posted December 18, 2006 06:08 AM
I’ve had to sit and ponder this for a couple of days. Much energy was surging through my soul and I didn’t want to do a Saggi thing, which is put a foot in my mouth, BUT I don’t have time to worry about the outcome…what’s meant to be said, will be said.When I got an email from Randall asking to become the Moderator of Linda’s Life, I was really excited and scared at the same time. It’s a big responsibility to watch over something so HUGE as a person’s life. It becomes a task that needs to be nurtured, EVEN when the traffic isn’t as vast as other Forums; it’s still a wonderful thing.
Many of you don’t know, but at first I turned it down. I had a talk with someone (not a member of our community) who really can’t stand our place of meeting. I cannot judge her, for this is her opinion and I do respect it and talk to her many times when problems in my life would arise. So when she told me it was a good idea not to become Moderator, I took that advice.
I couldn’t sleep, I couldn’t think, I just thought of Linda, Linda, Linda, and of course after talking to Lotus and Noreenz, I came to the realization that I was suppose to take this position. Of course I wrote Randall back and told him I did want the job and that my obvious arrogance had stopped me from taking it in the first place. At first I didn’t hear from him, in fact I never heard from him…I just saw a topic congratulating me on joining the squad…leave it to a cappi to be so
In the effect I THOUGHT I lost my close friend, I thought she was mad with me for taking the moderator job and I didn’t hear from her forever…since I took the job! The other day I contacted her on the event of this whole topic of “HAZELWOOD” and she like I was outraged. Though she thought that my telling NANNYK that putting it on the website was wrong because it was a copyright violation…to me there was more behind it than that.
After NANNYK posted the topic from Conscious Evolution on “THE BOOKS” I just lost my top…because there is more to this than meets the eye and I just had to take some action…. I am just saying right now, THE BATTLE IS ABOUT TO BEGIN.
For those of you that don’t frequent Linda’s life, that don’t know about Linda’s other books, like poetry and such, you probably won’t know what I am talking about. I have always found it so odd that a site about Linda Goodman with so many different forums…many people don’t know some of the most minor things about her. You hear all the time….” I didn’t know that…when did that happen? REALLY!” Sometimes it seems that it’s more of a playfield and less about what this woman talked about.
HAZELWOOD is about Linda’s theory that Abe Lincoln was her Great, Great Grandfather, that he had two children by a woman of royal family and that possibly his Wife Mary Todd might have shot him. You can go to this link, though It’s not the only one that talks about it.
Now, I think its great that these Manuscripts have all of a sudden just mysteriously POPPED up. That someone named NANNYK who just registered on our site this month and also another named O’IRISH registered the same month, both not knowing much about Linda, but NOW coming out and seeing the same thing on television and raving out and about it.
Don’t get me wrong NANNYK or O’IRISH, I am happy you saw the program and such, but I just don’t see this being all-coincident all of a sudden. Linda said…and I ALWAYS quote it, “OFTEN, THE INITIAL MANIFESTICATION OF YOUR QUEST IS A SERIES OF STRANGE “COINCIDENCES” WHICH ARE NOT COINCIDENTAL AT ALL….” Hence this talked about books and such, it doesn’t mean that you don’t see these “things” in everything.
NANNYK came to our site talking about the show she saw on HGTV, the one that talks about Linda “VANISHING” and leaving her house Intact…that is a lie, but we will get to that soon enough.
I just don’t see it as right, all of a sudden someone comes here asking about Linda, then stating that Linda sent a MANUSCRIPT, RESEARCH PAPERS and PHOTOS…. Ya know what…LINDA did not just give her things away to anyone so fast, This was something that she worked on for decades…something so big and dangerous….why would one go and just give these things to someone that they don’t know and are going to just trust to do research for them….Linda was said to go to the Library of Congress to do research for herself…why is she sending things to people when she was known to do this work herself.
Her library was vast….VAST!!!. In the list of books for sale by the book collector that bought her collection there were all kinds of books on Abe Lincoln…why would she have someone else doing research for her and such. It makes so sense and in my opinion is a lie.
