posted November 14, 2014 03:21 AM
I did another GT for myself because Lenormand happens so fast. I'm only putting another explanation here so others know this is just my personal thread I'm posting. I didn't want to put the GT on my normal blog. So - no need to comment (but you can if you want) I'm just using this space as a journal. Thanks! Question: What will happen in the next 2 weeks (one that was for 3 months, half of it has already come true)
Lily - Clouds - Anchor - Coffin - Clover - Rider - Scythe - House
Road -Garden- Tree - Tower - Moon - Bear - Birds - Bouquet
Stork - Ring - Dog --- Book--- Child -- Fox--- Cross -- Key
Fish - Man - Woman - Snake- Stars - Heart -- Whip -- Mice
First Four Cards: Lily + Clouds + Anchor + Coffin
I would guess this is talking about the older man that's confusing me in my life, and how it's going to end soon. Maybe the confusion will end soon?
Lily + Rider = Old news, message from an old lover, peace that comes with some news (interesting.)
Clouds + Clover = Uncertain luck, disappointed (mhm.)
Anchor + Ship = Movement, long voyage.
Coffin + Home = Change of residence
So maybe this message from the past lover will come when I go on vacation to my parents' house December 1st.
Four Corners: Lily + House + Fish + Mice
Lily + Rider - Same.
House + Coffin - Change in status maybe, instead of residence.
Fish + Ring - Spiritual connection, marriage of convenience, and this also made me think of selecting someone to be with out of the bunch.
Mice + Moon - Emotional distress, moody, depression, fear - maybe?
We see this message is about a change in relationship status, maybe the person is with someone now or wants to be with the Woman? This news is disappointing for one of the parties.
Fate Line
Ship + Letter + Mountain + Sun
(Letter + Mountain makes me think of something that's hard to say, or hard to say in person / easier to say over text or email.)
If Ship is representing a journey or someone overseas + Letter, I could only think of my friend in LA, because she's computer savvy and works on photography as a hobby? Maybe I'm supposed to go see her or the journey I'm on is taking a long time because I'm not talking to somebody who I haven't seen in awhile? (Ship - a distance, maybe it's not always out of state or super far.)
Ship + Letter - information about a trip, news from far away, plane ticket.
Mountain - delays, so maybe my trip will be delayed for some reason or my plane will be delayed when I go and this is important.
Letter + Mountain - Problems getting my plane ticket...?! Or not getting a message, period. Hmm. Is this the same as "missing" a message you think?
Mountain + Sun - Success finally occurs.
^^ So that feels like - waiting for some kind of news to come in but it's taking a long time and maybe you're just having to wait is causing frustration, but you eventually get what you were waiting for.
Now find yourself: Woman in the house of Letter
Woman + Dog + Tree + Anchor - So all of that is controlling me right now. The Anchor shows that Dog + Tree is a weight on my shoulders. A karmic friend perhaps that's going to be around for a long time. Too lazy to interpret, will come back to later.
Cards around signifier, clockwise
Man + Ring + Dog + Book + Snake
To me it looks like someone loyal wants a relationship but I'm a closed book and not open to discussing it, or I'm skeptical, I don't trust them? OH, but I do have a friend who's gay - Man + Ring + Dog? He's almost a lawyer in New York, studying law. Dog + Book. I've known him for years. He just called me the other day and I didn't call back because I didn't think he deserved it. So maybe the Snake could stand for bitterness / vindictiveness like that. Regardless, Dog + Book is someone with a secret. Man is in the house of Book, so someone around me who I know well definitely has a secret, and since it's Man + Woman + Snake + Stars + Heart + Mice... hmm off hand I'd say this man is in a relationship but he has feelings for someone else but is scared or uncertain on what to do. He's maybe afraid of his feelings not being returned (Heart + Whip + Mice)? I wonder if there's any significance that I'm closer to the Heart than he is.
Knighting - Does anyone know if you can still use Knighting even though your Sig. is on the bottom row like mine is?
Just in case...
Woman + Snake + Stars + Child - This other woman wants children? But if I'm the Significator then doesn't the Snake pertain to ME? I don't want children, so maybe that's why Snake appeared.
Woman + Letter - A communicative woman.
Snake + Man - Ehh...
Stars + Woman - hopes and wishes
Child + Mountain - not being able to have children
Woman + Dog + Tree + Tower - Okay, this is a woman I know, most likely a friend of mine. Dog + Tree - a doctor, or nurse, someone who is sick. Tree + Tower, hmm this makes me think of a hospital. My friend works sort of in the OBGYN field at a new hospital in town, so I assume it's her. She's my best friend.
Woman + Letter - A talkative woman (new one)
Dog + Tower - A friend who works in the government, a lonely friend
Tree + Whip - Into fitness.
Tower + Birds - personally, I think this represents making reservations at a hotel, but the site says...Congress, Parliament, legal worries. What.?
Looking forward, and backwards
Fish + Man - I feel like Fish adds quantity in this case, so like many men or someone there was a spiritual connection with.
Woman + Snake + Stars + Heart + Whip + Mice
Hmm. Snake + Stars - my trust issues are imagined, or I'm jealous right now because I'm not getting enough attention (Woman + Snake + Stars)? Maybe I need a lot in love that Mice just can't give, or that's my anxiety caused by the situation... If anyone has other interpretations here (actually if you've read up to this point - congratulations! LOL!) it would be helpful. Ohhh, I wonder if it means I doubt I'll find a good, strong love?
"Grand Finale"
Road + Ring + Woman - I'm not sure if this is interpreted as the past, or something that is going to happen, however what I see is indecision towards commitment, and going forward, Woman + Book + Moon + Rider - It seems I'll be seeing a new person in secret. I FEEL as though the Road + Ring + Woman represents a relationship with another person and Woman + Book + Moon + Rider means I'm looking towards this other person and have feelings for someone new, but the feelings must be kept hidden for some reason. Moon + Rider does actually mean romance with a new love interest, or an emotional visitor. Book + Moon is a psychologist, or creative writer. Interesting....... this relates back to The Ship, and a friend I have not spoken to in a long time who is getting a PhD. in psychology. He's introverted and secretive. Road + Ring - some kind of agreement, or having multiple offers. Interesting as I wouldn't have thought Road meant multiple.
PHEW. I have no idea how to connect any of that together. That literally took me an hour....