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Author Topic:   BiBi DeAngelo shares Metaphysia Movie
BiBi DeAngelo

Posts: 617
From: Los Angeles, CA, USA
Registered: Apr 2009

posted February 13, 2009 11:53 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for BiBi DeAngelo     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Part Six Begins

A New Question

All of Consciousness has had one goal in its evolution to discover what it is NOT. Consciousness experiences the universe by comparison. The basic comparison is that the conscious is NOT whatever was experienced. For at least 100,000 years mankind has been pursuing the question, "Who am I?" Or, "Why am I here?" and "What am I doing?" That question has been used by the Church and State to bind people to some standard or another, to some identity or another, to one belief system or another.

Consciousness is none of these things. There are only the considerations of Consciousness. We are not our bodies, our minds, our jobs, cars, relationships, nor our reputations or even our aspirations. As the Mayan Calendar clearly shows, Creation is speeding up and presenting more and more of itself in each moment. This means that more and more is possible to be experienced and compared by Consciousness. The Mayan Calendar ends on October 28, 2011, by which time Creation's exposure rate will have accelerated such that it presents itself in total, all in one moment thus ending any and all considerations of time and space as any barrier to Consciousness. The path to this moment leads us through the Galactic Consciousness Cycle that we are currently in to the Universal Consciousness Cycle that begins on February10, 2011. In this 260-day period, consciousness will be experiencing more and more of what it is NOT until the certainty sets in that we are indeed? NO THING! Start answering the new question, "What am I not?" today and watch your existence change forever.

Let's look at this process in a little more detail to help us realize more fully what is happening in this time and space. In the past, you may have had the possibility of only three things happening in a given moment, i.e., a good outcome, a bad outcome, and an outcome somewhere in between. At present, there are more and more opportunities available to you, more and more choices. Creation is speeding up. This will continue until it is totally possible to create any reality you can imagine! In comparison to 180 years ago, today we're wizards. In the future, there will be even more possibilities. Consider teleportation, genetic research, nanoscale technologies and the prospect of molecular computing. Life will be very different. People will be losing their jobs because by the time we have produced a product and get ready to market it, it will have become obsolete. Sound familiar There will be massive changes in the way we do business. Imagine a person 100 years ago trying to your job today.

Coupled with the changes in our economy will come changes in our monetary system. The beginning of the Seventh Day of the Planetary cycle in 1992 brought the beginning of a very long period of uninterrupted growth in the West and especially the US . This period of growth actually took place in a situation that is new in the history of the world economy in that there was no gold standard in effect. In the 90's, economic policy seemed very successful as a number of innovations in the computer industry and telecommunications crated a mental confidence in a growth that would go on forever.

We should notice a parallel here between the Days ruled by Ometeotl in both the National and Planetary cycles. During the Seventh Day of the National cycle, paper money came into use in the West, which meant an abstraction from real values. When the Seventh Day of the Planetary Cycle began, as a further step, this paper money lost all relations to real values in this case, gold. In this way, the world economy has come to be based on a monetary system, which, as we concluded earlier, is basically worthless. What is behind this pattern to begin with? It is well known that the purpose of disconnecting the values of money from gold when economic depressions begin is exactly to keep the wheels of industry turning with
artificial means (disconnecting from real values). What is less well known is that these depressions came about as results of the mental effects of the Nights in the Mayan calendar. As human industrial creativity increases at the beginning of new Days, on the other hand, there is a risk of overheating and hence there has then been a tendency to reinstate the gold standard to keep things grounded. Regardless, the effects of abolishing the gold standard for long periods, and a number of mechanisms in banking that I will not go into, are that today's monetary system is a mental construct floating in the air based on the "confidence" people have in it.

Simply stated, we began eons ago by exchanging things of value, i.e., sticks and rocks. During the Cultural Cycle we advanced to prettier rocks, i.e., gold, silver, gems. During the National Cycle we got paper money and a banking system. Now we have an economy based on electrons and plastic cards. The medium of exchange has gotten less and less physical. The stock market goes up and down by how people are THINKING about it!

