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Author Topic:   New relationship in life pulled 3

Posts: 4674
From: Dayton,Ohio USA
Registered: May 2009

posted March 04, 2010 02:20 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for GypseeWind     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Oh, yep, that devil card is the lust and obsession card! Like the Pluto of tarot, lol. I get that alot *hangs head* don't feel bad.

But, you know if you can separate the two and enjoy it for what it is, that's one thing, if you cannot, because you're getting emotional, that's another thing.

Yeah, see, I wouldn't want to get involved with someone who has that ex he can always fall back on either, cause it's just too easy. If things aren't going just perfect, he gives her a call. Not cool. But, what I don't get is why he is so obsessed with what you are doing, if he is doing stuff with her???

Anyway, I have a special book, it's in a room I cannot get into right now, because someone is asleep in there. I will get it in the morning, and tell you the interp for 7 of cups. I really like this book, cause it's kinda of unconventional in it's descriptions.

Be back...

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Registered: Jul 2009

posted March 04, 2010 08:18 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for KYM31     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Yes please look it up !! The shaggin part is really really good, but I know that if I keep it up its going to turn into something more comlplicated -- deeper feelings. And he's the only one that I have been sleeping with. I don't know if he's sleeping with her and he hasn't said. I'm considering asking him straightforward. Im mean why he not he asks all the time. He made a comment to me implying that I liked to shag alot. And I was a little bewildered by it I says we've been seeing each other since December I said we've shagged 5-6 times. Do you think that's alot over 2-3 months? There's clearly 54 days left btwn those 3 months! LOL. He says I drain him?!?! Whatever that means, it could mean he doesn't have time for the girl. I dont know. And with Pluto squaring my Venus yikes!

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Posts: 4674
From: Dayton,Ohio USA
Registered: May 2009

posted March 04, 2010 05:44 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for GypseeWind     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
UMMMM, no!!! lol, 5-6 times a DAY would be what I consider normal in the formative times of a relationship!! But that is me, and I have more aspects to Pluto then any thing else.

You are dealing with an Aqua, so, IDK, I don't date them, they put me off, I need someone with alot of water and some fire. Otherwise, I disconnect, then I don't want them anymore. K, hang on, lemme grab your book while I have a minute before the troops expect dinner....scuse any spelling errors, I probably wont have time to edit.

SEVEN OF CUPS ~ Nancy Shavick

As a card of expansion, the seven of cups symbolises wanting more than you can have, approaching a problem by viewing the big picture, completing the necessary preparations to fulfill your destiny, getting a mental glimpse of the future, realizing what is deeply satisfying to you, procuring your dreams through the visionary cup world.

In any case, you must keep your options open and examine the entire field with a wide perspective before you narrow down your scope to what you can realistically develop.

The seven of cups represents activation of your creativity through the proper use of your imagination where you choose from a myraiad of ideas, interests and activities that attract you. You explore the one or two chosen pathways that give you the greatest potential for success in this incarnation.

Creative visualization is strong with this card and brings results in your life. For an artist, this would indicate the arrival of inspiration which can be translated into rich concepts and imagery in your work.
For the spiritualist, the seven is heaven:
your intuition opens up, the future can be seen through prophecy and clairvoyance, you can use your psychic abilities to inform people of their eternal soul history. The seven of cups suggests a knowledge of previous lives through visual and emotional recall of details locked in the memory of the collective unconscious which surface through dreams, fantasies, astral travel and the power of unseen worlds of intelligence.

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Posts: 58
Registered: Jul 2009

posted March 04, 2010 07:18 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for KYM31     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Well that was now I'll try to apply it my situation. I did send him a text message this morning asking him if he was indeed having shag relations with anyone else besides me. So he says yes I'm having sex with 'T". I said oh really. I said so is that why you told me I'm draining you because youre not having enough energy to satisfy her needs too? LOL. And I asked very straightforward no games, no bs I mean I was really curious. I said also I wasn't aware that this is what you were doing. So he says I told its been 17 years. I said yes I understand but I didn't' understand to what extent. I said initially you told me you go back because you didnt want to start over any new relationship. That convo definitely left me tired.

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Posts: 4674
From: Dayton,Ohio USA
Registered: May 2009

posted March 04, 2010 09:50 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for GypseeWind     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hmm, well, I appreciate his honesty, but, in essence isn't he saying that you are the mistress of sorts, and she is the main flame? I mean, that is what I would think.

clearly, not all his needs are being met through her, or why would he seek outside the relationship. But, that still doesn't give him the right to hurt someone else.

I guess, the ball is in your court, so to speak, to decide if this is enough for you.
I mean it's POSSIBLE that the two of you will fall in love, and he will dump her, anything is possible, but, IDK, I've heard it on this board soooo many times about airmen and their first or major loves, that they never get over them. Is this a chance you are willing to take?

I know that Aquas grow relationships that stem from friendships first, so, maybe if you really want him in your life, you can stop the sexual part, become really good friends, and then maybe something more can develop from that? I'm bad with air, like I said, I don't understand them whatsoever, the detachment thing befuddles the heck out of me, and I have an air moon!!

Sounds like he wants his cake and eat it too, and I just don't want to see you get hurt. If just having that convo was draining to you, then think what it will be like if you are completely emotionally invested!! Know what I mean??

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Posts: 58
Registered: Jul 2009

posted March 05, 2010 06:41 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for KYM31     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Well I'm an Air sign and no I haven't forgotten my first love and will always love them, but not "in-love" and not enough sleep with them. That's just plain ole crazy in my eyes. Yes he was honest about the girl, but he didn't say presently he was having sex, whereas I clearly spelled it out I'm not having sex with anyone. So to me he may have thought he was being honest but only partially in my eyes. And sure his needs aren't being met with that relationship because he's had other relationships throughout the years! Its totally baffling to me. And in all reality the situation does turn me off because to me that shows weakness blame it on my life path number 1 . And I thought about it and its not enough for me. And I wouldn't want to wait around and I did take a risk by open and honest. I guess it works for him, but for me it doesnt. The convo was draining to me because I've been burned in the past so just to hear that nonsense made me tired. I think he wanted his cake too cause in the beginning he told me he would start a fight with guy if he ever saw us talking...stupid. Wow....thanks for listening and helping me through this change.

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Posts: 4674
From: Dayton,Ohio USA
Registered: May 2009

posted March 06, 2010 11:42 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for GypseeWind     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Your welcome, sometimes it's easier to discuss these things with complete strangers isn't it?

I'm glad you made the choice that you did. I know it hurts, but it's better a little hurt now then a big heartache later.

I know it's difficult to understand these long lingering, but going nowhere relationships. Like I said, I have one myself.
It's hard to explain, you love that person, but there are just too many variables that make it impossible to be together, but that doesn't take away the love. So, maybe that is how it is for them too, IDK.

But, I do wish you all the best, you deserve better treatment, IMHO, and I am sure that you will find it.

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Posts: 3065
From: Columbus, GA USA
Registered: Apr 2009

posted December 11, 2010 10:38 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

"Everything I eat has been proved by some doctor or other to be a deadly poison, and everything I don't eat has been proved to be indispensable for life. But I go marching on."--George Bernard Shaw

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