Topic: Messages
Ceridwen Moderator Posts: 18634 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted March 31, 2015 05:27 AM
WEll this morning I was first reading the bit on Anne Ortelees blog"Watch for messages important and pertaining to the eclipse from Friday March 20, as Mercury at 29 Pisces sets the eclipse off. ... Pay attention to the messages you receive! Anne" So I am exactly doing that. First card I got here this morning was the ACE of CUPS (curious about what the timeframe is going to bring). then asking specifically about the next week: TWO of cups.
After that I stepped out of the house (to go to my parents), when the postman was just having passed me on his bycycle, calling "Hello" to me, and funny thing I only saw the reflection of him in the glassdoor of my parents home, like a mirror, and weirdly he turned back even more (still on his bycicle) to wish me a "very good day". LOl He felt even more friendly than usually. And now when preparing my suitcase, it turns out it is the one I had with me when seeing Mr Sag as Artus EXACTLY one year ago, and it struck me that I am actually going to visit Glastonbury and Tintagel this week. lol But that is not why I am writing here. But apparently I had not completed the unpacking back then, and when doing it now, a piece of paper fell into my hand, with th postcard of a church, and the letter starts with: "My Dear One, I`ve always loved you." It is actually a really long letter on pink paper, with quotations from the bible, all surrounding about love and asking the recipient to surrender to love and allow the healing and caring taking place. A very sweet and emotional letter. It was being placed in the church there, and actually I do remember being in that small church, I was totally in a black night of the soul at that point last year, and very very doubting. In fact I had been making up my mind that I had been deluding me in the whole Mr Sag thing all along, and I stepped into that church, and the first thing I stumbled across there was a magazine of some musical (what does it have to do with church? lol); I spent a lot of time in that little church as I remember, and while I am not regularly have that experiences in churches, THIS one gave me a lot of inner calm and serenity. And while still in this slight semi-trance, I encountered this "letter" on my way out. Interesting to recall that just now. But it actually brought tears to my eyes. I mean I had totally forgotten about that what it was, and when unfolding that piece of paper, to unexpectedly read the words: "You`ve always been loved." has just such a tremendous emotional impact, wow, just wow! Of course now I remember having thought wahat a great priest they must have had caring for that little parish there Nevertheless to find it TODAY of all days. very uplifting. IP: Logged |
tgem Moderator Posts: 3835 From: Registered: Jan 2013
posted March 31, 2015 06:28 AM
Love it IP: Logged |
LeeLoo2014 Moderator Posts: 11027 From: Venus cornering Neptune Registered: Mar 2014
posted March 31, 2015 08:01 AM
A love message, a love sign IP: Logged |
Aunt Anomalia Knowflake Posts: 64 From: Pandora's box Registered: Mar 2015
posted March 31, 2015 08:34 AM
I may have a message for you too Last night I dreamt about Rihanna concert in my local stationery shop (where you could buy materials for a letter, ha!). I knew you were there with me too, I think I saw you in another row from behind but I mostly felt your presence. When the concert came to an end you quickly left. When I left too I saw a poster or rather a small billboard next to the church which very near that shop. It was about some theater play. It showed a young, handsome man with light, blonde hair in a pony and a young, pretty woman with wavy, dark brown hair of an intense shade. Judging by how they looked they were people from the far past but I think not further than late middle ages. The guy's outfit was causal (peasant-like?) and the woman's long dress covered her all. It was dark and simple but the fabric seemed fine. He was shown standing and she sat next to him. In the background there was a forest, something green at least. They looked right at the camera. I realized why you left so quickly, I knew you went to see it. The name of the play or, most likely, the location had something to do with "pool" (the thing you swim in). "Behind the pool" was what came to my mind. I knew it was to take place in my town, in reality there's no pool or theater here though.Btw, it was the second Rihanna concert that night, earlier she peformed in some tower/castle/church. ------------------ My sister in arms presents... IP: Logged |
DaniPepper87 Moderator Posts: 3638 From: Curitiba, Brasil Registered: Sep 2013
posted March 31, 2015 08:37 AM
Ceridwen will love!! Awwwwwwwwww!!! IP: Logged |
Aunt Anomalia Knowflake Posts: 64 From: Pandora's box Registered: Mar 2015
posted March 31, 2015 09:02 AM
Is it me or should you visit Bath too? Or perhaps Glastonbury is the place "behind the pool". Or maybe it's about Liverpool? ------------------ My sister in arms presents... IP: Logged |
athenegoddess Knowflake Posts: 4046 From: Registered: Aug 2011
posted March 31, 2015 10:01 AM
You have... IP: Logged |
Aunt Anomalia Knowflake Posts: 64 From: Pandora's box Registered: Mar 2015
posted March 31, 2015 10:55 AM
Ceri, I owe you a reading. I hope this will be enough.What my dream means for you: Lovers, 6 of Wands, 3 of Cups clarification: Judgement I see here romantic feelings for someone that will bring you joy for a change And there could be a happy ending. Perhaps it has something to do with your trip? What will the next week bring to you? 6 of Wands, Judgement, 2 of Cups Hm, maybe you'll really meet someone special in England Either way, you should be very satisfied with the trip and have some nice interactions there. Oops, just realized you're going there this week. Will you still be there when the next week starts? I asked what the trip will bring you and I got: 8 of Wands, 5 of Cups, Tower I think someone could drag you out of the 5 of cups phase there ------------------ My sister in arms presents...