End of Part Six – Go to Part Seven

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BiBi DeAngelo

Posts: 617
From: Los Angeles, CA, USA
Registered: Apr 2009

posted February 13, 2009 11:54 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for BiBi DeAngelo     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Part Seven Begins


What will be the medium of exchange in the future? It will have evolved into a spiritual exchange to that which is admired. Particles of Admiration - Love. That's all you were ever doing in the first place. How much was a blanket worth? Its true value was based upon how much you admired. How much do you admire World Com? Humanity will be investing in what is admirable and nothing else. Your TRUTH, your ETHICS, your INTEGRITY is what will sustain you through all the changes. Therefore, you must have the courage to create what you wish to experience. You will be able to take advantage of the opportunities. Those people without integrity will bring upon themselves what their own consciousness is focused on, their own FEAR and their own JUDGMENT. That's going to happen down here - JUDGMENT DAY. All this boils down to decision time. You can decide to stay on the power train and hunt down the almighty dollar. Or, you can choose integrity.

There will be medical miracles. Medical science has already discovered the fuel of your immune system and has developed a product called IMMUNOCAL. As a result, we now have the ability to become super immune to all sorts of health risks, including HIV infections and AIDS as well as herpes, colds, flu, cancer, MS, hepatitis, Parkinson's, rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, cystic fibrosis, bronchitis and West Nile Virus. Can you imagine what impact a product like this will have on the pharmaceutical companies who sell antibiotics? Anti-biotic, by the way, means anti-life compound that kills everything, even your immune system.

Moreover, new planets by the hundreds will be discovered in our galaxy that is revolving around other Suns, planets that support life. We have the planetary consciousness with the Internet of now of being able "to meet the neighbors." And we will as soon as we get over this power trip and get an ethical consciousness. Can you see us going to other galaxies before then? All we would do is "kick butt." No, we're not ready yet.

What was the lesson of Y2K back on January 5, 1999? The lesson was that maybe our power systems aren't all that trustworthy - not all that real. That everything could have disappeared in a blink of an eye. The message from Consciousness was that our ability to handle change is what counts.. We, not our systems, are responsible for what happens.

Moving on into Year 2000 to the end of 2001, our thinking was that if we had a plan for survival, we must hold on to part of that plan. Then with 9/11, we realized that the "unthinkable" could happen that anything and everything was possible. It had been assumed that it was impossible for American to be attacked through its defense systems especially the Pentagon. But the truth was that this, too, was possible.

Continuing from December 14, 2002, we see the anchoring of the truth in every aspect of our government, religious institutions, etc. Here, it is appropriate to ask the question, "What is the most popular way of hiding the truth?" The answer: our national security system. Thanks to Willie Nelson and Farm Aid, the IRS and Federal Bureaus of Investigation have been found to be fraudulent and guilty of treason against the public. There is already a secret law called NESARA (National Economic Security Recovery Act) which has been passed by Congress three times and signed by the President which says that the government must abide by the World Court decision to have the whole government resign and completely revamp our banking and economic system. NESARA is a radical law, a completely new foundation for the ethical operation of business for individuals and business alike. It's been a law for over a year now and was supposed to have been enacted. However, due to 9/11, the new structure isn't in place yet. But as soon as these truths are fully exposed during the Fourth Day, it will be put into effect during the Fourth Night (November 2005) and the application of this truth will not be so very gentle. During the National cycle, during the Fifth Day, Christ showed up and gave us the consciousness that we were Divine like the rulers in Rome . We didn't need anybody to create policies for us. In the most recent Fifth Day we had Einstein at EmC2 the blueprint of our physical reality. Hubble discovered we live in an infinite universe where everything is possible. We have both the blueprint and the proof. We already have teleportation. We already have daily telepathy. We're in an age of Nano computers where we can program nanos to create molecular size computers. We can teleport light. Things are happening faster than they thought ahead of schedule Genetics all the human DNA studies have been completed 15 years ahead of schedule. Huge corporations are teetering and will fall because they can't help us. By the time we research and develop a product, it's extinct. We're dealing in physical stuff. However, Consciousness is not physical. The possibilities of Consciousness are not limited by time and space.

