posted January 20, 2012 11:49 PM
Sooo me and this little Leo have been flirting for a while. We've known each other for 5- 6 years (thereabouts) and at first we... didn't get along because my friends at the time were little buttfaces and sabotaged any relationship before it formed. She turned out to be my only source of comfort Junior year when my life went crazy and by college (when I had undertaken a really crappy relationship, and she did as well) we became even closer. She was my best friend. Then they broke up, and I had drama of my own with my relationship and our paths kind of went opposite ways.Now we're talking again and I can't deny this attraction I feel for her. The problem is that I pulled up our synastry chart and it basically said we were screwed. Granted I don't know her birth time and her birth place is iffy, plus I'm not good at figuring those out so I turned to Tarot cards and ugh. I don't know. Mediocre with readings.
It seemed like the signs our planets are compatible but the aspects they form aren't.
If anyone could give me a reading to help me out, I would greatly appreciate it because Damn It. :P
Oh, I should probably mention that in a very recent tarot past/present/future reading, my present was the Two of Cups....