Topic: So, I asked the BIG question
Dancing Maenad Moderator Posts: 2323 From: The Harvest Registered: Mar 2014
posted October 28, 2014 03:50 PM
Edited------------------ ~the raving one dancing in the nude~ IP: Logged |
Dancing Maenad Moderator Posts: 2323 From: The Harvest Registered: Mar 2014
posted October 28, 2014 03:59 PM
Edited ------------------ ~the raving one dancing in the nude~ IP: Logged |
littlecloud Moderator Posts: 3393 From: Registered: Nov 2010
posted October 28, 2014 04:12 PM
That is sad </3 I'm sorry I can't add much to this because you have a better grasp of it than me but it sounds sad enough to make me want to hug you both. Can you ask this question if you feel like someone is the one? Not in the sense of being hopelessly in love and that you'll die without this person but you feel like they're a good match, someone that you can be with a long time because they fulfill your needs (as a person) rather than your wants (like whirl wind romance or fitting criteria of what would be easier such as cultural fit even if though there's not much else there). Cross is also at the end of the row Man is in after tower. :-( IP: Logged |
Dancing Maenad Moderator Posts: 2323 From: The Harvest Registered: Mar 2014
posted October 28, 2014 04:42 PM
Edited I have come to appreciate GTs a lot. I think you can ask pretty much anything. I write mine down, I am not always in the mood to do a thorough interpretation, but I like to look at them after a while and see why the situation turned out the way it did, learn from them. I cringe sometimes at how obvious the message was but I choose to ignore it.. That happens a lot.
------------------ ~the raving one dancing in the nude~ IP: Logged |
Dancing Maenad Moderator Posts: 2323 From: The Harvest Registered: Mar 2014
posted October 29, 2014 04:41 AM
Edited------------------ ~the raving one dancing in the nude~ IP: Logged |
LeeLoo2014 Moderator Posts: 7259 From: Venus cornering Neptune Registered: Mar 2014
posted October 29, 2014 10:23 AM
Hi, DM Is this an online tarot? with house positions and everything? Or do you have actual cards? How does this work?Thanks! BTW: I think your future husband is a foreigner, I remember I saw this in your chart long time ago. But that's what you want, isn't it? Why sad? ------------------
I seem to have loved you in numberless forms... IP: Logged |
Dancing Maenad Moderator Posts: 2323 From: The Harvest Registered: Mar 2014
posted October 29, 2014 11:06 AM
I have the actual cards, LeeLoo. There are 36 cards in a Lenormand deck. The spread I did uses all of them and it is called the Grand Tableau. You can do it as a 9-column, 4-row spread, but I prefer to use 8 columns and the put the last 4 cards on the 5th row to become what is called "the fate line". I don't know an online spread with lenormand, in English. I know of one in my native language, but that probably doesn't help. Do you want a spread with this one? I can draw for you, post it here and hopefully the girls will help along with the interpretation. Let me know. I'm not as obsessed about my exam as I used to be, so there's some little window of opportunity. ------------------ ~the raving one dancing in the nude~ IP: Logged |
Dancing Maenad Moderator Posts: 2323 From: The Harvest Registered: Mar 2014
posted October 29, 2014 11:22 AM
Edited------------------ ~the raving one dancing in the nude~ IP: Logged |
LeeLoo2014 Moderator Posts: 7259 From: Venus cornering Neptune Registered: Mar 2014
posted October 29, 2014 11:38 AM
I think you need to meet him again and see what exactly is in there, after many years, just be open to anything you may find. Otherwise, it would remain like an untold story for you Yes, I would love a Lenormand reading, I never had one and now would not be a bad moment at all What do I have to do? Think of something or someone? ------------------
I seem to have loved you in numberless forms... IP: Logged |
Dancing Maenad Moderator Posts: 2323 From: The Harvest Registered: Mar 2014
posted October 29, 2014 12:15 PM
Ask your question, LeeLoo. If you are asking about another person, I will need at least his initial, or some sort of identification - it can be symbolic (Pluto Man works ). I have something to do but will be back in a few hours with your spread. I will make a new thread so that more people participate.
