Topic: Photographs and images
Mazz Knowflake Posts: 284 From: angel land Registered: Jan 2003
posted May 08, 2003 07:27 AM
I was hoping we could devote some time to discussing photographs and the power of images.Here's an example I'd just been reading 'the oober galaxy'and also re-reading 'Gooberz',and I'd been thinking a lot about when Linda had a crisis of faith and decided to cut up her doll into pieces.I got the impression that this was quite a grave thing to do,you get the impression that she's really in a desperate place when she does this,and she subsequently sews her doll back together later. I had some passport photos which I didn't like and I replaced them with some new ones.I took the old photos and cut them into pieces and threw them in the bin,because I didnt like the thought of my image(the photos)being carted off with the rubbish and not knowing where they could end up.As I was cutting up the photos I wondered wether it was a good thing to do. I've always been very fascinated by Linda's talk about photos,when she's talking about using the purple plates she tells you that if you use a photograph with the purple plate the negative has to be in existence somewhere for the exercise to work. Certain tribes think that when a photograph is taken they are stealing a part of you. I usually avoid having my photo taken unless it's necessary,and in fact I object when people think they can steal an image of me without my permission,and I also am aware that although they might give me the photograph afterwards they will still have the negative in their possesion. I usually object to people filming me when they're using their video camera on holiday or filming scenes for a work video or something like that. Also these passport photos-as you dont get the negative for these I assume either: a.they use a process that doesnt use negatives, or b.the negatives from the machine for all people's photos are taken and incinerated or destroyed- in this case passport photos are not really complete if the negative has been destroyed. Also in the case of a polaroid photo am I right in thinking that these use a process where the negative and positive images are contained in the single photo. Does anyone have any experience with how polaroids compare to a normal photograph for using them for something like the purple plates? IP: Logged |
juniperb Knowflake Posts: 6415 From: Blue Star Kachina Registered: Mar 2002
posted May 08, 2003 08:35 AM
I usually object to people filming me when they're using their video camera on holiday or filming scenes for a work video or something like that. I feel much the same Mazz. For one, it`s not ME being photographed/filmed... not my essence anyhow. I feel a photo is a frozen image of time that doesn`t capture the me of me and I dislike that three dimensional "forever" image. I always feel cheated by my photograph & the illusional body that appears there without my divinely created energy infusing it. Your post helped me see that I have a double standard tho; I love photos of other people I certainly don`t feel I`m special or even different; guess it`s just one of my many quirks. I have used purple plates for pictures and have had success. If I need to hear from someone, I pop thier pic under it for 15 minutes & they call or appear. If someone ( including the four leggeds) feel down, under the plate they go. It truely does work better w/polaroids but in a pinch, I use regular photos. Thanks for listening to me ramble!! juniperb IP: Logged |
Mazz Knowflake Posts: 284 From: angel land Registered: Jan 2003
posted May 08, 2003 09:08 AM
Well JuniperbYou know,my posts are usually kind of highly edited because,well there's loads of stuff I leave out which is basically about looking at things from the viewpoint of being immortal.There's so many things which I just see differently,I think the word which fits is 'radical'. This is just one example. I see photographs the same way as you,only I left all that section out,my posts are basically usually a watered down version cutting out how strongly I feel about everything as an immortal.I can really hear what you're saying,I have the same approach to photos. Why would you have to memorise that one moment.Every moment is perfect,there's no need to record the sun shining,there'll be as many days as you want with the sun shining,anyway I do like to remember a moment,being with a certain person or in a certain place,but I can remember it in my head,and re-tell it to others with the magic of words.I've a feeling we see things the same way,why would I need to record a loved one's image,in my reality they and I will always be around,always be close.Why would I need to record a happy moment,surely by needing to confirm a moment I'm entertaining the belief that there wont be more moments like that. Surely you would want to be with who you want to be with and if that person isnt around in your life and only in a photograph what use is that except to display them as some sort of trophy. It's similar to the way I feel about phones,and that includes landline phones,I have some friends who I hardly ever see,but they'll phone me,I think that's lazy,either you'll put some time and effort into being my friend and are around or you wont,in which case they're not much use to me. Well it's me rambling now IP: Logged |
LoonyFish Knowflake Posts: 241 From: magical, mystical mountains of TN Registered: Apr 2003
posted May 08, 2003 09:58 AM
Wow! I have had this very subject on my mind for days now! I actually intended to post a question about photos and purple plates this morning. AHHHHH...don't you just love synchronicity?Yes, Mazz, Polaroids contain both negative and positive of image. They have always been my choice to use with the purple plates also, juniperb. I have had excellent results with crystal layouts on a photograph. I do believe that an image of a person has an affect on the energy of that person. This type of 'majick' was in existence long before photography; poppets and the infamous voodoo dolls being examples. Personally, I have always had a problem with having my picture taken. Not due to any vanity issues, but because for some reason a photo of me rarely actually looks like me! This has long been a source of frustration in my family. When my photo is taken, there is almost always a problem with the print. Sometimes, my face will be blurred or distorted even when the others in the photo look normal. Other times, there will be a glaring bright spot where my face should be. The absolute strangest thing is when a picture of me looks like another person entirely! We have had several instances of looking through photos and asking, "Hey, who is this?", only to realize,because of clothing, background, etc. that it is me! Which brings me to my question(s). Has anyone else had this experience with photos? AND... we recently purchased a digital camera and noticed that photos of me taken with it are more likely to turn out OK. Still have about 50% chance of yucky picture but, all in all, much better. SO, is digital photography LESS likely to pick up on someone's energy? Or, MORE likely to pick up a person's true energy without interference? Would a digital photo be of any benefit with the purple plates? Any thought on this would be appreciated!
