posted February 21, 2015 08:42 AM
Hi VDS,sorry for getting back to you so late. But I couldn`t really respond sooner, I had to sort of a lot of internal procession to do, which I find seems to have completed only now. WEll maybe not totally, but at least good enough.
It was very weird, very exhausting, a feeling of being completely torn in dramatically opposite directions, possibly with equal strenght, so that on the surface it might have appeared as if nothing happened.
Maybe that is what the chariot indicated, too?
Many many ways to interprete that spread in retrospect.
The concert itself, well this is not a quote from me on this but from another viewer, who had also seen the same concert just some days prior, but she was stating about THAT particular concert:
"Compared to the other concert I saw with you before, this one here was very unique, different and special."
It was, to a big part cause it was sort of a family-concert.
Well his significant other and his little son were there as well, and he is just so in love with his son, it`s adorable.
King of Cups as doting father?
He was even getting off stage, and singing a part of a song while cuddling his son. lol
And then still within the same song, instead of going back to stage the same way, he decided to take the route over strolling through the first row, giving me a very long look (I was sitting in the centre, so I thought I was "safe", as I know it is never safe to sit at the aisle. I did not expect him though to pretty much walk through the first row. lol) and then climbing back onto stage and from there blowing his son (and probably his son`s mother) an air-kiss.
Follwing this he decided to do a video with his camera, making his audience sing a little nursery rhyme for his son. He even had put it online for a time, and well, it was a very very short video of course, but it sort of stunned me that I was in the focus of the camera almost one third of the whole time, especially at the end.
Well by now he has taken the video down again.
But seriously, I am getting a headache just thinking about that evening! LOL
In the intermission when I wanted to leave the bathroom, I of course bumped into his significant other who just wanted to enter with her son on her arm. And I said "Hi" smiled at her, while holding the door open to her and then left of course.
I did not say HI because we know each other or are that great friends, but it was an automatism, I mean it`s just polite, right? when two people walk through the same door, you step aside, hold it open for the entering one (especially with child on her arm) and give a small greeting. At least that is how I Had been educated.
Nevertheless I am getting tired about her jerking EVERYTIME we cross paths and looking at me like I am the devil in person!
I don`t have time for this nunsense! Grow up and talk to your man, if this is an issue. But leave ME out of it!
I did not even ever DO anything.
Well, I did do something after this concert though. Something I nevr thought I would, I lined up to have a word with him. lol
Which went quite lopsided and weird and well I don`t know. I did not even know what I wantd to say, well the middle part of it was like I had intended to tell him (about being glad he had been singing a song from a certian musical I could not have watched - because I cancelled the trip, but that I did not mention. lol)
But the first part and the third part of that talk?
Jeez, do I alweays have to embarass myself?
Well I started the chat (after Hello of course) with that I did not want an autograph, and he seemed rather startled. I mean surprised okay, but he almost looked a little disappointed or pouty when he asked: "But why not?"
He reminded me of myself as a little kid when I was trying to make my mom buy me icecream and she had said no (andw hen my mom sais no, she means no. Scorpio Mom, what can I say?)
I certainly had not expected him to ask me that, so what I answered was just what I thought, no much control there, and I asked back: "What would I do with your signature?" (which is something I wonder a lot actually, why do people ask for autographs, except for wanting an icebreaker for a chat?)
To which he fell silent for a moment (I seem to do that quite a bit, he never shuts up, but I seem to now and then say something that just makes him go quiet, like he has no clue what to say to that. lol)
Anyway he opted for the answer. "I have no idea, honestly."
And that was not even the part I thought I was embarassing myself, but he part that followed when I quite enthusiastically congratulated him to his son and stating how adorable the little one was (which he is, but still. Still feeling embarassed about myself. Where is my detached Aqua-Moon when I need it? Instread it seems Ceres in Pisces took over. )
He seemd once again a little surprised, but also, well he adores his son as well. so of course he responded positively. In fact he was pointing at the stairs not far away stating that he (his son) was just being there at the top of the stairs (which meant his mother and Mr Sag`s significant other was there, too, and we were - once again - under observation. )
Anyway I quickly ended the talk shortly after that point, also cause there were others waiting to talk to him, and I don`t remember, maybe I forgot to say "Goodbye", but I was already on the verge of leaving when he said something. Nothing really importan just some form of saying goodbye, though it was a strange goodbye, as literally translated he said: "Wishing you well".
It is just not a typical way to say goodbye in german, but anyway so I turned back to him once more and of course reciprocrated that wish, then I turned for good and left, and of course it was raining cats and dogs. LOL
And once again I kept thinking: When did my life became a damned soapopera?