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  Highpriestess - Ace of Wands - 7 of swords

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Author Topic:   Highpriestess - Ace of Wands - 7 of swords

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posted July 08, 2014 07:58 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ceridwen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Just been asking what`s going on in this head of his. lol

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posted July 09, 2014 02:31 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Jessica2407     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Having thoughts that probably he shouldn't have..

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posted July 09, 2014 05:01 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ceridwen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Exactly. *sighs*
What a mess!

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posted July 10, 2014 02:14 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Jessica2407     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

Hope things are good for you Ceri?

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posted July 10, 2014 05:33 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for VenusDiSirius     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
What an amusing spread! Are you his HP, Ceridwen? I could imagine you as HP, with your Neptune rising and interest in astrology and general Sag talk.

Maybe you should leave the romancing to him - He seems very determined to say the least.

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posted July 10, 2014 05:55 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ceridwen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Jessica2407:

Hope things are good for you Ceri?

Yes, they are, I think. Not sure. It`s confusing to say the least. lol
so nothing new, right?

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posted July 10, 2014 06:04 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ceridwen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by VenusDiSirius:
What an amusing spread! Are you his HP, Ceridwen? I could imagine you as HP, with your Neptune rising and interest in astrology and general Sag talk.

Maybe you should leave the romancing to him - He seems very determined to say the least.

Yes, I think I am his HP, sometimes I also appear as the Moon, but usually HP.
I guess I represent some kind of mystery to him.

Well he can`t pursue me, he is in a relationship.
It confused the heck out of me though when he pretty much publicly admitted some kind of attraction to me or saying that I was driving him crazy to hte extent he was messing up some songs on stage.

Yeah, what should I be thinking about THAT?
And more importantly how on earth should I be responding to something like that?
In true HP fashion I did not respond at all, or just well, I did so a tiny little bit later on. But I was VERY surprised.
I get it, he just had to get it off his chest, I suppose, or Idon`t know what. It did not even seem intentional. That little outburst just sort of happened.
I suppose Mercury retro had his hand in this, along with TR Uranus being opposingour composite Pluto and squaring composite Venus. Sometimes it is just difficult to keep certain things bottled in.

That little outburst might just have been a joke, yes, I get that, but he didn`t look like it. He didn`t laugh or even smirk, he just kept avoiding looking into my direction for several minutes and was very quick in hastening off stage.
And his girlfriend did not look too amused either.

Oh damn it!
Couldn`t he have done that a year before?
Worst timing EVER!lol

Nah I think it probably was just some sort of realization he had (because let`s face it I have changed a lot and become this uber sensual attractive confident woman that I always tried to hide. No, not really, but I improved certainly and am more relaxed and comfortable with myself)

Yeah, but that was that. And how are we ever going to interact in normal ways, like audience and performer should? *sighs*

Nevertheless I feel we`ve eventually got to talk. It REALLY is time for that.
No, not about THAT - I mentioned he is unavailable, right? - but just to somehow bring this Neptunian floating-almost-connection down to earth and start acting like grown ups and not like some teenager being thrown in a docu soap. lol

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posted July 10, 2014 06:46 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for VenusDiSirius     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

"sometimes I also appear as the Moon, but usually HP. I guess I represent some kind of mystery to him"

Moon = dumbfounded; he feels you don't know what you want, but it's actually a projection, a mirror.

"Well he can`t pursue me, he is in a relationship."

Ya think, with 7 of Swords on A/W in the spread?

"more importantly how on earth should I be responding to something like that?"

With daring! How else to shut his mouth but with a retort? To be silent is to be an accomplice. Now that can cause problems.

Going nuts re: relationship + bad timing = Uranus alright.

Since you've mentioned it, I think you're onto something with yourself being changed and his subsequently changed perception of you. It's like they are attracted to you, but there's one thing that's very important to them that is at odds with you. Then something happens, and you align with their [ideal] view of you or whatever. You become real, and they lose thier shizz. Look for a 7 of Cups in spreads for that effect.

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posted July 10, 2014 10:01 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ceridwen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Venus Di Sirius,

you made me laugh. Thanks for that.

"Moon = dumbfounded; he feels you don't know what you want, "
Yeah, well he is right about that. At least in the past.

Ya think, with 7 of Swords on A/W in the spread? "

"To be silent is to be an accomplice. Now that can cause problems."
No, I don´t think so.

