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  Ceri's 2015

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Author Topic:   Ceri's 2015

Posts: 17188
From: Venus cornering Neptune
Registered: Mar 2014

posted November 17, 2014 09:16 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for LeeLoo2014     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

Cutting cards: Tower + Child


I seem to have loved you in numberless forms...

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posted November 17, 2014 11:19 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ceridwen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
thank you.

What are your thoughts?

And you did a whole GT just for my New Years eve celebration/ non celebration?

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Posts: 17188
From: Venus cornering Neptune
Registered: Mar 2014

posted November 17, 2014 11:29 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for LeeLoo2014     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
aaa no, I did one for your whole year. You wanted just the New Year's Eve? sorry! but we can take a look at this too!

For your New Year's Eve I have these cards:

Stork Whip Lily

wow what's with you and Lily

apart from the other meanings, all three are people, one woman and two men

So that's a party!

I'd say the woman is the Stork of course (you know the description), there's one man a bit cocky or fire-like lol and the other more of a father figure, I guess.


I seem to have loved you in numberless forms...

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posted November 17, 2014 03:55 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ceridwen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Well, now you put down the cards for my 2015. What do we make of it?

I realize that I have a long future line, it affirms my feeling that 2014 was a wrapping up year (and also a bit of a laying seed-year), and that 2015 will be one when the implemented changes will very visibly externally show.

Nevertheless I WOULD like the fate line, if it weren`t for the mice in there. ;(

However the Child is the last card, so despite the mice there, I think at the end of it there will be a change or something new coming up. In fact the rider being there, also speakds of something new.
Too bad the mice is in there, I wonder if it might relate to a feeling of anxiety and worry rather than destroying the new evolvements?

Maybe there will be misunderstandings, lost messages, possibly even related to electronic communication (stars and rider - though I would have expected letter for this, rider seems to be more a messenger in person). But anyway with the child, improvements might happen after all.

The corner cards, anchor and letter
Hmmm, some jobrelated thing?

and Key-Woman, seems this will be an important year for me, a key-year so to speak. lol

the first three cards Anchor, dog, stork, ar epretty nice, speaking of stable or longterm friendship leading to changes, or maybe even changes due to a friendship.

I am once again close to the Lily. LOL

I find it interesting that in my nearer future there are book, cloud, ring.

It seems that the woman is in the house of Ring, and the book is in the hosue of book, and the ring is in the house of man.

I thought that was interesting, lady in the house of ring; ring in the house of gentleman. Hu?

Of course between the lady and the ring we have some shady things going on, secretive possibly (book and clouds)


"Stork Whip Lily"
I kinda like these. At least it is not going to be boring!

I probably wouldnīt interpretet them as people card, though I can see how it could be done.

Nevertheless the Stork and Lily again, they seem to accompany my readings quite a lot lately.

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Posts: 17188
From: Venus cornering Neptune
Registered: Mar 2014

posted November 18, 2014 09:51 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for LeeLoo2014     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I thought of a party because all three are court cards

Let me tell you what I see here...

You Ring Man Roads Birds Dog - I see a new relationship, a new man. You will meet him through a friend. This is also suggested by the possible change of heart in the spread: Heart Stars Key Coffin near Scythe- fate intervention here, Garden back to Tree in hHeart - a new Tree growing from the Garden (social circle)

Very nice cards at the beginning of the year Anchor Dog Sork - new friendships, relationships, a sudden journey with a woman, perhaps one you don't know yet or a happiness you don't expect in connection with this journey (Flowers in Clouds) There is indeed a mystery surrounding the Flowers card (Book Clouds with strong Book in its own house and Clover as a little symbol of luck and fate)

It's possible the 1st corner refers to the first part of the year (first 3 months) the second the next 3 months etc. The Journey seems to be taking place in summer, and that's when the mystery is revealed, leading to Fox-Letter for the end of the year. However the Letter seems to terminate smething Letter Moon Scythe Tower, but it's not a bad thing because of the Sun card and house.

You mirror Anchor in 1st Letter in Moon and we see the connection with the Fate Line here, with Rider there - definitely an important event, this Letter - it looks like it has a strong connection with your job though, too many job cards Fish Anchor Tower Fox etc

This Rider Letter Fish Anchor provokes some worries - Rider Mice and there's also Bear - Cross, leading to a decision and/or separation or a different path, but Roads in Cross I think shows destiny, it's a destined unavoidable ultimately good path leads to the Man or is connected to the man

With Man Ring House a commitment is suggested but the obstacle seems to be this Snake woman - Mountain in House Snake in Mountain Tower in Snake.

