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posted August 11, 2014 08:03 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for St@r2013     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Ceridwen:

Fish could also mean the deepening of a soul connection.

Interesting... I hope that wasn't the case though lol - it did feel like a second chance, we hat a few nice chats today with the, a lot nicer than last week...

Ouch regarding your teeth! I feel your pain (literally) I'm going to have my wisdom teeth removed in two weeks and since making that appointment my who jaw has been hurting - each tooth and tooth =(

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posted August 11, 2014 07:00 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for St@r2013     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Daily spread - mask + fish + snake.

Seems like another day that I'll get stabbed at, at work ....we shall see

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posted August 12, 2014 04:18 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ceridwen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
clover - garden - mice


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posted August 12, 2014 03:51 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for jollyaries     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I got 78 from the Midterm exam. The highest score is 100. Average of the class is 42.

I知 feeling really bad right now.

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posted August 12, 2014 04:13 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ceridwen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
But 78 is a pretty good grade, then, isn`t it?
Above average.

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posted August 12, 2014 05:43 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for jollyaries     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Yes, it痴 much above the average.

But there is one person who got 100, and there may be other scores between 78-100, too. If I知 in top 5, then I知 good, this means I still have a chance to receive an A+ grade provided that I do well on the final. If not, then I think I killed my chances of getting A+ with my stupid mistakes in the exam.

Anyways, now I値l shift my focus to final. It痴 next week.

Sorry for derailing the thread with my personal situation. Just wanted to share.

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posted August 12, 2014 08:35 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for St@r2013     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by jollyaries:
I got 78 from the Midterm exam. The highest score is 100. Average of the class is 42.

I知 feeling really bad right now.

I think it's a good score too!

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posted August 12, 2014 10:37 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for jollyaries     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Thank you, Ceridwen and Star.

I hope, for this last exam, I知 in top 5 out of 82 people.

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posted August 13, 2014 04:37 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ceridwen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I mean I understand that it would be nice to be in the top-group, but honestly, even if not, it still would be a good result, no?
Maybe the system in your country is different than ours though. That I do not know.

As for yesterda`s spread.
I was exchanging emails with a friend and we were discussing her anxieties, and Iwas also realizing what gives me anxiety and that it is time to stop being prey to that.
Very possibly a positive manifestation of the mice in that spread.

Todays spread has
Man - book - letter

Book and letter together is an interesting one. Much reading?
Secrets being revealed?

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posted August 13, 2014 05:53 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for quietstorm     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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posted August 16, 2014 07:40 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for St@r2013     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I did my spread for next week:
snake + rider + ship + bear + garden + crossroads + coffin

So the first thing that popped up for me was the coffin at the end of the week and it is very accurate because I will be having my wisdom teeth removed on Friday - so yeah, I'll just be there motionless when my teeth will be removed.

Theme of the week: Bear - usually depicts for me a boss at work, often it actually showed my HR lady (as she is a big personality and big lady as well) - I hope I won't have much to do with her though this week and it just shows boss..

Snake - Given that the snake is opposite the coffin and I already had issues at work from this lady who is annoyed that I'm taking time off because of my wisdom teeth - I reckon that shows the conversation I'm planning on having on Monday with my supervisor about that unpleasant incident.

Rider - I'll get some news maybe on Tuesday? As the crossroads is opposite the rider maybe there's going to be a choice between two things.

Ship - Maybe public transport, maybe news from abroad (rider + ship). I haven't chatted to the guy I used to for about a week now, wonder if he will reappear (given that he is in another state, a flight distance from me).

Garden + crossroads - I'm planning to meet someone next Wed, and the the crossroads there I think I might even have two meetings before Friday...

And coffin: my operation. Although I would have expected scythe to show instead of the coffin - because I'm not doing it in a hospital where I'll be under general anesthetic, but it'll be in the chair under a local one...

I'm curious to see how the bear, rider and ship will play into my week...

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posted August 21, 2014 11:55 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ceridwen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
How is your week going so far?

My daily spread for today is:

Garden - lilies - Sun


10 of cups

could need some positivity.

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posted August 22, 2014 12:36 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ceridwen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
also, did my 5 line spread for the concert tomorrow, what time I will have and what will happen

bouquet - letter - anchor - stork - whip

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posted August 22, 2014 10:07 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for St@r2013     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by St@r2013:
I did my spread for next week:
snake + rider + ship + bear + garden + crossroads + coffin

So the first thing that popped up for me was the coffin at the end of the week and it is very accurate because I will be having my wisdom teeth removed on Friday - so yeah, I'll just be there motionless when my teeth will be removed.

Theme of the week: Bear - usually depicts for me a boss at work, often it actually showed my HR lady (as she is a big personality and big lady as well) - I hope I won't have much to do with her though this week and it just shows boss..

Snake - Given that the snake is opposite the coffin and I already had issues at work from this lady who is annoyed that I'm taking time off because of my wisdom teeth - I reckon that shows the conversation I'm planning on having on Monday with my supervisor about that unpleasant incident.

Rider - I'll get some news maybe on Tuesday? As the crossroads is opposite the rider maybe there's going to be a choice between two things.

Ship - Maybe public transport, maybe news from abroad (rider + ship). I haven't chatted to the guy I used to for about a week now, wonder if he will reappear (given that he is in another state, a flight distance from me).

Garden + crossroads - I'm planning to meet someone next Wed, and the the crossroads there I think I might even have two meetings before Friday...

And coffin: my operation. Although I would have expected scythe to show instead of the coffin - because I'm not doing it in a hospital where I'll be under general anesthetic, but it'll be in the chair under a local one...

