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Author Topic:   Collective Message - accessing the records, the web

Posts: 10501
From: Venus cornering Neptune
Registered: Mar 2014

posted March 05, 2015 03:36 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for LeeLoo2014     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by St@r2013:
LeeLoo your question was about what might happen 15-28 Feb.

Curios to see what happened

Well, what you said
Tree + Key + Stork + Coffin + Bouquet
Discovering something important about one's destiny Tree Key) and a lot of transformation, rebirth, new beginnings. Bouquet I think stands for spreading interests and creation

it's ongoing, BTW


I seem to have loved you in numberless forms...

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posted March 05, 2015 03:38 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for St@r2013     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by LeeLoo2014:
Well, what you said
Tree + Key + Stork + Coffin + Bouquet
Discovering something important about one's destiny Tree Key) and a lot of transformation, rebirth, new beginnings. Bouquet I think stands for spreading interests and creation

it's ongoing, BTW

Oh cool!

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Posts: 631
From: Austria
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posted March 05, 2015 03:40 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for GeminiKarat     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by LeeLoo2014:

It was what you predicted, the seed of it, actually the germination of a seed planted long time ago, but it was as clear cut as the predictions
and all of you, thank you a lot!

GK, I am sorry there wasn't a bigger group to answer your question.

If anyone has an important question, I am here.

You are welcome. It was your personal experience and I am glad that you had or you were Tyr in this situation. I am fine with your answer and I want to thank for your feedback.

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Posts: 631
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posted March 05, 2015 03:50 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for GeminiKarat     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Astro keen:
What am I supposed to learn from my Relationship?

Somehow I do want to do the 9 Rune Tree layout on this question if you want to.

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Posts: 10501
From: Venus cornering Neptune
Registered: Mar 2014

posted March 05, 2015 03:51 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for LeeLoo2014     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by GeminiKarat:
You are welcome. It was your personal experience and I am glad that you had or you were Tyr in this situation. I am fine with your answer and I want to thank for your feedback.

Yes, I was Tyr, still am my Mars Pluto is thriving, thank you too GK and Star


I seem to have loved you in numberless forms...

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Astro keen

Posts: 3198
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posted March 05, 2015 04:27 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Astro keen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by GeminiKarat:
Somehow I do want to do the 9 Rune Tree layout on this question if you want to.

Great, thanks! Do you have a question?

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Posts: 10501
From: Venus cornering Neptune
Registered: Mar 2014

posted March 05, 2015 04:34 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for LeeLoo2014     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Astro keen:
[QUOTE]Originally posted by GeminiKarat:
[b] Somehow I do want to do the 9 Rune Tree layout on this question if you want to.

Great, thanks! Do you have a question?[/B][/QUOTE]

Ah, OK, so I take it you didn't like mine, you don't ask me if I have a question

Just kidding, AK!


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Astro keen

Posts: 3198
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posted March 05, 2015 04:47 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Astro keen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by LeeLoo2014:
9 of Cups 3 of pentacles 7 of Cups
Moon on 7 of Cups
I think there's something about your relationship you're not aware of, not necessarily bad.

On the other hand, it does transform you on a subtle level.

The core is 3 of pentacles and I pulled the Ace of Cups on it, so it does teach about emotional fulfillment and true love, emotional expression, truthful emotional expression as a way to build a bridge.

However, I find the question a bit strange, since relationships are not supposed to be lessons first and foremost, unless they're totally nasty

Are you sure this is what you want to know about your relationship, AK? Honestly, I love your smooth way of talking and thinking but I wonder is sometimes it's not a hindrance for you, if being more straightforward is a lesson here; it's also suggested by the cards. (7 of Cups, Moon, 3 of pents)

How about asking how this relationship evolves or if this is too crude, what is the highest point this relationship can achieve?

BTW, are things OK with you and J?

Ah, just saw this, Leeloo!
Good to have you here. Very pertinent questions, which make me think.

