posted June 12, 2004 01:00 AM
Greetings...For me to pretend I know HOW they work would be arrogant in the extreme.. though I do know THAT they work!
Some theories I could offer:
1) The Tarot symbols come from the collective unconscious or race mind as it has been termed by some. When you shuffle the cards with the intent of gaining knowledge or clarity about an important suject, you are guided in some manner to select cards that will answer your question by virtue of the universal nature of their symbols.
2) When you open yourself to the possibility that the cards work, your Higher Self, which already knows all about you and more, will place the cards in order, or cause you to pick the correct one from a fan of cards, that will give you the information that you need.
3) Synchronicity, that theory of Carl Jung's that states that whatever is born or done at a particular moment in time, has the qualities of that particular moment in time. In other words, at the time that you think of a particular question, a reader, of Tarot cards, or what-have-you, will tune into the energy of that moment that prompted your question to begin with, and the cards will reveal meaningful information... kind of like being in the right place at the right time, without forethought.
As I say, I'm not really sure HOW they work, but I KNOW that they do... so why fight it? If it helps you or gives you accurate information... why wonder HOW it works? Rather be grateful that is does, and trust that the next time you seek information, clarity or wisdom, they will continue to be true oracles for you.
Just some thoughts. Hope it helps a bit.
Anyone else have any ideas to offer?
Best of luck in your move.
Bright Blessings...