Some may think that saying it’s a “LIE” is very harsh, but I have my reason and Proof and I will tell you at the end of this story.
NANNYK came here with the intent to learn more about a woman who told her much 14 years ago. Why would you get a manuscript and other dealings from one of the most famous authors of astrology and put it away for all this time…then you see her old house on television and you decided to go find it, and then find this website about her? I tell you this…there are people out there that Linda talked to and they remembered her from the get go, they Knew who she was…they didn’t just do research and put a manuscript, research papers and photos away for 14 years…
SHEAA OLEIN asked if it was copyright protected and NANNYK did not know. Then all of a sudden NANNYK finds CONSCIOUS EVOLUTION which surprisingly has a topic on this missing manuscript. SO I guess where all suppose to be star struck and just believe that all of this is coincidental…SORRY….it’s not. TIS NOT!
MARIA who is known as WRITEON in CONSCIOUS EVOLUTION wrote a bit on how she has been struggling with things and has come to the idea to write the biography of Linda….she said as of OCT 1st she came to this decision and is DEVOTING full time to this project.
I just find it so suspicious that NANNYK AND O’IRISH just show up registered here this month, and then NANNYK brings out of the blue a piece from CONSCIOUS EVOLUTION about MARIA stating that she is going to write a book on Linda’s life…and worse off…from people who knew Linda.
YOU CAN’T say that it doesn’t sound so suspicious, and the reason it’s suspicious is…no one has talked about it here. No one has mentioned the manuscript HAZELWOOD, but someone had to come in and register and bring it up so that the topic from CONSCIOUS EVOLUTION titled “ANOTHER FORTHCOMING BOOK THAT DIDN’T MAKE IT” could be seen here by all of us.
This was probably to stop or intimidate anyone from pursuing the same idea…someone who might have had the same information and was thinking of publishing works. I tell you this is all so wrong.
MARIA BARRON, I don’t know her, but I have never really had a good feel about her. The feeling is the same as I have about Crystal and even Greg. I am sorry I just haven’t felt anything wonderful. It started with the finding of the tapes in a drawer that was bought from Linda’s Estate. Inside the Drawer, it’s said was a tape of Linda reciting from the book Gooberz. Maria stated that she played one side of the tape and nothing was there, but turning it over, it revealed Linda reciting words from books.
On CONSCIOUS EVOLUTION, there is a page called “THE LOST LINDA GOODMAN TAPE” at the bottom of the page these words are pasted:
“This recording was discovered on an unmarked Cassette tape bearing no publishing or copyright information. It is shared on a purely non-commercial basis for educational purposes through the courtesy of Maria Barron, the tape’s current Owner.”
First NO ONE….NO ONE owns that tape. No one but Linda, No one but her FAMILY.
Two, Even though the unmarked tape bore no publishing or copyright information…it still is. It belonged to Linda and that’s copyrighted.
The tapes were samples that were made to prepare possibly for book on cassette. She didn’t want other people reading her work on tape. So she was practicing to do it herself. If anyone had tried to do some research and not just labeled them “UNMARKED CASSETTE TAPE BEARING NO PUBLISHING COPYRIGHT INFORMATION,” if someone had thought about these things instead of making sure that we all knew that the tape was passed on with courtesy and is NOW owned by another, if such blind notions were not grafted on the fact that these tapes were discovered and owned by another person…maybe someone would have figured out that there was more to it than that.
I find it amusing that this desk was bought and a tape was in a box, because there was suppose to be a tape of Sally reciting plays on a tape in the same desk. Perhaps there is more and people are just trying to hold onto things that belonged to Linda in hopes of having some kind of power of the “star struck” ones on both sites. Or maybe Linda erased it because she knew others might get a hold of Sally’s voice and go for profit.
Linda was human, just like a fellow Moderator said in a post…she was just human.
In the topic I wrote entitled “The Fax” I show that “this tape” was in fact copyrighted, since Linda speaks of making tapes to give to fans. Of course THE FAX was discovered after Maria found the tape, but it shows that TRUTH does speak eventually, even if no one knew that tape was copyrighted, there is no doubting it now.
I was talking to a friend tonight and we were discussing on how all these names came up.