------------------ ************************************** "Back of every action is a thought, and behind every visible phenomenon there is an invisible cause." Max Heindel IP: Logged |
juniperb Knowflake Posts: 6415 From: Blue Star Kachina Registered: Mar 2002
posted May 08, 2003 02:27 PM
Kindred souls we must be My photos are always odd (goofy might be a better word). Also here, it`s not vanity but some quirk that always show something I`m NOT doing ie, looking up, turning my head ect.. You put it so well Loonyfish Personally, I have always had a problem with having my picture taken. Not due to any vanity issues, but because for some reason a photo of me rarely actually looks like me People never recognize me in a photo! It`s been the laugh of my family forever . Actually, no two people can agree on what I look like period. My Spiritualist brothers and sisters say it`s due to the shape shifting of my spirit/energy that leads their eye astray. I have no knowledge of hi tech workings, but it would seem to me that a digital (arn`t they a higher speed?) would pick up a clearer pic of ones energy. I`ll have to give my elf a shot with one & see what happens. I imagine Mazz, that it would depend on how one retains a picture. Within their spirits eye or their mental eye. Most things I take in w/my mental eye as I go thru my day. Then somethings are so precious, my spiritual eye takes it in and I can store it in my spirit and replay with perfect clarity. I keep pics for the mental eye (usually) as I can be forgetful & need reminders of daily events/people. My sister (a Taurus) has pics of our mother, who`s passed into spirit, all over her home. I have one;she thinks I`m odd & cold. I think she`s odd to need a pictorial remembrance. I see my mother every day, in any form I wish, young or elderly... she`s always here in the now ,so why a pic? That, I guess, is just part of the differences of human folks living this experience in the physical. Thats just my opinion & hope it made sense! juniperb IP: Logged |
zoso Knowflake Posts: 703 From: Death Valley USA Registered: Sep 2004
posted April 11, 2005 03:02 AM
I looooooovvvvvvve looking at old photos in antique shops!!!! For some reason, I can pick up energies from photos and maybe that's why i don't like my picture taken, because someone else can pick up so much out of a second in time. Then I think that it is only one second in my life, if someone want to take a peek, they can. Especially if the picture turned out well My aunts would kill me if they knew the awful pictures I have of them from reunions. I think they're hilarious because it totally misrepresents their personalities, and in the goofiest ways. One of them was a misfire camera shot that got one aunt cramming her mouth with her eyes wide open~~it's really funny. Don't worry though, I haven't shown anyone else. IP: Logged |
Namaste73 Knowflake Posts: 37 From: Miami, fl, USA Registered: Mar 2005
posted April 12, 2005 05:30 PM
hello everyone, I just read the post and found it quite interesting. I don't like taking pictures because I never like what comes out. I think for me it is an issue of me feeling unattractive. Someone mentioned something about being able to pick up other people's energy by looking at their pictures. I do that as well. I never really understood that, but this post has enlightened me some. Thank you for posting! Namaste IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 24397 From: Columbus, GA USA Registered: Nov 2000
posted April 13, 2005 06:19 AM
------------------ "Never mentally imagine for another that which you would not want to experience for yourself, since the mental image you send out inevitably comes back to you." Rebecca Clark IP: Logged |
Alia Knowflake Posts: 85 From: phoenix AZ Registered: Aug 2007
posted September 15, 2007 04:48 AM
hi... about the picture in the purple plate... would it work if is a print from a digital camera?Or,would it work if i used a paper print - made with my printer - of an old polaroid scanned picture sent to me as a file attachment? thank you IP: Logged |
GeminiLover75 Knowflake Posts: 1501 From: Registered: Apr 2006
posted September 15, 2007 05:09 AM
I too would like to know how this would work with digital photography. What about even something as simple as sending positive energy to the picture on your screen if the picture is on your computer? Just wondering.Also, I too hate having my picture taken. I feel like it's no one's right to intrude on me in that way, plus I also have a 'cringe' issue of hating the pictures that people take of me. IP: Logged | |