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  Being aware, seeing, feeling bad past life karma

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Author Topic:   Being aware, seeing, feeling bad past life karma

Posts: 869
From: Sunny place.
Registered: Jan 2007

posted August 28, 2007 02:11 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for NAM     Edit/Delete Message
How in the world do you do this?????????

I don't ever see me doing anything bad on purpose LOL I am dead serious too! there was this woman that told me I cheated on my husband in my past life...after dueling on that for a while I just came to the conclusion that it can not be possible, I would never do that!
So... how can I find out, how do you guys know yours?
Is there really a way for a simple person with no special "gifts" to know so???????

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tuxedo meow

Posts: 627
From: Texas Gulf Coast, USA
Registered: Jul 2005

posted August 29, 2007 11:06 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for tuxedo meow     Edit/Delete Message
Nam- 1st, we are all gifted and equally so. Yes, you may be saying, "Not so." Let me say again-we are all equally gifted. No one more and no one less than anyone else.
Are you right or left handed? Which hand does your body/brain favor to perform or begin tasks? Why? (yes there are ambidexterous out there) we may be genetically inherent in the choice but basically we get used to using the predominant hand to lead with. What if we would switch? A whole different physiological and neurological activity.
Some writing teachers ask their students to practice free writing with the less dominant hand-almost always a different 'thought pattern' emerges-a different thought process.
We are programmed early on to respond socially. "Nice girls don't do that", "Now do you want people to think you are...", "You are weird", "You're not wearing that out of this house", blah blah blah-words like always and never; supposed to; others think; odd, crazy, different...
we get pummeled and prodded until we have one or more predominant "editors" of our thoughts and, in essence, our very "be-ings".
Knowledge IS power. Words ARE weapons. Which words and which knowledge are predominant in YOUR be-ing? These create your belief centers and then of course your abilities to see, hear, and feel. Some seem more highly evolved or more blessed with "psychic", insight, or other abilities. Some seem naturally born or open. Some may, depending on beliefs, to be born with these "psychic" (I really stumble over this word)abilities.
We are all evolving at different rates according to our own energy vibrations. All on the same quest. The quest is refinement.
A lump of coal or a diamond?
Go outside where a plant or tree is growing. Find one that has buds and seeds and flowers.
Keep it simple and find a weed or morning glory- Take a flower, a seed, and a 'branch' or piece of the flowering vine. Put them in front of you and study them a bit. Which is the morning glory?
or, like our Don Juan sorcerer afficiandos, find a tree and look at it-is it the branches,trunk, and leaves you see? Look at the spaces between and around the tangible parts-between the leaves, around the tree, betwixt the branches. OR look up fractals. In physics it used to be chaos or organization. Then a Polish man began presenting the idea of FRACTALS which succinctly is organized chaos.
i do have the habit of speaking in metaphors to get a point across Nam...
You are as powerful, as knowledgable, as insightful as you allow yours-elf. A gold nugget or a gold ring? Different allowances; different vibrational frequency. What is it of itself? What are you of yours-elf? What do you allow to dominate? Look at your question-what words predominate? I see: don't ever, bad purpose, dead too, cheat past, duel (dual?), cannot be possible, I never, simple, and no special. Lot's of "all inclusive" negatives. Lot's of s-elf limitations imposed by what you let dominate you. i ask you as you wish to think these words I wrote to you through easily as you go about your day.
Do you believe in past lives? how do you think the possibility works? Is everything everything constantly or are things and beings finite or are they in different modes of refinement? What holds do you have on possibility? Metaphorically, Tuxedo Meow

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posted August 29, 2007 11:52 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for fayte.m     Edit/Delete Message
tuxedo meow!Great reply!
I would like to add more but only have time at the moment for a quickie....
as TM said so eloquently;
If I am understanding all her metaphors....
Your identity of now is running your show so to speak in this incarnation.
You may or may not have done things in any number of previous incarnations you find repulsive or morally wrong to you in your life now. Circumstances were different in each incarnation, as were your actions and responses. The point is, whether someone cheated on you or you cheated...etcetera, whatever occurred then;
What aspect identity of you is in charge now?
The you of this current incarnation is!
Your past identities are a part of you but you are the dominate identity now; you run your life now!
I do not believe we automatically must pay for past life errors. Did we learn from them? Are we ready to stop the cycle of payback and guilt over repeating the same or similar offenses?
Please read my July 25, 2006 11:17 AM post on this page:

