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Author Topic:   Evaluation

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posted March 28, 2015 12:23 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for tgem     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
OMG R U freaking kidding me??!!!
So remember how I told you he used to download songs for me (he's a DJ) I've shared some of those with you in the past. Well "Died in your Arms Tonight" was one of them!!!!! You witch!!! You're amazing!!!

All of it completely makes sense! And yes, if/when the passion finally culminates, it will probably be too HOT for either one of us to handle...that's the honest truth..the Sparks between him and I are IMMENSE!!! He better take the bull by the horns though and make a move cuz I've done enough chasing..get this I just had a reading done that said I might see him tonight at a party? I'm totally freaking totally...I'll probably pee in my pants if I see him...I won't know what to say...
Ok going to do yours now...

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posted March 28, 2015 12:26 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ceridwen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
"OMG R U freaking kidding me??!!!"
I LOVE those reactions.

So remember how I told you he used to download songs for me (he's a DJ) I've shared some of those with you in the past. Well "Died in your Arms Tonight" was one of them!!!!!"
ROFL. SEriously?
I don´t know why I thought of it, but then again I so love that song.

" He better take the bull by the horns "
Wouldn`t that rather be your part?

t"robably pee in my pants if I see him...I won't know what to say..."
How about "Hello"?

I really hope you will meet him there.

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I'm so cappy

Posts: 9778
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posted March 28, 2015 12:41 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for I'm so cappy     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Slow down Ceri, it's an old friend I reconnected with lately and we've never even met in person and probably never will :P

1. How does he see my personality?
2. How do I make him feel?
3. What are his hopes when it comes to our relationship?
4. If we met, what would be our meeting like?

I'm sooo happy! I mean, cappy.

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posted March 28, 2015 12:56 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for tgem     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Ok Ceri- the sexual chemistry spread for you and Mr. Eyecandy:
1. Is there sexual chemistry between us?
Rider- HA! Ironic I pulled the 1st card for the 1st question...YES!
2. Would I enjoy it?
Bouquet - oh yeah, it would definitely bring a smile to your face LOL
3. Would he enjoy it?
House- neutral card in my deck. Possibly.
4. What would our sex be like?
Sun - passionate, HOT, lots of energy
5. Will we end up having sex?
Stork - well isn't THIS interesting...stork is a positive card for me..movement, positive changes. I just may have to go with a YES on this one! Is he single??!!

About D:
"Hello." Yes, I agree that's a good start. I'll say that

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posted March 28, 2015 02:31 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ceridwen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
"1. Is there sexual chemistry between us?
Rider- HA! Ironic I pulled the 1st card for the 1st question...YES!"
And it fits as it is a "new" man.

"2. Would I enjoy it?
Bouquet - oh yeah, it would definitely bring a smile to your face LOL"

"3. Would he enjoy it?
House- neutral card in my deck. Possibly."
Interesting. The house is the "comming home" card for me, in fact I even found that on love dove tarot blog. lol

"4. HOUSE (King of Hearts) – a feeling of ‘coming home,’ settling down, stability in love"

But I also see how this could be a little boring. lol

"4. What would our sex be like?
Sun - passionate, HOT, lots of energy "
That is nice.

"5. Will we end up having sex?
Stork - well isn't THIS interesting...stork"
makes me think I really would need to think about protection.

Interesting though, I would not have expected a positive outcome card in this position.

" is a positive card for me..movement, positive changes. I just may have to go with a YES on this one! Is he single??!!"
I doubt it.

Well he has been in a long term relationship, which might still be ongoing.
However I read a recent short biography of him, which referred to that particular woman as his "ex-relationship".
If this is true, it must be rather recent though, maybe a few months, ago.

But even if that is true (and we all know how reliable those internet based biographies are. lol Seems to be an official advertizing site though, and he mentioned in an interview his greatest mistake having been to "have messed up a relationship", no clue if that was related to a specific thing, or to when it relates), but anyway, even if there might have been a break up, I doubt he is still single.
The man is simply too attractive and appealing for this. But he also likes to keep his personal life just that. personal.

