Topic: Return of The Sabian Oracle
Ellynlvx Moderator Posts: 8841 From: the Point of Light within the Mind of God Registered: Aug 2013
posted April 12, 2014 03:35 AM
LEO 17 VOLUNTEER CHURCH CHOIR MAKES SOCIAL EVENT OF REHEARSALYou may feel a need to be with those of like mind. Take the opportunity to share in their expression of spiritual joy and shared faith. Unified voices need to be heard, whether they are taken seriously or rewarded or not. Take a chance with others by joining in with activities that bring light and fun to everyone concerned. Making the most out of any situation. Feelings of togetherness enlivening situations. The Caution: Trivializing the purpose of gatherings. Being afraid or reticent to lift up one's voice. Fear of extending oneself, or mixing in with others. Standing in the background because of the belief that one is not `good' enough to join in. IP: Logged |
Ellynlvx Moderator Posts: 8841 From: the Point of Light within the Mind of God Registered: Aug 2013
posted April 14, 2014 05:01 AM
TAURUS 29 TWO COBBLERS WORKING SIDE BY SIDE AT A TABLETo get the result you want you will need to work cooperatively with someone of equal skill and similar interest. Finding a partner with equal skills can give life a lift and lessen your own work load. Two or more people can bring not only their special talents but also their individual tools and perspectives. By sharing the task without ego or competition the outcome is not only better, but more harmonious and satisfying. People sharing quietly and persistently in their labor. Partnerships and sharing. The Caution: Attempting to complete a task with shared responsibilities yet gain all the credit or committing oneself to tasks that don't bring any personal satisfaction. IP: Logged |
Ellynlvx Moderator Posts: 8841 From: the Point of Light within the Mind of God Registered: Aug 2013
posted April 15, 2014 07:56 AM
PISCES 7 ILLUMINATED BY A SHAFT OF LIGHT, A LARGE CROSS LIES ON ROCKS SURROUNDED BY SEA AND MISTThere may be feelings of chaos and misplaced loyalties in your life, like something has been sacrificed for no good cause and things have come to nothing. Perhaps your aim was too high and things came crashing down. Having faith and a positive end in sight, you can experience a spiritual awakening - reconnecting with your spiritual ideals. Concentrate on the "shaft of light" as this can show you that light is all around you. Renewed dedication after loss. Looking for signs of recovery and hope. Coming to terms with loss or failure. Important and substantial sacrifices. Finding you way through the dark. The Caution: Losing faith. Hopes completely dashed. Unable to see through the fog. Scorn, persecution or attack because of religious or social reasons. Sacrifices sometimes for nothing. IP: Logged |
Ellynlvx Moderator Posts: 8841 From: the Point of Light within the Mind of God Registered: Aug 2013
posted April 16, 2014 04:44 AM
CANCER 26 GUESTS ARE READING IN THE LIBRARY OF A LUXURIOUS HOMEThere is an opportunity to relax and enjoy yourself. It is a time to catch up on the attitudes of others without any pressure. Sharing your ideas, time and energy with others can be rewarding on many levels. There does, however, need to be a caution against self-indulgence, as time can slip away if you're not paying attention to what needs to be done around you. Sharing of thoughts and ideas. Environments of luxury and social privilege. Publishing. The Caution: Relating on a superficial level. Being told to "keep quiet". Being concerned about how the neighbors will react. IP: Logged |
Ellynlvx Moderator Posts: 8841 From: the Point of Light within the Mind of God Registered: Aug 2013
posted April 17, 2014 03:45 AM
PISCES 24 THE TINY ISLAND SEEMS LOST IN THE BROAD OCEAN, BUT ITS HAPPY INHABITANTS HAVE CREATED A GREAT WORLD ALL THEIR OWNYou may have to compromise in order to sustain good community relations. Drawn together by similar hopes and ambitions it is ironic that sometimes compromise is the only way to successful coexistence. Making the most of what is available, even though it is restrictive, will help to dispel any feelings of being cutoff and isolated. Who are you comfortable sharing your space with? Who would you have sharing your desert island? Adaptability and cohabitation. Always considering others. Coexistence. The need for new blood in order to grow and flourish. The Caution: Cutting off from those around. Feeling resentful about not having enough privacy or space. No chance to be alone. Pollution and garbage. IP: Logged |
Ellynlvx Moderator Posts: 8841 From: the Point of Light within the Mind of God Registered: Aug 2013
posted April 18, 2014 06:04 AM
LIBRA 29 MANKIND'S VAST ENDURING EFFORT FOR KNOWLEDGE TRANSFERABLE FROM GENERATION TO GENERATIONThere is, or needs to be, an outreaching to others through awareness. There is more to wisdom than just knowing. It is what's done with knowledge that creates wisdom. It is through knowledge and understanding that we can bridge the gap between ourselves and others. Interpreting and conveying beliefs and ideas. The desire to pass on something to others. Knowledge that's handed down. Books and the spoken word. The gift of knowledge. The Caution: Belief that one knows it all. Fundamentalism. Doing what's always been done, regardless of why. IP: Logged |
Dee Moderator Posts: 3146 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted April 18, 2014 06:08 AM
SAGITTARIUS 24 A BLUEBIRD, A SIGN OF GOOD LUCK AND HAPPINESS, IS STANDING AT THE DOOR OF THE HOUSEYou feel that you are in a time of natural, positive, good will. Congratulations! There is a clear omen of good fortune at your door. Invite love and happiness in. Respond to your higher moral hopes and you will be able to move forward unhindered. Calmness and rewards. Promise of happiness. Cottages and picket fences. Real estate. The Caution: Denying happiness or good news from entering. Feeling that the grass is always greener somewhere else. Thinking that buying things will make one's life happier.
