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Author Topic:   My Lenny blog (interps and help are encouraged and welcome)

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posted December 17, 2013 06:36 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for littlecloud     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
So far I've just been doing 3-card daily readings to see what would come up for me. One that I remember had the last two cards as Park-Birds which I was like ok...looks fairly relaxing, maybe some texting, turned out I went out that night and was up late chatting with friends that had come for a visit.

This past sunday I pulled Tower-Whip-Bear (I'm pretty sure it was whip), and sure enough had a nice argument with my mom. This one was easy and is fairly common occurrence, but that day was a pretty nasty one.

These next few ones confuse me a bit;
I had asked about what to expect between me and a boy for the rest of this month and got
I wasn't sure if I was clear enough (the cards confused me) so I asked again more specifically this time.
Should I assume the woman is me?

Then today I pull Scythe-Stork-Key, when I looked up the meanings it seemed to indicate moving and radical change. So far nada..It's a daily, so that may make the change less severe? It looks like a good change...I think... Since I won't be going to bed anytime soon, the day is far from over.


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posted December 18, 2013 02:25 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Twirl     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Good idea! I haven't been practicing with mine...
With your boy it looks good, no? Or in the cards at least.... I would read the woman as you. Altough I did like how you read it with my cards.
Think you need someone like Empress to reply. So far my Lenormand predictions are around 60-65 % right and/ot I pick up on the past instead of the future, lol. Not really where I want the to be ;-)

I'll pull 3 for my day: cross - tower - woman. I will end up not working, because of a friend? Cross + Tower = spiritual work? Possibly feeling burdened by the work I'm oing. This would make sense cause I have been feeling stressed with juggling all my 'tasks' & earning enough income to live. I feel like ...what's the name of the woman in the fairytale that ends up making straw in gold & get tons of tasks like seperating each grain, etc? (Or am I going in Leo Drama Overdrive here?)... I suppose I am, lol.

Can't think of your day cards. Doesn't it look like a change is actually postponed? Since the Stork gets 'killed' by the Scythe?

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posted December 18, 2013 02:57 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for littlecloud     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Well the boy and I have been one point he apologized for not being able to see me as more than a friend, a part (over hopeful?) feels like that can change..idk... but maybe this is what your cards indicated?

This is the link I've been looking at,
Nothing really happened today...but something things were put in motion, plans with friends, that loan (which is looking good for me, so your cards did touch on that) for school, someone I needed to get in touch with.. Not exactly outright motion but a catalyst I guess..

Your cards right there I would read as getting overwhelmed by a female boss. She may have high expectations of you, or will end up putting a lot on your plate for no reason.

Oh!! Remember that thing you said that I would start but stop...well when I was buying the Lenormard cards I saw about 3 more decks I wanted to buy. One was a shaman deck that I really debated on, eventually I put that down. So it may have been that. Not sure about other people but you seem to have picked up on the immediate future with me, especially with that ring you said I would find.

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posted December 18, 2013 01:06 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for littlecloud     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
For today it's Moon-Rider-Lily

All I can come up with is something regarding romantic news...

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posted December 19, 2013 03:45 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Twirl     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Lol, I'm my own female boss Very demanding. Overall I think it just referred to a busy workday. I did look online for 'crosses' necklaces. I really want one.

I love that site! I have been using that too :-) also good to hear that the loan is looking good! Oh & so funny about the cards! Start & stop. That was that 2 week prediction, right? I want another oracle deck with sweet messages.... Tarot is so direct (or I am, lol). Do you know a nice one?

The first one I did for you with the ring, was all 36 cards. So the loan & the conversation was further away, but the ring was in the here & now. With the other try-out sessions I use 5 cards & when I started I read the past

How about your cards: news about a job/better prospects (good grades?) which will make you feel good. Receiving compliments.

My cards: heart - cross - birds

Some difficult conversations in regards to matters of the heart? Something will be taken difficult?

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posted December 19, 2013 10:08 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for littlecloud     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I can't believe you did a 36 card spread for that!! That is soooo much! The only oracle deck I've ever considered was the one I picked up that day, the shaman one.

I'm crossing my fingers for the loan, it's small but it would help. I also need to get another job...

Yesterday I texted with my boy a wasn't romantic, but more back and forth than I'm accustomed to with him. Maybe this sort of lays something out for the future since I read that lilies indicate long-term relationships? (that's what the booklet says) Come to think of it, we spoke about long term plans for him...well not super long, but he's looking to relocate so that could be it.

Your cards, I can see that...maybe a tough heart to heart convo with someone? Likely a friend or within a group of friends.

