posted October 26, 2014 10:35 PM
Instead of listing the entire GT (in this instance) I'm only listing the last 3 columns, because I fell in the first row, seventh column.Mice + Woman + Lily
Anchor+ Mountain + Fox
Garden + Whip + Ring
Tower + Cross + Stork
Fate line: Scythe + Dog + Bear + Tree
According to DonnaLeigh's videos, anything the Woman is over is what she controls, if she's under it, it controls her. So that's the first good news I suppose - me landing on the 7th column, 1st row. I'm on top of everything. Whip + Cross means hard lessons and challenges. Tell me something I don't know, Mademoiselle.
For some reason I jumped the gun and used "mirroring" here. Mice + Lily equal the end of an affair or age-related health problems. Mice + Woman means I'm exhausted and overworked. YES AGAIN Lenormand, but I need to be patient (Woman + Lily.) OMG if I hear "be patient" one more time, I am going to yell and throw things.. I have been patient.....
Mice + Anchor - long term stress. This is true.
Mice + Mountain - giving up, long-term worry, frustration. True again, I just feel like disappearing completely.
Anchor + Woman - determined. That, I am. Indeed.
Anchor + Mountain - no movement, big obstacles. Awesome...
Anchor + Garden - enjoying life
Anchor + Whip - long-term conflict, physical abuse (hmmm. Help correlating this?)
Garden + Whip - public argument, debate
Garden + Mountain - boring event, canceled meetings, problems with the public (losing me here, how does this relate back to me?)
Garden + Cross - therapy (okay, this makes sense. I've been thinking about it.)
Tower + Cross - problems with authority, church.
Tower + Whip - gym or fitness center (this makes sense too.)
Woman + Mountain - Loner, experiencing delays, single woman Here ladies and gentleman is where it sums up my life right now.
Woman + Fox - Workaholic Yeah...
Mountain + Fox - lack of career growth, leave of absence, unemployment I don't think it'll be unemployment, but lack of career growth YES.
Mountain + Whip - erm....impatience....Yeah, what of it?
Mountain + Ring - lonely relationship, duty Not in a relationship. Thoughts?
Whip + Ring - YAY without looking, I think this signifies a gym contract. The site I use says it means relationship trouble or abuse. This HAS been true in the past but isn't right now.
Whip + Cross - Already done.
Whip + Stork - Fast and troublesome change great.
Cross + Stork - improvement, destined change. Right, but when?
Cross + Ring - Difficult relationship, remorse Remorse, you say? I'm intrigued. Does the remorse come from me or someone else (is there a way to tell?)
Scythe + Dog - ending a friendship.
Dog + Bear - Powerful friend
Bear + Tree - healthy diet, nutrition.
Mirroring: Scythe + Tree - surgery
Interesting. I don't know how to put together the internal stuff, but I wonder why Lenormand pointed me in the way of an old, old friend of mine from 6 years ago whom I no longer speak with. At one point all three of us were best friends, but then him and me stopped being friends. The other friend (girl) and I (whom I'd met first in college) rekindled a friendship that lasted pretty strong until this past July. She told me he had weight loss surgery and I know he is still overweight now but he was way bigger the past few years.... but why is that showing up in my fate line?!