Topic: Return of The Sabian Oracle
NoRainNoRainbows Knowflake Posts: 1049 From: Registered: Aug 2013
posted October 18, 2013 05:25 AM
ARIES 9 A SEER GAZES INTENTLY INTO A CRYSTAL BALL BEFORE HIMThe whole picture is there in front of you, but you need to interpret its meaning. With a little concentrated effort, you will be able to see things very clearly. There is the ability to observe things that others may miss. Try really tuning in and looking within for answers. Looking ahead to see the signs. Flashes of inspiration. Tuning in and looking within for inspiration. Creative, inner visualization. Aura readings. The Caution: Being confused by the literal meaning instead of understanding the symbolic message. Always looking this way and that, but not at the center, for the answers. Getting lost in the big picture. The only limits are, as always, those of vision. ~ James Broughton
Everyone sees the unseen in proportion to the clarity of his heart, and that depends upon how much he has polished it. Whoever has polished it more sees more - more unseen forms become manifest to him. ~ Jalal-Uddin Rumi IP: Logged |
Ellynlvx Moderator Posts: 8841 From: the Point of Light within the Mind of God Registered: Aug 2013
posted October 18, 2013 11:00 AM
CAPRICORN 27 A MOUNTAIN PILGRIMAGEThere is always a need to strive further, and to learn more on our path to understanding. You may feel the desire to follow those that have gone before you to achieve a true sense of inner fulfillment. The effort may be great, but so are the rewards. Work towards your own 'mountain top'.. Ascent in consciousness. Aloneness and separation. Setting off on a mission. Spiritual, material, corporate or political striving. The Caution: High moral stand put on show with no depth of feeling. Feeling "high above" others. MidHeaven... IP: Logged |
Dee Moderator Posts: 3146 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted October 19, 2013 04:26 PM
THREE FLEDGLINGS IN A NEST HIGH UP IN A TREEThe situation is full of promise for the future. The spirit here is not yet ready to fly and is still in need of the "mother" to sustain, protect and nourish. The time for free flight and independence will come, and probably soon, however for now it may be too soon to break out on your own. Know that you will be able to rise up and leave the security of the nest and venture out on your own. Although there can be a feeling of being left alone and neglected, there is still a sense of safety. Integration of spirit, soul and body will lead to being able to fly on one's own in good time. Discovering a whole new sense of being. Being high up and detached. Nests and tree houses. Sibling rivalry. The Caution: Wanting to leave the nest before one's ready. Psychological immaturity. Feeling dependent on external influences for survival. Being stuck in a domestic situation. IP: Logged |
filleaspirant Knowflake Posts: 1587 From: Rio de Janeiro Registered: Sep 2013
posted October 19, 2013 05:38 PM
Thanks for the link, GypseeWind!I did four readings on a roll and the ones that concerned me were pretty spot on: - How do I feel about G? quote: CANCER 24 A WOMAN AND TWO MEN (OR A MAN AND TWO WOMEN) CAST AWAY ON A SMALL ISLANDThis can also be read as "A Man and Two Women". The people shown here seem to be locked into some situation, environment or relationship. This can often, but not always, be about relationship triangles. You may find it is difficult to choose what you want as others may have something different to say. Your wants seem to vacillate from one extreme to the other. Perhaps there is a need to get away from those trying to confuse you with conflicting views, although this may be impossible. Feelings of being fenced in, too little room to move. Lack of privacy. Affairs. Isolation. The Caution: Not seeing the whole picture. Fighting over `territory'. Having too many people to consider. The specter of "someone else".
- How does G feel about me? quote: SCORPIO 20 A WOMAN DRAWING ASIDE TWO DARK CURTAINS THAT CLOSED THE ENTRANCE TO A SACRED PATHWAYYou may feel the need to venture down new pathways or investigate new possibilities, but you will have to muster your intuitive faith and overcome fear to enter these new realms. You will require both courage and inquisitive desire. It is clear that your sphere of operation and action will become vastly enlarged with the new perspective that will be opened to you. Mysteries revealed. Feminine mysteries. Invitations to the unknown. Drawing the curtains. The Caution: Being seduced into dark and sinister things. Not being shown the true picture or the truth.