Firstly, things with J are very good, frank, easy and fun.

The readings have been very mixed. So befuddling! Very good to hear that, "it does teach about emotional fulfillment and true love, emotional expression, truthful emotional expression as a way to build a bridge".

You suggested a good question, about how this relationship will evolve, so please ask away. If only I could find out what it is that I'm not aware of. Wow!

Please ask me a question as well?

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Posts: 631
From: Austria
Registered: Jun 2014

posted March 06, 2015 09:32 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for GeminiKarat     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
@Astro keen

I had a similar outcome.

Nine Rune Tree Layout
Date/Time: 6.3.2015
Casted for: Astro keen
Question being asked: What am I supposed to learn from my relationship?

Position 1: Represents the basic influences that underlie the question.
ALGIZ - The Rune of Protection and Opportunity:
Although the path ahead is fraught with danger, you need have no fear, for you have the power of protection within you. You will be safe as long as you are not reckless.
Astrological Correspondence: Cancer

Position 2: Represents Air - the thoughts.
SOWILO - The Rune of Energy and Revelation:
You have the power to bring things to fruition. Good fortune awaits you and there is a positive feel to everything. This is not a time to rest and relax, but to examine the darker aspects of your nature. The power of the sun will enable you to face them without fear and to overcome them. Seek solutions to problems; they are all within your grasp.
Astrological Correspondence: The Sun

Position 3: Represents Fire - the motivation.
OTHILA - The Rune of Family, Home & Acquisition:
At this time of re-focusing, fix your goal firmly in your mind and let your thoughts attract the energy you need to reach it. You must concentrate to read all the signs, but don't try to force the issues. Your objective is like a wild bird in the palm of your hand. If you grip too tightly, you risk killing it.
Astrological Correspondence: Full Moon

Position 4: Represents Water - the emotions.
Laguz R- The Water Rune:
Storm, flood, waves, corrosion or other destructive action of water. Danger of sinking or drowning.
Astrological Correspondence: The Moon

Position 5: Represents Earth - the physical appearance.
BERKANAN - The Rune of Growth and Fertility:
An exciting time for new beginnings, fresh adventures. Activity and energy. Sow seeds, but the harvest is yet to come so don’t expect immediate reward for your effort. Put the past in its place, learn from experience. A good time for spiritual renewal - clear away misconceptions and accept new ideas.
Astrological Correspondence: Virgo

Position 6: Represents the first contrasting potency.
RAIDO - The Traveler's Rune:
Recognize that everything comes in cycles and that by following them you will progress quickly and efficiently. Align your lifestyle to the seasons and honor the turning of the year. Embrace hard times knowing that the harder it is now, the easier it will get in the future. Everything has its opposite, and challenges bring equal and opposite rewards.
Astrological Correspondence: Sagittarius

Position 7: Represents the counterpart to the first contrasting potency
TIWAZ CR - The Warrior's Rune:
Uncover your hidden talents of leadership. One who appears a fool is in fact courageous. Naiveté, shyness. You must overcome a tendency to cowardice. Loss of concentration.
Astrological Correspondence: Libra

Position 8: Represents the synchronization Rune of the potency.
KAUNO CR- The Rune of Fire, the Torch of Enlightenment:
Beware hidden danger. What appears to be the true path may be a false trail. Something dark or cold may conceal great energy. Cold, darkness, lack of knowledge or insight.
Astrological Correspondence: Venus

Position 9: Represents the possible outcome.
FEHU - The Rune of Wealth and Fulfilment:
Fehu is Frey’s rune, and he is the god of fertility, itself a form of wealth. It is a rune of unselfish abundance. Let it shine forth to lighten your path and the paths of others. You will never run out of your spiritual richness, but don’t waste it on those who will abuse it. Discernment is important.
Astrological Correspondence: Aries
MANNAZ C - The Rune of Humanity
The person referred to is being covert or dishonest.
Astrological Correspondence: Jupiter
JERA - The Rune of Success and Continuity:
This is a time of reaping rewards from seeds sown in the past. It is a time of plenty, of joy and celebration. But it is also a time to work with no time for complacency. The harvest is followed by winter so you should make sure you have stored enough wisdom to face your next challenge. This is another turning point in life, not a goal. There are greater harvests ahead, but like the farmer, you must prepare the land, sow the seed, tend the seedlings and feed the fruit.
Astrological Correspondence: The Sun

Answer:Notice that everything comes in cycles. As you may lose concentration, you should focus on your love.