I'll get back to the Man later.

The energy surrunding New Year's Eve s Lily Birds Book - a lot of messages, reading maybe lol and a peaceful happy atmosphere with Lily Stork Sun Ship maybe dreaming reading too very nice

Then I see a change of heart, as I was saying, in relation to the Letter/Clouds/Flowers I was talking about, and that you're knighting with Scythe in Tower-end of isolation, loneliness and Heart Stars Key

What do you think?


I seem to have loved you in numberless forms...

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Posts: 23472
Registered: Jul 2011

posted November 20, 2014 03:33 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ceridwen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

thank you for the interpretation.

"I thought of a party because all three are court cards "
Yes, makes sense.

"I see a new relationship"
Well, any relationship would be a new one.

"Heart Stars Key Coffin near Scythe- fate intervention here"
#yes, made me think of fatedness as well.

"a sudden journey with a woman, perhaps one you don't know yet"
Interestingly, 2015 will be a year of travel for me.

Starting with my trip on New Year`s eve to the Eastern part of Germany to see Mr Sag as Casanova, on stage I mean. lol

beginning of april my parents, my middle brother and me are going on a trip to Cornwall; I have known for some years that I would need to visit there, especially Glastonbury and Tintagel.
And now itīs this time.

end of june I am going to be on a classtrip, together with a female colleague of mine, and a lot of pupils, to the Bretagne.

" or a happiness you don't expect in connection with this journey (Flowers in Clouds)"
I donīt really expect happiness either in relation to the New Years trip nor in relation to the Bretagne trip, so I just will stay open to any experiences and surprises.

" The Journey seems to be taking place in summer, and that's when the mystery is revealed,"
That could be the Bretagne-trip.
Though I was considering going on another musical-trip for seeing "Pope Joan" on stage or returning to my small medieval sacred town for either Zorro, Cats or whatever they are playing. lol
But nothing really planned as of yet.

"but it's not a bad thing because of the Sun card and house."
Let`s hope so.
But with the clouds and book card before, clarity is needed, and it could be that the mist and unclarity is terminated, which might come as a shock, but ultimately will be a good thing, with the Sun card and house.

" it looks like it has a strong connection with your job though, too many job cards Fish Anchor Tower Fox etc"
I was wondering, if maybe my interconnection between my passions in terms of theatre as well as my job will intersect some more.

"leading to a decision and/or separation or a different path,"
Hmm, I don`t intend to leave my job, and as of now I don`t think they want to get rid of me either, but who knows what the future will bring?
things can change in the blink of an eye.

"it leads to the Man or is connected to the man "
Interesting. Maybe I am going to get married and have to move, so that I have to look for a different job because of the relocation. Or something else. lol
(and no I do not think I am going to get married, it was just a joke; I had mentioned it to a friend of mine some weeks ago, that according to some astro-tidbits I needed to get married in 2015, and now she is teasing me about it all the time. lol)

"The energy surrunding New Year's Eve s Lily Birds Book - a lot of messages, reading maybe lol and a peaceful happy atmosphere with Lily Stork Sun Ship maybe dreaming reading too very nice"
sounds good to me.

"Then I see a change of heart, as I was saying, in relation to the Letter/Clouds/Flowers I was talking about, and that you're knighting with Scythe in Tower-end of isolation, loneliness and Heart Stars Key"

I wonder if that relates to the concert a week after New Year.
Well in the very least I can count of it being a good concert and hence will have a good relaxing time.

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Posts: 17188
From: Venus cornering Neptune
Registered: Mar 2014

posted November 21, 2014 10:13 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for LeeLoo2014     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
It's good you have such nice plans for 2015, Ceri, so many mystical journeys, I am happy for you

So you'll be at a concert on NYE? wow hence the court cards, this can also show a crowd of people.

Let's see if we can find out more about this man.

Technically, it should be the man you hold in your heart at the beginning of the year, but it could also be someone else.