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Ellynlvx Moderator Posts: 8841 From: the Point of Light within the Mind of God Registered: Aug 2013
posted April 19, 2014 01:35 AM
Wow, Dee!Looking good... IP: Logged |
Ellynlvx Moderator Posts: 8841 From: the Point of Light within the Mind of God Registered: Aug 2013
posted April 19, 2014 01:39 AM
quote: Originally posted by Ellynlvx: . LEO 10 EARLY MORNING DEW SALUTES THE SUNLIGHTAfter a cold and difficult time, even a dark struggle, you may feel that the end is near. This is a time of freshness when the "air" (the newly awakened mind) is crisp and the "ground" (the refreshed and renewed body) readies itself for a new round of activity. The reward at the moment will be transitory, so enjoy it before you progress into the activity of the new day. Refreshment after a period of 'the long night of the soul'. Dawn meditations bringing inspiration. Awakening energies signaling new beginnings. The Caution: Not letting go of difficult situation. Persisting with problems that have been solved. Feeling though the worst is going to happen even though things are lightening up.
Full Circle from the Start?
After a cold and difficult time, even a dark struggle, you may feel that the end is near. This is a time of freshness when the "air" (the newly awakened mind) is crisp and the "ground" (the refreshed and renewed body) readies itself for a new round of activity. The reward at the moment will be transitory, so enjoy it before you progress into the activity of the new day. Refreshment after a period of 'the long night of the soul'. Dawn meditations bringing inspiration. Awakening energies signaling new beginnings. The Caution: Not letting go of difficult situation. Persisting with problems that have been solved. Feeling though the worst is going to happen even though things are lightening up. IP: Logged |
Ellynlvx Moderator Posts: 8841 From: the Point of Light within the Mind of God Registered: Aug 2013
posted April 19, 2014 01:44 AM
Incorrect.It was this one. Leo: An old sea captain rocking on the porch of his cottage. Reward of growth from outer to inner realms. Serenity through the overcoming of storms. Self-gained mellowness. Retirement. Isis:
Leo: After a heavy storm, a rainbow. Promise of conscious immortality after the death of useless things. Spiritual linkage through emotional stress. Blessing. Uranus/North Node: Daybreak - the luminescence of dawn in the eastern sky. Transforming power of creative impulses as they bring ideas to concrete manifestation. Stirring to opportunity. Soul-power. Interesting.