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Ceridwen Moderator Posts: 18634 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted March 31, 2015 12:52 PM
Aunt Anomalia, I know I know you, but who have you been before march again? Anyway, your dream is pretty amazing and reminds me of several dreams Iīve had over the course of the last 10 years, all centering around Glastonbury and nearby. Like you I have thought of Bath all at once. lol Interestingly last week I was waking up and had the word "Cotsworld" in my mind, I did not look it up though, but so interesting that it all gathers there on your map. Actually we will spend a little time in Bath as well (on the way from Oxford to Glastonbury), though we do not know yet how much.
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Ceridwen Moderator Posts: 18634 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted March 31, 2015 12:57 PM
As for the trip I am a bit anxious aobut the 5 of cups and the Tower. Other than that, wow! Such nice cards right there!Funny enough just a few minutes ago while packing my suitcase, I was suddenly thinking about "Judgement" card and what it means to me, not even really thinking hard, the thought just popped into my mind, just as I crossed doorway from sleepingroom into the kitchen, and when I did, I could hear that the musical radio suddenly had started playing the song Mr Eyecandy had been singing as Lancelot on stage. fascinating. Timely. (it was pretty much about how he was falling in love with the wife of his best friend, but she wasn`t paying any attention to him, which in some way even happened from stage to audience, when Isaw him, cause I was so focused on Artus/ Mr Sag then that I realized only very late Lancelot /Mr Eyecandy had been looking at me, obviously for a rather extended amount of time. Maybe it just underlined the dramatic performance. lol) IP: Logged |
Ceridwen Moderator Posts: 18634 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted March 31, 2015 01:17 PM
BTW whom - if at all - did the guy in your dream resemble more?IP: Logged |
Aunt Anomalia Knowflake Posts: 64 From: Pandora's box Registered: Mar 2015
posted March 31, 2015 01:54 PM
How could you not recognize your favorite Capricorn? quote: Actually we will spend a little time in Bath as well (on the way from Oxford to Glastonbury), though we do not know yet how much.
quote: Funny enough just a few minutes ago while packing my suitcase, I was suddenly thinking about "Judgement" card and what it means to me, not even really thinking hard, the thought just popped into my mind, just as I crossed doorway from sleepingroom into the kitchen, and when I did, I could hear that the musical radio suddenly had started playing the song Mr Eyecandy had been singing as Lancelot on stage. fascinating. Timely.
This is getting creepy in a good way I don't remember the dream actor's face very well. I have the impression it was some actor or model I've seen on the net. He seemed tall and nicely built, moderate musculature. I can tell you he had a square face and fair skin. If I had to choose, I'd choose the second guy. So when are you seeing the Candy again? I wouldn't worry too much about the trip spread. If the trip was supposed to be a nightmare, I probably wouldn't get such nice cards for your next week. If it's hard for you to believe you'll pair up with someone someday (5 of Cups), your time in England could change it in some way. If it won't bring someone new into your life (which would be a striking experience, Tower and 8 of Wands are pretty much love at first sight), it could be an internal change. ------------------ My sister in arms presents... IP: Logged |
Ceridwen Moderator Posts: 18634 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted March 31, 2015 04:04 PM
"How could you not recognize your favorite Capricorn? " Oh wow, Elvis, is that you? Too many Capricorns to choose from. Did I ever tell you I have a thing for Cappy`s? I mean, not a thing, but they seem to pop up in my life frequently.