Mine today where ship-scythe-cross....looked it up and it indicates injury. Considering my martial arts I would not be surprised. As long as it's not another car I'm good. I also pulled tarot and got 2 of cups-4 of swords-Empress...that's a weird daily one.

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posted December 19, 2013 10:20 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for littlecloud     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Also when I read the woman/lady in your reading it was on the subject of family and with the Tower I took it as your mom. But for me tower-bear, bear being mother-bear is also a mother for me..a slightly overbearing one, as Tower would indicate as well. According to my little booklet it could indicate the sitter of the reading, so in your case it could be your, your mom, a close friend, for me it could be me, or about another woman if I'm reading about her. If it's a guy it could be his significant other. I'm sure you know this...I'm just blabbing at this point. Ok, time to take my final! (pull a couple of cards for that one if you like lol)

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posted December 19, 2013 11:06 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Twirl     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by littlecloud:
I can't believe you did a 36 card spread for that!! That is soooo much! The only oracle deck I've ever considered was the one I picked up that day, the shaman one.

I'm crossing my fingers for the loan, it's small but it would help. I also need to get another job...

Yesterday I texted with my boy a wasn't romantic, but more back and forth than I'm accustomed to with him. Maybe this sort of lays something out for the future since I read that lilies indicate long-term relationships? (that's what the booklet says) Come to think of it, we spoke about long term plans for him...well not super long, but he's looking to relocate so that could be it.

Your cards, I can see that...maybe a tough heart to heart convo with someone? Likely a friend or within a group of friends.

Mine today where ship-scythe-cross....looked it up and it indicates injury. Considering my martial arts I would not be surprised. As long as it's not another car I'm good. I also pulled tarot and got 2 of cups-4 of swords-Empress...that's a weird daily one.

How about a roadblock for your day cards? Or getting hurt by carrying a (too) heavy grocery bag? Lol. I am not sure... Something seems to be blocking you from moving/feels heavy. Or that is what it feels like.In that case the 2 cups - 4 swords - empress would suggest someone taking care of that injury ;-) Best be a bit careful... Altough it will most likely turn out to be something completely different.

I'm having these heart to heart conversations with clients... Day is not over yet though...

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posted December 19, 2013 01:07 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for littlecloud     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
That may be it for you then...sometimes the cards points to what's the focus or most important part of the day.

As for the Empress, it may indicate my need for a bubble bath for sore muscles. I was hoping to squeeze one in today. I also looked at the scythe as 'cutting' my suffering.

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posted December 20, 2013 03:07 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Twirl     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
It was it for me.
How did your day turn out?

Today: heart - anchor - key = an opening to new security about something I love? Perhaps making some changes to reach some more security?

Final judgement: having my heart set onto making some changes/finding solutions in order to gain more security/a more secure base.

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posted December 20, 2013 01:48 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for littlecloud     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I skipped out on martial arts, trying to avoid injury...but I did discover cuts on my fingers that I hadn't seen before which was odd. Then later it was dinner at a friend's house, no bubble bath but we got high and relaxed.. I ended up having some crazy dreams last night tho... Initially when I pulled the cards I thought some type of my suffering would end, I took my final, so idk...

I pulled cards to see how I did on my final, I can't remember the first one but the last two were 5 of swords and 7 of wands, which I really hope is a good omen...

I also asked if I should invite my boy over for christmas (having a friend get together)
4 of swords-7 of pents- Queen of Cups
So not sure about that...although the Queen is positive

Todays Lenny's are Letter-Mountain-Lady
I'm on my way to the doc with my mom now and my immediate thought was that it would be more delays with her. I'll edit in more interps later.

Yours sounds right.

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posted December 21, 2013 12:54 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Twirl     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
What happened with the Lennies, yesterday? Think you should wait with inviting your man for Christmas.
I did try to make some changes in regards to the house/practicalities/business. My tarot of that day spelled out: 9 pents - ace cups RX - 2 wands RX

Today: scythe - garden - bear. As it turned out scythe can mean rain (lots & lots & lots) while being outdoors & bear??? Probably just my grumpy mood cause of getting soaked.
Anything I missed? I'm not sure about the bear...
Edit: not sure it was rain... Also didn't finish the full trip... And I tripped....

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posted December 21, 2013 03:26 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for littlecloud     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
For your tarot it looks like you won't be able to get what you want done. 2 of wands Rx makes me think there will be obstacles in the way..not sure about the ace, maybe your passion for it is not 'flowing' well?

Bear always makes me think of Mama Bear.. Were you supposed to do some outdoor event maybe? Not sure what to make of those cards.