During the flowering of the plant, during your time of puberty, humanity was experiencing the Renaissance in France . It is a time of the Flower Children, God of Flowers, King Arthur and the Round Table, and the Anasazi's Golden Time. Maya as well flowered. Flowers died to become seed pods or fruit. Development during the Sixth Night dies out and spews out all the seeds on the Seventh Day. After decision time, there will be no more "I can't do this," no more control over anybody else. Then and only then can we "meet the neighbors," and they can't get to us either. The whole three dimensional universe is going to be going through this at the same time. Other dimensions have already gone through this. We're separated on purpose through the plan. Technology will go extinct and Spirit will take over. There will be no more sickness, lack, and hunger. Consciousness is already creating this.

End of Part Seven – Go to Part Eight

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BiBi DeAngelo

Posts: 617
From: Los Angeles, CA, USA
Registered: Apr 2009

posted February 13, 2009 11:55 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for BiBi DeAngelo     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Part Eight Begins

We will be experiencing this. During the Sixth Night, a 360 day period, we will be experiencing BLISS, liberation, and be in a period of experimentation and getting ready for what is to come.

From 2006-2011 there will be a time of healing. This is where the God of Medicine rules. It is a time of manifestation, of completion. During the Seventh Day, we won't necessarily be on the planet. We will be able to travel anywhere. We will have entered the Universal cycle. The last 260 days of this 360-day period we are supposed to get up to speed to experience all of infinity with our consciousness. This concept doesn't fit into our brain yet. Would you like to be out of debt? There will be a different economy where there is only abundance. You will possess the confirmed knowledge that you are Divine. You will be able to demonstrate that everything is possible. There will be the complete absolution of any limit. Currently technology is our ladder to Consciousness. But the Internet and television are soon going to be outpaced.

Have you noticed that things are already changing rapidly that stuff is falling off? Stuff like jobs, positions, identities, spouses. This is because we're getting a running start at becoming God, of entering a state of BLISS. October 28, 2011 will be like trying to go through the eye of a needle. Remember the Bible story where Jesus said, "It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than it is for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of Heaven ?" Where this saying comes from is that in ancient cities there were robbers on camel routes. The walls to the cities were high, the doorways narrow. You had to unload your camel to get through the eye of the needle. And what this means to us is that we must get unloaded from who we thought we were. We are not a machinist, not a computer specialist, etc. We must ask ourselves: "What am I NOT?" I'm not my house, not my car, not my relationships. We are NO THING. Once we realize this, it will be pretty easy to go through the eye of a needle then.

We are raising our vibrations to change our cellular memory. What you pay attention to is what will occur. We will be co-creators of new reality. We will not be disempowered, to the contrary. We will be able to empower ourselves. In this process, remember that Creation is totally on our side. There is more opening to Consciousness in this process than there is difficulty. Remember, there are more days than nights.

There will be dramatic changes to Mother Earth. There will be more drastic weather as TRUTH comes forward. In the application of the Truth, we will feel the effects of the sun, of earthquakes, volcanoes, and drought, of these natural changes by degrees, stages. It will take such things as natural disasters to get us to stop fighting and stop fighting quickly. There will be new mountain ranges, new structures. Earth is going to change dramatically. It has done so before but then it was a slower process. Remember, the Earth's surface used to be under water. There is evidence of shells in our cliffs.

Where Are You Safe?

You will be safe if you stay focused on your INTUITION and look to it for guidance. Think of 9/11 and the people who got through this and similar disasters. They got through because they KNEW the right thing to do. And so will you. It might be wise to check out where people like the Hopi are and be where they are. Maybe they know something we don't (laughter). There will be places that are not going to be touched much. Stay away from cities and away from the coasts. Our coastlines will be shrinking due to global warming, the glaciers melting quickly. Water levels will be rising quickly on the coasts. If you have coastal property, SELL! (laughter)

We cannot emphasize too much that it is important to remain detached and to not get caught up in the drama that is unfolding all around you. It is so important to remember especially at times of great dramatic impact that your safety lies within. Your answers lie within. You can access this knowing at any time. It is a feeling that you feel. Something will feel "right" or it will feel "off" or "wrong." Trust your feelings. Don't let anyone talk you out of them.