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Ellynlvx Moderator Posts: 8841 From: the Point of Light within the Mind of God Registered: Aug 2013
posted April 20, 2014 02:30 AM
CAPRICORN 8 BIRDS IN THE HOUSE SINGING HAPPILYYou may feel a sense of uncomplicated contentment at this time. Even though there are a number of social rules to obey, that shouldn't bother you. This is a time for sharing good feelings and happiness with all who enter your sphere of operations. Being at one with everything. Music. Bird song. Birds. Happiness. The Caution: Idle chatter. A smug superiority and a feeling that one has it all. Not seeing the happiness inherent in one's everyday life. IP: Logged |
Ellynlvx Moderator Posts: 8841 From: the Point of Light within the Mind of God Registered: Aug 2013
posted April 21, 2014 10:52 AM
ARIES 20 A YOUNG GIRL FEEDING BIRDS IN WINTERSomeone is in need of help, someone who may even be the cause of their own problems. There are those that stubbornly resist moving on or changing their habits, even if it is to their detriment. Nonjudgmental innocence can move you to help and lead others to trust. Nurturing innocence. Feeding energy to situations that feel cold, hopeless and lost. Small efforts bringing their own rewards. The Caution: Trying to win approval. Creating a reliance that has to be maintained. IP: Logged |
Ellynlvx Moderator Posts: 8841 From: the Point of Light within the Mind of God Registered: Aug 2013
posted April 23, 2014 05:42 AM
CAPRICORN 4 A GROUP OF PEOPLE ENTERING A LARGE CANOE FOR A JOURNEY BY WATERTo embark on a journey with a number of people is to embark on an emotional discovery. With cooperation, there can be great success. You may also find this to be a time when different and separate aspects of your personality come together to explore an emotional situation. Cooperation. People coming together with a shared goal in sight. Feeling like you're on a journey of destiny. Travelling or living together. The Caution: Uncoordinated energies. Not wanting to go along with anybody. IP: Logged |
Ellynlvx Moderator Posts: 8841 From: the Point of Light within the Mind of God Registered: Aug 2013
posted April 24, 2014 07:35 AM
LIBRA 21 A CROWD UPON A BEACHYou may feel the need to get back in touch with others or with your emotions. Joining with people of like mind in a natural setting, you can feel the release that can come from reminding yourself of the wonders of nature. Any feelings of what needs to be done should be put aside as you frolic and play. Simple gatherings and sharing in natural values. People getting loose and revealing their bodies. Relaxing social constraints. The Caution: Avoiding close interaction with others. IP: Logged |
Ellynlvx Moderator Posts: 8841 From: the Point of Light within the Mind of God Registered: Aug 2013
posted April 25, 2014 06:33 AM
CAPRICORN 13 A FIRE WORSHIPPER MEDITATES ON THE ULTIMATE REALITIES OF EXISTENCEYou may find yourself very focused at the moment, with a great passion for the situation. There is a sense of danger, but also a sense of new beginnings. Harnessing your personal resources can create magic. Look through appearances to get to the heart of the matter. Self-conquest. Kundalini energy being aroused. Playing with dangerous elements to reach a higher state of being. Meditation. Fire. Examining the meaning of life. The Caution: Overestimation of personal power and abilities. Obsession to the point of self obliteration. Going too deeply. IP: Logged |
Ellynlvx Moderator Posts: 8841 From: the Point of Light within the Mind of God Registered: Aug 2013
posted April 26, 2014 08:32 AM
SCORPIO 30 CHILDREN IN HALLOWEEN COSTUMES INDULGING IN VARIOUS PRANKSYou may feel that the trickster in you is out at the moment, or you may be the focus of tricks. Whichever, it should be acknowledged that there needs to be an occasional outlet for immature or fun loving energies, as long as there's no harm done. This can refer to somebody who just can't take anything seriously. The time of halloween is the time when the veil between the living and the dead becomes very thin, like an illusion. The mad-man inside all of us. Astrodrama. Unintegrated energies playing tricks. Practical jokes. The Caution: Being unable to connect with real and immediate emotions. Contempt for the establishment. 'Mucking around' and not getting to the core of things. Being foolish. IP: Logged |
GypseeWind Knowflake Posts: 6006 From: Love Street, she lingers long on Love Street.. Registered: May 2009
posted April 27, 2014 03:32 AM
I asked about the DOOD...LIBRA 2 THE LIGHT OF THE SIXTH RACE TRANSMUTED TO THE SEVENTH This is a time of new beginnings with an implementation of a brand new order. Respect the value of what is waning, and take the best qualities with you. This Symbol shows people who are within reach of their own ultimate potential. Some aspects of society are being left behind for a higher, more evolved state. Ascension to a higher order is pictured here, but there is a need to remain still rooted in the reality of practicality, lest one loses one's way. Transference of the best of the past into the present. Younger, more vital energies taking over from the older. Theosophy. Blavatsky's theories. Finding kindred spirits. The Caution: Losing touch with practical survival. Discrimination against the "lower classes". IP: Logged |
Ellynlvx Moderator Posts: 8841 From: the Point of Light within the Mind of God Registered: Aug 2013
posted April 27, 2014 09:53 AM
With that Great Attractor Vertex thing, I'm not surprised.IP: Logged |
Ellynlvx Moderator Posts: 8841 From: the Point of Light within the Mind of God Registered: Aug 2013
posted April 27, 2014 10:04 AM
ARIES 4 TWO LOVERS ARE STROLLING THROUGH A SECLUDED WALKYou should be able to escape the realities of the world and touch the deeper feelings of your heart, without fear of being criticized. Be with someone you love and enjoy their presence without rush or pressure - even if this means being with that part of you that you never seem to have time for. Try to find some time for quiet romance. Walking love's path. Secret love affairs. Being undisturbed. Being by one's self and wondering where the 'other' is. The Caution: Being 'selfish'. Keeping one's partner to yourself. Jealousy when others are around. Let there be spaces in your togetherness. Kahlil Gibran
I was never less alone than when by myself. Edward Gibbon Love does not consist in gazing at each other, but in loooking together in the same direction. Antoine de Saint-Exupery IP: Logged |
Dee Moderator Posts: 3146 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted April 27, 2014 02:37 PM
Your situation may seem to be heading for disaster, but perhaps you can be in control and at the right moment, you'll be able to save the day. The question is: do you really have the controls? Are you, or is someone else, actively working against the best interests? Imagine yourself regaining control, physical, mentally, emotional or spiritually and pull yourself out of the nose dive. Plunging into experiences and situations GEMINI 10 without thought of the ramifications. If you become conscious of what you are doing you may be protected (and saved) at the last moment.