It was still vague enough. Well he did not point a finger at me addressing me by name, he pretty much just said that the woman in 2nd row almost completely to the right was driving him crazy.
Well, unless he has lost his marbles over the 80 year old lady sitting beside me, there was only one woman sitting in that direction.
However, it still is vague enough, right?

" It's like they are attracted to you, but there's one thing that's very important to them that is at odds with you. Then something happens, and you align with their [ideal] view of you or whatever"
Words of wisdom.

It seems very fitting. For both of us actually. I wasn´t quite completely sure about him before either. I mean there was always that sense of a "buzzing attraction" (whatever that is, but it feels buzzing. lol). But not quite. I don´t know. Weird.

Funnily enough we decided to lose weigh in the same month, of course not knowing of each other. just coincidentally, and since then I suppose things have changed for both of us.

Well the thing that most ostentably changed is my behaviour, I am sort of more present, less defensive, less trying to hide away and going into ignoring-mode; it is not that I would really get active and daring as you put it, but I suppose I am more open than I used to be.

Anyway since pulling tarot cards is fun, I pulled some more on different questions, and Iam sharing this cause it made me laugh. I just take it in the most lighthearted way here.

Well the first question actually was a serious one for me, and that was, well i thought maybe it was just the moment some weeks ago, and whatever attraction he might have felt, would be gone right after that. So I was asking if he will still feel some sort of attraction to me, when we meet next (yes we will cross paths again, cause we always do. *sighs* which is why it is important to establish certain modes of interaction, that respect ethic boundaries).

Well the cards were:

Knight of Wands - Magician - 10 of cups

(no, I`ll certainly not be falling for that knight of wands/Magician-vibe. )

2nd question: what does he actually want our connection to be/ or become (was hoping for a friendship-spread, or something nice and innocent).

Sun - King of Wands - lovers

3rd question:
What does he intend to do about this strange connection between us? (like, file it away under could have been nice, but is not meant to be)

Fool - King of Cups - Devil

4th question:
how does he want me to act around him, when we would cross paths again (modest, withdrawn maybe?)

Queen of Wands - Ace of Cups - 5 of wands

The cards are by now playing a joke on me, right? I asked too often in the last days and now they are simply teasing and kidding me.

Well deserved I think.

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posted July 11, 2014 08:25 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for VenusDiSirius     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

"No, I don´t think so."

Any tarot reading lawyer will tell you this.

"Well, unless he has lost his marbles over the 80 year old lady sitting beside me, there was only one woman sitting in that direction. However, it still is vague enough, right?"

On serious note, maybe we should classify the stages of the vague. You with your Neptune, moi with mah Moon/Neptune will be on par with the mission.

From your words, I gather it's one of those guts-in-throat situation; the stupid, sheer, teen excitement. It's like meeting them anew, for the first time. The confusion that ensues because all of one's receptors were on, and there are so many impressions and you can't possibly make out the head/tail of it. Buzzing, indeed.

Yeah, Tarot is fun, and the cards are cheeky. Am entertaining my friends (raining, cooped in the house) and just asked how my décolleté looks in the white shirt. Got Moon.

You're better than moi, Ceridwen, for I'd fall for that Knight. Yup!

Sun-King/W-Lovers this also feels very determined and formal.

Fool-King/C-Devil something foolish that borders on coup de foudre meets "I just have to do it/I need it"; K/C is bit annoying. He could really irritate you with this move. Very immature.

Q/W-A/C-5/W Forthcoming. Flirty but fixed on him. Engaging. Playful. Direct. "love me love me say that you love me, fool me fool me.." When I read 3 cards, lately, I take the last 2 cards as an amalgam to the 1st card (the 1st is THE answer); Ace of Cups that speaks of love and overwhelming emotions + 5oW as romantic sparring... This leads straight to QoW.

If your cards are joking with you, then they are very keen on pulling the prank all the way. Consistent spreads, they even speak among themselves.

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posted July 11, 2014 08:30 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for VenusDiSirius     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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posted July 13, 2014 12:15 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ceridwen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

On serious note, maybe we should classify the stages of the vague. You with your Neptune, moi with mah Moon/Neptune will be on par with the mission."
Lol. Yes.

Funnily my Neptune is conjunct his Mercury exactly and squaring his Mars-Jupiter-conjunction. I suppose my Neptunian ways must be quite crazymaking sometimes.
He is a Pisces-ASC though with Neptune widely conjunct Sun (7-8 degrees), so he better not complain about ELUSIVENESS and VAGUENESS!