- How do I feel about V? quote: GEMINI 9 A MEDIEVAL ARCHER STANDS WITH THE EASE OF ONE WHOLLY SURE OF HIMSELF, BOW IN HAND, HIS QUIVER FILLED WITH ARROWSYou need to arm yourself before hunting for what you want. Your situation is one that requires skill, focus and knowledge There is no need to rush forward and hope for the best, this will only leave you feeling inadequate when you do find something. Compose yourself for a moment and realize that you have the ammunition and the sure marksmanship. Make a strategy and then hit the target. Being armed and ready. Getting to the point. The Caution: Going into battle unprepared. Overconfidence in a mission. Coming from a position of attack.
- How does V feel about me? quote: AQUARIUS 6 A MASKED FIGURE PERFORMS RITUALISTIC ACTS IN A MYSTERY PLAYEverything is probably not quite as it seems at the moment. You may find that you are not being shown the true face of the situation. Look to see who the performers are in this mystery. Are you part of the play or are you in the audience? Perhaps you need to be cautious in what you reveal or who or what you believe another to really be. Ritual. Shamanism. Archetypes of personality. Masks that cover one's true self. Mystery. Drama. Banditry. Smokescreens. Doing the technical but not the emotional.. The Caution: Taking over with a deceptive or neurotic performance.Unwilling to admit to changing times. Not knowing who the players are or what the plot is.
And at last I asked: - Is there a new love on the way? quote: SCORPIO 18 A QUIET PATH THROUGH WOODS BRILLIANT IN AUTUMN COLORINGFruitful success is now behind you. Preparation for change that has resulted from the fruits of your labor is surrounding you now. It is harvest time or just after harvest time and all is good. Take a deep breath and infuse yourself with nature's gifts. Rewards of plenty. Transformations through the different seasons of one's life. The Caution: Being too late for the harvest. Concentrating on the past. Not noticing the beauty around.
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Ellynlvx Moderator Posts: 8841 From: the Point of Light within the Mind of God Registered: Aug 2013
posted October 22, 2013 01:00 PM
TAURUS 7 THE WOMAN OF SAMARIA COMES TO DRAW WATER FROM JACOB'S WELLIf your emotions are clogged up with old, spent feelings, then it is time to clear these by making admissions to that stranger within yourself - your shadow. Plumb your depths to find renewed self-respect. Someone may be in need of help, draw on your inner resources, take time out to assist others. Dipping into family ancestry. Past lives. Going below the surface. Water and its blessings. The Caution: Allowing social prejudice to rule decisions and behavior. Feeling like one is from the "wrong tribe" and unable to assimilate or contribute. IP: Logged |
Ellynlvx Moderator Posts: 8841 From: the Point of Light within the Mind of God Registered: Aug 2013
posted October 24, 2013 12:30 PM
About Stinkin' Time! LIBRA 3 THE DAWN OF A NEW DAY REVEALS EVERYTHING CHANGED This pictures a sudden, new beginning. Hard to believe at first, but eventually it will dawn on you that things are different in the light of a new day. Take heart, realize that the darkness is abating, and gradually let go of what went before. New perspectives and new realizations. Waking up with a whole new consciousness or sense of reality. Radical shifts and changes. The Caution: Holding on to the past despite all evidence and reason to move on. Refusing to believe that things are getting better. Sheesh. IP: Logged |
Ellynlvx Moderator Posts: 8841 From: the Point of Light within the Mind of God Registered: Aug 2013
posted October 26, 2013 01:39 PM
