posted May 02, 2012 10:12 AM
^Randall, thank you so much.Anyone else watch this? I hope people know about it.
I'm about halfway through the Linda section and very strongly affected by it. For years, I've been seeing little lights like the ones zipping around in Linda's room.
I knew a professor in college who was very open to paranormal activity. I told him that I often see lights moving and twinkling in odd places, like on the ceiling where no light is. (This was in Gettysburg, by the way.) He just stared at me and wouldn't give me an answer. So I thought, "He must think I'm crazy, maybe I'm crazy and imagining it." But to this day I still see them, and I have been writing them off as some kind of illusion or visual glitch.
After seeing those lights on camera I will be thinking about them differently from now on.
Edit: I went back and am watching the show from the beginning. Here they show a flashlight turning on by itself in a school.
I just wanted to say here...because it might be believed, on this forum....that after my mom died in my living room, the touch-me lamp there, which had four levels of brightness, would go through all its levels of brightness, by itself, when I was there. Occasionally it would switch off and come on again, get brighter and brighter, and flick off.
I feel validated seeing these "ghost stories" because most people I've told my story to have said, "It must be surges in the electricity doing that." Maybe...maybe not.
A similar thing happened after my dad died.
This seems legitimate to me...all of it.