First Maria states that as of OCT 1st she is devoting full time work to writing about Linda from people who don’t even want you to know who they are.
No one in LL knows of this…at least there is no post for it…THEN:
Someone comes and registers in DEC 2006 by the name of NANNYK, then Sheaa Olein says its posted on FFA (which I believe is just a TRUE coincidence…since Sheaa has posted over two thousand times), then O’IRISH shows up DEC 2006 talking the same thing and SCORPIO23 who registered in Mar 2004 pops up, though being a member since 2004 only registers as having one post….what is that about?
All sounds too fishy to me and seems like a set up to blind eyes to something new happening: ANOTHER PERSON TRYING TO MAKE MONEY OFF LINDA’S NAME AND NOT GIVING TO LINDA.
I remember when Randal said the statement about profit for writing a book on Linda, “ALL MY PORTION OF THE PROCEEDS (EVERY PENNY) WILL BE DONATED TO THE AMERICAN DIABETES ASSOCIATION”
I thought this was a great idea, but I thought…why can’t the money go toward Linda’s family who deserve it more than the ABA who didn’t know Linda and get money all the time…though it was a great thing for Randall to do. I was confused why her children and grand children shouldn’t profit first.
I think that this perception of Linda’s Children has gone well off base and maybe people have thought that things were WAAAAAY worse than they ever were.
They deserve it all, they are the true holders of Linda’s way, not Crystal or anyone else who bellows that they own something that belongs to Linda with out sharing it with everyone.
SHOULD MARIA WRITE A BOOK ABOUT LINDA…I SAY HE!! NO! But as someone said to me tonight…”people will always find the frailties of a person and profit from those instead of the good things they did in life.”
What does this really mean.
This year Maria answered a post from someone named CRAISY DAISY who just happened to ask about books that didn’t make it while Linda was alive…and then MARIA just happened to write that she is going to write a book on Linda…I just find that so odd, BUT I also remember this and its so funny that its at the top of the forum over there…
A YEAR AGO…OCT 24th 2005, Emily “LISTEN TO TREES” asked if anyone knew what had become of Linda’s children.
Well Maria was so good to answer for her.
I read this to a friend tonight and we broke it down completely…but I ask you again…do you want someone writing a piece on someone you love that writes things of this nature about them…someone that says “THIS IS WHAT I HAVE GATHERED FROM MANY, MANY PEOPLE WHO KNEW HER…”
I am posting the post from CONSCIOUS EVOLUTION AND IN BOLD writing I will post an explanation. And it ain’t no explanation from many, many, many people…
This was MARIA’S response to EMILYS QUESTION:
OK, I guess I finally will take a deep breath, blow it out and dive on in.
This is what I have gathered from many, many people who knew her. Linda was extremely difficult to get along with. Every friend who was ever a really good, close friend with her has a story of "the time I decided I was never going to speak to Linda again, ever." A few relented after Linda bombarded them with calls and letters and "please, please, please." Others stuck to their guns and wrote her off.
She could be extraordinarily generous, but she could also be a holy terror. She yelled a lot. She yelled mean, snotty things a lot. She also did other really odd and goofy things that would freak people out and embarass them. She demanded a lot of her friends and relations, and she was not very good at all at noticing when just a kind word from her, just a small gesture, would have been hugely appreciated in return.
First off, Linda was very good at saying a kind word to many a people. Linda did expect and demand a lot from friend, BUT this was because MOST PEOPLE WHO MADE PROMISES NEVER DELIVERED WHAT THEY SAID THEY WOULD…anyone would get upset with someone you trusted and they would say they were going to do something and they didn’t…wouldn’t you?
Her kids grew up with Sam while Linda went off to do her own thing. There are nicer ways to put that, but that's the unvarnished truth.
There Is only one way to put this and they are nicer…you see you need to know what your talking about before you write it down…before you quote QUACKS in a town that was a ghost town before the casino came, a town with people who were so close minded, that when they met a woman who would invite them into her house for dinner and then show them a video on St. Francis…they left thinking she was a QUACK, but she was more advanced than any of them…they never knew what she was instead they smiled at her and when she turned a corner, they called her crazy…and she knew…she knew and she still loved them all.
