posted September 29, 2014 08:40 PM
I'm flattered Mztiny, thank you! That's a lot of cards for a yes or no question. Unless you asked the question first and then drew for clarification, my rule is three cards max for a yes / no question. You don't have to follow my rule of course, it's just something I've seen work better for multiple tarot readers.
Secondly, since that's what you drew - we'll work with it!
2 of Pentacles Page of Rods R Tower R Knight of Rods Fool R Sun 10 of Rods
I actually kind of feel this is speaking metaphorically. Like there's a good chance he'll get very angry at your mother for something soon and "kill her," but literally speaking - no, I don't see it. There are physical cards here with all the Wands cards, but also no ominous Sword cards.
2 of Pentacles Page of Wands RX Tower RX - they have their ups and downs (2 of Pentacles) and there's a chance their marriage has been debilitated for awhile, but it's something they've carried on with and avoided (hence why the Page is RX and the Tower. Page of Wands upright would at least open the door to addressing the issue and the change would begin, but RX it's delayed and slowed down.) I feel the rest speaks more about your father and his character than predictive. It's just my hunch though, I'm sure there are others who have differing ideas that will contribute.