He is in Roads, a woman is next to him, but tower in her house. Roads Tower suggest some kind of isolation or pondering. Separation is not impossible. Roads is in Child - so the decision/confusion could be related to a Child. Child is in Cross which leads us back to Bear, near him, in Mice, with Mice eroding Anchor - he seems to be married (Ring in his house_ unless he marries you. However he does have some doubts or worries. He seems to have a child or children.

Wow, it looks like he separates from the Snake woman...he is definitely the King of Hearts (check description) - I think that's more than certain - he's knighting her with Coffin and Ship in Whip and Ring in his house with your in Ring and you are in House. It will take some time though, since Mountain in House and Snake woman in Mountain - she is the obstacle between you two.

The coffin in this spread is an important solution for you, a positive outcome for you, leading to Stars in Key - fate and a wish fulfilled, a wish related to love: Heart in Stars. Very good combination here. It seems it will be an important year for love. I don't know if all this will happen next year or only the foundation will be laid, time will tell


I seem to have loved you in numberless forms...

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posted November 22, 2014 12:40 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ceridwen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I found it interesting, that pretty much all you said (as far as I can know) would fit Mr Sag. Well not going to obsess too much on that, might fit a lot other men as well.

"o you'll be at a concert on NYE?"

In fact I am going to see Mr Sag in the musical about "Casanova", and he is having the lead role.

BTW Tr Pluto is currently exactly conjunct his Casanova and Arthur, and conjunct my Adelaide and Guinevere

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posted November 22, 2014 12:53 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ceridwen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
" he seems to be married (Ring in his house_ unless he marries you. However he does have some doubts or worries. He seems to have a child or children."
This fits Mr Sag. I think he is married, though he never wears his weddingring. At least I have never seen him wear it.

Actually they got together just a few months after his longterm relationship fell apart, and only a few months after that she was pregnant, so yes he has a child by now.

I think they might have gotten married in march 2014 or at least around that time.

She hates me quite a bit, too. Well, maybe not hate, but it`s clear she hasnīt too many friendly feelings towards me. And somehow I am apparently not in the same category as other fans, not even to her. I mean, she deals with other fans as well, and no problemw ith that, but with me, it`s somehow different.
But I have decided that this is not my problem, it`s THEIR issue and they need to solve it. And honestly, he really shouldn`t comment on other women like he did, with his pregnant wife in the audience (naturally we always cross paths).
Well to be fair he did not say it, but a colleague was reading it aloud from his notepad, and mr Sag did NOT seem too happy about it, and in fact wasn`t able to either meet her nor my gaze for pretty much the rest of the evening.

Well I didnīt do anything wrong, and I will not do anything either, but I canīt be forbidden to enjoy the attention and appreciation, right?
I can`t change the way I feel, and I donīt wanna pretend I donīt feel what I feel. AS I have done that for so long, and I just donīt want to live like that anymore.
Yes, I am sorry, I have a crush on her man, but she is the one he is married to, so why not relax and let me have my little delusion, and him maybe a bit of a fancy? It`s probably nothing more than that, just a bit of curiosity. That`s all. He is a Sag, he is communicative and that`s just it.

"she is the obstacle between you two."
Yes, I think she is.
Well that and me standing in my own way. lol

Your reading is actually very encouraging to me, no matter i this is about Mr SAg or someone else.
And I just donīt want to hide anymore, even if that means that sometimes I get things wrong a little.

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posted January 11, 2016 01:57 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ceridwen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

"I see a new relationship, a new man."
No, not a new relationship.
However I eventually "branched out" a little performer - wise, and interestingly it just occured to me that I had seen - coincidentally - Lancelot/Mr Aries a few times (not THAT often) and incidentally he will take part on the next concert on saturday (and somehow - I don`t know how- tickets for at least 2 more concerts are laying here in my ticket-box for next march and october if I recall it right. lol)

" You will meet him through a friend."
Though this is NOT a relationship, funny enough on the fanmeeting of MR Sag in august I met a woman, who has maintained contact with me, and who`s quite a fan of Lancelot, and hence it could be that she somehow influenced me, or well let`s put it this way, she is way more informed about schedules than I am. LOL )

"fate intervention here, Garden back to Tree in hHeart - a new Tree growing from the Garden (social circle)"
That could be it, right?

Though it might simply relate to that aquaitance I made on the meeting?

" a sudden journey with a woman, perhaps one you don't know yet"
Well it was not true for the beginning of last year, as those changes happened pretty much only in late summer, on the other hand maybe it was the schooltrip I was organizing with two female colleagues for june?

