Topic: The Magical Circle
jjade731 Knowflake Posts: 312 From: ny ny Registered: Aug 2001
posted April 10, 2007 05:05 PM
There is a wonderful site, called The Magical Circle School that offers free online courses in Chakras, Tarot, Candle Magick, Wiccan, Auras and so much more. When you get a chance check it out the link is IP: Logged |
yourfriendinspirit Knowflake Posts: 231 From: California, USA Registered: Oct 2006
posted April 13, 2007 02:08 AM
Wow! An amazing find indeed! So many selections where to begin? Thank you so much for sharing this link... Now I'll never sleep -LOL!------------------ Sendin' love your way, your friend in spirit IP: Logged |
jjade731 Knowflake Posts: 312 From: ny ny Registered: Aug 2001
posted April 13, 2007 08:19 AM
so glad you checked it out isnt it wonderful ! It is a gift that classes like these are free and filled with so much information! IP: Logged |
happyhealer67 Knowflake Posts: 8 From: michigan U.S. Registered: Mar 2007
posted April 17, 2007 01:36 PM
Thanks for sharing jjade731, it is a wonderful site indeed.Just what I was looking for, as always seek and ye shall find. Peace to all :happy:  IP: Logged |
jjade731 Knowflake Posts: 312 From: ny ny Registered: Aug 2001
posted April 18, 2007 07:26 AM
Hi HappyHealer67 I just felt I should share it with the group here . I am so glad you were able to go over and take a look . What a wonderful gift to have such a wide range of classes to chose from and all for free. The Universe really smiled on us with this one ! IP: Logged |
MARY Knowflake Posts: 397 From: Danville, IL. Registered: Sep 2002
posted May 17, 2007 09:37 AM
jjade731, Really great site I've bookmarked it!!! I can't read all of it in one day let alone a month....I will really be busy now. thank you !!!!  ------------------ Follow your dreams, put your whole heart into what you LOVE.  IP: Logged |
tuxedo meow Knowflake Posts: 610 From: Texas Gulf Coast, USA Registered: Jul 2005
posted May 17, 2007 11:19 AM
Who has enrolled in these classes and what has the enrolled experience been like? I think this seems to be a great idea and want to join but want to hear someone elses real experiences first! Anyone? Love TuxedoIP: Logged |
jjade731 Knowflake Posts: 312 From: ny ny Registered: Aug 2001
posted May 17, 2007 12:32 PM
This is a site that has a lot of different courses. I just finished taking Candle Magick 101. Why don't you log onto the site and check it out for yourself? The Tarot course is very good there are 2 tarot courses. One is to help you in using Your intuition when you do readings. The classes are free. What questions do you have about the Tarot class or Candle Magick I can answer those. Jade IP: Logged |
jjade731 Knowflake Posts: 312 From: ny ny Registered: Aug 2001
posted May 17, 2007 02:02 PM
Mary its really a site where you can take online classes for free and work at your own pace. There are a lot of very interesting courses you dont have to do any of it all at one time . I took Candle Magick and I went through it pretty fast because it was just that good and I was very interested in the subject manner. Hugs, Jade IP: Logged |
MARY Knowflake Posts: 397 From: Danville, IL. Registered: Sep 2002
posted May 17, 2007 02:26 PM
Thank you Jade, I have been really busy trying to get my web site off the ground.  I have put it up on this forum but I have had no replies yet  I was actually looking for opinions,from every body here.. I guess I worded it the wrong way or something...  So yes, I will take a few of the courses... if not all. And I do intend to take it slow, because if I jump head first ...I'll get overwhelmed  Thank you so much, I think it will be great fun!!!!  ------------------ Follow your dreams, put your whole heart into what you LOVE. :aquarius: IP: Logged |
jjade731 Knowflake Posts: 312 From: ny ny Registered: Aug 2001
posted May 17, 2007 03:13 PM
Mary I went to take a look at your website it is still under constuction it says I was visitor number 2 . I am sure when you finish it you will be pleased with the end result . I will be glad to take a look at it for you and give you feedback if you like . Take a break from it and then come back to it . Look at other websites that feature the same things and see how yours matches up. If it is something you love you will be able to show that in the way you design it . Hugs Jade IP: Logged |
MARY Knowflake Posts: 397 From: Danville, IL. Registered: Sep 2002
posted May 17, 2007 03:26 PM
Wow, Thank you Jade. Kind words are alway a big help  I think you're right about taking a break. Because yesterday I googled it and it popped right it is gone and I don't know what I did to make it disappear?? I think part of the reason it vanished from Google is because I went in to edit something...
------------------ Follow your dreams, put your whole heart into what you LOVE. :aquarius: IP: Logged |
jjade731 Knowflake Posts: 312 From: ny ny Registered: Aug 2001
posted May 17, 2007 03:45 PM
Wow everyone here would love Metaphysical; goodies and anything to do with Magick !! Candles, Incense, crystals, a good friend of mine just gave me a Selenite Wand and candle holder. Your website should really do well. Its funny though Mary I notice here sometimes its hard to get peoples attention. Maybe because everyone is so busy? I thought when I told people about free online courses that so many people would respond but that wasn't the case LOL! I have just been very lucky to be able to access that site and take advantage of it so I thought I would share the info. Maybe you need to put it on all of the forums, here to get more attention. If you belong to any groups like yahoo let them know about your site. Make your website bolder and more colorful you want to get everyone's attention right away. The other day I went to the site that my friend gave me the wand from and as soon as you logged on you wanted to buy something it was so bright and magical! Jade IP: Logged |
MARY Knowflake Posts: 397 From: Danville, IL. Registered: Sep 2002
posted May 17, 2007 03:57 PM
Yes, Jade I agree...Unfortunately, I am limited to what my service provider offers at this point.. I used the default menu for color choice. As I am new to the whole web site building "thing" I am not as computer savvy as other I wish I were. I will wait a while and see what happens...I figure the more hits I get the better.. I didn't want to seem pushy.. listing in all of the forums, or to agitate any one who might not like that sort of thing... I know some of the knowflakes here feel very strongly about listing in all forums when it does not fit, So to speak...------------------ Follow your dreams, put your whole heart into what you LOVE. :aquarius: IP: Logged |
jjade731 Knowflake Posts: 312 From: ny ny Registered: Aug 2001
posted May 17, 2007 06:59 PM
I understand Mary I know what you mean about being pushy some may not have understood ! Smile ! Mary have you thought about maybe asking someone to set up your website for you ? You could tell them your ideas of course but they could actually do the work for you . Jade IP: Logged |
NAM Knowflake Posts: 767 From: Sunny place. Registered: Jan 2007
posted May 17, 2007 10:30 PM
Looks like a very interesting site, I joined today but I haven't got time to look into the classes yet. Thank you for the link, this is something I was actually looking for since last week.  ------------------ Sun in Cancer Moon in Cancer Sag Asc.
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jjade731 Knowflake Posts: 312 From: ny ny Registered: Aug 2001
posted May 17, 2007 10:37 PM
Hi Nam isnt it great the way the Universe works we get things just when we need them ! Smile Jade IP: Logged |
NAM Knowflake Posts: 767 From: Sunny place. Registered: Jan 2007
posted May 17, 2007 10:43 PM
Exactly my point  IP: Logged |
MiaMammy08 Knowflake Posts: 100 From: Fort Washigton,Maryland,U.S.A. Registered: Jun 2005
posted August 22, 2007 03:25 PM
good site.IP: Logged |