So many there say they knew her, but more talked behind her back than believed her…its so true….I know.
Maria said, “ the kids grew up with Sam while Linda went off to do her own thing...there are nicer ways to put that, but that’s the unvarnished truth”
My friend said tonight “there are two ways of telling a story…one is making the person seem like a monster and the other is telling the truth or the same story in a true sense.” When you read this story…you don’t see the Linda we know in her books…there are not two people….two personalities…there is only one!
Linda could not write in NY, she just couldn’t concentrate. She decided to go to Colorado to write…not to leave her family with her husband. When she got to the little quiet dead town of Cripple Creek, she saw the magic that it held. This led to her buying a place. Sam didn’t want to move to this little town of 300+, this man was a city boy, New Yorker. He knew that she needed to work...everyone knows that a writer can’t write if thier surroundings are not just. This is what happened.
Jill and Michael went to Cripple creek to stay with Linda. Jill didn’t like it so she went back to New York. Michael stayed with Linda for a while…even went to school there but it was difficult for them, Cripple Creek was not the easiest thing for a child, especially when you see people smiling at your mother but laughing behind her back…anyone would want to just take a bat to a person head.
So Linda did not leave her children with SAM…She did not Leave them in New york, it was a choice that the others made, they came with her, and they chose to go back. Linda loved her children to death!!! To death! Sally is the prime example…so why doesn’t anyone see that?
Sam loved his wife to death…so much that he let her go and write in an enviroment that SHE could gain strength and write her heart away. In Fact Linda never would have written those books with out Sam’s love…NOT AT ALL!!! She was a very strong woman and not many men can be with a woman with such high Standards…but he did, he knew what her love could do not only for her family, but for others also…for YOU AND ME!!!! YES…YOU AND ME!
That was the ultimate sacrifice and it was a good one. Nothing bad about that…nothing that is stated above as “the unvarnished truth”
Her last conversation with Sally was a very unpleasant one. Sally wanted Linda's help, and Linda not only wasn't moved to provide that help, she was unpleasant about it.
Of course Linda didn't want to believe that Sally died by suicide afterwards. But most people realistically find it easier to believe that Sally did indeed decide, as some young people having a tough time and feeling emotionally abandoned sometimes do, that she was never going to speak to or see her mother or anyone else again ... rather than that the CIA would pull a black-op on the daughter of an astrologer who was known for ideas out of left field.
Linda believed that Sally was still alive and I believe that Sally was still alive because her mother did! And that’s all that matters…not because of some theory, because SHE believed…she knew...and all this spider line stuff…well Linda discovered things after the “DEATH” or “DISAPEARANCE” that showed that this girl might be alive….even Linda’s children when confronted with things that Mother said…had to say…”WOW…WOW.”
Linda was a excellent researcher….she knew how to find info…she was utterly was Sam, c’mon…this woman did it all…and her children knew this and believed it.
The other kids accepted that Sally died.
How do you know the other kids believed their sister was dead…? You got to give a name of someone who told you this…otherwise its all hearsay….
When Linda lived in Cripple Creek, she would called New York and she would talk to Michael on the phone…he was a young boy at the time…and you know what she would do…she would read 20-30 pages of Peter Pan or Tolkien to her boy….and she would do this until he fell asleep…all the damn time!!!
So what is the “unvarnished” truth? You tell me…is it what I am telling you now…or what someone said “many, many, many of Linda’s friends” told her.
The question is this” Are these friends…FRIEND OR FOE?”
Linda would also hide from people. She would tell people straight to their faces, "Linda's not here; she's in New York," when she was, in fact, right there talking to them. She would pretend she was her own housekeeper instead. She would pull similar stunts even on close relatives. They would travel hundreds of miles or more to see her, and she would pretend she wasn't home. She would send a friend to the door to tell them she was in another state, or sometimes she would say things like, "OK, you can come in, but your friend / boyfriend / girlfriend has to stay outside." Even to her own kids. And they would say, "Fine," and leave with their friends.