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Posts: 631
From: Austria
Registered: Jun 2014

posted March 06, 2015 09:33 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for GeminiKarat     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Is there anything that I can do, to give my life more stability?
I only want to have a calm and quiet life and somehow other people think that I am bored and bring troubles into my life.

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Posts: 10501
From: Venus cornering Neptune
Registered: Mar 2014

posted March 06, 2015 10:41 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for LeeLoo2014     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hi, AK I take it you decided on the "how the relationship will evolve"? I am glad to hear things are going well between you two

My question is a simple guidance for the following period, thanks.

I seem to have loved you in numberless forms...

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Astro keen

Posts: 3198
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Registered: Nov 2012

posted March 06, 2015 01:43 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Astro keen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by GeminiKarat:
@Astro keen

I had a similar outcome.
JERA - The Rune of Success and Continuity:
This is a time of reaping rewards from seeds sown in the past. It is a time of plenty, of joy and celebration. But it is also a time to work with no time for complacency. The harvest is followed by winter so you should make sure you have stored enough wisdom to face your next challenge. This is another turning point in life, not a goal. There are greater harvests ahead, but like the farmer, you must prepare the land, sow the seed, tend the seedlings and feed the fruit.
Astrological Correspondence: The Sun

[b]Answer:Notice that everything comes in cycles. As you may lose concentration, you should focus on your love.[/B]

Hi GK,
Thank you for the rune reading. Will be back with yours soon.

The rune has some very good messages interspersed with warnings. Could you help me out with your thoughts please.

These are the warnings: (i may have missed others)
Position 4: Represents Water - the emotions.
Laguz R- The Water Rune: Storm, flood, waves, corrosion or other destructive action of water. Danger of sinking or drowning.

MANNAZ C - The Rune of Humanity
The person referred to is being covert or dishonest.

Position 8: Represents the synchronization Rune of the potency.
KAUNO CR- The Rune of Fire, the Torch of Enlightenment:
Beware hidden danger. What appears to be the true path may be a false trail. Something dark or cold may conceal great energy. Cold, darkness, lack of knowledge or insight.

And these are very positive:

Position 5: Represents Earth - the physical appearance.
BERKANAN - The Rune of Growth and Fertility:
An exciting time for new beginnings, fresh adventures. Activity and energy. Sow seeds, but the harvest is yet to come so don’t expect immediate reward for your effort. Put the past in its place, learn from experience. A good time for spiritual renewal - clear away misconceptions and accept new ideas.
Astrological Correspondence: Virgo

JERA - The Rune of Success and Continuity:
This is a time of reaping rewards from seeds sown in the past. It is a time of plenty, of joy and celebration. But it is also a time to work with no time for complacency. The harvest is followed by winter so you should make sure you have stored enough wisdom to face your next challenge. This is another turning point in life, not a goal. There are greater harvests ahead, but like the farmer, you must prepare the land, sow the seed, tend the seedlings and feed the fruit.
Astrological Correspondence: The Sun

Answer:Notice that everything comes in cycles. As you may lose concentration, you should focus on your love.

So, are these saying that the current relationship is not the goal, it harbours dangers, however, I am protected. Also there are better times ahead. Or Is it saying that despite some murkiness I can still make the best of it. Is that the message of the answer "you should focus on your love" ? That would align with Leeloo's reading above that the lesson for me is about expressing love and emotional fulfilment. Confused, as usual!

