Topic: Ouija Boards: Game or Psychic Portal?
Dee Knowflake Posts: 906 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted February 08, 2010 12:36 AM
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Lonake Knowflake Posts: 2353 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted September 26, 2010 02:45 AM
psychic portalIP: Logged |
Aselzion Moderator Posts: 34 From: North Andover, MA Registered: May 2009
posted September 26, 2010 08:41 AM
Greetings...Well, a Teacher of mine called them Low Energy toys... because, if you don't really know what you're doing, that is what they attract... Low Energy... If you do know how to clear energy and create a sacred space, invoke the forces of Light, and have a degree of discernment... then they may be used safely. Like any other tool, Spirit Boards are best utilized when done with knowledge and reverence. Since so many people use them in a "game-like" fashion, they are more often phychic portals for entities of Low Energy. I have often seen them used during parties, where there has been some drinking, occasionally smoking... and the surrounding space is "cluttered" if you will, by the various vibrations of the party attendees and their various levels of emotional baggage. Not the sort of environment conducive to channeling Higher Energies. So... I tend to stay away from them, but that is my own choice. I happen to have a smattering of clairaudience, so I use active meditation to enter an Alpha/Theta state and then "hear" the answers myself as opposed to using the board. If you are looking to learn methods of Divine Communication, I recommend Doreen Virtue's book: Divine Guidance, but I am sure there are many other good books available. Or you might consider a class or workshop ... In the Light... A  ------------------ IP: Logged |
Lonake Knowflake Posts: 2353 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted September 29, 2010 01:03 AM
Aselzion, please if you don't mind, i have a question, if you open the portal so-to-speak, does the energy follow you (say, to your next residence), or remain in that space where you made the initial connection. i would absolutely love your response. thanksIP: Logged |
Aselzion Moderator Posts: 34 From: North Andover, MA Registered: May 2009
posted September 29, 2010 06:42 AM
Greetings...That is an interesting question. My initial thought is that the board itself is the portal, so the low energy entity might attach itself to that... However, I suppose it is possible that the operators of the board, who have opened the portal by using the board might find, particularly if one or more of them are "psychic", that the low energy entity becomes attached to them. I can't say either of these options are the only ones... I haven't had a great deal of experience with them. I recall one time, at a party for a group of psychics that did fairs as a group, someone dragged out a Ouija board. I took my turn, and when I put my hand on the planchette, it promptly began to spell out the name of one of my Guides, then flew right off the board. The kicker was that no one in that room knew I was even working with a Guide, let alone his name (which I can assure you is not a common name)... I certainly didn't push the thing! At that point, I decided it was a message and I haven't touched one since. What are your thoughs on the matter? Because, like anything else, I believe that our thoughts and intentions do shape our Reality. In the Light... A  ------------------ IP: Logged |
Lonake Knowflake Posts: 2353 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted September 29, 2010 11:02 PM
Thank you for replying, I, unfortunately, tried my hand at ouija with another in a previous residence....I've moved 3 times since..OK, so basically we did it, and it 'worked' except it brought a low level energy what-have-you with it. I began to have that dream where there is something on top of you and it won't move, i forgot the term..And there was an instance where I was cooking in the kitchen (back turned to eating area) and when I turned around the table had moved to completely block me from getting out of the kitchen, etc. Ok, so in my other residences I've had, not always negative, but strange 'experiences' and had never had them before using the board.....So you can see why I ask..someone at work wanted one of their own, so I gave mine to her, as I heard that if you threw it away it would come back or something of that nature, so it's gone now..but every so often I'll have an experience in that 'realm' ..but no, I'm not psychic, which is one thing you mentioned. The only thing I can do is pick up on others' emotions/what they're going through so I'm sensitive in that sense, but as far as telling the future, no.My only respite is the Psychic Protection book I've begun to trudge through by astrologer Judy Hall (she wrote the Hades Moon, etc.) so I'm learning some things through that, except every so often I get spooked putting a name to what I've experienced, so it's taking me a long time to get through it. Thanks again for your opinion  I have to tell you I didn't believe in the ouija @ all, so that was my fascination with using it. I guess now I believe, lol. My thoughts on the matter? I sort of want to say that if they like your energy field they'll stick to you, but then my mind says, how far can they travel *really*? And then I also know that these entities, whatever they may be, it's not the same one who's been around me.. the 1st one was the worst and a very oppressive energy, there was another who went out to touch my shoulder but did so in such a way as to not frighten me (thank you god), placing one finger and then the next, then the next, etc. on my shoulder, and then a pause for a few seconds and then a release, so that person (who i *sensed* to be male, was obviously not trying to frighten me)..however at my new residence, the current, I saw what was basically (well what i think to be with my very limited knowledge) a person filled with demonic energy who was astral projecting themselves into my bedroom, and he basically tried to terrorize me...thinking again now, this most recent energy is the worst. The best was when I heard a voice talking to me in my car, an older woman's voice and she told me stop stop my car at the green light (i was driving at night) and sure i did, thinking she sounded like she knew what she was talking about, and as i was slowing down a car coming the opp direction turned in front of me going at least 90mph, so *that* was a positive experience, as i do believe that would have been an accident, as it wouldve hit the drivers side (mine), so it's not all point is that there are multiple 'energies' that have made themselves known i should say, or that channeling them the 1st time unblocked a lil psychic awareness for me.. I haven't used ouija in about...5.5 yrs or so. In the Light sounds like a good place  IP: Logged |
Aselzion Moderator Posts: 34 From: North Andover, MA Registered: May 2009
posted September 30, 2010 12:23 AM
Greetings...Well, I'd hazard to say that if you can pick up on the emotions/feelings of those around you... you are "psychic". That having been said, you may want to consider invoking the presence of Archangel Michael. Doreen Virtue is fond of calling him the "Heavenly Bouncer". You can say something like: "Archangel Michael, please be with me now, defend me from harm and protect my home and family from entity energy. I ask you to cut any etheric cords that may be binding me to this entity energy. Please send any low energies that may be in my home into the Light of God's presence." The words are not so important, but the intent behind them is! I wish you well, and send Angels of protection your way... In the Light... A  ------------------ IP: Logged |
Lonake Knowflake Posts: 2353 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted September 30, 2010 01:21 AM
I will use that, thank you so much, it means a lot to me.  IP: Logged |
WinkAway Moderator Posts: 1476 From: here, there & everywhere Registered: Apr 2009
posted October 05, 2010 07:54 PM
Wow Lonake, that's incredible. The bit about stopping at a green light because "someone" told you to. Just amazing. I bought a Ouija board a few years ago and tried it but nothing ever happened. Tried one before that too with no result. I've heard people talk of experiences, but haven't had any myself. My ex told me about having one once and tried to throw it away only to open his front door and find it on his door step. He said he burned it and said he swore that he heard a scream as it burned... although he's the type where you should only listen to every other word he says as truth lol. IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 2712 From: Columbus, GA USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 29, 2010 11:58 AM
*bump*------------------ "The earth is not given to us by our mothers and our fathers, it is borrowed from our children." IP: Logged | |