" It's like meeting them anew, for the first time. The confusion that ensues because all of one's receptors were on, and there are so many impressions and you can't possibly make out the head/tail of it. Buzzing, indeed."
Yes, feels VERY teenager like. But since I never really experienced it when I was that age, I intend to fully wallow in it NOW.
Never mind I am almost 40 and should know better. lol

Sometimes it feels I am getting younger with age.

"Got Moon."
You will drive the men insane with your allure?

"You're better than moi, Ceridwen, for I'd fall for that Knight. Yup!"
Oh I do, I most certainly do. But he doesn`t quite have to know that, right?

"K/C is bit annoying. He could really irritate you with this move. Very immature."
You think so?
I thought the King of Cups is the mature one of the male cup court cards?

"Q/W-A/C-5/W Forthcoming. Flirty but fixed on him. Engaging. Playful. Direct. "love me love me say that you love me, fool me fool me.." "
Aww, I would love that actually. the playful banter, if I only could react like this. lol

"When I read 3 cards, lately, I take the last 2 cards as an amalgam to the 1st card (the 1st is THE answer); Ace of Cups that speaks of love and overwhelming emotions + 5oW as romantic sparring... This leads straight to QoW."
Oh that is interesting. I usually take the central card as centre, but I tried it out your way and it works wonderfully.

Actually he put an announcement of the "meat and greet" concert online, and I couldn`t resist commenting on that.
It seems sometimes like I am becoming a different person, usually I do not comment on stranger`s facebook pages (well we are not really total strangers, but not friends either).

I wonder what he thinks of it?

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posted July 14, 2014 04:38 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for VenusDiSirius     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
"I intend to fully wallow in it NOW."

- Excellent.

"Sometimes it feels I am getting younger with age."

- A key to fine, fine life!

"You will drive the men insane with your allure?"

- I'd like to thank you for your comment. However, there's a The Simpsons episode where Lisa gets a reading and the lady goes "the cards are vague and mysterious" - now, I get a similar experience when I draw Moon in a single card spread. It's like... "if YOU don't know, how the heck will I..."

"But he doesn`t quite have to know that, right?"

- The elusive Ceridwen strikes again!!!

"I thought the King of Cups is the mature one of the male cup court cards?'

- Don't have the book with me right now, but I've read something re:K/C that hits the spot, in my experience - it has to do with neediness disguised in emotional manipulation; a shadow side to K/C, no doubt, and I am not saying this is the case. I can see K/C, in the context of that spread, being a little annoying in sense he'd like to have things his way, because he is so overwhelmed "I feel it so much so it must be the right thing to do". A romantic righteousness, of sorts. Teen-like. Mind you, Kings are rarely figures of action.

In my spreads the bonafide King is in the suit of Swords. Pentacles too, even though they can be a little intense, shall we say it, when it comes to "I mean business" in love matters.

"Oh that is interesting. I usually take the central card as centre, but I tried it out your way and it works wonderfully."

Had it been for Ace of Cups flanked by two minors/majors/court cards, I think I'd focus on the middle card too. I like that imposed balance the cards sometimes assume.

"I wonder what he thinks of it?"

*shuffles her deck*

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posted July 14, 2014 07:22 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ceridwen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
"- A key to fine, fine life!"
I certainly hope so. I

" "if YOU don't know, how the heck will I..."

Like that. Also liked the Simpsons episode. I liek the Simpsons. Period. lol

Well with the Moon, maybe your skin could also look aristocratic pale?

"- The elusive Ceridwen strikes again!!! "
Hmm, maybe. It is hard to keep on that more direct path, when I have to battle against years and decades of bad habits of avoidance.

Intresting take on the King of Cups. Never thought about it like that, but it DOES make sense. I think the King of Wands has always been my favourite of the batch. The King of Pentacles seems a little boring, and the King of Swords, well honestly? I am a little intimidated by him. lol

"In my spreads the bonafide King is in the suit of Swords. Pentacles too, even though they can be a little intense, shall we say it, when it comes to "I mean business" in love matters."
Can you elaborate on that?

"I like that imposed balance the cards sometimes assume. "
Yes, me, too.

"I wonder what he thinks of it?"

*shuffles her deck*

And what does your deck say?

(I cannot draw cards on this issue myself, unfortunately .

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posted July 15, 2014 05:09 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for VenusDiSirius     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
"Well with the Moon, maybe your skin could also look aristocratic pale?"

- Usually, yes. I've been getting a tan, however; perhaps the contrast makes the shirt & the rest pop out more? I can't with Moon.