It would be interesting to see if the reading from Leeloo can help us out here.

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Astro keen

Posts: 3198
From: UK
Registered: Nov 2012

posted March 06, 2015 02:05 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Astro keen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by GeminiKarat:
Is there anything that I can do, to give my life more stability?
I only want to have a calm and quiet life and somehow other people think that I am bored and bring troubles into my life.

This question seemed appropriate for the angel messages cards. I got Athena and Akasha - twice. They both seem to be saying that you have spiritual gifts that you need to acknowledge and accept. And these involve working with others - so perhaps a calm and quiet life, as you envisage it, needs to be one that takes into consideration your spiritual role in supporting others. Perhaps the best way would be to see yourself as fulfilling a destiny as a helper - others come to you as they must do.

The message from Athena:
"You have worried that others would disapprove of you or leave you if you allowed your true power to shine. You have also been concerned that you might absuse your power and that your masculine energy would become unbalanced..... You aren't capable of abusing your power because your heart chakra has opened like a flower in bloom. Think of a person whom you admire, who is both powerful and balanced in their masculine and feminine energies. Such power is beautiful. It also amplifies your spirtual healings and psychic gifts. You are a strong and powerful lightworker, and God needs you to accept and reveal your power.

You are a spiritual teacher, when you have the ability to counsel others and help them awakened their spiritual gifts. You have already helped many people by giving them guidance, advice, and messages. You have a natural gift for delivering just the right words, along with a healthy dose of comfort and inspiration. Now, we urge you to available for even more people.

Your heart will tell you whether your teaching word will consist of writing, speaking, giving workshops, or counseling. Or, you may be guided to spontaneously help people whom you meet at the store, at school, or at work. Please know that you are absolutely qualified, and that we angels back you up with our supportive energy and loving words. This is your Divine life purpose. Ask us to help you with your teaching work, and we will do everything we can."

So there we are.

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Astro keen

Posts: 3198
From: UK
Registered: Nov 2012

posted March 06, 2015 02:25 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Astro keen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by LeeLoo2014:
Hi, AK
My question is a simple guidance for the following period, thanks.

Leeloo, I pulled an angel card as well as tarot.

Angel message: Adriana - pulled twice (pulling the same card twice is becoming common . Great!)

"Notice the repetitious thoughts and feelings; or vivid visions, dreams, or auditory messages. These are my loving messages, urging you to take actions or make changes. I will sure that you are safe while you follow this Divine guidance. Together, we will work to co-create your answered prayer."

Tarot: Page of Pentacles, The Fool
It seems that the message is to be confident and hopeful going forward, with purity of heart and enthusiasm. There may be a fresh start in the offing that you need to embrace.

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Posts: 10501
From: Venus cornering Neptune
Registered: Mar 2014

posted March 06, 2015 02:48 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for LeeLoo2014     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Thank you so much for these wonderful cards, AK, wonderful because they are very much in tune with my life stage!

OK, the strangest thing happened with your reading, I got a bunch of conflicting cards. To me, this means you, the querent, are either not sure what you want from this relationship, or maybe project what you want on the other (leaving it at his choice, letting him decide) or somehow you are fearful or unclear about asserting what you really want. This creates an unusual "blocked" energy around the cards, reflecting the actual energy. Things cannot move forward before you, the querent, simply assert what you really want from this. The cards show that somehow, things cannot go around this anymore. I'm not sure if I make sense. Examples of cards coming to me: 8 of Cups (falling), Sun, Lovers, 5 of Cups, 6 of wands, 2 of Swords. I advise you decide, inside, what you really want to happen between you two and then we can ask how it evolves or if what you want from this relationship can come true (whatever you want to ask). But either you, or him, or both, are somehow "passing it on" ugh I don't know how to explain...the cards pick on this energy. Let me know if I expressed myself well enough for you to understand something out of it?

I seem to have loved you in numberless forms...

