posted April 12, 2015 04:14 PM
oh gosh, that dog is soooooo cute. However it affected you, the ecclipse (how did it? do you already know?), maybe I need to be reminded to NOT go and see a musical the exact day AFTER a lunar ecclipse!
This was when I saw the musical with Mr Eyecandy. lol
And see how THAT affected me!
Maybe even worse, some years ago, there was an solar ecclipse taking place on the exact degree of my Moon (7th february 2008).
and then a few days later a lunar ecclipse on 1 Virgo, the exact degree of Mr Sag`s North Node (21st february).
The concert on which I saw him which then triggered the stupid idea to maybe get a ticket to see him again (to just hae a look to convince myself I am not really drawn to him - the very same reasoning I used when booking the concert with Mr Eyecandy in may. Btw funny enough the second time after the ecclipse I saw Mr Sag back then was ALSO in may, and it led to an accidental meeting. lol)
anyway that concert back then which started it was on 16th february, a week after MY ecclipse and 5 days before HIS ecclipse. lol
Anyway back then before going there I had read Anne ortelees forecast and it said:
"Saturday: Pay attention to your interactions with the public,"
"so watch who
you met yesterday, today and tomorrow and how they can help guide you
on your path."
I was actually in a private group dissecting this, and making a bit fun of it BEFORE going there, just to have been hit HARD over the head with the change that WAS taking over my life (not all at once, it took time, but this was when it all started I think).
But did I learn ANYTHING?
Nope of course not! Still thinking my head could rule my whatever it is that is being affected.
So I curiously noticed how coincidentally there would be an ecclipse the day before going to the concert (and like some years ago with Mr Sag, I already knew Mr Eyecandy would be there, but I ignored the bells screeching in the back of my mind, you know those signals that are screaming: Danger, danger, danger. Run to the exit. NOW - because how irrational, right? After all my head calls the shots, right? )
Anyway so this time the solar ecclipse on 29 Pisces, luckily did not conjunct anything in my chart (we do not count Draco ASC on 27 Pisces, right?).
The lunar ecclipse following on 4th april, which saw me sitting in that darn Merlin`s cave, with Merlinīs eyes watching me (my Dad said that. lol), and it saw the starting of these haunting dreams. Damn it. well THAT ecclipse taking place on 14 Libra, naturally on my Draco Sun and Merlin. lol
Might even be considered squaring my natal Saturn, and so on.
Interestingly though this ecclipse was aligned with HIS natal Sun on 19 Aries.
I cannot believe I walked into that ecclipse-trap a SECOND time! lol
As for you, it sounds like your mind sharpens even some more. Knight of Pentacles, Judgement, you could cut glass with the sharpness of your tongue and mental skills and being very thorough and independent with it.