posted September 15, 2013 06:03 AM
Is it possible for anyone to be fewled by Shayton?I read that Anton Lavey on his deathbed realised how he was fooled by Sayton and wanted to repent.
The Qn is is it possible to be fooled? Alot of facts are present and there are much more xtian literature and warnings against the devil than there are literature that celebrate the latter.
I don't see how anyone can be fooled. They know what they're dealing with from the start
What did they think they could get by following the dark path such that they feel cheated at the end?
Some people say Lucider is the bringer of light and God is the one fooling us by keeping knowledge from us which is our birthright
Thing is why do people sell their souls willingly, sometimes even for fun? Why choose darkness when they can have light and love.
On a side note, a past shaitanist said kfc is ruled by the devil.
What do u think?