posted August 24, 2010 11:29 PM
Hello was wondering if someone could interpret these cards for me. I'm still wet behind the ears with tarot cards and have tried to use my intuition but I fear it may be a little clogged due to the wine I've been drinking
. I met a someone and we seem to hit it off good. He's single, but dating ie has women friends who aren't totally single but settling for less. I myself am dating - nothing sexual but from time to time I will go out to dinner or to a movie. I pulled 3 cards this evening regarding his and my relationship. I pulled the 6 of wands, devil and justice.
My first thought was 6 of wands is a good card which represents celebrations, victory etc. The devil made me hesitate as if the relationship can become very passionate (passion scares me sometimes being that I've had passionate relationships before) and then justice which rules karma in my opinion. So does this mean this relationship is karmic? Am I going to get hurt if I got further on with this gentleman? He's a nice guy. Has his own place and no children so he's a catch. We agreed to take it day by day because he's relocating to another state next year and I'm already settled in my career which is in my hometown. I don't know what to do? someone please help, offer suggestions something :-) :-(