TAURUS 26 A SPANIARD SERENADING HIS SENORITAThere is no guarantee of success, but you must act if you want any chance of success. The worst that could be damaged is a little ego, so think positively and play your role with enthusiasm and passion. Music can lift the spirits and words of poetry and love can be healing. Shared feelings, love or passion may result. Being in tune with another. Soul mates, or passing fancies? Having your voice heard. The Caution: Not believing messages being given. Insincerity and charades. Feelings of not being listened to. Spinning tales to get a response. IP: Logged |
Ellynlvx Moderator Posts: 8841 From: the Point of Light within the Mind of God Registered: Aug 2013
posted October 27, 2013 11:18 PM
PISCES 4 HEAVY CAR TRAFFIC LINKING TWO SEASIDE RESORTSThere's a need for patience and give-and-take in this situation. This Symbol can show communications and linkages between separate worlds leading to increased pleasure OR frustration, confusion or psychic indigestion. There's a lot going on and confusion can set in if one doesn't follow the rules of the game to ensure a smooth flow of operations. Being 'squeezed-in' can bring on a sense of panic but it can also bring pleasurable interchange between people. Communications and linkages between two separate worlds can lead to increased pleasure or psychic indigestion. Go with the flow. The Caution: Distrust of connecting elements. Creating barriers. Constant traffic stopping any possibility of real human interchange. An Affirmation for this degree:
I am now on the royal road of Success, Happiness and Abundance, all the traffic goes my way. Florence Scovel Shinn IP: Logged |
Ellynlvx Moderator Posts: 8841 From: the Point of Light within the Mind of God Registered: Aug 2013
posted October 28, 2013 02:56 PM
VIRGO 28 A BALDHEADED MAN WHO HAS SEIZED POWERThis pictures a time to seize power and push forward with decisions that need to be grounded now. It is by force of will that the solution will be found, but one must be careful to temper the situation as displays of masculine will can get out of hand very quickly. Dominating others' mental space in order to be in control. Male hormones run rampant. The story of Samson and his hair. Uniforms. The Caution: Pushing too hard or fast. Ramming one's convictions. Being demanding and bossy. Power tripping. IP: Logged |
EmpressMendez Moderator Posts: 7089 From: Registered: May 2012
posted October 29, 2013 02:31 AM
I asked for a sign about something important to me. Weird answer, lol. It's a predictive situation, so we will see...SAGITTARIUS 23 A GROUP OF IMMIGRANTS FULFILLING THE REQUIREMENTS FOR ENTERING A NEW COUNTRY This is a time of possibility and hope for better things and a new way of life. You may find that you are prepared to venture into new territory for the promise it offers. There may need to be adjustments about the way one communicates one's thoughts and ideas - be receptive to this new way of life and you'll learn much. Reorientation of selfhood. The necessity of learning new languages or customs in order to fit in. Passing tests (or not). The Caution: Entering into new situations with inflexible traditions. Throwing away the known in pursuit of the unknown. Rigid border controls. IP: Logged |
Ellynlvx Moderator Posts: 8841 From: the Point of Light within the Mind of God Registered: Aug 2013
posted October 29, 2013 11:44 AM
SAGITTARIUS 11 IN THE LEFT SECTION OF AN ARCHAIC TEMPLE, A LAMP BURNS IN A CONTAINER SHAPED LIKE A HUMAN BODYThis pictures a need for linking the spirit and the body. Logic is not involved in this equation, this speaks of emotions, spirit and physicality. Sometimes we need to remember to be 'in our bodies' and this shows the rewards that can come from regarding our body as our temple. Connecting the left and right sides. Yoga. Grounding reality. Working out. The Caution: Rationalizing intuitive thought until it is rejected. Being caught up in the illusion of the "physical self".