"Heaven doesn't want me and Hell is afraid I'll take over and start a rehab for the damned!"
~Judgement Must Be Balanced With Compassion~
~Do Not Seek Wealth From The Suffering, Or The Dire Needs Of Others~
~Assumption Is The Bane Of Understanding~
~ if you keep doing what you did, you'll keep getting what you got.~
Everything changes.
Fear not the changes.
}><}}}(*> <*){{{><{
~~~ ~~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~~
~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~

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Posts: 869
From: Sunny place.
Registered: Jan 2007

posted August 29, 2007 01:00 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for NAM     Edit/Delete Message
Thanks for your reply Tuxedo.
First of all I want to tell you that I don't take what people tell me as my own beleif or the 100% truth of nothing, I take the information that is given to me and analize it and see if it works for me for who I am.Because even know we are all the same, we are not.
With that said, let me quote and reply to your post.

Nam- 1st, we are all gifted and equally so. Yes, you may be saying, "Not so." Let me say again-we are all equally gifted. No one more and no one less than anyone else.

We may all be gifted, I am finding out from different sources that this is suppose to be truth, but until I can experience that might myself I am going to say that I am not, now it very well be that we are but we have different levels of knowledge/experience and that made us different within the "same" but this is exactly what I am talking about, how do I better myself, how do I find out how to fix my problems if I don't know what they are, and even worse, how do I fix problems from the past if I don't know who I have been.How do i even know if I have been in the past or if this is all a hype and a make beleive fantasy.
Please do not think I am putting anyone down by me saying these words because my heart mind and soul are wide open to receive the knowledge is out there and I want to beleive there is something more, but as I said until I experience things myself I won't be able to know for sure.

Are you right or left handed? Which hand does your body/brain favor to perform or begin tasks? Why? (yes there are ambidexterous out there) we may be genetically inherent in the choice but basically we get used to using the predominant hand to lead with. What if we would switch? A whole different physiological and neurological activity.
Some writing teachers ask their students to practice free writing with the less dominant hand-almost always a different 'thought pattern' emerges-a different thought process.
We are programmed early on to respond socially. "Nice girls don't do that", "Now do you want people to think you are...", "You are weird", "You're not wearing that out of this house", blah blah blah-words like always and never; supposed to; others think; odd, crazy, different...
we get pummeled and prodded until we have one or more predominant "editors" of our thoughts and, in essence, our very "be-ings".
Knowledge IS power. Words ARE weapons. Which words and which knowledge are predominant in YOUR be-ing? These create your belief centers and then of course your abilities to see, hear, and feel.

I am right handed, but I can understand the gesture of what you are trying to say here, I guess a good example would be when I play my guitar and get lost in that world, I do have to use both hands because both lead their own tasks which are different according to the rythm and complex exercise you are trying to achieve...anyway, I can see how this simple exercise would make my mind expand and why probably people that are into music have different view of the world, they have their doors open (in a way).
I have try before to write with my left but just for fun LOL....regardless I see your comparison of how "to open my mind" just as like people that travel a lot and understand different cultures have a more open minded view of the world, that is also me and the essesnce of who I am...but so far these things that I have experience myself are not enough to make me feel complete.
My goal is to feel complete, why not? is this too much to ask? i am beginning to feel that I will never feel complete and satisfy totally only maybe when I die.

Also, I wanted to say under this paragraph I can tell you that I have done a lot of growing in my life and I understand now that judging is not good, again , we may all be the same but we are different, we want different things at dofferent times of our existence, why would I judge the person that only is driven by money issues than the person that is only driven by humanity actions, why would the peson A be better than person B.
This is another lesson I just got done learning not long ago, money is not evil, is only a necessity, whgat is evil is what you do to get it, is the driven person works a lot and is fair with his/her doings then he/she is no less than the person that does humanitarian work for less, theya re just different people and going after what they want and what is going to make them feel happy, content , complete....
These are my examples to "nice girls don't do that"... well, what theya re doing may not be nice for me but I am sure in the heck not going to tell them that they are wrong and jugde them , but yes, I can offer my "point of view" and let them understand where I am coming from, if they choose to not take it and keep doing what theya re doing then that is their problem and they will be jugde when they go to the other side.