"Hmm, maybe."

- I say "elusive, she says "maybe".

"I think the King of Wands has always been my favourite of the batch."

- He's also like my dad, so I know K/W well.

"Can you elaborate on that?"

- King of Swords - Principled, steadfast, unobtrusive. When he's in my spreads, they are automatically more balanced, serene. "Nothing will gone amiss, not now when I am here." The ultimate authority figure. He can be into someone for years and years and I think, when it comes to romance and this king, the lifelong attachments to someone whom may be no longer available, is the result of his cerebral nature. He is hands on, applied philosophy in every aspect of his life, but not love. Platonic all the way.

King of Pentacles - An Earth sign, in my spreads, by and large. But he's also a Scorpio/Pluto being. Old fashioned, very formal, very very fixed. Quietly devoted, but he simmers deep down. Appreciative of overt, affectionate gestures, pronounced sensuality. He's a provider. Likes status symbols. If he likes you, he'd very open about it, very demonstrative and serious/ardent - one may balk at the strength of his serious proposal. He doesn't chase though. It's like "I've bestowed my attention upon you, and now it's time for you to respond in equal measure; you're perfect because I chose you." However, don't read this as condescending - He upgrades you, and you're his match. But in his heart you're above him. He loves women and admires them. But his status is his status.

"And what does your deck say?"

- I drew the cards prior to typing the rest of my reply, so it's an odd, but interesting spread.

King of Pentacles - 5 of Cups + Hierophant

speaking of devil

I decided to draw one more card on King, to have him explained further and got 4 of Pentacles.

What I immediately thought - he feels jeopardised. As if you've managed to catapult a significant rock above his fortified self. Both the king and 4/P are the security, change-begone cards; they are about strength and the appearances that project composure and power. As if that projectile of yours hit a delicate spot and roused possessiveness as the means of defence. When I look at the following cards, I am certain his reaction is the shield himself away, somehow. Hierophant stands for society (social networks in this case) and propriety and 5/C is "god, this is taaad unfortunate". His reaction would align with his societal status (an artist, yes,but also romantically attached), or rather the expectations which stem from his standing. It's possible that he feels bad about it, but the situation is what it is, and he has to follow the rules - shake it off on the basis of the customary behaviour that's used on fakebook.

In short - the comment hit home, you've made an impression, he feels accosted. I wouldn't expect any type of direct or engaging response, however. Playing "just a comment" card. To be moved by that!? No way!

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posted July 15, 2014 04:41 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ceridwen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Thank you for elaborating on the two Kings. Yes, makes much sense.

Also thank you for the reading. I think this coudl be very possible.

" speaking of devil"
lol Ys.

"What I immediately thought - he feels jeopardised. As if you've managed to catapult a significant rock above his fortified self."
I actually had that feeling, too.
Almost like me showing up and radiating like I apparently did (well I do not feel myself I am radiant, but I certainly improved), came at a very bad time for him.
If I trust my gut instinct (I usually try to rationalize it away, but will put it into words just for once), I think what happened is, that while there has always been a weird vibration between us, some sort of pull that was hard to define, during that week, and me being like I am now (very much myself as a matter of fact), he was suddenly hit by the realization that he was feeling an attraction to me. How strong I do not know, but strong enough, to unbalance him for a few moments in his show. And nothing throws him off balance! HE is the one who throws others of balance.

And out of this feeling of sudden newsflash this verbal slip happened, despite his girlfriend being present. I don`t think he would have said it, if he had thought about this before.
This surge of attraction/chemistry, whatever, came as a complete surprise to him.

What happened then i am not exactly sure about. Maybe he expected me to respond to this, by talking to him after the show, maybe he was relieved that I did NOT talk to him, but instead just left (and probably left him to do some explaining to his girlfriend. I mean how nice can it be to hear your boyfriend saying that another woman is driving him crazy?).

Matter of fact I did nto respond that night, I was too overwhelmed and surprised by that, too.
However I did sort of respond by writing that comment on his facebook page; it was partly to just comment on a really great show, and partly it was my intention to I don`t know somehow communicate to him, that I am okay with it. I cannot know if he read it like that. But fact is he and the friend who was reading this message aloud on stage were liking my comment. Maybe just a coincidence, but I had the feeling that it was okay.

However, by now, a month later, and many withdrawn, almost sad pictures of himself and drawings of huge swords, burning hearts and burning masks later (only one drawing so far. lol), he probably has found back to his balance. Not saying that it really was me who had that impact for so long, but his posting behaviour after that was a little bizarre, or unusual for himself.

