Originally posted by littlecloud:
Just figured I'd lump them together1)This first one is a guy, he taught a seminar at my martial arts school and I approached him a couple of times so I decided to ask what was his overall impression of me (like when you meet someone for the first time and take them all in)
3 of swords-Hermit-7 of rods
The swords is throwing me off...the rest I can see how studying the art is a dedication and struggle that I and others don't give up.
2)This one is for my Sifu, just asked how he felt about me (not romantic)
Emperor- Knight of Cups- 9 of cups
Emperor fits hims well since he runs the school and is therefore a bit of a fatherly figure. The other cards...he has high hopes for me? I'm too wishy-washy?
3)Interesting...Emperor again but this time for a woman. This is at a job I used to work at years ago and have come back a couple of times as a shift cover, so I asked how she felt about keeping me there on a more permanent basis.
Emperor-King of Cups-Ace of swords
She would like to keep me there but can't? I hope the swords is a yes and not cutting away at the work ties...
The first guy is not the kind that is easily accessible emotionally.
The second guy, yes I think he believes in your capabilities and indeed would wish that you excel.
The third draw, I think she likes you but is undecided if she should keep you or not.