But I am certainly not going to create bars around me and have this safe heaven where I am alone in it, I can walk next to evil (or whatever my meaning of evil is) as long as I choose right....not that I have always done right but I try.So yes...I think I am pass that lesson...(I think)...we'll see.

Some seem more highly evolved or more blessed with "psychic", insight, or other abilities. Some seem naturally born or open. Some may, depending on beliefs, to be born with these "psychic" (I really stumble over this word)abilities.
We are all evolving at different rates according to our own energy vibrations. All on the same quest. The quest is refinement.
A lump of coal or a diamond?

why do you stumble over that word, I find that comment greatly informative.

Go outside where a plant or tree is growing. Find one that has buds and seeds and flowers.
Keep it simple and find a weed or morning glory- Take a flower, a seed, and a 'branch' or piece of the flowering vine. Put them in front of you and study them a bit. Which is the morning glory?
or, like our Don Juan sorcerer afficiandos, find a tree and look at it-is it the branches,trunk, and leaves you see? Look at the spaces between and around the tangible parts-between the leaves, around the tree, betwixt the branches. OR look up fractals. In physics it used to be chaos or organization. Then a Polish man began presenting the idea of FRACTALS which succinctly is organized chaos.
i do have the habit of speaking in metaphors to get a point across Nam...
You are as powerful, as knowledgable, as insightful as you allow yours-elf. A gold nugget or a gold ring? Different allowances; different vibrational frequency. What is it of itself? What are you of yours-elf? What do you allow to dominate? Look at your question-what words predominate? I see: don't ever, bad purpose, dead too, cheat past, duel (dual?), cannot be possible, I never, simple, and no special. Lot's of "all inclusive" negatives. Lot's of s-elf limitations imposed by what you let dominate you. i ask you as you wish to think these words I wrote to you through easily as you go about your day.
Do you believe in past lives? how do you think the possibility works? Is everything everything constantly or are things and beings finite or are they in different modes of refinement? What holds do you have on possibility? Metaphorically, Tuxedo Meow

Asking questions, are we?
same questions I have....
what about you, do you beleive in past lives?
tell me, why was I stamped with an arrangement of traits according to my astrology "map" to get me to fail, If I was alive and had another life before this one, why would I cheat on my husband? was I given a strong conjuction or whatever you guys may call it that "made me" weak? I don't like to blame others but it doesn't seem faor to be born with a lot of negative traits and not expect to fail.

i will though go out there and try to connect with nature, I already connect with animals but I'll try the examples you have given me, see what I find.

As of the negative pattern you see on my writing....I am really not that negative, but I get a little impatiente when I am trying my best and I still see no results.
trust me if I can control sitations I would not be experiencing what I am feeling, but all I see is people that are not truely happy , all I see is people that fall in love with the wrong people, live with someone else because of money issues and just let themselves go because they don't have who they want to be with.
isn't that amazing how many people duel over love...80% of threads in here are gear towards that....


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Posts: 869
From: Sunny place.
Registered: Jan 2007

posted August 29, 2007 01:18 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for NAM     Edit/Delete Message
tuxedo meow!Great reply!
I would like to add more but only have time at the moment for a quickie....
as TM said so eloquently;
If I am understanding all her metaphors....
Your identity of now is running your show so to speak in this incarnation.
You may or may not have done things in any number of previous incarnations you find repulsive or morally wrong to you in your life now. Circumstances were different in each incarnation, as were your actions and responses. The point is, whether someone cheated on you or you cheated...etcetera, whatever occurred then;
What aspect identity of you is in charge now?
The you of this current incarnation is!
Your past identities are a part of you but you are the dominate identity now; you run your life now!
I do not believe we automatically must pay for past life errors. Did we learn from them? Are we ready to stop the cycle of payback and guilt over repeating the same or similar offenses?
Please read my July 25, 2006 11:17 AM post on this page:

Fayte thanks for the words as well!
i am going to have to come back to it later too , I really need to get some work done.

I also noticed I have a lot of words I spelled wrong on my post above so I'll come back later and clean it up... I am being rushed and that is not good when writing LOL

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Posts: 960
From: Rochester Hills, MI USA
Registered: May 2004

posted August 29, 2007 02:47 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for thirteen     Edit/Delete Message