"This is getting creepy in a good way " Yes. Funny enough when I wrote that another song of his was being played, and simultaneously they put up the news he had shared on facebook and also put his picture to the short article, so everytime I check that online-radio, he is looking back at me now. lol Well he just told his fans that he can`t go on playing "Death" forever, though he loved/ loves it, but he has been doing it for over 500 times now, and there comes a time when you have to say goodbye and move on to new adventures (though he also mentioned he might play the role in the future possibly again, as he really loves to do so), and that something will come up in summer. He`s got me all curious now! lol He`s got a very pleasant way of expressing himself, I must admit, I am impressed how he manages to come across as genuine, attentive, friendly and yet keeping a professional distance and staying true to his own path. "If I had to choose, I'd choose the second guy." Yes, I was pretty sure you would say that. lol Like Jude Law in "Cold Mountain" he resembles the man whose face I have drawn when I was maybe 12 or 13 years old. Though probably a lot of men would fit into the stereotype blonde, green eyes, possibly some stubbles and open smile. Rather square face. It was funny cause it was the only man I have ever made a drawing of, and after I did it I was the most surprised to see what I had drawn. lol Maybe some sort of archetype for me. "So when are you seeing the Candy again? " 16th may. There is a concert, fittingly called "Milestone Project" with four musical performer, including him, another musical performer I used to like (have not seen him for 5 years though), and 2 other ones, of whom I have seen one (but he did not leave that deep of an impression, even though he was good - he had been on a concert with Mr Eyecandy and Mr Sag, so yeah, my attention was elsewhere It`s funny that I actually have seen Mr Eyecandy 5 years ago on stage with Mr Sag, and then last year again, with Mr Sag on stage, and though I thought he was cute both times, something about seeing him was different last week, at least it made me curious enough to want to see him again, which had not happened before. lol)
"I probably wouldn't get such nice cards for your next week." Well we will be coming back on tuesday night, so I thin it spans into next week. Though the rest of it will be reserved for nasty work-stuff, preparing going back to work. But maybe I will also have some time to enjoy the last free days. "t could be an internal change." While of course I`d like the first option as well, I think this is more likely. IP: Logged |
Ceridwen Moderator Posts: 18634 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted March 31, 2015 04:11 PM
Hmm, I just remember, I was meant to listen to messages today, was the universe giving me a message here as well, in what he said? Cause something about it did seem to resonate. THAT:"The time is here to begin something new. Saying goodbye, even though it is my own decision, will certainly not be easy. But one day you have to be able to say goodbye. And a comeback - some day- is never ruled out. " EDIT He was talking about a role, of course.
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Aunt Anomalia Knowflake Posts: 64 From: Pandora's box Registered: Mar 2015
posted March 31, 2015 04:22 PM
*throws a tomato* I'm so uncappy about your difficulty with recognizing me "The time is here to begin something new. Saying goodbye, even though it is my own decision, will certainly not be easy. But one day you have to be able to say goodbye. And a comeback - some day- is never ruled out." Do you think for you it could be about Mr. Sag? ------------------ My sister in arms presents... IP: Logged |
Ceridwen Moderator Posts: 18634 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted March 31, 2015 04:30 PM
"*throws a tomato* I'm so uncappy about your difficulty with recognizing me "Oh I got you all figured out from HELLO. I just like to tease you, us Sags do that with Cappie`s, you know? Nevertheless you got me fooled for a moment I must admit. " Do you think for you it could be about Mr. Sag?" Yes. I think so. At least for the next week. lol Or until I see him next, but until then, other mother`s have cute sons as well, you know?
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Aunt Anomalia Knowflake Posts: 64 From: Pandora's box Registered: Mar 2015
posted April 01, 2015 03:11 PM
I was suspecting this quote: other mother`s have cute sons as well, you know?
------------------ My sister in arms presents... IP: Logged |
Aunt Anomalia Knowflake Posts: 64 From: Pandora's box Registered: Mar 2015
posted April 07, 2015 11:25 AM
Waiting for your report!------------------ My sister in arms presents... IP: Logged |
Ceridwen Moderator Posts: 18634 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted April 07, 2015 07:13 PM
quote: Originally posted by Aunt Anomalia: Waiting for your report!
I didn`t fall out of the sky! No great relevations, no great love affairs, but an interesting, and partially exhausting (I never walked so much in my life i think. and most of it up- or down-hill, and why did nooone tell me this county has soooo many steps? ) journey.
