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  Should I try and get my father and cousin to contact me

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Author Topic:   Should I try and get my father and cousin to contact me
Panthera Leo

Posts: 764
Registered: Jul 2013

posted March 17, 2015 09:24 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Panthera Leo     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I had a few ideas in mind to put the idea of contacting me into my father and cousins head.I am not going to contact them first.I want them to come to me.I want to make sure they think the idea to contact me was theirs or at least feel that they do need to contact me no matter what even if its something they may dread doing.I would be interested in hearing how they are doing and also see if there is any important information I can get out of them.

I asked what would happen if I put my plan into action with my dad
I got

I asked what would happen if I tried the same thing with my cousin
I got

I think both of the results seemed quite positive.I'd like to hear what other people think.

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Posts: 10546
From: Venus cornering Neptune
Registered: Mar 2014

posted March 18, 2015 12:59 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for LeeLoo2014     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
What do you mean by "putting ideas into their heads"? All you can do is make a wish. Your wish will be granted not because you have a certain wish-power (although this exists, but it's only part of the deal), the ultimate factor will be: if the wish is the best course of action for all sides. Sometimes the best course of action involves a harsh lesson for you or the other, but you are not supposed to know it in advance, since this doesn't help with your learning. This could involve your wish not being granted. Sometimes the best course of action is the fulfillment of your wish, but not as a gift to you, again, because it's the best course of action for all people involved. No one is above the others, the universe does not serve a certain person over another

I seem to have loved you in numberless forms...

LeeLoo's Esotericorner

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Panthera Leo

Posts: 764
Registered: Jul 2013

posted March 18, 2015 06:49 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Panthera Leo     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Thank you LeeLoo2014

I had the idea to try two suggested contact spells which I happened to discover on a forum while searching the web.I tried the two different spells yesterday.They didn't work so that's fine.The strange thing is I checked back at the particular post I looked at yesterday and it has been altered.The instructions have been changed and now there is only spell instead of two.I don't have any talent for witchcraft so its not really surprising it didn't work. I'm not sure I followed the instructions properly.To make things more interesting there are other posts which mention spells which seem similar to the ones I attempted.I was also impatient trying the spells on a waning moon instead of waiting for a better moon phase.I know that the waning moon is better for ridding yourself of something than bringing something to you but like I said I was impatient,I wanted to do it and thought I would try my luck.It would have great if it had of worked but I'll be honest before I tried I would have been okay if it hadn't worked.I am fine now that it didn't work.It was more like a notion that took hold of me more than anything.If it worked the results could have been good or bad or somewhere in the middle.

I am aware the universe isn't here to just serve me. I was just seeing if I could ask the universe for a little assistance.I knew it didn't have to help me but at the same time I was still going to give it a try.

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