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Author Topic:   Questions for Aselzion

Posts: 1088
From: Rio de Janeiro , Brazil
Registered: Oct 2002

posted December 04, 2002 05:52 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Jaqueline     Edit/Delete Message

Just making a retrospective look.

When we began to unmask the mystery of the Serpents, we discovered that the bad Serpent was Set. Therefore , lacked to discover the two good Serpents.
You told us that they were the twin soul children of Isis and Osiris.

Horus, depending on the version is the son of Isis and Osiris or the son of the dead body of Osiris.
I also read that for being just the son of Isis, some studious make a comparison between Isis/Mary - and Horus/Jesus.

As you know, in mythology we have a lot of versions.

But you commented on a symbiosis...did you ? and I remembered of having read a while ago ,if my memory doesn't fail ,that Ra can be the twin soul of Osiris.
Ra rules the land of the Living and Osiris rules the land of the Underworld. They are opposed and complemented at the same time.

This makes a lot of sense for me, but maybe it is a nonsense...


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Posts: 796
From: Peabody, MA USA
Registered: Nov 2002

posted December 04, 2002 10:02 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Aselzion     Edit/Delete Message

According to Linda's version of the creation, the first offspring of Isis and Osiris were Twin Souls or Twin S-Elves, born without the sex act as we are born today.

The physical bodies of Isis and Osiris were somewhat different in their make-up than physical bodies as we know them today, or "after the fall". The man had a penis, but no TESTICLES, and the woman had a vagina but no UTERUS. Male and Female both had breasts that were able to nourish the new offspring, which is Linda's answer as to why men have nipples. They mated tantrically, that is to say without all the bumping and grinding and huffing and puffing the stuffing out of one another. (that all came AFTER THE FALL) Making love then, was, according to Linda, more in the nature of a deep meditation, where the two looked deeply into each others eyes (the windows of the Soul), joined HANDS in a particular manner, and then, at the climax of their spiritual union, they both spoke the WORD OF CREATION, and abracadabra (no, that is not THE WORD OF CREATION) Twin S-Elves.

The first pair of Twin Souls to be be born in this manner to Isis and Osiris were... Vulcan (the female) and Mercury (the male). This is why Linda often referred to Vulcan as SHE.

There are a few interesting Lexigrams there, for those with the eyes to see. Can anyone see them winking out?

Let the Spiraling begin.

Now off to work I go.

Until next time.

Blessed Be.


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Posts: 2007
From: Boca Raton, FL USA
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posted December 05, 2002 01:36 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for theFajita     Edit/Delete Message
Jakie, nothing you say is nonsense! Don't ever say that! I am sorry for interupting this thread (yes, I know my spelling is awful, it's usually better, but I am spoiled with spell check at work and I have had 2 glasses of wine)

I must admit, I don't like being told to figure out info or to be led to it, I am I want to know, learn, absorb everything ASAP, teach me, tell me the secret. NOW! But I know patience is a virtue, and I am working on it!

Jakie I must say your wisdom is beyond your age and your life and smile and energy is amazing. I hope you know if/when I come to Rio we will have to go dancing/drinking/partying/talking together
love fajita

OK again my apologies back to you aselzion!

Food is the only art that nourishes!

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angel beauty

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posted December 05, 2002 04:06 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for angel beauty     Edit/Delete Message
wORD of creAtIoN: ORDAIN


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Posts: 1449
From: El Lay, the Reel World
Registered: Nov 2000

posted December 05, 2002 10:42 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Carlo     Edit/Delete Message

Can men ever cure me?

A ray can!

MY ray can!

a creamy Cancer...

yipes, I better step off...

I have been wondering about why Linda called Vulcan feminine, like, forever, since Vulcan is my true ruler...I am just not sure how to find and comprehend and plug into the feminine energy back Vulcan, all I think of is how thunderous that god is, and pounding the anvil...ah, years to go on this one...

yeah Jakie, what Fajita said. You rule, and we all love you very much


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posted December 05, 2002 01:28 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Pegesus     Edit/Delete Message
I just wanted to say how much I enjoy checking this thread every day. The knowflakes are magnificient!!

I wanted to ask a little more about Robert.
Were they what you would call "friends" at the end of Linda's life?
As in, would he at least send flowers or condolences to her family when she "passed"??

And what kind of man was Sam Goodman? He must have been remarkable to know that while perhaps he was not the "love of her life" he nonetheless tried to be a good parent to all their children (this is just from my memory of other things I've read about him). Perhaps as his name says...old Sam was a "good man"???

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Posts: 796
From: Peabody, MA USA
Registered: Nov 2002

posted December 05, 2002 02:21 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Aselzion     Edit/Delete Message
Angel Beauty: interesting, but no. The Word of Creation would be in the true ENGLISH that was sung/spoken according to Linda, and she didn't know what it was either, but I think that Stonehenge may hold a little more than a clue. Interesting Lexigram though!