LeeLoo's Esotericorner

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Astro keen

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posted March 06, 2015 03:02 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Astro keen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Thank you LeeLoo. What you've said explains the conflicting readings every well. See GK's above, for example. The fact that I am looking for guidance from readings itself is an expression of my uncertainty.

It is a bit like a chicken and egg situation though. My uncertainty is reflected in the readings which in turn fuel my uncertainty . All the same, a relief to know that the fault very likely lies with me, or mutually. We are very like each other - stepping gingerly forward, in tiny steps.

You are the first person who has made this point. It has truly helped!

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Posts: 10501
From: Venus cornering Neptune
Registered: Mar 2014

posted March 06, 2015 03:10 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for LeeLoo2014     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Astro keen:
Thank you LeeLoo. What you've said explains the conflicting readings every well. See GK's above, for example. The fact that I am looking for guidance from readings itself is an expression of my uncertainty.

It is a bit like a chicken and egg situation though. My uncertainty is reflected in the readings which in turn fuel my uncertainty . All the same, a relief to know that the fault very likely lies with me.

It is not a question of "fault" It is probably a difficult situation for you and you are trying to adapt yourself, and none of us is born with knowing how to do that, it's a continuous struggle and an ongoing learning process. Maybe there is something "stoic" in you about the whole thing? Maybe it is time to assert what you really want, independently? I can't say I know the answers myself, I am just trying to pick on the energy suggested by the cards. They show a bit of a "loop" and this may undermine you; maybe it's time for a bit of certainty? deciding to let it be as it is without wondering about the future or deciding to assert what you really want, yourself. Just let me know when you decide on the reading

I seem to have loved you in numberless forms...

LeeLoo's Esotericorner

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Astro keen

Posts: 3198
From: UK
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posted March 06, 2015 03:16 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Astro keen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
OK, Leeloo, thanks wil do, after some more water has passed under the bridge.

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Posts: 631
From: Austria
Registered: Jun 2014

posted March 07, 2015 12:35 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for GeminiKarat     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
My personal opinion on this Layout:
I wanted to use the same layout for the same question – no permission. I wanted to throw the Runes on Thursday, because I like that day for a casting – no permission. I wanted to throw the Runes on the next day when I had time – no permission. I wanted to write my personal opinion – no permission. I am an airy spirit and a long row of no permission is . I had today an answer to that situation. I have with these circumstances more than one approach to reassure the same answer. The answer is already in you. You do not need any more readings. The angels will block any further reading on that matter, because it would confuse you more than it would help you. In the end you said that already on your own yesterday.
Astro keen
Question being asked: What am I supposed to learn from my relationship?

Originally posted by GeminiKarat:
Answer:Notice that everything comes in cycles. As you may lose concentration, you should focus on your love.

Originally posted by Astro keen:
Is it saying that despite some murkiness I can still make the best of it. Is that the message of the answer "you should focus on your love" ? That would align with Leeloo's reading above that the lesson for me is about expressing love and emotional fulfilment. Confused, as usual!

Originally posted by LeeLoo2014:
Things cannot move forward before you, the querent, simply assert what you really want from this. The cards show that somehow, things cannot go around this anymore.

This Layout shows help as well. On the position 8 it says that you can focus on Kenaz (=The High Priestess in Tarot) to balance things. This is the Rune of love and regeneration. She helps to find the fire again step by step. (< ----- just another coincidence )

I want to thank you for my lesson and wish you a lot of firrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrre!

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Posts: 631
From: Austria
Registered: Jun 2014

posted March 07, 2015 12:38 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for GeminiKarat     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Astro keen:
This question seemed appropriate for the angel messages cards. I got Athena and Akasha - twice. They both seem to be saying that you have spiritual gifts that you need to acknowledge and accept. And these involve working with others - so perhaps a calm and quiet life, as you envisage it, needs to be one that takes into consideration your spiritual role in supporting others. Perhaps the best way would be to see yourself as fulfilling a destiny as a helper - others come to you as they must do.