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Dee Moderator Posts: 3146 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted October 30, 2013 05:55 AM
PISCES 9 THE RACE BEGINS: INTENT ON OUTDISTANCING HIS RIVALS, A JOCKEY SPURS HIS HORSE TO GREAT SPEEDThe race is on, and you may feel that you can make it to the finish, but still not guaranteed of victory. What will push you faster and further than the rest of the field? It's time to extract all the energy possible into the situation, just ensure that you're not expending all your energy and not really achieving anything of lasting value. Competitiveness. High ambitions. Wanting to win, sometimes against the odds. Being on the home run. Rivals and competitors. The Caution: Galloping at full speed, prematurely. Being far too ambitious. Jumping the gun. Running out of steam before the finish line. IP: Logged |
Ellynlvx Moderator Posts: 8841 From: the Point of Light within the Mind of God Registered: Aug 2013
posted November 01, 2013 05:45 PM
SAGITTARIUS 1 RETIRED ARMY VETERANS GATHER TO REAWAKEN OLD MEMORIESYou may be drawn to those who have shared your struggle. A reunion can ignite old feelings of camaraderie and great passions. As these are 'retired army veterans' it's through the passing of time and with the hindsight of age that many things can be laid to rest. In going over the memories of 'old battles' you may find the clues for current ones. . Reunions. Past life memories. Fellowship. Masculine domains. Understanding the individual within an idealistic struggle. Finding comrades. The Caution: Not being able to let go of the past. Exaggerating past successes to justify current strategies. Going over the same old ground. Jobs for the boys. IP: Logged |
Ellynlvx Moderator Posts: 8841 From: the Point of Light within the Mind of God Registered: Aug 2013
posted November 02, 2013 11:55 PM
SAGITTARIUS 18 TINY CHILDREN PLAYING IN SUNBONNETSYou may feel that you are being overprotected at the moment, but it is most likely for your own good. Don't be distracted by efforts being made on your behalf, sometimes we need to be shielded by others from harmful elements. Remember to play and to have fun, but don't let people hoodwink you! Protection or blinkering of others. Censorship. Innocence. Being treated like a child. The Caution: Overprotection by institutionalized procedures that can lead to not being able to see the whole picture. Infantile behavior. Being left in the dark without a clue as to what's going on. IP: Logged |
EmpressMendez Moderator Posts: 7089 From: Registered: May 2012
posted November 03, 2013 01:18 AM
Asked about a child + a particular manPISCES 21 A LITTLE WHITE LAMB, A CHILD AND A CHINESE SERVANT It is natural to try and gain a physical awareness of the situation first. In our earliest years it was the tactile sense that was initially satisfied. You may find that you need to get back to a basic interpretation and understanding of the situation. Superficial judgments won't help. Simplicity amid the awareness of the different levels of the situation will help you to sort things through. Being protected by higher, more aware, energies. The privileges that money and social status can bring. Helpers, servants. Care, being watched over and watching over others. The Caution: Social incompatibility. Purity by nature of wealth. Not having to grow up because of social environment. Not taking responsibility for one's self. IP: Logged |
Ceridwen Moderator Posts: 13337 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted November 03, 2013 06:55 AM
AGITTARIUS 8 DEEP WITHIN THE DEPTHS OF THE EARTH, NEW ELEMENTS ARE BEING FORMEDThere are new responses to life coming from deep within your mind and soul. This creation of new and essential levels of awareness is a part of the natural result of inner changes. Although it may not be easy to observe, very strong fundamental changes are happening. Deep elemental processes and change. Shifting of conservative values. The Caution: Moving forward while elements are still forming. Clinging stubbornly to outworn ways. Unhealthy growths. My ASC SAbian, too
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Ellynlvx Moderator Posts: 8841 From: the Point of Light within the Mind of God Registered: Aug 2013
posted November 03, 2013 11:25 AM
Will the next Eclipse on the seventeenth set off that Axis? Well, twenty five, that's a pretty wide orb. In the twelfth. Sixth.
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Ellynlvx Moderator Posts: 8841 From: the Point of Light within the Mind of God Registered: Aug 2013
posted November 04, 2013 07:12 AM
TAURUS 6 A BRIDGE BEING BUILT ACROSS A HIGH NARROW GORGEThere may seem to be no way of overcoming the distance between you and the answer. There is, but to build a bridge takes time, energy and help. Once it is completed, then the dangers that it spans are no longer of any concern. Overcoming distance and separation. Endeavoring to build continuity. Solving problems. Bridging emotional chasms. The Caution: Taking the long way round to avoid asking for help or using shortcuts to cut across the real issue. IP: Logged |
Ellynlvx Moderator Posts: 8841 From: the Point of Light within the Mind of God Registered: Aug 2013
posted November 07, 2013 05:59 PM
