posted September 06, 2007 04:16 PM
I had a dream about a strange tarot card!In the dream, I was in bed with the Scorpio (who, as some of you know from other threads, has never so much as touched me in real life), and I got up in the night and saw that he had laid out a circle-shaped tarot reading in a candlelit corner. It was a watercolor-y looking deck in muted colors, very beautiful, and it had cards I didn't recognize. The main card, in the middle, was called "The Child."
I was going to go home but the Scorpio told me I should stay and I got back into bed with him, and realized I would never go home.
Can anyone help me with an interpretation for the card "The Child"? Does it sound familiar to anyone from any deck, or does anyone have an intuitive interpretation of this dream?
[In a Rider-Wait deck, the Fool can represent a childlike figure, but this card REALLY just felt different than that card...I've been reading tarot for fifteen years.}