------------------ ~the raving one dancing in the nude~ IP: Logged |
LeeLoo2014 Moderator Posts: 7259 From: Venus cornering Neptune Registered: Mar 2014
posted October 29, 2014 12:18 PM
I would like to know what is ahead of us, between us, me and Pluto Man. Thank you, I will be waiting.------------------
I seem to have loved you in numberless forms... IP: Logged |
Dancing Maenad Moderator Posts: 2323 From: The Harvest Registered: Mar 2014
posted October 29, 2014 03:11 PM
Alright, I have it! Will post it shortly - I will edit it a few times because my duad Sun is in Virgo and I like the columns and rows nicely aligned which doesn't happen until a few tries. ------------------ ~the raving one dancing in the nude~ IP: Logged |
LeeLoo2014 Moderator Posts: 7259 From: Venus cornering Neptune Registered: Mar 2014
posted October 29, 2014 04:17 PM
Aha I'm glad Mr Cap called, I'm rooting for him. Don't be disconcerted by Cap/Virgo rhythm- it's not rumba! ------------------
I seem to have loved you in numberless forms... IP: Logged |
Dancing Maenad Moderator Posts: 2323 From: The Harvest Registered: Mar 2014
posted October 29, 2014 05:12 PM
Edited------------------ ~the raving one dancing in the nude~ IP: Logged |
Aubyanne Moderator Posts: 1081 From: Tinseltown, Hollyweird, The Multiverse Registered: Sep 2014
posted October 29, 2014 05:43 PM
Let's slow the roll and take a moment to redefine this concept.The One. See, I have The Three myself. I don't think I can continue to 'believe in' The One when I've awakened to the reality that I am a multidimensional being. Suddenly, you realise it's too narrow and myopic. It's simply easier to commit to one person because we have one observable timeline. But, I hate to break it to you, there's a LOT more out there than One anything. About the only thing that's singular is the Source. Everything else is VAST and constantly unfolding. I didn't want my Twin to be my Twin; I knew, from experiences, that we're together and happy elsewhere -- and I didn't want to be reminded of that. But I was also dramatising and exaggerating this concept -- The Twin Flame -- as if it's spoken in a gravitas-laden voice; the Word of God. Honestly, the whole Twin Flame thing has been pretty meh. Undoubtedly, because neither of us REALLY bought a ticket to ride that train. Nobody wanted to take the Red Pill. So, we flirted with the concept from just enough of a safe vantage in order to destroy each other entirely. Good times. I'm bitter, but I'm not broken. I'm wiser. I'm stronger. He helped me, once and for all, to refuse to put up with another man's emotional abuse. Unfortunately, it also revealed my husband's emotional abuse patterns, and inclined me to want to spend the bulk of my time, and invest the most of my emotional wherewithal into the relationship with the one who's the antithesis of abusive behaviour. Enter, my Guardian Soulmate. Yeah, he gets a category all his own for being JUST that reality-bending and mind-bogglingly complex and amazing. By trying crazy things like nonmonogamy, I was able to heal from the devastation of my Twin and begin a whole new relationship paradigm -- with my husband and my partner -- which would teach us all unconditional love, help my husband abandon emotional abuse practises, and reawaken my partner's and my own humanity. Wow. Curious thing, too, in iQ's readings for both my Twin and my Guardian. A lot of the same language, though my Twin is undeniably my Twin, and my Guardian -- is not. I'd say, by all rights, the relationship I have with my Guardian is what I'd consider a Twin Flame connexion to be: no labels, but we're committed to each other, healing heavy and dark karma, experiencing (and sharing) the power of unconditional love, creating a powerful creative project which furthers these experiences, and -- oh, my God -- the psychic / paranormal / reality-bending / astral / otherwise multidimensional experiences! The most interesting distinction, between the two readings, was how, while the relationship is a constant driving need for togetherness, and great, incredible things can be bestowed upon the world together, it's with my Guardian that I'm to 'have a lifetime relationship'. The nature of that -- that's always a big question-mark. But we're meant to be in each other's lives, for the long haul, period. This is where The One becomes a sort of unattainable goal for me. So, I'm supposed to 'end up with' my Twin, by definition. My stepdaughter