Topic: The Creepiest Tarot Deck
juniperb Moderator Posts: 1200 From: Blue Star Kachina Registered: Apr 2009
posted September 05, 2003 07:42 PM
If this was the only Tarot Deck I ever saw, or even the first one, I`d have second thoughts about learning it. It truely gave me the skin crawly creeps juniperb  IP: Logged |
Aphrodite unregistered
posted September 05, 2003 08:14 PM
hi juniperb! this deck is making me laugh! it's so funny. i am flipping through the pages. initially i was surprised, then started looking at the symbolism and what the artist is communicating. i was once told that vampires did exist on earth somewhere in central europe? there was lineage, and gory details. are they real? aselzion??? always curious, amy IP: Logged |
endaphia unregistered
posted September 05, 2003 11:40 PM
I like it!IP: Logged |
Aselzion Moderator Posts: 53 From: North Andover, MA Registered: May 2009
posted September 05, 2003 11:41 PM
Hi there...In terms of the Vampire Tarot, I couldn't read with it, that's for sure... but I'm used to something a bit less dark.  In terms of do vampires exist... well, I'd have to say yes and no. Yes in that there sure are psychic vampires that can drain energy from people very quickly by their mere presence. In regard to the real blood sucking variety, I'm not sure. I know that there are people out there that practice vampirism. I also think that behind every myth, is some element of truth. I'd have to say, as with many things, other than psychic vamps, I've never met one. But if there are any real vamps out there, I'd love to conduct an interview!  In the Light... A  ------------------ "It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye." - Antoine de Saint Exupery, The Little Prince IP: Logged |
Pink Angel unregistered
posted September 06, 2003 03:48 PM
Hey i love this deck, its so cute and creative... i mean hanged man, the hanging bat  and even our usually pretty queen of cups is like dracula  But i dont think i can do readings at night with this deck...  IP: Logged |
Pink Angel unregistered
posted September 06, 2003 03:48 PM
Hey i love this deck, its so cute and creative... i mean hanged man, the hanging bat  and even our usually pretty queen of cups is like dracula  But i dont think i can do readings at night with this deck...  IP: Logged |
juniperb Moderator Posts: 1200 From: Blue Star Kachina Registered: Apr 2009
posted September 06, 2003 03:57 PM
I agree Pink Angel It really threw me because I was looking at different decks and enjoying the beautiful cards then up came that deck. I about fell off my chair. I just don`t get the same feel for it`s Fool and Magician as I do my Rider deck! juniperb  IP: Logged |
mmrtyvn unregistered
posted September 06, 2003 04:19 PM
I liked it, something out of an Anne Rice novelIP: Logged |
Pink Angel unregistered
posted September 08, 2003 04:07 AM
i like buffy the vampire slayer!  IP: Logged |
silverbells unregistered
posted September 08, 2003 12:07 PM
It WAS scary when I first saw it but then I looked some more and it didn't creep me out. I actually had a good feeling about them. I like vampires though. But I don't know if I would use the deck for a reading cause...c'mon it's vampires.IP: Logged |
Aphrodite unregistered
posted September 08, 2003 01:17 PM
hi aselzion,well . . . i believe that they were real, only because i used to know someone who studied this history intensively. hmm, wondering if i should contact him again . . . he had a weird energy drain around people, but it had no draining effect on me whatsoever. he just . . . ticked me off sometimes. love, a. IP: Logged |
Aselzion Moderator Posts: 53 From: North Andover, MA Registered: May 2009
posted September 08, 2003 02:12 PM
Hi Mighty...Well... I'd be more interested in meeting an angel than a vampire any day, but as I say, it would be interesting to have tea and a carry on with a real vampire... heavily shielded and adorned with crosses and garlic!  I do believe in the presence of angels, and have had many experiences on the "awareness" level, but I certainly would love to have dinner and a chat with an angel in real life.. failing that, I'd love to meet Roma Downey!  If you manage to "dig up" your old vampire source, I'd be interested in his research. In the Light... A  P.S. I'll be mailing that Omarr stuff out tomorrow... so sorry about the delay! A ------------------ "It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye." - Antoine de Saint Exupery, The Little Prince IP: Logged |
Aphrodite unregistered
posted September 08, 2003 02:26 PM
hi aselzion,garlic and mirrors!  i've experienced angels on the "awareness" level once. they were gorgeous, and really big too. bright whites, golds, and yellows. one had an enormous pair of wings. i have yet to be in conscious communication. is it true that angels don't really talk very much? okay, if i ever talk to this man again . . . i'll send to you his e-mail address.  a. IP: Logged |
Aphrodite unregistered
posted September 30, 2003 01:24 PM
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Aselzion Moderator Posts: 53 From: North Andover, MA Registered: May 2009
posted September 30, 2003 05:19 PM
Hi Mighty...Sorry, this thread must have gotten lost and I am actually only reading your reply today.  I have experienced angels many times on the awareness level, and I'd have to say that they do not waste their words. Also in my awarenesses only the Archangels have ever had wings. One of my guardian angels has fiery red hair and intense green eyes, and the other only ever appears as a hazy form of light. One awareness was of little baby cherub angels, but they really looked more like human babies, and again, sans wings, though they did fly! They were very loving and playful though!  In one "dreamstate" I was discussing calling the quarters of a circle and simply going through the motions to demonstrate my point, yet as I was doing so, each Archangel faithfully appeared in their place, standing silent guard and offereing their protection. It was really peculiar, yet comforting in a way. I think perhaps angels choose their words a wee bit more carefully than we humans do... they are only here to guide and support, so to say "too much" might be a bit more than we really need in order to "get the idea". Know what I mean? Bright Blessings... A 
