posted August 21, 2014 09:03 AM
A colleague (music-teacher) was asking me if I might be interested in learning playing clarinet. I have neglected my musical education I bit I fear, well I am not really THAT talented (but I learned playing the flute as a child, and a bit of electric piano). I must say I am a little intrigued. NEver thought about clarinet, but part of me sais, why not?
Well I pulled some cards on "Shall I learn playing the clarinet?"
Page of Pentacles - 9 of cups - Ace of swords
I was thinking this might be a yes. At least as a possible new hobby. I am not sure what the Ace of swords means in that context though. Swords as learning, and Ace as gaining new skills in something?
Well, I would always have loved to learn singing as a matter of fact, but was always too shy about that, too, and besides as I said I do not have that much of musical talent, and probably couldn`t even be trained to hit the right note or hold it.
Too bad. I really would have liked being able to do that.
Though if I am pulling cards, about the question of if I should be taking singing lessons?
Hanged Man
Ace of cups - 9 of pentacles - Magician
(for some reason I was drawn to pull an initial card, before the actual 3 cards spread, no clue why)