is actually my biological daughter from another timeline, and my husband and I are clearing hard karma from several timelines, and one in specific -- healing with love. My partner (Guardian Soulmate) is the one I'm to have a lifetime relationship with, especially involving tantra, with an excellent sexual relationship. Oh, and a requirement for the relationship with my Twin is also tantric sex. The whole Heiros-Gamos thingummy. Huh. That's a few leading men too many, according to convention. It was driving me insane. I was depressed. Full of rage. Confused. I grew tired of so many labels dictating the course of my personal life and its relationships. The constant nagging 'but he's my ___,' in the background. The litany of 'but we should be ____,' as an unremitting refrain. ENOUGH. I did the 'unthinkable' (for which I've taken quite a lot of flak) and I threw out the book. I discovered I AM HAPPY with my husband and my partner. Period. I've mourned -- finally -- and moved on from my Twin. So, no, it's NOT impossible. HOWEVER, there's some fine print here, too ... I don't actively try to sever the connexion. No unfriending, or emails saying 'I'm done with this,' or EVEN SO MUCH AS DECIDING IN MY HEAD TO BE 'DONE' AND TELLING NO ONE. (Or maybe just my husband. Or a soul sister.) ACTIVELY SEVERING THE CONNEXION WITH YOUR TWIN IS A NO-NO. Maybe you're not supposed to be together forever-and-ever, (or even ... ever) but you ARE both here on the planet, knowing each other, for a reason. So you make the best of it, as peacefully as possible. I can only describe the experience as the Universe converging on me in a bizarre divine intervention. It's too difficult to articulate. You don't know it unless you've experienced. It's hell. You don't EVER attempt it again. So, that's my humble take. If he's your Twin -- my congrolences. If it doesn't sort out the way you'd like -- have faith. If you're a Twin Flame, you're never going to be left high and dry. After all, we offered to do this whole Earth thing again as a voluntary sign-up. In some cases, we just have to reevaluate our 'Happily Ever After' schema. WE'RE not here to get caught up in third-dimensional constructs and concepts. Remember that. And, if your 'Twin' is too enamoured with these 'earthly delights' (and emotional game-playing) consider that it's just NOT the time to be dealing with him. Period. For me, I was battling guilt over being HAPPY without my Twin; feeling like I'm SUPPOSED to be pulling him out of the muck. Helping HIM to evolve. ... Yes, and no. If he welcomes my assistance -- absolutely. But a large part, I think, of what he did for me, was, ironically, helping me break free of the dysfunctional patterns that kept me bound to men like him. Hopefully, your 'Twin Flame' relationship is less Karmic Partners / Soulmate-y. But, know that it happens. There are NO hard and fast rules here. We're more than welcome to make them up as we go along. In fact, I'm becoming of the opinion that we ought to. IP: Logged |
Aubyanne Moderator Posts: 1081 From: Tinseltown, Hollyweird, The Multiverse Registered: Sep 2014
posted October 29, 2014 05:50 PM
... So ... DM ... Can I ask ... The Question ... ? Last night, I meditated and sought from the Universe, a means to find an actual, concrete answer. ... and today, I find myself ... Through The Looking Glass. Of all possible places. That seems hardly accidental. IP: Logged |
Dancing Maenad Moderator Posts: 2323 From: The Harvest Registered: Mar 2014
posted October 29, 2014 06:10 PM
Auby, thank you for sharing that with me! I will reply more in the morning, I am in bed half asleep (it's midnight here now) and hate to type on my iPhone. But wanted to tell you to phrase your question and I'll draw for you in the morning - it might end up being your morning depending on my focus. I don't want to f*ck it up, this seems important. ------------------ ~the raving one dancing in the nude~ IP: Logged |
Aubyanne Moderator Posts: 1081 From: Tinseltown, Hollyweird, The Multiverse Registered: Sep 2014
posted October 29, 2014 06:14 PM
quote: Originally posted by Dancing Maenad: Auby, thank you for sharing that with me! I will reply more in the morning, I am in bed half asleep (it's midnight here now) and hate to type on my iPhone. But wanted to tell you to phrase your question and I'll draw for you in the morning - it might end up being your morning depending on my focus. I don't want to f*ck it up, this seems important.