Deception will be everywhere and on the increase from its present levels. That is why we emphasize that you go within for your "news." Everything is being manipulated to such an extent that nothing you read or hear is untouched, except possibly some of the material that comes through the clearest channels. Your inner knowing is your best armor against deceptions. If something does not feel altogether true for you, TRUST that feeling. You must also trust in the plan for your life. Your life will bring you into perfect contact with the experiences needed for the fulfillment of your life's plan. Even those things that you might consider painful, unpleasant, or undesirable are still moving you toward the goal of completion. If unpleasant feelings arise, allow them to FLOW through you. Do not RESIST or block them. This does not mean you have to act on them. Just allow them to flow through you.

Wherever you are, whatever you are doing, just close your eyes and focus on your breath (unless, of course, you are doing something like driving a car). Deliberately take slow, deep breaths until you have regained a sense of your own self and are calm, grounded, and centered. Then very slowly open your eyes again and let yourself remain calm, grounded, and centered. Allow yourself to witness what is going on around you without getting caught up in it. There is nothing you can't handle if you remain rooted in the moment, in what is also called the NOW.

Think on the principle of the gyroscope. It is a centered axle with change all around it. The faster the change, the more stable the gyroscope. This is the basic benefit of the new information on the schedule of Creation. It allows a person to achieve the recognition of pattern, on a scale unprecedented in our human history. If you are able to pay attention to the unfolding pattern of Creation, this is what you will be conscious of. The speed of change and the continued disclosure of the nature of Creation will become a stabilizing force in your existence.

Our challenge, your challenge (if you choose to accept it), is to educate humanity that the changes scheduled as per the Mayan calendar are for the uplifting of all. They are the sure steps of the continued evolution of Consciousness and the increase in personal choice of experience - a return of personal absolute sovereignty. It is not the "end of times," the coming of a “disastrous event," but rather the beginning of a New Age, an evolving of a new Consciousness.

Transcription of Video Presentation – posted April 4, 2005 – by Ian Lungold -

There is a River
(Statement by the Hopi Elders)

“There is a river flowing very fast. It is so swift that there are those who will be afraid. They will try to hold onto the shore. They will feel that they are being torn apart and will suffer greatly. Know that the river has a destination. The Elders say we must let go of the shore, push off into the middle of the river.

Keep our eyes open and our heads above the waters. And I say, see who is in there with you and Celebrate! At this time in history we are to take nothing personally, least of all ourselves. For the moment we do, our spiritual growth comes to a halt. The time of the lone wolf is over. Gather yourselves together. Banish the word, "struggle," from your attitude and vocabulary. All that we do now must be done in a sacred manner and in Celebration! Will you join the Celebration by helping us share this information with as many people as possible?


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BiBi DeAngelo

Posts: 617
From: Los Angeles, CA, USA
Registered: Apr 2009

posted February 15, 2009 11:38 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for BiBi DeAngelo     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Other positive info that Tree's offered..

Many of the interviews are from "Conscious Media Network" is the link to their free video interviews:

And apparentkly Edge Channel can also be watched online, but I'm not sure about the details of this

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BiBi DeAngelo

Posts: 617
From: Los Angeles, CA, USA
Registered: Apr 2009

posted April 01, 2009 03:55 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for BiBi DeAngelo     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
More updated information from Dr. Emoto (see prior listing on page 2).

Here is more from the interview between Reiko and Dr. Emoto:

REIKO: Have you come across a particular word or phrase in your research that you have found to be most helpful in cleaning up the natural waters of the world?