"The Journey seems to be taking place in summer, "
Yes, that seems true.

"definitely an important event, this Letter - it looks like it has a strong connection with your job though, too many job cards Fish Anchor Tower Fox etc"
Yes, I`ve had some more supervisions of my boss in november, leading to the finalization of becoming a life time civil servant, also resulting in a new health insurance, a private one (though I still wait for the document, even though my boss already wrote the report on me, and it was pretty positive)

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Posts: 3750
From: Georgia
Registered: May 2009

posted January 11, 2016 02:08 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Orange     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
wait, did I lose mine in the mail??

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Posts: 23472
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posted January 11, 2016 02:37 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ceridwen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
"Technically, it should be the man you hold in your heart at the beginning of the year, but it could also be someone else."
Well, he`ll always hold a special place in my heart , but that does not mean I am blind to other handsomeness.

"he seems to be married (Ring in his house_ unless he marries you."
If that is about Mr Sag, and who else could it have been?, he got married in november. Well I thought they were already married, maybe they just did the church-thing. Don`t know. Don`t care.

"He seems to have a child or children."
Yeah, he obviously decided to get married to her "for real" about the time she got pregnant with the second child.
(I figured it as much, as several people commented on the news and pictures of their wedding with a : "FIIIIINALLY" lol)

So no, they did not split up, though they seem to spend a lot of time away from each other. WEll it is tough to keep up with his schedule anyway, especially with a little child and one on the way, as he sometimes seems to be, as he repeatedly posted himself: "On the run" LOL

As for him and me, well it`s been nice to see what an effortless and great rapport we had on the fanmeeting (both Mercuries in Sag, his Mercury on my Mars-ASC-Neptune-NN, my Mercury on his Sun-Moon-MC - and it showed )

So that was nice, as were some occasions before, though last time I saw him, about one and a half months after hsi wedding, just on stage, well, I had hoped it would simmer down to "normalcy", but instead it was that "push-and-pull, hot-and-cold" thing all over again. *sighs*
I swear though, it`s him, not me. LOL
I am completely sane and normal, it`s him who`s partly insane or braindead or something like that.
I mean come on seriously, he`s been not letting me out of his sight at all during both performances, and very clearly saw and recognized me of course, and then it slipped his mind the moment they took their bows? Yeah, I surely will believe that.
He`s just trying too hard (and he should, he is married after all), though it would be so easy to deal with me in a "normal-friendly-professional" way, like with everyone else (it is not like he does not have any female admirers lol, and they do that admiration-business so much better than me. At least they do not reject his autograph ).

But that friendly-professional thing somehow seems to be difficult for him, when it comes to me. It`s not that he is not friendly, he just doesn`t seem to find any balance.

Anyway, if he expected me to actually wait for him after the show, he certainly should have another thought coming; but then again he probably knew by now that I am not the "stage-door-type" (did that maybe three times in the last years); instead I was posting my short review of the musical on his facebook, sitting in my hotelroom, while he was probably entertaining his personal fanclub. lol
It just struck me how silly that was, posting on his facebook, when I could have said what I wanted to say face to face (but frankly I was in no mood for waiting for noone, and was a little ****** with him anyway. Not for getting married, no, but for not being able to make up his bloody mind, if he wants to know/acknowledge me or not. He`s like the living example of Shroedinger`s cat. ).

Anyway, for now I am looking forward to a year of many musical experiences, starting with the concert on saturday, which will have Lancelot and Mr Blast from the past (and one of Mr Sag`s best friends, but that was just coincidental that she would be there).
And then at the end of february one of the small club concerts Mr Sag likes to give, followed in march by a Mozart-thing plus Lancelot`s solo concert and so on.
So I will be having so much to do keeping myself entertained. lol

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Posts: 23472
Registered: Jul 2011

posted January 11, 2016 02:40 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ceridwen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Orange:
wait, did I lose mine in the mail??

where did you do a GT for me? it took me hours to find THIS one again. lol

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Posts: 17188
From: Venus cornering Neptune
Registered: Mar 2014

posted January 13, 2016 10:58 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for LeeLoo2014     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Thank you very much for the feedback, Ceri
Mice + Child: lots of children, like Mice and a night trip. It's so amazing, this Leno!

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