posted May 09, 2014 02:01 AM
yeah I have a few spreads of my own with multiple decks. was wondering if we can share.
One of mine is the Y spread, mostly convenient when situations seem confusing or when things are not going as one wishes it to.
7 8
2 3
4 5 6
okay it doesn't appear like a Y
Car 1 is the center card, the focus of the issue, the reason why. So I use a 'blunt' deck. Give it to me straight to my face, you know.
Cards 2 and 3 are the people mostly involved in this issue, it could be people you are not aware of or that will likely come into the picture.
Cards 4,5 and 6 are what is dynamic, could be ourselves, our psyche, the way we react to situation. where does the problem lie.
Cards 7 and 8 are how we are going to overcome them, should we choose to.
Card 9 is the desired outcome which is I think is also a dynamic card..
hmmm, I have tried this spread on my friends and it gives amazingly accurate results.