DR. EMOTO: Yes. There is a special combination that seems to be perfect for this, which is love plus the combination of thanks and appreciation reflected in the English word gratitude. Just one of these is not enough. Love needs to be based in gratitude, and gratitude needs to be based in love.

These two words together create the most important vibration. And it is even more important that we understand the value of these words. For example, we know that water is described as H2O. If we were to look at love and gratitude as a pair, gratitude is the H and love is the O.

Water is the basis that not only supports but also allows the existence of life. In my understanding of the concept of yin and yang, in the same way that there is one O and two Hs, we also need one part yang/love to two parts yin/gratitude, in order to come to a place of balance in the equation.

Masaru Emoto: Love is an active word and gratitude is passive. When you think of gratitude -- a combination of appreciation and thankfulness -- there is an apologetic quality. The Japanese word for gratitude is kan-sha, consisting of two Chinese characters:
kan, which means feeling, and sha, apology. It's coming from a reverential space, taking a step or two back.

I believe that love coming from this space is optimal love, and may even lead to an end to the wars and conflicts in the world. Kan-sha is inherent in the substance H2O -- an essential element for life.

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BiBi DeAngelo

Posts: 617
From: Los Angeles, CA, USA
Registered: Apr 2009

posted April 01, 2009 04:00 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for BiBi DeAngelo     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
More Messages in Water
The Spirit of Ma'at interviews Dr. Masaru Emoto

by Reiko Myamoto Dewey

REIKO: We have read your book The Message from Water, and we introduced it on our website in our August issue (see "Conscious Water Crystals: The Power of Prayer Made Visible"). It has been our most popular article, with its readership increasing every week, and has raised many questions.

You mentioned in your book how you would type out words on a piece of paper and paste these written words onto a bottle, and see how the water reacted to the words -- what kind of crystals were formed from the words. From your research, are you able to discern whether the reaction of the water came from the vibration of the actual words that were pasted onto the bottles, or whether the intention of the person who was pasting the words onto the bottle influenced the experiment in any way?

DR. EMOTO: This is one of the more difficult areas to clarify. However, from continuing these experiments we have come to the conclusion that the water is reacting to the actual words. For example, for our trip to Europe we tried using the words "thank you" and "you fool" in German. The people on our team who took the actual photographs of the water crystals did not understand the German for "you fool", and yet we were able to obtain exactly the same kind of results in the different crystal formations based on the words used.

REIKO: Have you found that distance made any difference when people were praying over water? For example, if people in Japan were to pray over water in Russia, would this be different from people praying over water that is right in front of them?

DR. EMOTO: We have only experimented once with that in the book. But from that experiment, distance did not seem to matter. The intention and prayers of the person still influenced the water. We have not yet tried further experiments from a long distance. However, my feeling is that distance would not make much of a difference. What would make a difference is the purity of intent of the person doing the praying. The higher the purity of intent, the less of a difference the distance itself would make.

REIKO: Have you seen any difference between one person praying over water versus a whole group of people praying over water?

DR. EMOTO: Since the water reflects the composite energy of what is being sent to it, the crystalline structure reflects the composite vibrations of the group. So one person praying reflects the energy or intention of that one person. In terms of how powerful the effect can be, if you have one person praying with a deep sense of clarity and purity, the crystalline structure will be clear and pure. And even though you may have a large group of people, if their intention as a group is not cohesive, you end up with an incohesive structure in the water. However, if everyone is united together, you will find a clear, beautiful crystal, like one created by the prayer of a single person of deep purity.

In one of our experiments, we had some water on a table, and 17 participants all stood in a circle around a table holding hands. Then each of the participants spoke a beautiful word of their choice to the water. Words like unity, love, and friendship. We took before-and-after shots and were able to obtain some beautiful crystalline structures as a result of this. I have some slides that I will be showing of these crystals in my upcoming European tour.

REIKO: Is the water influenced immediately, or is there a time lag?

DR. EMOTO: In these cases we would freeze the water right away, so we could say that the water is changed instantaneously.