Nevertheless he is very nice to look at and for the moment real balm for my soul and heart, so I just indulge in that little crush and yes, looking forward to the concert on 16th may. lol

Yes, that is the hardest thing, right?

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posted March 28, 2015 03:29 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ceridwen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

1. How does he see my personality?
6 of wands- 9 of wands

Confident, with a lot of energy,possibly successful, but at the same time also someone who can be very defensive and trying to guard herself against possible attacks or intrusions.

2. How do I make him feel?
Knight ofCups- Ace of Cups

Falling in love with you?
In the very least an emotional connection with romantic spark.

3. What are his hopes when it comes to our relationship?
King of Cups- Fool

a new beginning, maybe hoping for more than a friendship. But it is not deceided yet. Still very new and fresh.

4. If we met, what would be our meeting like?
10 of swords- Sun


Notsure what to make of that to be honest. 10 of swords is so dramatic and crushing, and Sun so positive. Maybe being overcome and really struck by the positivity?

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Posts: 10858
From: Venus cornering Neptune
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posted March 28, 2015 04:15 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for LeeLoo2014     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
1. What I need/want from him sexually
2. What our sexual relationship means/represents to me
Tried Athene's spread for fun (Thanks, Athene!) - it came out very interesting

3. What he needs/wants from me sexually

6 of Cups (Lord of Pleasure) - Tree
suggests the need for true intimacy and a soul/soulmate connection (6 of Cups + Tree). Also, the beginning of a sexual relationship, very romantic and intimistic card awww almost a dream come true. Long-term involvement and a trip into the past and future with the Tree.
Pleasure, pleasure, pleasure plus childbirth. dreams of the past, dreams for the future.

4. What our sexual relationship means/represents to him

Hierophant Tower

Secret desire? Arousal? but also something sacred.

5. My insecurities

Moon Snake

Lots of insecurities, but also strong desire. Jealousy, fear of betrayal perhaps. I'm not afraid of the Snake, mind you hahahaha I AM the Snake lol

6. His insecurities

10 of Cups Stork

He hasn't or he is afraid of not being happy/making me happy? Not flying high enough? (Some Stork species fly very high, BTW)

7. What turns me on most about him

8 of Wands Snake

his passion! true
Snake again lol I'll refrain from that

8. What turns him on most about me

6 of Wands Tree

my victorious heroic nature brain...and my Saturn

9. What I can do to enhance our connection

Ace of Pentacles whip

a new beginning, a proposal...whip him! hahaha on the other hand, show passion, not being afraid of anger know what else Whip means

10. What he can do to enhance our connection

5 of wands Bouquet
be more competitive and assertive

11. The sexual energy we create together

10 of Cups Rider

very nice!

12. Our future together sexually

9 of Cups Child

oops! but...bring it on, baby! lol

I seem to have loved you in numberless forms...

LeeLoo's Esotericorner

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posted March 28, 2015 04:40 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ceridwen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by LeeLoo2014:

oops! but...bring it on, baby! lol

Literally Is uppose

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Posts: 10858
From: Venus cornering Neptune
Registered: Mar 2014

posted March 28, 2015 04:42 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for LeeLoo2014     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Ceridwen:
Literally Is uppose

Kinda surprised me there...I dunno, maybe the spread is my (unconscious) view on the matter hahahaha but it was fun.

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From: Venus cornering Neptune
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posted March 28, 2015 04:45 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for LeeLoo2014     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Anyone wants to exchange the second spread with me? Ceri?

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posted March 28, 2015 04:59 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ceridwen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
yes, I do.

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Posts: 10858
From: Venus cornering Neptune
Registered: Mar 2014

posted March 28, 2015 05:26 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for LeeLoo2014     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
OK, Ceri, who's the lucky fellow? Eyecandy or Mr Sag?

Mine is R.

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posted March 28, 2015 05:33 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ceridwen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Can you do both?

Then I can one more for you too?

or otherwise YOU pick.

