posted March 12, 2007 01:57 AM
CrankyCap this is a genuine concern therefor not a silly question at all.The idea that a deck be gifted to you otherwise it's bad luck- is simply this:
When one first is drawn to tarot fascination it is imparative that they are in fact guided by good spirit not bad spirit.
A practicing tarot reader in love and light will gift a deck to you, not to leave you to your own demise but to carefully help you learn to use the cards as a spiritual growth tool for your soul process. And will help you to respect these new learned skills not abuse them.
If you purchase your own deck you do not receive the benefits of a mentor looking out for yours and others best interests and run an extremely high risk of becoming addicted to your cards and using them in a manner not in harmony with your soul.
Thus, Your first deck should in fact be gifted to you. Most often your first deck will be used. [awesome as cards do hold energy]In families they are passed down as new decks are purchased, new generations arrive, mothers to daughters and sons, etc.
Ever heard the saying:
"When the student is ready the teacher arrives" ?
When your soul is ready for tarot...
You will meet the right spiritual partner [one who is gifted with tarot experience and a deck for you]
until then... please be patient
It's sOoooooooo worth the wait!
After you are grounded and practicing tarot comfortably... By all means go purchase all the decks that speak to your heart!
sendin' love your way,