REIKO: Have you ever tested other human body fluids, such as saliva, blood, urine etc?

DR. EMOTO: Yes, we certainly have. However, fluids with other elements in them, like seawater, blood and urine, do not form crystals. However, we can dilute them with distilled water to something like 10 to the power of -12 or -20 or so. This dilutes the component of other elements in the fluid to the point where we can freeze the sample and obtain crystals.

REIKO: Could you then see the effect that energetic healing or prayer has on a person by looking at the crystals formed by their blood or urine?

DR. EMOTO: As far as experiments related to the human body are concerned, there are a lot of subtle influences that also need to be taken into consideration. So although we are looking at this, we have not publicized any information yet. However, you can look forward to hearing about our findings on this in the future.

REIKO: If we could imbue water with the energy of various words, for example, with the word, "health", could we then use the water that has that vibration in it and use it to do things like grow food, water plants, etc?

DR. EMOTO: We have not tried this, but some people who have read the book are experimenting with bottling tap water and taping words like "love" and "appreciation" on the bottle and using that water to water their plants, or to put cut flowers in. They are finding that their cut flowers are lasting much longer, and that the plants in the garden are much more radiant.

REIKO: Once a certain vibration is introduced to the water, how long does the water "remember" that crystalline structure?

DR. EMOTO: This will be different depending on the original structure of the water itself. Tap water will lose its memory quickly. We refer to the crystalline structure of water as "clusters." The smaller the clusters, the longer the water will retain its memory. If there is too much space between the clusters, other information could easily infiltrate this space, making it hard for the clusters to hold the integrity of the information. Other micro-organisms could also enter this space. A tight bonding structure is best for maintaining the integrity of information.

REIKO: What kind of words would create smaller clusters and what kind of words would create larger clusters?

DR. EMOTO: Slang words like "you fool" destroy clusters. You would not see any crystals in these cases. Negative phrases and words create large clusters or will not form clusters, and positive, beautiful words and phrases create small, tight clusters.

REIKO: You say that some negatives do not form clusters, but we see from your photos that they do still form characteristic patterns. How would you classify these patterns?

DR. EMOTO: Think of it in terms of vibration. It's easy to understand that language -- the spoken word -- has a vibration. Well, written words also have a vibration. Anything in existence has a vibration. If I were to draw a circle, the vibration of a circle would be created. Drawing a cross would create the vibration of a cross. So if I write the letters L O V E, then these letters put out the vibration of love. Water can be imprinted with these vibrations. Beautiful words have beautiful, clear vibrations. But negative words put out ugly, incoherent vibrations which do not form clusters. Language is not something artificial, but rather is something that exists naturally. I believe that language is created by nature.

REIKO: Does that mean that every word has its own signature vibration or cluster that is unique to itself?

DR. EMOTO: Yes. During our evolution, we learned what sounds were dangerous, what sounds were soothing and safe, and what sounds were pleasurable, and so on. We slowly learned about various vibrations of the laws of nature. We learned this through instinct and through experience. We accumulated this information over time. We started out with some simple sounds like "a" or "u" or "e," which evolved into more complex sounds like "love." And these positive words create "natural" crystalline structures -- which are all based on the hexagon.

In fact, the structure of all evolution in nature, from an informational perspective, is based on the hexagon. The reason hexagons are formed has to do with the chemical reaction of the benzene ring. I believe that anything that lacks this basic hexagonal structure is out of accord with the laws of nature and holds a destructive vibration. So when we look at things that do not exist naturally -- things that have been created artificially -- many of them lack this hexagonal structure and so they have, I believe, a destructive vibration.

This principle is what I think makes swearing and slang words destructive. These words are not in accordance with the laws of nature. So, for example, I think you would probably find higher rates of violent crime in areas where a lot of negative language is being used. Just as the Bible says, first there was the Word, and God created all of Creation from the Word.