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Posts: 10858
From: Venus cornering Neptune
Registered: Mar 2014

posted March 28, 2015 05:38 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for LeeLoo2014     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I'll do both

You can do an additional Bridge for me and R if you like (just 3 cards between us, my side, his side and the middle result, for the upcoming period, thanks!)

be back with your readings

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Posts: 18582
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posted March 28, 2015 05:42 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ceridwen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
1. Is there sexual chemistry between us?

Yes, that is for certain, and it is a very real, grounded, earthy, sensual, lasting sexual chemistry. Very physical and at the same time comforting

2. Would I enjoy it?


Oh YES definitely. Hmm you are gwetting creative?

3. Would he enjoy it?

I think so, yes, I love the five of wands for these questions, ther eis such a fiery flirtativeness in it, a lot of teasing but so much fun, and passion, though a little rough, and with Dog, it is more than jsut tumbling in the hay once, it seems he enjoys being comfortable enough with you for that kind of more temperamental sexual exchange. After all this is also one of the soulmate cards.

4. What would our sex be like?

Strong, powerful, long lasting. Very emotional, romantic, but somehow mature and protective as well. Very very caring.

5. Will we end up having sex?

Oh YES. Well usally whip is a No-card. But in the card about sex, could not get any more Yes. lol

Ther eis a strong romantic and sexual spark here, possibly it will be very spontaneous, triggered by a romantic impulse, maybe after dancing with each other, or some verbal teasing as foreplay.

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posted March 28, 2015 05:49 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ceridwen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Bridge with R

Your side: MAGICIAN and RING

his side: EIGHT of CUPS and FISH

upcoming time: QUEEN of CUPS and SHIP

I think you want to and have the skill to intitiate a relationship, a lasting one. You have what it takes.

his sides, hmm. this stumps me a little. Curiously the first thought I had was reducing his alcohol consum. lol
No clue where that came from.
However maybe it also means leaving a situation to seek a deeper meaning, to find true spiritual depth.

upcoming time shows a change, a transition, and I think it means becoming emotionally connected in a more meaningful, mature way.

BTW Ship often can also signify people or things return to us (after a period of longing), so a woman (you?) might return?

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Posts: 10858
From: Venus cornering Neptune
Registered: Mar 2014

posted March 28, 2015 06:19 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for LeeLoo2014     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I felt like using two Tarot cards, so it’s a variation of the spread


1. Is there sexual chemistry between us?

2 of cups Knight of Wands

Definitely. I’d say in the right circumstances, he would be the one initiating something.

2. Would I enjoy it?

2 of Wands Q of swords
I think you would play hard too get or maybe bit a bit defensive about it. But since I see a connection here between the Knight, his Wand and the 2 of Wands, there is an interplay here, a give and take. It would also be a new experience (world) to you. You will need time to fully enjoy it.

3. Would he enjoy it?

3 of pentacles Queen of Cups

Yes. Another give and take and the loving Q, he would be very tender and warm-hearted, also sensual in an emotional way. But there will be a lot of communication as well, with the 3. Perhaps lots of talking and planning before the actual deed.

4. What would our sex be like?

8 of Pentacles Empress

Lots of work hahahahah but also obviously awesome with the Empress…and fruitful

5. Will we end up having sex?

Tower Fool

I have no idea what to say here…..yes? but something extraordinary has to happen or will happen for it to…happen?

Mr. Sag

1. Is there sexual chemistry between us?

2 Of Cups Knight of Sw
Wow! It’s almost like a replica to the other one….this must be connected to the fact that you are attracted to men with similar energy for you. This one would have to fight a lot for you. I think this chemistry is even stronger, I see this Knight as “imperative” (although so is the wand knight)

2. Would I enjoy it?
Four of Sw and Sun
Yes, if missionary Just kidding! Definitely! And you would trust him completely and give yourself to him, so to speak

3. Would he enjoy it?

Sun Devil hahahahaha is this your Sun conjunction? I think it’s yes, Devil being such a sexual card, he would feel powerful, but also powerless, seduced and maybe become addicted.