Carlo: I'm not saying that I'm in 100% agreement with Linda about the Vulcan and "she" thing, but it is of interest to note that Virgo has always been considered of the negative polarity ie. a feminine and earthy sign. Another of my Teachers in Astrology would occasionally refer to Saturn as SHE in certain situations, so I am open to many variations in interpretation.

Pegesus: when I was working with Linda, she did speak with Bob on the phone from time to time, and they seemed to be very good friends. More than that I cannot say, as I was not there at the end of Linda's life.

From everything I've ever heard of Sam, he was a GOOD MAN, but again, Linda never discussed him much with me in any other than a general way. I mean she did talk about him identifying "Sally's body". But he had already passed on before Linda and I met.

Those other Lexigrams are still singing in my ear. Anyone hear them yet?

Hint: some of them are anatomical.

Pax et Bonum...

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Posts: 1088
From: Rio de Janeiro , Brazil
Registered: Oct 2002

posted December 06, 2002 09:58 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Jaqueline     Edit/Delete Message
Sorry for the interruption... but I have to kiss those two wonderful people.

Carlo and Fajita, you are so special ... I don't have words, and believe me, this is a rare thing... I just want to say that I love you guys, thank you !


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Posts: 1088
From: Rio de Janeiro , Brazil
Registered: Oct 2002

posted December 06, 2002 10:06 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Jaqueline     Edit/Delete Message

Thank you for having begun this thread. I also enjoy so much what has been written here.


Difficult week, many problems at the same time... so, I return as soon as I connect my two neurons .


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Posts: 1449
From: El Lay, the Reel World
Registered: Nov 2000

posted December 06, 2002 12:43 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Carlo     Edit/Delete Message
Mr. Peabody...

This is all I could find and compile on Vulcan...

did Linda leave anything else, or do you have any other references on this enigmatic Planet?

also, did you call her Linda, or Mary Alice? I thought her friends and family always called her Mary...

still working on this lex...I'll take Anatomy for $600, Wink...


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Posts: 294
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posted December 06, 2002 03:38 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Pegesus     Edit/Delete Message
You're quite welcome Jacki, I am loving it too!

Ohhh...good question Carlo! Yes, was it Mary, or Linda when you knew her??

Here's another little nagging question that's been in the back of my mind since I became "obscessed" with the movie K-Pax.

It was written by one Gene Brewer who says he has a brother named Robert.
In Gooberz or Star Signs (I'm not sure which one) Linda remarks that Robert has a brother or brothers but he is not a MEDICAL doctor.
Gene Brewer was/is a psychiatrist. There are sooo many things in the movie and books about K-Pax that sound soooo Linda-like. Could it be???

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Posts: 1449
From: El Lay, the Reel World
Registered: Nov 2000

posted December 06, 2002 07:39 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Carlo     Edit/Delete Message
I'm from C-Pax And maybe it's true that Kevin Spacey is really from K-Pax...K stands for Kevin, and Spacey...from Outer Space...think about it

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Posts: 796
From: Peabody, MA USA
Registered: Nov 2002

posted December 06, 2002 09:57 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Aselzion     Edit/Delete Message
I just typed a long reply and this silly thing told me there was an internal error posting.. I saved the original to my word processor to avoid typing it all over again.

Now it won't let me post that.

Any ideas?



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Posts: 294
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posted December 06, 2002 11:12 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Pegesus     Edit/Delete Message
Kevin Spacey could be from anywhere, that's for sure. But wasn't he brilliant in that movie!! Oh and did you know K-Pax was written in the 50's. It just took 40 years to get published. Talk about ahead of your time!

A. Can you do a plain ole copy and paste??
If it's more complicated than that, I'm not the right person to give computer advise but I am on the edge of my seat awaiting your answer!

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Posts: 796
From: Peabody, MA USA
Registered: Nov 2002

posted December 07, 2002 04:58 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Aselzion     Edit/Delete Message
Jakie: I'm sorry to hear that things have been hectic and problematic. Wishing you Light and support from the Universe!

Carlo: Well, what I've been taught about Vulcan pretty much correlates with what you have on you site. One of my teachers in Esoteric Astrology has said about Vulcan:

General: The Craftsman, Dark Earthy colors, the laborer, maker of implements used around the home, pottery/clay.

Positive: efficient worker, creative, artistic, a person of "action not talk", good at detail work, clean/neat, analytical.

Negative: short, hunchbacked, moles on back, limp/ugly, lazy and complaining, all talk, no action, clumsy, dirty personal habits, gossip, inferiority complex.

In transit, he said that Vulcan was generally that "missing factor" when we burn ourselves or have domestic problems like burning the shirt with his iron when Mars and Pluto were nowhere to be found.

He stated like, many others, that Vulcan is always within 8 degrees of the Sun, so it will always be in the Sun sign, the preceeding sign if born EARLY in the sign or the next sign if born LATE in the sign.

I may have another source on Vulcan, lemme see if I can dig it up.

I always called Linda: Linda as did all of the people that I knew in Cripple Creek. When her father called the house, he asked for Linda as well, but that may have been for the convenience of whichever person answered the phone. Perhaps he called her Mary when they spoke directly, but I never really intruded on their personal conversations.