So words actually convert the vibrations of nature into sound. And each language is different. Japanese has its own set of vibrations that differs from American. Nature in America is different from nature in Japan. An American cedar is different from a Japanese cedar, so the vibrations coming from these words are different. In this way, nothing else holds the same vibrations as the word arigato. In Japanese, arigato means "thank you." But even when there is this mutual underlying meaning, arigato and thank you create different crystalline structures. Every word in every language is unique and exists only in that language.

REIKO: Have you come across a particular word or phrase in your research that you have found to be most helpful in cleaning up the natural waters of the world?

DR. EMOTO: Yes. There is a special combination that seems to be perfect for this, which is love plus the combination of thanks and appreciation reflected in the English word gratitude. Just one of these is not enough. Love needs to be based in gratitude, and gratitude needs to be based in love. These two words together create the most important vibration. And it is even more important that we understand the value of these words. For example, we know that water is described as H2O. If we were to look at love and gratitude as a pair, gratitude is the H and love is the O. Water is the basis that not only supports but also allows the existence of life. In my understanding of the concept of yin and yang, in the same way that there is one O and two Hs, we also need one part yang/love to two parts yin/gratitude, in order to come to a place of balance in the equation.

Love is an active word and gratitude is passive. When you think of gratitude -- a combination of appreciation and thankfulness -- there is an apologetic quality. The Japanese word for gratitude is kan-sha, consisting of two Chinese characters: kan, which means feeling, and sha, apology. It's coming from a reverential space, taking a step or two back. I believe that love coming from this space is optimal love, and may even lead to an end to the wars and conflicts in the world. Kan-sha is inherent in the substance H2O -- an essential element for life.

REIKO: So if we were to develop a car that could run on water instead of gasoline, and return the water to the atmosphere and subsequently back into space in this way, would that be one way of fulfilling our task?

DR. EMOTO: I think that would be a wonderful thing, and for the sake of preserving Mother Nature it is the direction that we need to go. However, since water is the mirror reflecting our level of consciousness, a large percentage of the people on the planet, at least 10 percent of the people, need to have the love and the kan-sha awareness. When they do, then the time will come when water can be used to replace gasoline. And the reason I say 10 percent is that this ratio is mirrored in nature. When we look at the world of bacteria, for example, there are 10 percent good bacteria, 10 percent bad, and a majority of 80 percent opportunistic bacteria that could go either way. In looking at the various environmental issues we are faced with, and the tasks that we need to fulfill for the planet, if we could get more than 10 percent of the people consciously aware, than I believe we could pull the 80 percent in that direction, too.

And so I believe that the people who are following a spiritual path are promoting peace for the planet and for other people. If we could only unite on this level of consciousness, then we will be there.

I feel that my book The Message From Water has given birth to a convincing message through a common language for the whole world. Not because I wrote it, but because I know it was birthed through kan-sha toward mankind. I think this is why so many people from other countries want to interview me about the book. I am being invited to give talks at six different European locations. Things have been coming in non-stop from abroad.

REIKO: Do you believe that water itself is conscious and is reacting to the words?

DR. EMOTO: I understand that many of your readers are people interested in spiritual matters, and I would like to answer this question from that perspective. I believe that prior to Adam and Eve water itself held the consciousness of God -- that God's intention was put into the medium of water, and that this was used in the creation of Earth and Nature. In other words, all of the information needed for God's Creation was reflected in the water.

And then we -- Adam and Eve -- were placed on Earth to be the caretakers for this Creation of God. I believe that water held the consciousness of God until then, but that after the caretakers were placed on Earth, water became an empty vessel to mirror and reflect what was in the heart. It became a container to carry energy and information. Therefore, since this time, I think water has taken on the quality of simply reflecting the energies and thoughts that it is exposed to; that it no longer has its own consciousness. Water reflects the consciousness of the human race.

REIKO: Would you tell us your philosophical thoughts about what you believe these water crystals really are?

DR. EMOTO: After the book was published, I was wondering about this, and I came to the realization that these crystals are spirits. There are many parallels. When ice melts, the crystalline structure becomes an illusion. It's there -- and yet it's not there, because you can no longer see it.