4. What would our sex be like?

Four of Wands Magician
Absolutely magical, I mean it! Maybe you'll do it on stage hahahah kidding! The 4 of wands is a canopy, so a bed….it looks like the two of you would spend a lot of time in bed, with 4 of sw and 4 of wands lol
And there will be a lot of seduction involved too, with both Devil and Magician here

5. Will we end up having sex?

King of pents Fool
I have no idea why I get this card for you to this yes/no q in both cases To me this is a yes card, so it should be yes, but I think here it also means he (already committed, K of Pents) needs to be free and then it could happen, what do you think??

I swear these are the cards, not a single negative or questionable card I drew for this double spread.

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Posts: 10858
From: Venus cornering Neptune
Registered: Mar 2014

posted March 28, 2015 06:29 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for LeeLoo2014     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Thank you, Ceri, both your spreads are wonderful! I'll remember the magic is on me and what you said about his side...totally spot on cards and intuition, that is definitely his side of the deal

It was very interesting to see the Queen and the Ship together, the Queen being on shore, yes, this could be it, a return of the Queen with the Cup, both spreads suggest "Yin is gaining ground" lol (well, that is indeed the dynamics between us, in real life), very uplifting cards for me! thank so much once again!

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I'm so cappy

Posts: 9778
From: Death Star
Registered: Nov 2012

posted March 28, 2015 07:07 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for I'm so cappy     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Thank you, Ceri.

Falling in love with you?
In the very least an emotional connection with romantic spark.

I'm sooo happy! I mean, cappy.

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Posts: 18582
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posted March 28, 2015 08:08 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ceridwen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
thanks Leeloo,

and both spreads are.... tempting.

"2 of cups Knight of Wands"
There`s a funny thing, when I was getting home last week, I was pulling some cards questioning if he was indeed seeing me there, expecting something like 2 of swords as a clear No-card.
Instead I got 2 of cups- Queen of Wands - Empress

and if there is a card that represents some form of mutuality to me it is the 2 of cups. So weird, so maybe he really DID see me and in this case he was clearly sending me the message that "the last dance belongs to only me/him"

We`ll see about that. lol

Nevertheless I guess there would be at least a little sexual chemistry, yes.
After all his Mars is squaring my Venus and trine my Mars, even though it is not unbearably close in orb, I suppose it is still effective enough (his Mars also conjuncts my IC, so you can just imagine where I feel it).

Plus his Mars quinkunx my Uranus exact
my Venus semisquare his Uranus exact
his Mars semisquare my Moon exact
my Mars sesisquare his Sun exact

"2 of Wands Q of swords
I think you would play hard too get or maybe bit a bit defensive about it"
Yes, that sounds like me. lol

"It would also be a new experience (world) to you. You will need time to fully enjoy it."
Yes, most certainly

"Yes. Another give and take and the loving Q, he would be very tender and warm-hearted, also sensual in an emotional way."
That sounds sweet and lovely.

" But there will be a lot of communication as well, with the 3. Perhaps lots of talking and planning before the actual deed."
hmm, that sounds quite realistic. Yes. I definitely would need some communication. It helps with the insecurities of my 8th house Saturn that can find its outlet through Jupiter in 3rd.

"Lots of work hahahahah but also obviously awesome with the Empress…and fruitful "
This is getting a little disconcerting. T-gem pulled the Stork for us, and you the Empress?

"5. Will we end up having sex?

Tower Fool"
Those are dramatic cards!

"I have no idea what to say here…..yes? but something extraordinary has "
Yes, I am sure. well if it were to happen, it would surprise me like a Tower experience. lol

"2 Of Cups Knight of Sw
I second that. WOW

2 of cups again?

" This one would have to fight a lot for you."
Yes, mostly with me probably. lol

" I think this chemistry is even stronger, I see this Knight as “imperative” (although so is the wand knight)"
Interesting. And well a little controlling, isn´t he? Or is that just the King?

"2. Would I enjoy it?
Four of Sw and Sun
Yes, if missionary "

"Definitely! And you would trust him completely and give yourself to him, so to speak"
Yeah, kinda feels like an all-or-nothing kinda deal. giving myself to someone does not come easily to me though.

"3. Would he enjoy it?

Sun Devil hahahahaha is this your Sun conjunction? I think it’s yes, Devil being such a sexual card, he would feel powerful, but also powerless, seduced and maybe become addicted."