Anyway, by now he seems fully concentrating on his job, and only his job again, and he has found back to his control, or how you want to call it.

What you wrote here:
His reaction would align with his societal status (an artist, yes,but also romantically attached), or rather the expectations which stem from his standing. It's possible that he feels bad about it, but the situation is what it is, and he has to follow the rules - shake it off on the basis of the customary behaviour that's used on fakebook."

I think that is exactly what happens.
Maybe he regrets the chance we apparently would have had and never took, when it was still time, maybe I remind him of that lost chance, he maybe neer even knew he wanted. lol
But he is a professional, he knows how to do his job, and he likes to keep the control (never mind he acts like a clown sometimes, it is easy enough to see through for me. lol)

"In short - the comment hit home, you've made an impression, he feels accosted."

In a way I am almost relieved that I left an impression, even though he of course cannot act on it.
Yes, I might be regretting this as well, but I also think that this is the rational, the reasonable rection (non-reaction in this instane).
What could he do otherwise?
Risking the peace of his relationship because of a spontaneous fleeting attraction he might have experienced in the spur of a moment?
And of course he does not know how I feel for him. I mean talking about his self-control, my defense mechanism is even more inpenetrable. Or was at least. Not anymore, not since he clearly got under my skin (though I would not let it show at all int he recent years. lol)

So that is what my gut instinct tells me. Yes, the attraction is real; it is sudden and it is a risk to everyone`s peace of mind involved (did I mention a friend asked if Ihave a subscription on the 3 of swords, cause in the weeks following this incicent this card would show up in eVERY reading?), no, this is not the time and place, and most DEFINITELY not through facebook.

What I want, well I do not want him completely out of my life, I enjoy his concerts, I like his persona, but what I want now, and this is very new for me, is a more grown up interaction, and with that I mean, clearer communication and responses, while of course respecting the boundaries, inherent in this situation.

Well nevertheless I pulled some cards for the question what he would think if I disappeared completely, I mean for real, for good and forever, never showing up anywhere again, where he is, and wondering if he would even notice, and I pulled

6 of cups - 5 of cups - Queen of Wands

the 6 and 5 of cups made me actually laugh, the cards of good memories and nostalgia, and the card of regret.

Of course it could be that this really reflected my feelings about that. lol

Cause i don`t know much, but I do know that I do NOT want that, disappear, hide away. In fact I want to find a way to make a normal interaction (as fleeting and superficial as it has to be, given the situation) possible.

Sorry if this sounds so serious. But he is not the only one looking reflective lately (not sure what he was reflecting upon though), but I have given it some serious thought as well.
Cause one thing seems clear to me, we can`t go back to how it was before - which I would nto want anyway, the time for these hide-and-seek-games is gone-, so there needs to be a way to modify and improve the intearction, and doing so, that everyone can be content with it.

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posted July 19, 2014 02:17 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for VenusDiSirius     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
"Almost like me showing up and radiating like I apparently did (well I do not feel myself I am radiant, but I certainly improved), came at a very bad time for him."

Ceridwen, please - control your radiating self, K? You have responsibility. Go see if there's a hamlet needing some electricity.
Meh, bad timing is what makes the romance material in flims/books/what else.. Oh, I know! Music! Poor him with his radiating muse.

"This surge of attraction/chemistry, whatever, came as a complete surprise to him."

I see, not very bright, is he? No wonder he falls for the radiating women.

"I mean how nice can it be to hear your boyfriend saying that another woman is driving him crazy?"

Depends on the context. And the lady's quick wit.

"Anyway, by now he seems fully concentrating on his job, and only his job again, and he has found back to his control, or how you want to call it."

Got his mojo back? Muuuuse? Could Empress be a marker for a muse? Huh?

"I mean talking about his self-control, my defense mechanism is even more inpenetrable. Or was at least. Not anymore, not since he clearly got under my skin (though I would not let it show at all int he recent years. lol)"

You know, I could make a naughty joke here...Which would involve moats, impregnable castles and.. Nevermind. Saving that for mah stand-up.

"but what I want now, and this is very new for me, is a more grown up interaction, and with that I mean, clearer communication and responses, while of course respecting the boundaries, inherent in this situation."

This could be double-edged. I don't think it would necessarily yield platonic, relaxed response, not if he starts reading into it, which is possible, because men are stupid like that. Then again, he's an artist, maybe he's pleasantly... Unusual.