Similarly, when a person dies their body loses several grams of weight -- what some people think of this as the weight of the soul. But then we can often visually see them. I think that the soul has mass, and that it returns to water molecules. And because it has mass, it is affected by the gravitational pull of the earth. And so sometimes the soul cannot transition over to the other side.

In Buddhism, we talk about attaining sattori, or reaching enlightenment. People who attain sattori do not become ghosts. They are able to achieve a certain stage of development at the soul level and return to God for a while before they move on to their next assignment.

We traveled here to Earth on the water crystals of spheres of ice [Editor's Note: You will hear more about this amazing phenomenon in an upcoming issue of the Spirit of Ma'at on the subject of water.] Earth is not our native home. There was nothing here. So these souls can return to their native homes for awhile. That is sattori, or enlightenment. However, most people on the planet are not able to attain enlightenment. To reach enlightenment means to be able to completely let go of the ego and our worldly attachments.

In the past 100 years the world's population has increased from 1 billion to 6 billion. During these 100 years, war and capitalism has dominated the planet. Rather than being able to detach from our desires, the opposite has been true. Our desires have grown and grown. Very few people have been able to attain enlightenment in this environment. Few souls have been able to go "home" and I believe they have remained on Earth in the form of water. This connects into the concept of reincarnation, where these spirits keep falling back to Earth and need to redo their lives here.

REIKO: So when a person dies, if they are unable to attain sattori at that time, their soul remains on this planet as water?

DR. EMOTO: That is what I believe, yes. The Japanese character for spirit is a combination of the words "rain" and "soul." People who have seen ghosts report seeing them in water or in places where there is a lot of humidity. It's as if the imprint of the soul, which is in the form of water, suddenly takes form when surrounded by water or moisture -- much like a mirage.

And so, looking at the pictures of the water crystals and the impact they are having, I came to the realization that these themselves are ghosts. Up until now, I had thought of ghosts as something to be frightened of, something that we could do nothing about. But watching these crystals, I realized that by simply projecting beautiful music and words onto them, the crystals or ghosts become beautiful. If that's the case, there's nothing to be frightened of. We need to let everybody know about this, and all use beautiful words and offer beautiful music, and create beauty in the environment.

By receiving beautiful thoughts and feelings and words and music, our ancestral spirits get lighter and are now able to make the transition "home." When we consider this, we can see the importance of traditions like Obon [a Japanese summer tradition where ancestral spirits are invited back to spend time with the family, and the ancestors are taken care of and respected].

When we are alive, the human body is at approximately 36 degrees Celsius. This is the temperature of the fluids in the body. When we die, this goes to zero degrees Celsius. When we die and go to the other side, crossing the river, we are no longer able to move our bodies. But the crystalline structure of our soul emerges. It's like water. When water turns to ice, the crystalline structure becomes visible, but it also becomes immobile. So "crystal" equals "spirit."

REIKO: Thank you very much.

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Posts: 6249
From: The Goober Galaxy
Registered: Apr 2009

posted April 07, 2009 06:24 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Not sure this was the right Forum to post it, though, but if A man hasn't said anything yet, I guess it's okay.

"Don't worry about the world coming to an end today. It's already tomorrow in Australia." Charles Schultz

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BiBi DeAngelo

Posts: 617
From: Los Angeles, CA, USA
Registered: Apr 2009

posted April 09, 2009 10:42 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for BiBi DeAngelo     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

sorry... I have been putting up postings on this part of the site... because I read "Predictions & Prophecies"...

most of the professionals that I've shared so far... Bashar, Louis Turi, Sean Morton, JJ Hurtak, are all making predictions of our potential future, as well as the posting on Mayan Calendar. I've personally heard Dr. Emotto talking about the "future predictions" of our water sources... and that's why I posted here..

However, no worries.... I will post on the Lindaland Central site from now on.. there is a similar thread over there... I'll come back and put the hyperlink here after finding it...

Update: found the hyperlink... here it is...

To view the film free click on link below:

Happy Easter Everyone!

PS: Great You Tube:!

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