Linda Goodman was a star, a huge celebrity. People magazine and others tried to make her look a certain way because of the need to sell a newspaper. Linda was the most wonderful woman, a mother to all of us.
Linda said, “astrology is like a weather forecast.” This meant when you watch the weather person…they say it might rain, but it just might not, it might fly by, its just a forecast, but you are in control, you just have to watch the sky.
When you are a celebrity and people are using your names in the wrong way…sometimes to make you seem like a quack, wouldn’t you protect yourself? Of course you would!! The world is a crazy place. Linda never played stunts like telling close relatives she wasn’t home…that’s so absurd…she would know they would know her…so why would one do that?
As far as sending friends to the door, her son would do this…but who are we to just walk up to a person’s door and ask to talk to them without calling? That would be rude.
The woman had much stress on her and you don’t know what dangerous people are marching to your door to talk to you about things they possibly might think is
against their GOD or religion…c’mon up your eyes and see!!!! SEE!!!
Linda NEVER told her children to leave their loved ones outside the door, but they could come in. That’s the biggest lie and absurd thing I or any of you could hear.
I know that one of her kids, who tried to do well by Linda, eventually told Linda's friend (who would place the calls to this grown-up child for Linda) "I appreciate that you help my mom, but please don't call me again until she has died."
It disturbs me that MARIA says “I KNOW” when she doesn’t know anything, but only words from others that are saying things to make themselves feel big, but most of what they say are lies and outrageous exaggerations about a woman they really never understood.
I am telling you that no one called Linda’s son and no son said anything to those words. Since Linda has two sons and the person talked about above would be the oldest one…this never happened, that was never said. It’s a total lie that someone told MARIA.
I know that another of her kids made it clear on the day of Linda's memorial, out loud and with no attempt to be secretive about it, that in this grown-up child's opinion, their mom was a nut.
THIS WAS SAID, BUT look at the way MARIA writes it…and I am sure she writes it in the manner it was told to some hick who had no notion of what it meant. Linda’s youngest son did say this, but not “with no attempt to be secretive about it” he was just saying it in a loving way.
I ask you this…have any of you EVER said, one of your sibling was nuts…or your dad for farting, or your best friend for smashing a beer can on his head….? When Michael said this, he mean it in that way about his mother, he meant it in the way one says about there loved ones in most loving and endearing way. WE HAVE ALL SAID SOMEONE WAS CRAZY and not meant it in the way MARIA’s CONTACT made it seem.
Michael loved his mother, in no way ever hated his mother or thought she was bunkers…he was just saying it in a way that his mother was VERY ECCENTRIC…out there, her ideas were pure, she was a fascinating writer and she cared about us all.
Of course, I'm not saying all her ideas were bunk. Not at all. Although, personally, I do think some of her ideas were half-baked and that if she'd spent longer time thinking some things through it would have been a good thing.
Half baked….Linda’s only goal was to help others, to enlighten others, there is nothing half baked about that. Linda’s books were to help others…to bring them together…LovE Signs...Sun sSigns…she wanted everyone to get along and love, love, love…did she not talk about love….HELLLLLLLLLOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!
And obviously, as a writer addressing her readers, she was amazingly effective and pleasant. But in person, she could be a real pain.
To end this with saying “SHE COULD BE A REAL PAIN,” that makes me just want to scream and not buy any book Maria would right about my spiritual mother…the woman I think about as much as my mother and my grandma, the woman’s books who I see as I come in my house everyday…..
LINDA WAS THE MOST REAL PERSON THAT ANY OF US WILL EVER KNOW…EVER! you will never meet another person as enlightened as LINDA GOODMAN.
As someone told me tonight, ”If you can’t bring up something nice about a person, DON’T bring up nothing at all!!!” people write books all the time about celebrities and there is always some dirt to satisfy the publics taste buds or destruction of a persons reputation…IF MARIA really loved Linda the way she wants to write a book about her...WHY WOULD YOU EVEN PRINT SOMETHING LIKE THIS...WHY DIDN’T you just NOT TAKE A DEEP BREATH and BLOW OUT…WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU WERE DOING GOOD FOR LINDA for saying all these things that you don’t know are true…you’re taking a persons word for things that you don’t know are true, because you weren’t there, and you didn’t hear, see or touch Linda.
