posted July 01, 2013 07:28 AM
Originally posted by peachbeigeblue:
Hey twirl! For the questions I asked for you I got 8 of wands for the first and 7 of cups for the second. I wanted to post real fast to not leave you hanging. I ll be back later to write more!!!I think it's very positive though as you should keep your numbers. What do you think?
Hey Peach,
I'm just going with your insights
8 of wands comes up in different meanings so much, I find it hard to comment on it. When I read for myself it empathises on energy/energy levels, and when I read for others it either means expecting news quickly/travel and in relationships the need to distance themselves (gaining perspective) in order to really see what is going on.
Generally speaking it shows itself as movement, change,communication, things ending.
So in that respect the message can be: leave the numbers as they are now. They are in progress and on their way to manifest and they will help you manifest your desired goals.
For 7 of cups as advice: stop thinking of 1000 'what ifs' and 'I could also do this', 'or that', 'or...' etc.
edit: or... Follow your insight, ideas, intuition and explore them some more... 
This is mostly why I stay clear of my own card readings because I find it too hard to detach myself of 'me' in the situation
which will lead to confusement as seen in the 7 of cups
Just a few thoughts on the cards 
Thanks for practising on me