Fayte, i loved what you wrote because i understood it best. I always look at it this way. We are evolving so therefore i probaly did some dark deeds in other lives when i was not quite so evolved. My dark deeds are probably what escalated my evolution. As i come to realize and accept that all situations are experiences ( all are allowed in this earth plane of exitence)and not REAL ( nothing to get attached to) I am becoming ok with the fact that i did do some dark deeds once. Not to say ever that that is ok, i don't want to be a child of dark deeds but i accept that it probably did happen.

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tuxedo meow

Posts: 627
From: Texas Gulf Coast, USA
Registered: Jul 2005

posted August 29, 2007 03:47 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for tuxedo meow     Edit/Delete Message
Yes, always questioning. Often I am unsure of mys-elf. Often i get mys-elf in a 'tizzy' of why, why, why? This puts great stress on my earth skin/mind. Last night i was so 'tizzied' trying to get help in 'rescuing' an adult child from a bad situation i totally dis-remembered the truth of my ability to MAKE someone else comply with what i felt was their only option to keep from being what they were being. i do not get to sit and contemplate my navel in some wise woman cave.LOL! Nor do i have all or even most of the answers. i am a seeker just like you (and a former language arts professor-if i ever get teacher-y that's why)
Nam-who told you this about your supposed past life? not their name but were you undergoing a past life regression? were they trying to get your goat by chance? whoever they were they "hit" something to cause your reaction.
also, as i am learning from astrology some quote keeps popping out at me-"The stars impel they do not compel" My chart also shows some painful things and I have a 1st house Saturn almost conj ascendent-the least worded meaning is something like constant tearing down and rebuilding. Also my ascendent in Leo is in the 12th house conjunct Pluto so a lot of intense weirdness, secret enemies (sometimes myself)-so anyway...why do some get born with the right parents, right opportunities, good support groups, and others are born to be raped in front of their children in Kuwait? the answer some give is Karma or past life lessons or we choose before we are born what we will go through to learn from and further refine us in our quest-that old refiners fire-purifying the gold-
Whatever you are facing you are not alone or the only one so be careful of thinking that if you are-I am pretty solitary and every once in awhile it dawns on me how I have no real support system, no real good buddies to call and have over or sit with and chat through what life hands me. i have self isolated and need to work on it. Sometimes I show up at some group meeting or another to get a grip and so I can hear others speak about their lives and so to realize i am not the only one. So far, and i am a grandma not a young woman, it seems whatever i care about the most gets taken from me or dies. one of my lessons is to keep reaching out and trying without fear. success is only an inner adjustment away LOL
Those inner adjustments can seem very hard to make.
There are many books out there (some, I think, very boring to me) about Karma and past lives. Some are barely decipherable to me; some seem like a lot of malarky.
Do you live where there are any metaphysical shops or bookstores? Sometimes these offer groups like psychometry/meditation groups or psychic fairs. maybe you could meet with a group of other seekers and share and learn. Psychometry is a good easy starting point. It is the art of getting images or feelings when touching an object. In group folks put something of theirs in a hat or basket and pass the hat or basket around and everyone picks something and holds it in their hands awhile. Then, the 1st person says something like, "I am holding an agate ring. I saw a room in a white house with a rocker and a small table." i like to write down the first things i "see" or feel because other images and thoughts soon try to crowd out my first impressions. the idea is not to shy away from your first impressions no matter how weird or unrelated your inner editor may think they are. So, then the person whose ring it was may later respond to you by saying, maybe,"Yes, this was my aunt's ring and she frequently left it on a little table next to her rocker."
You could do your own group with friends. Antique dealers like to learn this art or people who buy used stuff that might have value. You can learn without feedback but i think when first learning this the feedback is important.
The only true thing I know for sure is to love, love, love and forgive forgive forgive. Also to thank God or the universe for EVERYTHING no matter what your perception is. In no way am i proficient at these things but like all of us I am learning, seeking, and refining. Last night when i sent a sheriff to get my ex husband out of bed (some 1500 miles away) to get him to call me because i was 'tizzied' and insistent that my adult daughter's life needed to change NOW and he (whom I have not spoken with for over a quarter of a century) was not the most pleased individual. It was not one of my finer trust in or thank the universe moments. i did not take time to sit and get feelings, etc. I reacted like an electro shocked whacko.
