Topic: The I Ching Book Of Changes
Randall Webmaster Posts: 342 From: Columbus, GA USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted August 17, 2002 02:11 PM
Anyone ever use these coins for divining the future? ------------------ "Never mentally imagine for another that which you would not want to experience for yourself, since the mental image you send out inevitably comes back to you." Rebecca Clark IP: Logged |
QueenofSheeba unregistered
posted August 17, 2002 02:16 PM
I have,but I might not have been doing it correctly.The answers made no sense at all!!! IP: Logged |
Cat unregistered
posted August 17, 2002 02:21 PM
Well I've never used the actual coins but I did go on a website where you could "cast" the coins in magic pool I'll try to find the link and post it here. It's just for fun though - not the real thing. Maybe someone can explain it to us? I'd be interested to know - as like you QueenofSheeba - I have no idea what it all means. Sue
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Purpleflame unregistered
posted September 01, 2002 08:13 PM
Hi, hope you're all fine. The site is and it usually lets you have a free I-Ching read. It gives a little indication of what lies ahead and when you are choosing when to touch the mouse as you move it over the pool it feels a bit like when you are choosing a Tarot card on the online sites. This site has been very kind to me and let me have many wonderful reads. They even send you Karma coins for Tarot on your birthday. Love Flame I really, truly enjoy the Tarot cards more and feel more in tune with them. Tarot came into my life when I really needed it and I was so very skeptical about it and it just kept 'talking to me' and opened up new doors for me. IP: Logged |
La-Tee-Da unregistered
posted September 02, 2002 05:45 AM
It's a fun site Flame!! Can spend lots of time there!!! ------------------ Hugs,LTD ~~The struggle keeps us young~~Daring to make mistakes and knowing there are none.~~DGM IP: Logged |
Cat unregistered
posted September 02, 2002 12:55 PM
Hi Flame I hope that things are good with you Thank you for the website link - it's great It wasn't the one I was trying to find but yours is much better I'm going to post it on the Tarot string as I'm sure everyone will be interested to try it. Sue IP: Logged |
Iqhunk unregistered
posted March 20, 2006 04:26 AM
Bump! This was the last topic in this forum and I feel IChing is a great supplement to a Tarot reading. IP: Logged |
Aselzion Moderator Posts: 2 From: North Andover, MA Registered: May 2009
posted March 21, 2006 03:38 AM
Greetings...When I use the I Ching, I generally use either pennies or quarters.. or whatever "coin of the realm " happens to be handy. I have purchased the yarrow stalks, but have not had the time to try that meditative approach to the oracle. Has anyone tried this method? Blessings... A ------------------ "The ALL is MIND; the Universe is Mental." *** The Kybalion IP: Logged |
13anshee unregistered
posted March 21, 2006 07:40 AM
i use the i-ching quite often, i find it quite powerfull, often things it tells of are in the present and near future, in fact the version i have (james legge version) of the i-ching has pretty much been spot on every timeIP: Logged |
Lialei unregistered
posted March 21, 2006 02:25 PM
I use pennies of years that are significant to me (such as my birth year for one). I love I Ching, especially when going through a very difficult time. For me it's very consoling, calming, rebalancing and refocusing.This recent hexagram was very timely to me: INNOCENCE The time demands an alignment with the flow of the cosmos. This adjustment must be made before futher action is taken, otherwise you will begin to make mistakes. When actions that seem perfectly reasonable and cleverly planned are executed, they will end in difficulty and confusion. In order to harmonize your actions with the cosmos, it will be necessary to adopt an attitude of INNOCENCE. Examine your conscious purpose, without ulterior motive and with complete rectitude. Do not aspire to be rewarded for your actions, nor direct them cunningly toward personal advancement. Act innocently and react spontaneously. Your instincts should be developed and modified in the direction of natural goodness. Your first inclinations should be to preserve your well-being, clear the way for your fellow man, and take note of worthwhile information. Without integrity and morality in your character you could not trust your instincts, for they might lead you into dangerous situations. The path to your goal is now an indirect path. You must rely on your principles and inner virtue rather than clever strategies. This will not lead you away from success -- on the contrary. INNOCENCE with spontaneity will bring creativity to many areas of your life. You will appear to your milieu inspired and brilliant. This will give you great influence. It is important to keep in mind that laws of the cosmos are divine and do not necessarily follow the desires of man. Therefore, when acting in INNOCENCE, you will also experience the unexpected, the exceptional, the unpreditable. Be prepared for a suprising turn of events. What occurs will stimulate new ideas, even if at first this seems unnerving or full of complications. A state of INNOCENCE could be a refreshing interlude in your personal relationships. Spontaneity can bring great pleasure as well as reveal true feelings and motives, whereas intrigue at this time would only yield perplexity and possibly disaster. Again, INOCENCE may lead to surpirising new areas of unexplored mutual interest. IP: Logged |
Iqhunk unregistered
posted March 22, 2006 01:58 AM
I use Indian 1 rupee coins. The rupee coin has an ancient buddhist Lion Emblem which I feel help conects to the good of the past.I hold the coins very tightly, try to feel palm's chi go through the coins while focusing very strongly on the question. I got Hexagram 36 this way. I tried it more than 2 weeks ago. Yesterday, I tried minor arcana several times [I dont have a Tarot deck, I use playing cards with 4 jokers as Pages] I kept getting 4 of cups and 9 pentacles. 4 x 9 = 36. 36 = TRANSFORM in numerology. Yarrow sticks? Any thin wooden piece might work, will try with long twigs and see what happens!
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Randall Webmaster Posts: 342 From: Columbus, GA USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted March 28, 2006 10:50 AM
Good info!------------------ "There is no use trying," said Alice; "one can't believe impossible things." "I dare say you haven't had much practice," said the Queen. "When I was your age, I always did it for half an hour a day. Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast." Lewis Carroll IP: Logged |
salome unregistered
posted April 04, 2006 03:55 PM
i used to have a I Ching book with beautiful, traditional illustrations...that helped inform me in a very simple way...i would think a thought or question, then open the book to a random page...always a profound and insightful answer... i don't know what happened to the book... these days i'm entranced with witches runes... IP: Logged |
salome unregistered
posted April 04, 2006 04:04 PM
13 stones engraved with pictish symbols
mine are engraved moonstones. IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 342 From: Columbus, GA USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted April 23, 2006 03:58 PM
------------------ "There is no use trying," said Alice; "one can't believe impossible things." "I dare say you haven't had much practice," said the Queen. "When I was your age, I always did it for half an hour a day. Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast." Lewis Carroll IP: Logged |
artlovesdawn unregistered
posted July 22, 2006 04:21 PM
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Randall Webmaster Posts: 342 From: Columbus, GA USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 21, 2008 12:25 PM
*bump*------------------ "Don't worry about the world coming to an end today. It's already tomorrow in Australia." Charles Schultz IP: Logged |
nattie33 unregistered
posted November 21, 2008 03:44 PM
I found this link on I Ching and another one for online readings IP: Logged |
GypseeWind Knowflake Posts: 143 From: Dayton,Ohio USA Registered: May 2009
posted May 23, 2009 01:32 PM
I have Randall. But not the traditional coins, the book I have lets you use pennies and one dime. I think it works pretty well, it's very cut and dry though, no wiggle room to make the anser come out the way you want. <:IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 342 From: Columbus, GA USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted May 26, 2009 11:38 AM
Cool! ------------------ "Fortune favors the bold." Erasmus IP: Logged |