TAURUS 3 NATURAL STEPS UP TO A LAWN BLOOMING WITH CLOVERA time of fulfillment is close, but there is still some small effort to be made. Keep going the way you are, following your natural intuition, and you will find the peace you have in sight. Hopefulness. Inspirational possibilities. Gradually enlarging one's vision. Harmony. Abundance. Nourishment. The Caution: Looking for the easy way out. Not making the effort to find what is just a few steps away. IP: Logged |
EmpressMendez Moderator Posts: 7089 From: Registered: May 2012
posted November 07, 2013 11:32 PM
Super accurate. Asked what will happen between us next? :] VIRGO 23 A LION-TAMER RUSHES FEARLESSLY INTO THE CIRCUS ARENA It is not that you need to extinguish powerful emotions and energies, but by skillfully manipulating the situation, these very wild emotions and energies will perform in a way that makes you the victor. Self-discipline and mastery are needed, along with being well rehearsed for what you are doing. There's a need to put fear behind you and to go for it. The question is: How prepared are you for the consequences? Have faith and courage in your abilities. Sublimating one's animal instincts. Control. The Caution: Needing to be in control and believing that things are dependent on your direction. Showing off and boasting. Plunging into situations, physically or emotionally, that are inherently dangerous without regard for the consequences. IP: Logged |
Ceridwen Moderator Posts: 13337 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted November 09, 2013 11:21 AM
A SPANIARD SERENADING HIS SENORITAThere is no guarantee of success, but you must act if you want any chance of success. The worst that could be damaged is a little ego, so think positively and play your role with enthusiasm and passion. Music can lift the spirits and words of poetry and love can be healing. Shared feelings, love or passion may result. Being in tune with another. Soul mates, or passing fancies? Having your voice heard. The Caution: Not believing messages being given. Insincerity and charades. Feelings of not being listened to. Spinning tales to get a response.
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Ellynlvx Moderator Posts: 8841 From: the Point of Light within the Mind of God Registered: Aug 2013
posted November 09, 2013 01:31 PM
ARIES 29 THE MUSIC OF THE SPHERESIt doesn't matter if things are going well or not, you are in tune with the inner voice and this is a time of accord with your path. Savor the lessons and grow in wisdom. This is the symbol of `the Music of the Spheres' which can mean attuning yourself to the messages inherent in astrology. Voices bringing messages. Music, harmonies, chords, keys, octaves. Circadian rhythms. Days of the week. The planets speaking through or to you. The Caution: Inflating rational ideas to appear to be inspired thought. Delusion or enlightenment? IP: Logged |
Ellynlvx Moderator Posts: 8841 From: the Point of Light within the Mind of God Registered: Aug 2013
posted November 12, 2013 05:40 AM
You have brought yourself right to the point of what you want, but there is still one more obstacle. You must make the deliberate action of opening the gate, admitting that this is what you want. Perhaps you may need to knock first (showing your intention of wanting in). It has come time for the gate to open. Maybe you need to realize that you have everything that you need, look around. Craving for happiness. Gardens and their treasures. Pathways to bliss. The Caution: Denying yourself the right to receive just rewards or wild 'goose-chases' that lead to nothing. Having everything, but still wanting more. Be an opener of doors. ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
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EmpressMendez Moderator Posts: 7089 From: Registered: May 2012
posted November 12, 2013 11:26 AM
Asked about romance [interest]AQUARIUS 22 A RUG PLACED ON A FLOOR FOR CHILDREN TO PLAY ON You may feel that you, or someone else, are struggling as you seek to grow and develop. Even if you are not aware of it, there are cushions, safeguards and protection all around you. There is a need to provide somewhere safe to live and prosper. Perhaps you need to provide this for others? Comfort and care provided for oneself and others. Longing for children. Issues of caring for young energies. Safe places to live and grow and play and be creative. The Caution: Too much insulation from reality. Self-indulgence. Being confined. Limits of activity. Having the rug pulled. Not feeling safe or supported. IP: Logged |
Ellynlvx Moderator Posts: 8841 From: the Point of Light within the Mind of God Registered: Aug 2013
posted November 13, 2013 05:23 AM
VIRGO 22 A ROYAL COAT OF ARMS ENRICHED WITH PRECIOUS STONESThere is a strong connection to heritage. This can give rise to feelings of pride and honor. There are things to stand up for and to represent. Believing in yourself and your abilities will give you strength and stability. A long lineage standing behind. Nobility. 'Coats of Arms'. Pure blood. Hereditary issues. Having rights and prestige. Pageantry. Knights jousting. Inheritances. The Caution: Superficial judgment on one's ancestry. Believing in privileges for the select few. IP: Logged |