So what i am saying, even though I have 'abilities' i have a lot to learn and answers to seek. a lot of why's before one gets wise...
anyway, Nam, we are here now learning our 'stuff', questioning, seeking, without any but speculative answers or answers based only on our beliefs.
You aren't on Lindaland cuz you just fell off a turnip truck LOL. The new thing is "synchronicity". like we are where we are supposed to be blah blah.
i am glad you are here and hope some of this ramble makes sense to you/ Tuxie

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tuxedo meow

Posts: 627
From: Texas Gulf Coast, USA
Registered: Jul 2005

posted August 29, 2007 03:49 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for tuxedo meow     Edit/Delete Message
You know, maybe I should stop my rambles and just listen to thirteen. thirteen puts it easy and to the point..thank you thirteen! Purringly, Tuxedo Meow

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Posts: 869
From: Sunny place.
Registered: Jan 2007

posted August 29, 2007 07:14 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for NAM     Edit/Delete Message

I have to come back to a lot tonight.

It should be fun

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Posts: 960
From: Rochester Hills, MI USA
Registered: May 2004

posted August 30, 2007 08:39 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for thirteen     Edit/Delete Message
Tux, thats funny because i am like that and it has been pointed out to me over the years. But on the inside... i go thru in my mind the things that you's only then that i come up with a short and to the point comment. I've been working on karma for years.

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Posts: 960
From: Rochester Hills, MI USA
Registered: May 2004

posted August 30, 2007 08:39 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for thirteen     Edit/Delete Message
Tux, thats funny because i am like that and it has been pointed out to me over the years. But on the inside... i go thru in my mind the things that you's only then that i come up with a short and to the point comment. I've been working on karma for years.

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Posts: 15
From: Jacksonville, Alabama, US
Registered: Dec 2005

posted August 30, 2007 10:27 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for sushifruit     Edit/Delete Message
I can totally relate to where you are coming from NAM. I too was questioning whether or not I had lived before and how in the world I could ever figure out if I had or not. I am so glad my first dip into anything remotely spiritual/esoteric was through Linda's books. For me personally, the big aha! moment came when I read an Edgar Cayce book about dreams and dream incubation. Do you remember your dreams at all? If you do, I would strongly recommend you try incubating a past life dream. To do this (I'm going to quote Linda here) you must "ordain" it to happen. It will take time, possibly lots of it. You have to REALLY set your mind to it. Google dream incubation (if you can find a site that focuses on Cayce's methods, even better)for specific instructions. It took years for the answers to start trickling in. A regular meditation practice has helped me immensely too. And you can meditate while washing lotus position necessary. Just clear your mind of as much chatter as you can and really focus on the concept of living before. An important thing to consider also is how you will react to the dreams you have. I've really had some doozies and I had to learn lots of lessons on self-love and forgiveness in order to handle what I got. Treat yourself gently...The fact that you would never cheat now was probably born out of lots of pain and stress in many previous lives. And try not to look at stressful aspects in your chart as weaknesses. Look at them as challenges you've placed before yourself in order to grow even faster. Kinda like working out. The more weight you lift, the bigger your muscles will get. And boy does it hurt too. I've read so many astrology books that describe stressful aspects in such a way as to be total self-esteem busters for the person who has them. Just like there's a higher and lower expression to the sun signs, I think there is also a higher and lower expression to all the aspects, easy and stressful. See yourself as a trooper, or a warrior for having been through everything you've been through and are sitting where you're at now...blessed in so many ways I'm sure. I think that the reason some people are better at the "psychic" thing than others are that they have been working on it for a while already in past lives. Nothing better or superior about it. They've just been taking "classes" that were conducive to developing that ability for whatever reason. Everything you develop in this life will carry over to the next, good and bad. I really hope you find the way that works best for you NAM. I can totally relate to your frustration. Lots of Love, Krista

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Posts: 869
From: Sunny place.
Registered: Jan 2007

posted August 31, 2007 09:25 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for NAM     Edit/Delete Message
I just want to say I thank everyone for yor inputs, I am still taking all this in.I have no comment at the moment, and I do at the same time, I just need to polish my thoughts.
Thank you again.

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