The message from Athena:
"You have worried that others would disapprove of you or leave you if you allowed your true power to shine. You have also been concerned that you might absuse your power and that your masculine energy would become unbalanced..... You aren't capable of abusing your power because your heart chakra has opened like a flower in bloom. Think of a person whom you admire, who is both powerful and balanced in their masculine and feminine energies. Such power is beautiful. It also amplifies your spirtual healings and psychic gifts. You are a strong and powerful lightworker, and God needs you to accept and reveal your power.

You are a spiritual teacher, when you have the ability to counsel others and help them awakened their spiritual gifts. You have already helped many people by giving them guidance, advice, and messages. You have a natural gift for delivering just the right words, along with a healthy dose of comfort and inspiration. Now, we urge you to available for even more people.

Your heart will tell you whether your teaching word will consist of writing, speaking, giving workshops, or counseling. Or, you may be guided to spontaneously help people whom you meet at the store, at school, or at work. Please know that you are absolutely qualified, and that we angels back you up with our supportive energy and loving words. This is your Divine life purpose. Ask us to help you with your teaching work, and we will do everything we can."

So there we are.

Thank you for the reading! I reminded me of a project that I dreamt of last year. The angels have my message and your reading gave me some hope back, that this project may come true! The only thing that I do exclude is a spiritual leader. You can trust me that every dog is better in yoga than me.

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Astro keen

Posts: 3198
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posted March 07, 2015 02:28 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Astro keen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
GK, love your interpretation. Yes, I truly agree - no more readings for me. Am relieved and pleased to be out of that loop. This thread (thanks to Leeloo for having provided it) brought clarity in that respect.

You are intuitive, rightly so, and you communicate well, just as the cards said - therein lies your power and your ability to help others. Regardless of how abysmal at yoga you might be . If you lead a few, you became a spiritual leader, even if briefly.

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Posts: 10501
From: Venus cornering Neptune
Registered: Mar 2014

posted March 07, 2015 03:06 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for LeeLoo2014     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
You are so funny, ladies, I love you! I wish for you to be flooded in love, as you deserve, my beautiful, intelligent and witty ladies
GK, great story about the Verboten and your runes I felt the same. It's AK Power now

I seem to have loved you in numberless forms...

LeeLoo's Esotericorner

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Astro keen

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posted March 12, 2015 03:00 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Astro keen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hi everyone,
Could I please ask for a reading on an entirely different and mundane matter? It doesn't quite aspire to the spiritual and personal growth type of topic, I'm afraid, but I need help with decisions .

I, in the face of all good sense and limited resources, am planning to extend my house in time for my son's wedding this year. I consulted three builders - Paul, Daniel or John and they seem fine. Firstly, which one of the 3 would be OK? Or should I look for someone else?

I picked tarot cards for each but couldn't work it out .

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Posts: 10501
From: Venus cornering Neptune
Registered: Mar 2014

posted March 12, 2015 06:02 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for LeeLoo2014     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Astro keen:
Hi everyone,
Could I please ask for a reading on an entirely different and mundane matter? It doesn't quite aspire to the spiritual and personal growth type of topic, I'm afraid, but I need help with decisions .

I, in the face of all good sense and limited resources, am planning to extend my house in time for my son's wedding this year. I consulted three builders - Paul, Daniel or John and they seem fine. Firstly, which one of the 3 would be OK? Or should I look for someone else?

I picked tarot cards for each but couldn't work it out .

Which one is cheaper and displays nice finishing work?

I seem to have loved you in numberless forms...

LeeLoo's Esotericorner

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Astro keen

Posts: 3198
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posted March 12, 2015 06:31 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Astro keen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by LeeLoo2014:
Which one is cheaper and displays nice finishing work?

Good idea! Should wait to check each out. Maybe I would need to decide after they finish my work .
In the meantime, wouldn't it be fun to see what the cards say! Hmmmm?

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