I'm curious to see how the bear, rider and ship will play into my week...

I was quite right in my interpretation.
The bear did signify my boss - who was very kind to me and at the end of the week gave me flowers as I was having my wisdom teeth out.

In the beginning of the week I did get a text from that guy, which was surprising cause he didn't message at well at the previous week.

I had several meetups with friends (more than two like I thought though).

And yeah the operation on Friday which didn't feel like death but like torture as I was awake and it was horrible.

Interesting thing was that my grandma went to the hospital this week and I visited her 3 times this week - I'm surprised that wasn't indicated by the spread... unless bear was for my grandma? Hmmm

Oh and I have no idea about the snake at the beginning of the spread - the only thing I can think about is that on Monday my eye makeup was very "snake" like - bold green with brown...

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posted August 22, 2014 10:10 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for St@r2013     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Ceridwen:
How is your week going so far?

My daily spread for today is:

Garden - lilies - Sun


10 of cups

could need some positivity.

That looked like a very nice day! I have to say, lilies for me is one of those cards I still don't understand their purpose/meaning - but I'm assuming you've spent outdoors, some place pleasant and it was sunny. Curious if you were with an older person... mum?

10 of cups? You lucky thing! Great day indeed.

I pulled 10 of pentacles during the week and it was such a great unexpected day (usually I pull out swords ....)

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posted August 30, 2014 06:38 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for St@r2013     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Need your help guys (haven't seen this thread active in a while... hope someone will come and check it).

I asked how will my love life (which is currently non existent) look like in Sep and got:

Mountain + heart + snake + ring + star.

It's interesting to get both the heart and ring, so that makes me think something might actually happen in sep.

Mountain - there will be obstacles.

Star - electronic communication - online/phone etc - great.

But what is with the Snake?? I'm so confused by it... and how is the snake will play a part in my love life in Sep?

Someone online did a spread for me a few weeks ago and also got snake and told me that I'll meet a guy who will be like a snake - not that he will be horrible just that he won't know how to express himself and although it can be fun at times it will feel like not a great match...


What do you guys think about this spread and the snake in particular?

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posted August 31, 2014 06:46 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ceridwen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Snake sometimes can also mean a very seductive strongly sexual/ physical attraction/ appeal.
Maybe in this spread it is what it means?

In a time-spread I usually read the middle card as theme card, the frist ones as falling away (or denoting the beginning), the last 2 as pointing at the end of the month.

So here it would start slow and some blockage would present itself in the first 2 weeks. But once the mountain is crossed (oh I jsut remember I dreamed of the most beautiful mountain side, but why did I not climb up to the peak of it? Stayed somewhen below, still uplifted, but there was more in it for me, yet I somehow did not go there. Still afraid to reach for the stars, though they ARE within my grasp, possibly?)

Anyway sorry.

AFter the blockage has cleared, a very seductive attraction will grab you (heart and snake); however it might be focused on appearances for now, or different reading it, might involve strong kundalini/ transformation theme (the snake can mean that, as well). But I must also point out that there is a risk of another woman being in play. Or you becoming the other woman. The man might not necessarily be available or single. Snake is framed by heart and ring, this looks like a relationship with a lot of physical chemistry and attraction, but with the snake, well possibly things are not as straight forward as you wished them to be.

However with the ring and star at the end, I`d say thre is a really nice and beautiful relationship in your grasp, or coming in your proximity. maybe online, but does not need to be.

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posted August 31, 2014 06:48 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ceridwen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I was doing a spread today, too, about how my connection with the guy will develop (over the next weeks/ months).

Tower - Rider - Stars- Lily - Bouquet

What do you say?

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posted August 31, 2014 06:58 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for St@r2013     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Ceridwen:
Snake sometimes can also mean a very seductive strongly sexual/ physical attraction/ appeal.
Maybe in this spread it is what it means?

In a time-spread I usually read the middle card as theme card, the frist ones as falling away (or denoting the beginning), the last 2 as pointing at the end of the month.

So here it would start slow and some blockage would present itself in the first 2 weeks. But once the mountain is crossed (oh I jsut remember I dreamed of the most beautiful mountain side, but why did I not climb up to the peak of it? Stayed somewhen below, still uplifted, but there was more in it for me, yet I somehow did not go there. Still afraid to reach for the stars, though they ARE within my grasp, possibly?)

Anyway sorry.

AFter the blockage has cleared, a very seductive attraction will grab you (heart and snake); however it might be focused on appearances for now, or different reading it, might involve strong kundalini/ transformation theme (the snake can mean that, as well). But I must also point out that there is a risk of another woman being in play. Or you becoming the other woman. The man might not necessarily be available or single. Snake is framed by heart and ring, this looks like a relationship with a lot of physical chemistry and attraction, but with the snake, well possibly things are not as straight forward as you wished them to be.

However with the ring and star at the end, I`d say thre is a really nice and beautiful relationship in your grasp, or coming in your proximity. maybe online, but does not need to be.

Thank you for the interpretation, I really like it.

I also see the spread as beginning (2 card - 2 first weeks) - theme - end of the month (2 cards - 2 last weeks).

I hope I won't meet a married guy or someone in a relationship... I guess we'll see what Sep has to offer me...

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posted August 31, 2014 06:59 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for St@r2013     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Ceridwen:
I was doing a spread today, too, about how my connection with the guy will develop (over the next weeks/ months).

Tower - Rider - Stars- Lily - Bouquet

What do you say?

Is your relationship based on texting/online chatting at the moment?

Because it seems there's a physical distance between you but you are communicating electronically.

This looks to continue but not to develop much, as in there won't be too much depth. But pleasant conversations, so that's nice

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