Registered: Oct 2009
posted August 22, 2002 10:45 AM
Hi La-Tee-Da  Thank you. I look forward to reading it.  Sue  IP: Logged |
La-Tee-Da unregistered
posted August 23, 2002 07:48 AM
Cat!!!! I couldn't starting it tonight!!!! Plan to do a different string for each section.  ------------------ Hugs,LTD ~~The struggle keeps us young~~Daring to make mistakes and knowing there are none.~~DGM IP: Logged |