The Caution: Refusing to help yourself even though disaster is imminent. Free falls, defying gravity and defying the consequences. Shakeups. Neglect of physical realities. Crashing and burning. IP: Logged |
Ellynlvx Moderator Posts: 8841 From: the Point of Light within the Mind of God Registered: Aug 2013
posted April 28, 2014 08:49 AM
Nodes and the Eclipse. LIBRA 30 THREE MOUNDS OF KNOWLEDGE ON A PHILOSOPHER'S HEAD There is ability here to read spiritual understandings into concrete objects. Several different aspects can be combined to result in a truly wise outcome. Pierce through appearances to see the truth of your situation. There can be talent for bringing abstract truths into reality. Concentrating on questions of a philosophical nature. The need to get one's thoughts or beliefs out into the real world. Look to the signs. Wisdom that transcends book knowledge. Phrenology. Great brains. The head, scull or cranium. The Caution: Analyzing things too much and reliance on intellect. Taking things far too seriously. Living in one's head. Having a "know it all" attitude. IP: Logged |
Ellynlvx Moderator Posts: 8841 From: the Point of Light within the Mind of God Registered: Aug 2013
posted April 29, 2014 12:37 PM
GEMINI 1 A GLASS-BOTTOMED BOAT REVEALS UNDER-SEA WONDERS AND PANORAMASYou are looking at the issues at hand, but from an objective, uninvolved perspective. A distant, possibly uninvolved position is probably much safer for you and the situation you are observing. This may be relative to the fact that the situation is out of your natural environment anyway, so this is much safer - for you and those you are watching. Being able to see 'within' to forms that are not usually observable. Clairvoyance. Being able to connect with the collective unconscious. Spiritual gifts that enlarge one's perspective. The Caution: Putting up a barrier of social safety to avoid involvement in one's deeper emotions and their complications. IP: Logged |
Ellynlvx Moderator Posts: 8841 From: the Point of Light within the Mind of God Registered: Aug 2013
posted April 30, 2014 09:08 AM
ARIES 24 AN OPEN WINDOW AND A NET CURTAIN BLOWING INTO THE SHAPE OF A CORNUCOPIAYour mind is open to possibilities that are being 'blown' in from the realm of spirit. There is an abundance coming that will be self-sustaining. Look for out of the ordinary opportunities. Realizing that in one's everyday life, one has it all. Imagination. Keeping your options open. The promise of fruition. The breath of life filling you with inspiration. Open windows and doors. The Caution: Relying on your spiritual ideas to provide material sustenance, thinking that good luck will just 'blow in'. IP: Logged |
Dee Moderator Posts: 3146 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted April 30, 2014 11:13 AM
second time i got this oneSAGITTARIUS 24 A BLUEBIRD, A SIGN OF GOOD LUCK AND HAPPINESS, IS STANDING AT THE DOOR OF THE HOUSE You feel that you are in a time of natural, positive, good will. Congratulations! There is a clear omen of good fortune at your door. Invite love and happiness in. Respond to your higher moral hopes and you will be able to move forward unhindered. Calmness and rewards. Promise of happiness. Cottages and picket fences. Real estate. The Caution: Denying happiness or good news from entering. Feeling that the grass is always greener somewhere else. Thinking that buying things will make one's life happier. IP: Logged |
Ellynlvx Moderator Posts: 8841 From: the Point of Light within the Mind of God Registered: Aug 2013
posted April 30, 2014 11:40 AM
After the last one, good to hear!IP: Logged |