I see no love in your letter MARIA, just petty gossip about a woman who did nothing short of helping people all her life.
Linda was from the south and she was taught respect of another’s person life. This was the woman that wrote speeches for civil rights, but someone says she closed doors in people’s faces? She didn’t close doors in peoples faces….she would peep through the window and feel a persons vibe and know if she should talk to them or not. There is a story of a woman and her child coming to see Linda in the pouring rain and Linda talked to them and apologized for making them wait. THIS WAS A GREAT WOMAN.
I was told tonight that LINDA said, “THE CHART OF A SAINT IS UNREADABLE” I find it so funny and refreshing that so many try to wonder when she was born...BUT JUST LIKE THIS CASE…YOU CAN’T READ A SAINT’S CHART AND THIS WAS A SAINT!
P.S. I should probably also say that the same is probably also true of a fair number of creative, driven, famous people...
THIS last sentence isn’t going to save you for any of the things you said about her being so negative…
SO A YEAR AGO, YOU SAID THESE THINGS…AND NOW YOU TALK ABOUT WANTING TO WRITE A BOOK ABOUT HER, THAT PEOPLE HAVE GIVEN YOU THINGS AFTER KNOWING WHAT YOUR HEART IS DOING…I ask you Moderator of CONSCIOUS EVOLUTION…what people gave you this stuff and how long have you really had it and why haven’t you given it to her family?
Why haven’t you contacted her family…how can you write a biography on a woman when you haven’t talked to people who really knew this woman???
If you have had these things…these Manuscripts…why haven’t you given them to Her children…could it be because you Don’t want them to stop you from doing what you are going to do…?
Were you going to give them the profit that they deserve…where you going to give so that her grand kids can live off the truth that is theirs to hold and carry on…or were you just going to keep profits for yourself and shrug off the family because you were told they didn’t care about her at all.
I find it odd, that you have mention the two saying don’t contact him until his mom is dead, and the other saying she is NUTS, but you haven’t brought up anything….OR is it that those people are afraid of the scorn of a woman?
This is the thing…when Linda moved to CRIPPLE CREEK, it was small desolant, it was like a old western town were people could still if viable…wear six shooters if they could. When Linda came…she was way, way, way, way beyond what anyone up there knew of things Metaphysics…I am sure most of them didn’t even know about her book or who Saint Francis was. I can see them looking confused after dinner when she asked them to watch a video on this man who at one time was a WARMONGER turned Saint.
I am sure when they smiled at her and then stabbed her in the back with knives of laughter and she knew it, she didn’t care, because she was true to her s-elf.
Why is it no one has said that Linda TRULY believed in Metaphysics and Spirituality?
After reading all there is about HAZELWOOD and absorbing it, and seeing the TOTAL set up to show us that someone is going to work diligently to make a profit off of Linda’s life…I did the only thing I knew I needed to do….
Something that no one here has did, I know this because when I called him and told him who I was, what was going on…he was shocked, because in 12 years I AM THE FIRST…THE FIRST TO CONTACT HIM.
I actually found that so sad…that so many people have talked about how they love Linda, and the things she did, but most would sit around and listen to others come on this site speaking of meeting, talking, listening to Linda and other rumors about her without any proof.
I have known where Linda’s Son Michael was and others for years now. Of course knowing this was really no concern to me. Being a fan of Linda’s you must respect people in all situations, Plus I would never had disclosed information on here or any other site because of the VAMPIRES in waiting…and they are out there. They really are. I have no doubt that here on our site, there are people waiting in lay to tell others of things that are going on. And not contacting anyone was my decision, until I hear about this whole HAZELWOOD thing and people also stating that after a long time of battle, they have decided to do something they feel is necessary…whatever…
Its such a shame that people are so evil and instead of finding a way to make a living, they instead live off other peoples LOVE, LIFE, EXPERIENCE and MAGIC…That is so evil in its self.
I tell you this…after I read to Michael that topic on Conscious EVOLUTION…he was not happy, in fact I am sure you can figure out that most of the info I got above in BOLD Type is from my conversations with Linda’s Loyal and loving son.
