Topic: The Devil
sue g Knowflake Posts: 8591 From: former land of the leprechaun Registered: Sep 2004
posted August 30, 2005 04:15 AM
Wondering what you guys are thinking of The Devil card. I have it come out a few times when I am asking about certain people in my life, especially men, who I have platonic friendships with???!!!Thanks love Sue G
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lotusheartone unregistered
posted August 30, 2005 09:50 AM
Hello Sue g, For me the Devil card represents, a situation, or person, that we perceive, sd not being good, we states we have a mental block, and we are not seeing the situation or person in the right light. For me, I use the basic of meaning the card, but I wait to see flashes(pictures in my mind) to explain more clearly. I hope that helps, and I'l love to see how others see that card also. I think it's a tricky card, lol. Love, StephIP: Logged |
artlovesdawn Knowflake Posts: 1176 From: Registered: Jul 2005
posted August 30, 2005 10:25 AM
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sue g Knowflake Posts: 8591 From: former land of the leprechaun Registered: Sep 2004
posted August 30, 2005 12:36 PM
Thanks guys, interesting stuff.......I was asking the question for two guys I know who are friends of I feel it is their fear of me, or how they perceive THE DEVIL LOL!!Seriously I think the "blocks" stuff makes sense, both of them are quite inward and repressed with their feelings.....this makes sense Thanks again Love Sue xxx IP: Logged |
lotusheartone unregistered
posted August 30, 2005 01:05 PM
Why are we so Scary to people?, lol. It's pretty funny when you think about it. The Knowing, get's in the way sometimes, as I have displayed myself, still learning...Love and Light IP: Logged |
whiterabbit Knowflake Posts: 1226 From: the other side Registered: Aug 2004
posted August 30, 2005 05:55 PM
hey artlovesdawn, I love your take on The Devil, it's different than any writings on it that I've read so far- I am going to keep it in mind from now on. IP: Logged |
Aselzion Moderator Posts: 1398 From: North Andover, MA Registered: Nov 2002
posted August 30, 2005 08:14 PM
Greetings...The Hebrew/Chaldean letter associated with The Devil card is Ayin, which means 'eye' or 'foundation', and signifies outer perceptions and appearnaces of things.. but not necessrily "how things really" are. The Devil corresponds astrologically to the sign Capricorn, so that may have something to do with its appearance as well... does either of the people represented have anything PERSONAL (Sun/Moon/Asc/MC or their rulers in Cappy?) One of my favorite authors on the Tarot writes of this card: "The Devil is God as He is misunderstood by the wicked". When we look at our Father/Mother Who Art in Heaven as judgmental, punishing and ego-centered, we are NOT seeing the true picture of God. (Old Testament... ring any bells?)  The Devil card can also appear when our Fears rule... when we see or are caught up in the Material World to the point that we lose our connection to God/Truth. Hope that helps a bit... In the Light.... A  P.S. In the Rider Waite deck, the Devil and The Lovers are remarkably similar in appearance. Have a peek and see what you think about that!  ------------------ "The ALL is MIND; the Universe is Mental." *** The Kybalion IP: Logged |
lotusheartone unregistered
posted August 30, 2005 09:15 PM
Aselzion, Thanks, that helps me alot, yes and the Devil and the Lovers, yes so similiar??? I use the Waite's cards, I really like them. Love and Light
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Mystic Gemini Knowflake Posts: 1973 From: New York City Registered: Jul 2005
posted August 30, 2005 10:38 PM
I have been getting the card alot also on as well as other websites.It says people see me as seductive, tempting and untouchable.
------------------ Gemini sun, Cancer rising, mercury in Gemini, moon in Taurus *29, venus in Taurus, mars in Libra "You must live in the infinite blackness that exists when I close my eyes. I see you when I fall asleep, I see you when I dream." - Talib Kweli IP: Logged |
artlovesdawn Knowflake Posts: 1176 From: Registered: Jul 2005
posted August 31, 2005 11:11 PM
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Aselzion Moderator Posts: 1398 From: North Andover, MA Registered: Nov 2002
posted September 03, 2005 09:27 PM
Greetings...Thanks, I try to be helpful where I can. Well as I said, the Chaldean/Hebrew letter Ayin means literally 'eye' or 'foundation'. Our eyes are the tool with which we see the Material world of Illusion. We create our Reality here, though we do not always remember that this is so. The physical world is like a mirror that shows us what we are thinking, for as we think... so it becomes in the Material Realm. (I know it doesn't always seem that this is so.. but that is why we study Metaphysics! ) Our eyes help us to see things as they seem to be. They perceive the "illusion", not necessarily the Reality. The Devil reminds us that things are not always as they seem to be... to not lose ourselves in false appearance, but rather to use our Spiritual Sight, to perceive the Truth. Look at the Devil in the picture. He is sitting on a half cube. This is NOT a strong foundation. I think it's a reminder to NOT give away our power to Fools and Posers who try to intimidate us and use our Fears against us. If we can learn to see the Devil as the myth that he is... he ceases to be a monster, and certainly loses his power. By standing strong on our Foundation of Faith, we can take back the Power that we have given up by our Fears, and See the Truth, that the only Devil that exists does so because we allow it. The Lexigram of DEVIL is : DEVIL = LIE VEIL EVIL = LIE I LIVE DEVIL = VILE LIE The Devil was cretaed by the Church Fathers to attain Power and Control over the masses. Does this inspire any mental spiraling? It certainly has for me. What are your thoughts? My favorite Tarot author/idol is Paul Foster Case. I think all students of Spirituality would do well to read his scholarly work: The Tarot: A Key to the Wisdom of the Ages Hope this helps a bit... In the Light... A  ------------------ "The ALL is MIND; the Universe is Mental." *** The Kybalion IP: Logged |
sue g Knowflake Posts: 8591 From: former land of the leprechaun Registered: Sep 2004
posted September 04, 2005 09:23 AM
Thanks As,Will come back later on when I feel better,,,,,,thanks for your wisdom, as usual!!! Love and God bless Sue G xxx
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artlovesdawn Knowflake Posts: 1176 From: Registered: Jul 2005
posted September 05, 2005 03:06 PM
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artlovesdawn Knowflake Posts: 1176 From: Registered: Jul 2005
posted September 06, 2005 10:05 AM
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Randall Webmaster Posts: 24739 From: Columbus, GA USA Registered: Nov 2000
posted October 13, 2005 02:09 AM
*bump*------------------ "There is no use trying," said Alice; "one can't believe impossible things." "I dare say you haven't had much practice," said the Queen. "When I was your age, I always did it for half an hour a day. Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast." Lewis Carroll IP: Logged |