posted April 12, 2015 05:28 PM
Well, I was - against my plans- commenting on his facebook, on an announcement of the next concert, and was wondering if he is okay with that, if he likes/ dislike or simply does not care about me posting there or what I wrote there.
So in short his thoughts about it.
The funny thing is i seem to have internal antennas for the astrology to hit the angles.
So far that was happening everytime I was posting something important there. I NEVER look the time up before, but I checked it now after having "broken my silence".
Tr ASC 16 Scorpio conjunct composite MC 16 Scorpio and my pr MC on 16 Scorpio
Tr MC 4 Virgo, roughly conjoined with his NN on 1 Virgo
Tr Moon on 1 Aquarius, right on our composite ASC on 1 Aquarius and his pr MC on 1 Aquarious. LOL
Tr Avx on c-Sun and both of our Suns of course and his natal IC
Tr Sun opposing c-Mars exact
Tr Uranus square c-Venus exact and opposing c-Pluto by one degree
Tr Pluto conjunct c-Venus (under one degree, it will turn retro before perfecting the cnojunction to Venus though) and opposing c-Pluto exact
(b ut this is a longer timeframe of course).
Still that angle and Moon thing surprises me everytime. lol