Now you don’t see me stating that I got this info from any mysterious friend of Linda Goodman’s…who are afraid to say who they are because they are liars that were jealous of the most mystical and beautiful woman.
MICHAEL WAS PRETTY UPSET…VERY OUTRAGED that a fan of his mothers would even print such things without true proof. Like he said, “if you have nothing good to say about a person…why say anything at all?”
I knew that the time to stop those from making a buck off of Linda is now…we have to stop this…THIS IS WHY YOU ARE ALL HERE…BELIEVE IT OR NOT. YOU ARE NOT HERE TO “WHOA AND AHHHH” at what others say…YOU ARE TRUE SOLDIERS and you never let others put holes in the fabric of those you love.
Is it MARIA’s fault that others have told her lies? Of course it is…if she really loved Linda she would have tried to find family members and ask them if these words were real? It was her responsibility to find out the truth before telling other fans these things and making them have an impresson of a woman that deserved more than respect than what others are giving her.
Like Michael said:
Are you perfect-are you not guilty of saying things?
How many of us have said things to friends and later said differently to them? Who hasn’t said these things?
Linda raised her children so good. When Michael was a child he wanted to start a paper, the paper was called “THE GOOD NEWS,” he wanted to make a paper that told the GOOD NEWS of the WORLD and not one that is always telling the bad news…just like momma!
This woman read to her son all the time…from far away…she loved her children and they argued like children do with their parents, but saying, “call me when my mom is gone..” that’s a no no…a no no! She loved them to death and they loved her as they still do.
Michael was not a big reader as a child, this was pressure on a kid when both of your parents are readers and Totally intelligent, he was probably intimidated, but when you have parents like SAM and Linda…who make you feel loved…well he had the best of both words…HOW MANY OF YOU HAVE HAD YOUR PARENTS CALL YOU FROM ANOTHER STATE AND READ TO YOU UNTIL YOU DROP THE PHONE ON THE FLOOR…HOW MANY???
Michael said that his father “was the wind beneath Her wings”
Linda believed in Metaphysics and SPIRITUALITY…why didn’t that topic from last year mention that…why didn’t those people state those things to MARIA BARRON?
Linda was the sense that she was a genius around many blind people who didn’t really understand what the heck she was saying to them.
When I received things that belonged to Linda from the gent who bought her book collection, (many of those things that I have shared with many of you on here) all the people I contacted from things she left…NOT one person said she was any of the things that Maria’s contacts said…they all said she was the most interesting woman they have ever met…totally FASCINATING...of course these were people that lived outside Cripple Creek.
Once I told a co-worker that John Denver was one of the Planets greatest saviors. My co-worker said that once he had seen a magazine cartoon, John Denver was on top of a mountain with bottle cap glasses and a Eagle was sticking his talons into his eyes-the eagle depicted those in Colorado who were angry that John Denver’s music had brought more people to Denver than the residents wanted…and even then I thought about how idiotic and close minded people can be.
Michael Goodman was talking to me and he said that he sometimes liked to joke about this phrase…its called “THE GOODMAN CURSE”
This meant that anyone that messed with his family…they always got what came to them and of course this is called Karma.
So look at what happened to and look what happened to Greg…I truly believe in Karma…do you?
I tell you now…the fight has begun and any approach to write anything about these people’s mother will be dealt with in a court of law…Karma is coming back and all those that have done wrong will be dealt with. I promise you this. I put my Heart and LIFE on that statement…my hammer is going to help knock heads, because this is my calling and I LOVE IT.
I hope you all read this all the way through…and do know that for those that loved Linda Goodman with out greed being involved, Her son….who is a carbon copy of mom…he is thankful for this.
He also ask to leave him alone…let him be private and raise his love. Don’t worry you haven’t seen the last of the Goodman’s.
When we thought about this…really thought about it...we just wanted to thank NANNYK, O’IRISH, MARIA for bringing the fire to the forefront again….lol. With out you…well things might have been quiet and passed on without justice coming to the top.
Welcome to the fight of your life…it’s on!