No worries at all. I really appreciate that, and I totally get you there. Sweet dreams! I'll work on the how. IP: Logged |
Dancing Maenad Moderator Posts: 2323 From: The Harvest Registered: Mar 2014
posted October 29, 2014 10:20 PM
Where is it? Your question?------------------ ~the raving one dancing in the nude~ IP: Logged |
Aubyanne Moderator Posts: 1081 From: Tinseltown, Hollyweird, The Multiverse Registered: Sep 2014
posted October 30, 2014 12:33 AM
A'righty, DM. I'm ready. I admit to being completely nubile in my understanding of Lenormand, but I trust your expertise in this arena, and appreciate your generosity; combined with finding myself haphazardly 'Through The Looking Glass' after having actively sought guidance the previous night -- it seems this IS to provide me as concrete of an answer as I can get. Now I've been thinking of how to phrase the question, as I know it's important to do so properly. What I'd like to know, at heart, is this: If there is a true relationship between the fictional concept to whom I was introduced in 2001, who I know as Penderan Fauste, and the man I met in 2010, who I know as my Guardian Soulmate, partner, and costar. Most specifically, if the bizarre coincidences and eerie experiences are the result of a multidimensional connexion; if the creation of that character and story was part of a 'metaphysical insurance plan' to guarantee that when we did meet, nearly a decade later, I'd 'recognise' him immediately -- if just due to the uncanny resemblance to that character. The rest ... I can glean. The rest I know on a level so deep that I can't quite articulate it. But that is the true question, and I'm finally ready for its answer. Either way. If it's true, I'll learn to accept it. I've already learnt to accept quite a lot! In time, I can learn to process this. If it isn't, I'll admittedly be relieved. To know it's merely a powerful story, which, perhaps, had to come to me in this fashion. Doesn't explain the astrology, though .... And I'm not going to think about that right now. Okay, DM. Thank you. Very, very much. Let me know what else you might need from me. IP: Logged |
Dancing Maenad Moderator Posts: 2323 From: The Harvest Registered: Mar 2014
posted October 30, 2014 01:05 AM
Okay. I am up. I couldn't sleep past 4 AM, despite trying.. something is up with me. I am still a bit drowsy but I think it might actually be a good state to read in, because it would silence most of my conscious intervention on the drawing process. As a matter of fact, I did this spread in a trance-like state, after a cathartic release from telling my abuse story - at last, as it was - in the Nessus thread. When I was done, despite having my brain and everything else pulsating, I thought of that question. And I really think that I did an accurate draw, at that time. I hope I can do it again. I am not a great reader, I have my moments but keep that in mind. I initially thought this might not be suited for a GT, but when I finally climbed out of bed, it hit me that it can. I have no guarantees though. But let's try and see where we find ourselves with this. I'll post it separately as well and hope more experienced readers will give input also. BRB ------------------ ~the raving one dancing in the nude~ IP: Logged |
Aubyanne Moderator Posts: 1081 From: Tinseltown, Hollyweird, The Multiverse Registered: Sep 2014
posted October 30, 2014 02:15 AM
Thanks, DM. It's ALL an adventure, isn't it? All a journey. I was realising, as I too tried to sleep, how all of that TISIPHONE might be operating. I found my brain making connexions I hadn't quite before. Odd.IP: Logged |
Dancing Maenad Moderator Posts: 2323 From: The Harvest Registered: Mar 2014
posted October 30, 2014 02:42 AM
It is, Auby.. our human adventure.. It is all that matters, when all is said and done, isn't it? What we take with us is our experiences as living, feeling humans.. ------------------ ~the raving one dancing in the nude~ IP: Logged |
littlecloud Moderator Posts: 3393 From: Registered: Nov 2010
posted October 30, 2014 03:15 AM
Well then....since you're awake, wanna do a GT for me?IP: Logged |
Dancing Maenad Moderator Posts: 2323 From: The Harvest Registered: Mar 2014
posted October 30, 2014 03:18 AM
Alright, LC, I seem to be on a roll lately, so yeah, let's do it because not sure how long my accurate draw will last. Ask your question. Btw, if you could chime in on LeeLoo's GT (I am not sure if I interpreted the outcome right) and Auby's, I'd be very grateful. If something jumps at you - it's not an obligation/exchange. I myself HATE to read when I feel obligated to, and generally mess it up if I do. ------------------ ~the raving one dancing in the nude~ IP: Logged | |