Topic: Death as someone's intentions to another?
mztiny Knowflake Posts: 111 From: Alexandria, VA Registered: Jan 2014
posted November 07, 2014 07:22 PM
What does this mean? I asked what an ex's intentions were with me and pulled the death card. Can someone explain? IP: Logged |
hannaramaa Moderator Posts: 8839 From: Registered: Nov 2011
posted November 07, 2014 08:00 PM
Well, I read Death as a neutral card even though some say it's a card of endings. This one is tricky, even for me, but I would think his intentions are to change how things are between you in some way, make them different, to stop doing something that has up until now been expected or routine.IP: Logged |
mztiny Knowflake Posts: 111 From: Alexandria, VA Registered: Jan 2014
posted November 07, 2014 08:24 PM
Hi Hanna! Thanks for the reply....this is the rest of the spread to the question I asked above. Death 5 of swords King of cups Sun R 6 of pentacales R Does the meaning still apply? IP: Logged |
hannaramaa Moderator Posts: 8839 From: Registered: Nov 2011
posted November 07, 2014 09:50 PM
Not really because I was interpreting it based on that card alone. What does the Death card mean to you in this question, and what does the 5 of Swords? If nothing else I always use a 2nd card to kind of draw out the meaning for me. IP: Logged |
Jessica2407 Moderator Posts: 5115 From: Saturn Registered: Sep 2012
posted November 08, 2014 12:12 AM
He is in a relationship already ya?IP: Logged |
Ceridwen Moderator Posts: 16312 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted November 08, 2014 07:39 AM
Death as card of intentions does not seem too hopeful to me. While Death is a card of transition, it can also mean the end of things. Recently there is a tendency to downplay this in tarot. But even if we talk about the transformation/ transition, it means that things have to change completely and some things will have to be left behind. In this spread it could be you he wants to leave behind, unless with the following card it is connected to leaving behind the arguments and fighting as well has the feelings of unhappiness and the feeling of disbalance in give and take. I also find the question a bit difficult "his intentions to you" - in what regard? What he was intending to do to you? What he desired your relationship to become? What role he wants you to play in his life now? What possible future does he see in your relationship?
EDIT Actually I find the posing of questions rather tricky in tarot and lenormand, as at least my spreads demand a very clear phrasing of the question, as they are sometimes so literal. Sometimes if I have honed in on what the REAL question is (not always the first that comes into my mind, sometimes it is covering up something else), pulling cards is not even necessary anymore. lol IP: Logged |
mztiny Knowflake Posts: 111 From: Alexandria, VA Registered: Jan 2014
posted November 08, 2014 08:57 AM
Jessica- yes he is married. He wants to have an affair with me and I have turned him down three times now. Ceridwen- your post is extremely helpful. Your right, the questions I'm asking are vague. I didn't know how else to word it. Thanks for your suggestions. Now that I rethink this....I think "death" indicated him not trying anymore. I think he has giving up. Would you all agree? IP: Logged |
athenegoddess Knowflake Posts: 3046 From: Registered: Aug 2011
posted November 08, 2014 09:41 PM
Yes I agree. His intentions are to end the association.IP: Logged |
Jessica2407 Moderator Posts: 5115 From: Saturn Registered: Sep 2012
posted November 10, 2014 12:24 AM
I don't think the spread is specifically talking about his intentions towards you since you KNOW his intentions already, I think it is the spread is talking to YOU. You must have had a specific reason why you asked about his real intentions behind the desire of wanting to have an affair with you.IP: Logged |
mztiny Knowflake Posts: 111 From: Alexandria, VA Registered: Jan 2014
posted November 10, 2014 09:23 PM I'm a bit taken back. I didn't know the spreads could do that. Change the person whom it is directed to. I assume if you ask a question about someone else, the guides only answer that way. SOOOOOOOOOO interesting....I've actually thought lately that most of the questions i ask seems to represent the way "I" feel apposed to the way he feels. Very interesting!!! Thank you so much!IP: Logged |
Jessica2407 Moderator Posts: 5115 From: Saturn Registered: Sep 2012
posted November 11, 2014 01:38 AM
It is how my cards talk to me sometimes.You are the one dealing the cards and it is kinda tainted with your emotions, and expectations more than we'd like to admit,am not saying it is this way for all readers though. I just feel that your spread is more directed to your emotions rather than his intentions in this case OR perhaps you worded the question wrongly or you are not being totally honest to your own deck as to what you really expect from this situation. Say you've been thinking to have an affair with him, will he leave his wife for you, IDK this kinda of thing. IP: Logged |