I have just arrived back home (it is after midnight actually) and it feels surreal, not really like being home at all. But it never does when returning from England. We`ve seen a lot. Oxford - Glastonbury (the Abbey) - Wells (the cathedral), then off to TRuro from where we visited Tintagel, St Yves, Port Isaac, Penzance, Kynance Cove, Church Cove, Cadgsmith, the Minack theatre (which was more than just impressive, not to mention that they had steps up there, and we practically had to climb up the cliff to get to the theatre, which is carved/ built right into the rock/ cliff, which reminded me that I am actually afraid of heights. lol still it seems I made it, didnīt I? ; )
Well I am forgetting a lot I suppose. Oh yes, right, yesterday we did a coastal walk to the point where the Atlantic ocean is separated from a pond just by a narrow band of sand. When we were there, I asked my Dad how it was called where we were, cause something felt quite magical about that place, and his answer was: "Poolbar". LOL But then again we actually were having rooms behind a pool in the farm we were staying, made me remember what you wrote. though I did not meet anyone there. ; Visiting Glastonbury Abbey was quite magical as well, while I was tensed before and totally not spiritual, the moment I walked in there, I felt like total calm and serenity were there, and funny enough when i entered the site a white dove was flying from the wall beside me just over my head and in fact it looked like it was standing still in the air above me for a moment, before it joined two other white doves on the roof on the other site of the portal. My mom even asked me what it meant. lol Noone more unesoterical than my mom, but she used to tell me that when I was born and she brought me home a couple of doves were taking up residence just in front of the window of the room I was sleeping ine, and weirdly when we moved, again a couple of doves were nesting right outside my room, so it almost seemed like they had moved with us. lol Funny enough when I entered the abbey the bells of the church started ringing and just wouldn`t stop, the continued to ring all the time I was visiting there, and stopped abruptly the moment I left. Which was some strange duration of what? 47 minutes or so? lol No even number at least. But then again the birds were a little weird anyway. When I was on my way down after having climbed up and wandering around on Tintagel, a seagull (purely white, too, just like I was seeing the first purely white cat in Glastonbury, never seen a cat before that was so white) was flying straight towards me (as it looked) and screeching, and I was really startled, but my mom started laughing and said: "She is just trying to tell you something, canīt you see?" Hmm, unfortunately I don`t speak seagullish. IP: Logged |
Aunt Anomalia Knowflake Posts: 64 From: Pandora's box Registered: Mar 2015
posted April 08, 2015 08:43 AM
Thank for reporting. Sounds like a cool trip. Next time I'll try to dream out more info for you ------------------ My sister in arms presents... IP: Logged |
Ceridwen Moderator Posts: 18634 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted April 08, 2015 10:11 AM
One of the most impressive sights there on Tintagel was Merlin`s cave actually. Funny though I had no idea what it was, I just felt I wanted to go there. As it is sometimes. But it was awesome, the complete darkness, broken up by that gleaming light streaming and even blinding you. I am usually hesitating from climbing steep steps or slippery stones, but THIS was the exception, and I did not even know what to find there. lol Or maybe something inside me did know. [/URL] [/URL]
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Aunt Anomalia Knowflake Posts: 64 From: Pandora's box Registered: Mar 2015
posted April 08, 2015 10:14 AM
I want to have a picnic there ------------------ My sister in arms presents... IP: Logged |
Ceridwen Moderator Posts: 18634 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted April 08, 2015 10:20 AM
Funny I just realized that I was visiting Tintagel on the day of the ecclipse, which is rather close to my Draco MERLIN on 14°25 Aries. The ecclipse itself, at the location I was at that time took place on: Sun: 14°24 Aries Moon: 14°24 Libra LOL ONE minute off my Draco Merlin. and NN was just 3 minutes of the IC of that time, and within a degree of conjunct my 12th house ruler Pluto. Well the Sabian for the 15th degree of Aries
15° INDIAN WEAVING A BASKET IN THE GOLDEN LIGHT OF SUNSET. Full and conscious realization of selfhood, through the memory of all the powers acquired in the past. Retentiveness. IP: Logged |
LeeLoo2014 Moderator Posts: 11027 From: Venus cornering Neptune Registered: Mar 2014
posted April 08, 2015 10:27 AM
oh, wow, lovely pics, they looks like watercolor paintingsIP: Logged |
Aunt Anomalia Knowflake Posts: 64 From: Pandora's box Registered: Mar 2015
posted April 08, 2015 10:44 AM
Are we supposed to call you Marilyn from now on?------------------ My sister in arms presents... IP: Logged | |