As for Christmas, I already asked, he said he's going to visit family (which I wasn't sure if he was going to do). I asked the Lenormard if he would come and got Sun-Coffin-Dog which I figured meant something along the lines of what he told me. I think the daily cards that I had pulled just indicated the delay in his response as well as all these other emails I'm waiting for.

Today is Fish-Mountain-Ring
Maybe the Mountain is because I'm so freaking tired..

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posted December 26, 2013 06:50 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for littlecloud     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
So for Christmas I pulled either whip or scythe can't remember, but then it was choice and coffin so it was a sucky night.

Everything was closed so I wasn't able to get the alcohol I wanted. The day ended with me crying in my room. A conversation with my siblings further cemented the knowledge that they can't or won't understand me. This may be in part due to my reluctance to broach a subject, but from the things I've heard them say, I'd end up more upset than consoled.

Today it is Tree-Bear-Clouds. I think this may be about a lady I was supposed to see today. Looks like she may be sick? The link points to some health issues that are expensive? This lady gives me beauty treatments that are rather expensive, so far I've called her but no response. I'm thinking it may be about her because she's older (around 55-60), and the bear so far has showed up in reference to my mom who is 61.

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posted December 27, 2013 03:59 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for littlecloud     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Asked about getting a new job by the end of January
Looks like I may be able to find something via friend or someone in a position of power.

As for my daily read today it was
Fox-Man-Book no likey. I may be deceived by a man I don't know? It's hard to say about the fox when this is general, I do work later today...

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posted December 28, 2013 02:06 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Twirl     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Agreed with the take on the job.
Weren't you supposed to be looking for a job in a bar? And did I read on that or were those your own cards? Can't remember, lol.

Not sure about the day cards: looks like busy being working/studying - seeing a lovely man at work whom you will be studying from a distance, lol.

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posted December 28, 2013 05:34 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for littlecloud     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Yes I was supposed to, am supposed, to be doing that...I'll likely get a run at it tomorrow night. With all the holiday stuff it's been difficult getting things going.

The day cards may have indicated something at work. There's been issues with money and trust and stealing and whatnot, so I've become a bit of the watchdog to make sure things run as they should and it's stressful. My boss is having trust issues with some of his male employees and last night it kind of got me in trouble. So I'm thinking it was that. There was no one I was staring at longingly...

And just for the kicker, my cards today are

Fox again....I'm hoping that it means I'm clever enough to keep my job.

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posted January 03, 2014 02:47 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for littlecloud     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Since I had to work New Years Eve, I asked if I would get paid a little extra or would it be standard (what I usually get when I work)


Definitely not the cards I wanted to see. My prediction is that either I will not get my check tomorrow, (instead saturday) or due to weather I will get a message telling me that we are closed for the evening. The second scenario is worse because it means that I get less money than I had hoped.

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posted January 03, 2014 09:35 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Twirl     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Could it not be good news?
And then the cross & coffin say 'end of worry'? so basically 'don't worry, you will get paycheck/good news soon'.

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posted January 03, 2014 03:44 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for littlecloud     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
It's Coffin-Cross otherwise I'd be inclined to agree with you. I'll find out soon enough I guess..

So I did get my check but I didn't get paid for working NYE on this one and have to wait for another two weeks for that. Which sets me back on my bills. Hence the Cross.

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posted January 05, 2014 02:32 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for littlecloud     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Today looks interesting...


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posted January 05, 2014 05:16 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Twirl     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
That's my fabulous reading of course (which I will not get to, today, sorry. I kinda feel like the girl in the fairytale that had to sort out all the grains in one night... Rather stressed, but I will do your reading later).

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posted January 05, 2014 10:19 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for littlecloud     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
You know, that was my first thought too! But no worries, get to it when you can.

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posted January 08, 2014 02:00 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for littlecloud     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Today was Ring-Tower-Stork
Which made me take a glance over at the school website which was finally up and low and behold I got an A in my one class I took. It's a small boost but a good one nonetheless. Also saw that there was a restriction on deleting my registration, which must mean money is on the way!! Yay!!! I get to go to school next semester!

I'm moving at a snail's pace, but at least I'm going right?

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posted January 08, 2014 11:08 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Twirl     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by littlecloud:
Today was Ring-Tower-Stork
Which made me take a glance over at the school website which was finally up and low and behold I got an A in my one class I took. It's a small boost but a good one nonetheless. Also saw that there was a restriction on deleting my registration, which must mean money is on the way!! Yay!!! I get to go to school next semester!

I'm moving at a snail's pace, but at least I'm going right?

Yay! Absolutely! Good for you

Ps: the healing reading is in the other thread

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