"6 of cups - 5 of cups - Queen of Wands"

Did you know that few cards are as resilient as 6/C? I think the biggest disservice done to 6/C is when they labeled it as "nostalgia card" and stripped away its budding (flowering) potential.

And this spread is so sad. Even I, the Cap Moon, would feel bad for the guy, had you pulled a Houdini.

"Sorry if this sounds so serious. But he is not the only one looking reflective lately (not sure what he was reflecting upon though), but I have given it some serious thought as well. Cause one thing seems clear to me, we can`t go back to how it was before - which I would nto want anyway, the time for these hide-and-seek-games is gone-,so there needs to be a way to modify and improve the intearction, and doing so, that everyone can be content with it."

Don't be silly, it's cool. You write and think like a proper Sun/Mercury. It's enjoyable + it makes me less of a lazyass poster.

I would agree on the rest. Little too diplomatic for me, though , but I can see it.

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posted July 23, 2014 02:56 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ceridwen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
"Ceridwen, please - control your radiating self, K?"

I can´t I am just so sparkly and glowing and brilliant.

so it might sound as if I was really radioactive.

"Go see if there's a hamlet needing some electricity. "
My awesomeness is too much for him, I fear.

Though I recall that he was the first one to wish me a New Year a few months ago.
It was funny actually at some points in the performance, this young woman sitting beside me was seemingly trying to crawl into my chair just so he would be looking at her, not me. And I did not even TRY.
It was such an amusing play (well, I hardly ever heard Henry V. being referred to as funny, but it WAS funny; I was laughing more as I did in some so-called comedies I saw here in theatre. Maybe I am just weird and finding only fun in dramas?)

<"Poor him with his radiating muse."
Yeah, he wrote a song about me after all.

Probably. Possibly. Maybe?

Hey my Sappho is conjunct his Pluto-Anteros exact. and my Moon conjunct his Sappho. Must have been good for something after all. lol

"You know, I could make a naughty joke here..."§
Naughty? how? I wanna hear, tellmetellmetellmetellme...

ne to 6/C is when they labeled it as "nostalgia card""
agree with you.

How do you interprete it?

" Little too diplomatic for me, though , but I can see it. "
Yeah nice reasonable ideas, right?
I have just a feeling deep inside, this reason might fly right out of the window, well could be... I have needs, too, you know?

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posted July 27, 2014 12:21 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for VenusDiSirius     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
"And I did not even TRY."

- Another proof you're outta control. I feel like an enabler by simply talking to you.

"Maybe I am just weird and finding only fun in dramas?"


- Also, sometimes, I feel the same in regards to the horrors? I was really laughing while watching The Ring. #Jupiter

"Yeah, he wrote a song about me after all. (...) Probably. Possibly. Maybe?lol"

- I don't think I can find an appropriate exclamation right now. Or the language.

I'd require for you to answer me a few additional questions in order for me to gain some further, deeper understanding of the matter, if you don't mind.

Does he always preform with his shirt borderline-lewd unbuttoned?

Is there a meaning the permeates through the scene that includes white shirt, white room, white pants, white piano and some Buddha fella who's totally three-wheeling on you guys?

Dream that makes no sense

- Soooo, this is what is feels like when Moon trolls you big time.

Only you can stop it

- Yup, you're outta control.

Somebody help me understand

- I got you covered man, lemme get mah cards!!

"Hey my Sappho is conjunct his Pluto-Anteros exact. and my Moon conjunct his Sappho. Must have been good for something after all. lol"

Obvs. The rumoured muse. *wink wink*

"Naughty? how? I wanna hear, tellmetellmetellmetellme..."

- I can't remember right now.

"How do you interprete it?"

- There's something so perfect about it. Like a sentiment that's roused by a scene, scent or touch (VI Lovers after all) or a small kindness. Like a compliment from an unexpected place. It's a sweet indulgence, especially when you take into consideration that 6/C comes after 5/C (or 7/C, depending on your perspective). It's matchy-matchy. It's joyful and fun (oftimes there's a imagery of a play, or a show). In romantic spreads, I've read this is a card for the soulmate. What I have found is that this is a great card because it invokes the kind of compability you can't express but rather feel and later savour it. It's simple, it's beautiful and very much now. It just feels that everything fits, and you can't possibly imagine an alternative.

"I have needs, too, you know?"

- Not to mention a runaway artist! #atlarge #wildcomposer #danger

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