As an aside I'll give you one of my favorite words to Lexigram. As you know, Linda used to refer to Earth (before the fall) as EDEN HEAVEN. After Set instigated the destruction of the second Sun, it becam known as Earth. As such, we, the planets inhabitants, are now called EARTHLINGS.

EARTHLINGS... lexigram this one, it's jam packed with mysteries to spark the spirals of your mind for years, I know it has mine. In the hardcover edition of STAR SIGNS, Linda mentioned 5 of the Lexigrams of EARTHLINGS on page 350. There are many more to stir the imagination. What do you see?

I'll give you a while and then share what I've learned from this fascinating word! I worked on this one on a train ride from Boston to New York, the 5 hour trip passed in what felt like 15 minutes. Talk about Time traveling!

Peace and Magic..

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Posts: 3936
From: www.Heaven.Home
Registered: Mar 2002

posted December 09, 2002 05:34 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for juniperb     Edit/Delete Message
Still spiraling away with Genesis. With limited private time, this is what I heard.







I feel that must be Lindas double S.

So much is comming together and this thread is awesome!!

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Posts: 796
From: Peabody, MA USA
Registered: Nov 2002

posted December 09, 2002 11:58 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Aselzion     Edit/Delete Message
Great spiraling JuniperB!

Only thing that you kind of meandered around was SIN IN GENES.

I always kind of equate that sentence to the quote from the Bible that: The sins of the father shall be visited unto the son even unto the 7th generation. I'm at work, so that's prolly a bad paraphrase, but it gets the point acrosss.

SIN S S the double serpent... good catch! I actually hadn't seen that before! See, just when you think you KNOW a Lexigram it presents yet another face.

God has an amazing, if twisted sense of humor! Divine even!

Has anyone else seen anything else, or found any clues in the anatomical Lexigrams mentioned above?

Happy spiraling...


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Posts: 68
Registered: Dec 2002

posted December 15, 2002 11:33 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for 108     Edit/Delete Message
Hi Azelzion,

I want to ask whether Linda used crystals in her daily life (e.g. for meditation, at her altar, etc.)? And whether she had said anything on the subject of crystals?

Many thanks.


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Posts: 796
From: Peabody, MA USA
Registered: Nov 2002

posted December 15, 2002 10:35 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Aselzion     Edit/Delete Message
108: Linda was aware of the power of crystals yes.

I can't recall if she had any on her altar, but it's been many years since I've seen it. As I recall there were candles and incense. Pictures of Sally, and letters from fans in a basket underneath the altar. Crystals as such I don't recall.

She did have some cut lead glass crystal around the house, but I can't recall seeing any raw quartz, or amethyst or anything of that nature. This doesn't mean she didn't have it, just that I can't remember seeing it.

In terms of meditation, Linda would light the candles, burn the incense and listen to gregorian chants while she prayed or meditated in the chapel. She often read inspiring writings, often from the Bible, particularly the translation of the Septuagint that was edited by one of her gurus, Dr. Charles Muses.

That's all I can tell you about Linda and crystals.

Pax et Bonum...


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Posts: 68
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posted December 15, 2002 11:45 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for 108     Edit/Delete Message
Thx so much, Azelzion!

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Posts: 16464
From: Columbus, GA USA
Registered: Nov 2000

posted December 16, 2002 02:13 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message
Did Linda ever mention the significance of December 8th to you or about the ritual she performed each year on that date?

"Never mentally imagine for another that which you would not want to experience for yourself, since the mental image you send out inevitably comes back to you." Rebecca Clark

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Posts: 653
From: Cooltown, USA
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posted December 16, 2002 11:45 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for LMB     Edit/Delete Message
If you feel it okay to do so, can you tell us what Sally looked like? I've already seens some pictures from a magazine article, but anything you can add?

much love and light,


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Posts: 796
From: Peabody, MA USA
Registered: Nov 2002

posted December 17, 2002 04:06 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Aselzion     Edit/Delete Message

Hi there Randall; no, Linda never mentioned what ritual she performed on Dec. 8th. When I went to live with her it was in January, so that had come and gone, without mention on her part. Sorry.

LMB: So sorry.. Linda did have pics of Sally as both a child and young adult on her altar, but being a man, I am hard pressed to recall any details. If I recall she was quite attractive, and if memory serves quite probably blonde with blue eyes, but Bill Snyder, her brother was also a blonde with blue eyes. Linda's color was more brunette, and she often added hints of red.

Sorry to be such an bottomless pit of nothing.

Pax et Bonum...


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Posts: 653
From: Cooltown, USA
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posted December 17, 2002 10:32 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for LMB     Edit/Delete Message
Nonsense, Azelion! You are a wonderful wonderful person and soul. Thank you for sharing what you do know.


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Posts: 16464
From: Columbus, GA USA
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posted December 18, 2002 12:36 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message
What LMB said!

"Never mentally imagine for another that which you would not want to experience for yourself, since the mental image you send out inevitably comes back to you." Rebecca Clark

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