posted December 09, 2014 03:20 PM
"h, ASC ruler conj Mars! (Until I meet the person, I'll prefer the traditional rulership when it comes to the co-ruled rising signs.)"
I think traditional rulerships is very valid, even if I meet a person." Angular Saturn, Venus Sq Pluto as well(!)."
He is a walking contradiction.
All that Sag energy, Mars-Jupiter, Venus in 11th, Uranus in 8th.
DESC-ruler in SAg, in mutual reception and squre Jupiter (and also square Mars).
but themn at the same time angular SAturn trine a Cappy-Venus, Pluto in 7th square Venus. Saturn square Sun and Moon (5th house ruler!).
The funny thing is he suffers from the same intrapersonal contradiction than I do. lol
"But, looked at that Sun/Moon conj. Both their and asc's ruler is weak, but I think it gets the spark from the Mars, a good, Fire planet to make Jupiter feel at its own."
Yes, indirectly, as Jupiter disposes the Sagittarius planets and conjuncts Mars.
" Maybe the both planets are in H9? "
No, Moon is in 10th, Sun is in 9th though.
"Goodness, how come he's not the nomad amongst the nomads?"
Well, he is, in a way. Last weekend he was in Switzerland on saturday (playing Artus), to travel to eastern Germany on sunday (playing Casanova) and only then return home.
And in fact he sounded less than enthusiastic about that. lol
But at the same time he is FIRMLY rooted in his hometown, this is his basis, where he belongs (as he doe snot tire to emphasize) and he has a big family that is endlessly important to him, and supportive of him.
ACtually it is kinda difficult to NOT stumble across someone who is related to him in some way being on his concerts. Sometimes it makes things a little awkward.
In fact both his Mom and Dad seem to "know" me. Which is a little weird, but it really is so strange, sometimes I enter a club or whereever the concert is taking place, and I feel like I am, well maybe not observed, but do you know the feeling you enter a place and people look at you as if they know you, but you donīt actually know them?
THAT is how it feels.
Well in the case of his mom I remember when I first saw her; I was just passing by somewhere and she was standing on a stairs, and X-RAYING me. I mean I was just walking through, not really paying attention, but I felt like my heart had been put on Osiris scale and was weighed and checked, if it was light enough or to heavy.
She actually reminded me of MY Mom and the way she was testing my brothers girlfriend int he beginning, trying to come to a decision if she was good enough for her boy.
Just in my case, I was only part of the audience! Not even the audience, I was just passing by!
Sometimes going to these concerts I feel more paranoid than a freaking Scorpio.
But anyway he is both, a nomad and family-rooted. it is something I can understand so very well, as I am both as well.
"Or entirely nekkid on the stage? "
Well, as a matter of fact it sometimes seems quite a difficult thing for him to keep his clothes on on stage!
Nah, he knows his limits, and in fact I think it is also a bit of a selfimposed challenge for him, as he is always struggling with his weight and quite conscious of his body. On the other hand he feels very comfortable in his skin, too, while being selfcritical at the same time.
Yeah, talking about contradictions. lol
" Tell me, do you have Mars Sq Mars? It would seem that it's above 3° orb."
By sign.
The orb is too wide for me to feel comfortable about it (5°56).
"I don't know what to say about Sun/Moon/Saturn contacts except that mine didn't end well."
Well in my case I need the tough cookies of Sun, Moon, Saturn. Anything else is just not enough.
Maybe because I am such a Saturnian when it comes to relationship matters (disposing Moon and Venus, exactly quinkunx Moon, in 8th house, actually a mutual reception between Moon and Saturn, and 2nd and 8th house).
Adding to that is that it is familiar to me, as my parents have a lot of Saturnian aspects in their synastry as well, including Saturn conjunct SN, Saturn conjunct Mars-DW, Saturn conjunct ASC and Venus, Saturn semisquare Sun etc.)
Plus a luminary T-square
(Sun square Sun, Sun opposite Moon).
Even in friendships I noticed that they never last UNLESS there is a harsh Saturn aspect to the luminaries. That is for me. I know that some people do not like that at all, and it would not be for them. Well, I must be different.
my best friend seems to be the same in this regard (which might be the reason we are best friends, cause noone else really gets us. lol)
With her husband she has:
Moon square Sun; Saturn quinkunx Sun; Saturn opposite Moon; Saturn square MC, Saturn square NN, SAturn square Chiron.
Well, this might look rather dreadful, but then again her husband has Sun and ASC in Capricorn, Saturn in 7th house, and she has a Capricorn-DESC.
Even the priest remarked on how "boring" they are. lol But it seems to be exactly what they need (in their vows they were emphasizing supporting each other very much, and the priest thought this would have ben more fitting for an aged couple, not one in their 20`s or 30`s and how they should be more romantic. lol)
That doesn`t mean that every Saturnian relationship (even for saturnian people) works out, but maybe the fact that I am surrounded by all these Saturnian relationships (which btw are all very passionate if you look more closely. lol) makes me feeling drawn to that vibration.
I always thought that was a little weird, how I was drawn to these highly Saturnian synastries, and those that were not having challenging Saturn aspects but other nice things, when the readers were all enthusiastic about them, about how perfect we were for each other, well I was almost feeling guilty to have to say that I just didn`t "feel" it.
I guess you have to really get out the big guns to get my attention.
A subtle nudge will not do it for me, you have to REALLY hit me over the head with something hard for me to even take notice.