------------------ "It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye." - Antoine de Saint Exupery, The Little Prince IP: Logged |
Aphrodite unregistered
posted September 30, 2003 05:25 PM
Thank you  IP: Logged |
SerenityRose unregistered
posted September 30, 2003 10:25 PM
Oh... well, let me tell you, I have been creepied out by other tarots, this one is just like "Oh heck" to me. Like I would never buy that kind of tarot! heh!On angels... hm... I don't believe in Angels, but energy vampires? Heck yes, and I've met a few. Real vampires? I'd rather think they're just fiction :lol: And totally off-topic, sorry: Aselzion! I think you missed my first commentary, but I see you have a sentence from the Little Prince as your signature. I was wondering if you read it and whether you'd like to give me a commentary on what you found about the book? I'm currently studying it for my French LIterature class, and I'd love to gather people's opinions on the book. Let me know, I'll give ya my email if you wish  Cheers IP: Logged |
Aselzion Moderator Posts: 53 From: North Andover, MA Registered: May 2009
posted October 01, 2003 04:15 AM
Greetings SerenityRose...I'm sorry, I did see your comment about Le Petit Prince, but had forgotten to reply, life has been a barrel full of monkeys around here in my little corner of the world lately. I have read it... when I was in high school for my French class, and also in English for my pleasure. I have also seen two versions of the movie The Little Prince, one animated and one live action. I think the book is a classic, it contains much of Truth and beauty, and some metaphysical secrets for good measure. I had a grand time assigning the planets that the Price visited to their astrological natures!  Like all such books, it bears many close readings, and I think each time one comes away with a different pearl of wisdom than the time before. What are your thoughts? Bright Blessings in the Light... A  P.S. I'm sorry that you don't believe in Angels, but I have been asked to remind you that they still believe in you!  ------------------ "It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye." - Antoine de Saint Exupery, The Little Prince IP: Logged |
SerenityRose unregistered
posted October 02, 2003 01:08 AM
Hi, Aselzion!!Well... that's pretty much what I think about the book anyway! Maybe there are more interpretations to it... but have you realised that we can take so many references to the Second World War from it? That was the period when Saint-Exupéry wrote the book. He had been asked to write a children's book, but I think being a pilot and fighting on the War made him write the Little Prince first as a children's book, at least when you first look at it... but when you get inside... Anyway, I could be here talking about it for hours and hours  And about the angels. I don't believe in Angels specifically, but I do believe in guardian spirits? I think it's closer. I think it's the whole winged thing that throws me off. Not so sure about that. Besides... I believe in things most people would label me a lunatic, although I know they are real So who knows? Maybe angels with wings and all are real too. Thanks for answering! I appreciated it a lot! IP: Logged |
Annie Kuzma unregistered
posted October 02, 2003 06:26 AM
My daughter has talked about "Her" angel since she was able to talk!!She has always said that her name was Auriel, and she had never seen the "Little Mermaid" before when she said it. She is almost 7 now, and still says she talks to the same one. (she is a very old soul) ------------------ Peace and Love L.V.X. Annie IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 6741 From: The Goober Galaxy Registered: Apr 2009
posted October 02, 2003 02:31 PM
 ------------------ "Never mentally imagine for another that which you would not want to experience for yourself, since the mental image you send out inevitably comes back to you." Rebecca Clark IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 6741 From: The Goober Galaxy Registered: Apr 2009
posted October 03, 2003 01:19 PM
That sure is creepy all right. ------------------ "Never mentally imagine for another that which you would not want to experience for yourself, since the mental image you send out inevitably comes back to you." Rebecca Clark IP: Logged |
juniperb Moderator Posts: 1200 From: Blue Star Kachina Registered: Apr 2009
posted October 03, 2003 01:24 PM
Yup, if it don`t look or feel good, how can one get a good reading from it  IP: Logged |
Motherkonfessor unregistered
posted October 07, 2003 05:09 PM
Whoa.. i collect decks, some fairly odd ones, and yet I have never seen these. Ever hear of the concept of "The Magic Hand"?? its more of an economic theory.. that where a need is established, and the product will be created. It seems this deck was made to capitalize on the late 1990s resurgence of the "goth" lifestyle and its equivalent occult interests.. which to the once born are things like tarot, pentacles, Wicca, etc. I have to admit, i think they are rather pretty in a "i like to wear all black and scare children at Walmart" kind of way. But then again, I spent my adolescence being "gothy" before it was cool..and I hate Anne Rice. Ah well. The only tarot deck i have ever gotten the creepies from is the Tarot of the Cat People, and I think that has more to do with the creep who was "using" them. The Tarot of the Egyptians is rather odd too, in its starkness. But.. thats my ramble on this.. thanks for the link! IP: Logged |
juniperb Moderator Posts: 1200 From: Blue Star Kachina Registered: Apr 2009
posted October 07, 2003 05:27 PM
Now I`m curious Mkon (it`s just too long to type out ) Do you have a link to the cat people deck ? juniperb  IP: Logged |