posted November 06, 2014 09:05 AM
I am at the moment reading the book by Andy Boroveshengra, and he states the importance of proximity, that which touches a card, is also that which is closest (timewise) in manifestion.For my GT FISH appears very far to the right, but the neighbouring cards are:
lady - heart
anchor - FISH
child - letter
Fish is in the house of HEART
heart is in the house STARS (the star-card actually precedes the lady-card directly)
Letter is in the house of MOON
Lady is in the house of BEAR
Child is in the house of SUN (Sun is one of the corner cards, and in fact the most important corner card, as it is in the upper right, and directly diagonal the lady card and above the heart, which in turn is above the fish)
Anchor is in the house of MICE, which is of course disappointing, and the Mice themselves spoil the Moon-card as well, as they follow the Moon; the Mice are int he house of PARK and the Moon is in the house of TOWER. There is a gnawing away at romance (or high anxiety and worry) due to public isolation and separatedness.
The only good thing is that the Mice are far from the Lady, in the left and below, and have no real connection to her (not even through knighting).
However I disgress.
I think in my case the FISH is being put in a context of love or heart-related things (we shall wait and see if it is romantic or platonic love or love of something else).
But there are two cards of relationships according to this author attached to the Fish-card (Heart and Anchor) plus the significator (lady) and Fish is in the hosue of heart.
To have a bit more insight, The FISH knights to:
clover - stars- cloud (this is really unfortunate)
Using reflecting, the fish reflects:
I believe to really understand what exactly the fish is meaning, we need to see the context-cards (as for knighting and reflecting it might be that this is just a subtle explanation - here I think it shows that while there is good potential there, it will take a decision on my behalf, and there will be delays in experiencing pleasure (Mountain is in the house of bouquet), but happiness and pleasure is int he cards as well, with Bouquet being the very first card of my GT - but anyway as I said I am disgressing. lol)
BTW the Road is in the house of STORK, so this choice whatever it is might lead to a change for the better (interestingly the Stork came up in Hanna`s reading for me as well, which I will reply to, when I have more time. lol)
STORK is also the first card of the fate line and in the house of KEY, so the change is pretty guaranteed to come, if I want it or not. lol
Not sure the decision will be really mine, or if it is it will be a decision about the most important man in my life at the moment, as this gentleman is knighting the Road
The gentleman is in a bit of trouble though, whith the colum of WHIP-COFFIN-MICE in his imminent future.
We both knight to the RING and the SNAKE and our meeting card is HOUSE.
(ring in house of tree; snake in house of mountain; house in house of lady)
I get it, he is in a bit of a tight spot, because of paying too much attention to me and because of decisions he made in the past. But quite honestly, I can`t help him with that. I have to look after myself.
Well you can look at the significators as a box of 9 set.
So his personal set looks like this:
lily - garden - whip
key - GENTLEMAN - coffin
tre - moon - mice
My box looks like this:
ship - clover - sun
stars - LADY - heart
birds - anchor - fish
HOnestly, I like mine better.