Nothing to add.

"4. What would our sex be like?

Four of Wands Magician
Absolutely magical, I mean it! "
Well I suppose we would need some magic to even get there. lol

"Maybe you'll do it on stage hahahah kidding!"
YEah, probably, after all part of the foreplay takes place in public as well.

Well you don´t quite tell the female audience in first row about getting naked or halfnaked (as continuation of some kind of joke of course). he started telling his audience that they can buy him for an hour, but that he only cleans up topless. So whoever would want to have him, would need to endure him naked. Well topless. And then he remembered the minors and said something about trunks/ Bathing suit.
And actually thought this was so memorable it needed to be repeated, and repeated while looking straight at me: "So wearing a bathing suit, you understand?"

Well, maybe I should not have laughed just so heartily. But seriously I am not intending to rent him for an hour so he can clean my appartment (though it needs some cleaning actually), so what`s that got to do with ME?

Thing is last year I probably my cheeks would probably have taken on a scarlet tone and I would have nearly died of embarassment, instead of doubling over with laughter. WEll people change, and I fully embraced my teenage-Self in the meantime. lol

"but I think here it also means he (already committed, K of Pents) needs to be free and then it could happen, what do you think??"
Yes definitely. A little verbal sparring is nice and challenging, but there are boundaries. And it is all just fun and games and part of the show and does not really mean all that much.
But he surely tends to surprise me occasionally. lol

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posted March 28, 2015 10:47 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for athenegoddess     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Anyone want to trade interpretations?

1. Is there sexual chemistry between us?


2. Would I enjoy it?


3. Would he enjoy it?


4. What would our sex be like?


5. Will we end up having sex?


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posted March 29, 2015 12:44 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for athenegoddess     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Another one:

Determining Attraction Spread:

1.) What quality is So-&-So attracted to (in general, not in you)?
2.) How does So-&-So view me physically?
3.) How does So-&-So view my personality?
4.) What would So-&-So think of being on a date with me?*
5.) Advice on how to be most attractive to So-&-So?

When I throw it, it looks like:


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Posts: 18582
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posted March 29, 2015 06:55 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ceridwen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

"1. Is there sexual chemistry between us?


Yes, and even more so a whole lot of love probably. Overflowing emotions, might also relate to a spiritual connection on top of it all.

"2. Would I enjoy it?


He would simply sweep you off your feet, and it would be sweet and passionate at the same time.

"3. Would he enjoy it?

You can bet on that! Stable and grounded passions. I mean really really passionate and at the same time also some form of feeling like you belong together somehow.

"4. What would our sex be like?


Very very satisfying. Possibly on the calm and gentle side, but with a lot of emotional depth and richness.

"5. Will we end up having sex?


Yes, I think so. The tower, I mean just look at that imagery in a sexual sense.
Despite the sex being rather emotional and affectionate and tender, it still might turn your world upside down and bring great changes to your life. The fact alone that you pass this threshold will be like a jolt into the future.

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posted March 29, 2015 07:17 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ceridwen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Determining Attraction Spread:

1.) What quality is So-&-So attracted to (in general, not in you)?

2.) How does So-&-So view me physically?

(hmm, I lost a lot of weight, does that figure in here?)

3.) How does So-&-So view my personality?

4.) What would So-&-So think of being on a date with me?*

5.) Advice on how to be most attractive to So-&-So?

(so me being haunted by nightmares is attractive to him? Who is he? The Maquis de Sade? :eek )

I`d appreciate a second opinion here, or even if someone could pull the cards.
Oh this one was about Mr Sag btw.

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posted March 29, 2015 07:24 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ceridwen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
And with Mr Eyecandy it looks like this:

Determining Attraction Spread:
1.) What quality is So-&-So attracted to (in general, not in you)?

(blind women? lol)

2.) How does So-&-So view me physically?

3.) How does So-&-So view my personality?

4.) What would So-&-So think of being on a date with me?*

5.) Advice on how to be most attractive to So-&-So?


(well the 5 of swords interestingly often comes up as my: "Initiate conversation in a blunt and straightforward way" card instead of arguments.)

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