Topic: @Ceri
vesta Knowflake Posts: 2864 From: Stars Registered: May 2009
posted April 28, 2015 03:01 PM
Can I ask you ? Mercury rx can you explain to me about the pre - retrograde and post retrograde. I understand Mercury RX and how things can go wrong durring that time. I was thinking about People who have Mercury as a Sun sign or ASC sign and how they may feel the effects even more than say someone who has a fire sign or Earth sign. I guess it would depend on the houses being transited and natal things being effected. He will start his shadow / pre rx at 4 Gemini ( his own sign) the move to 13 and go Rx back to 4 degree. Enlighten me Please ! So for example : let's say your a gemini with sun in 12th house and been having affair with another woman. Keeping it very secret with mercury going rx in Gemini now crossing your sun Oops !!! Secrets out Kind of thing depending on other aspects but I was wondering ??? IP: Logged |
Ceridwen Moderator Posts: 19047 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted April 28, 2015 03:17 PM
I am sorry. I can`t really enlighten you, I do not really pay attention to the pre and post and shadow periods, I think they might be a little twilight-though. maybe make you reexamine certain things. And for me Mercury rx has usually been awesome so far. Are we really in such a period again?
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vesta Knowflake Posts: 2864 From: Stars Registered: May 2009
posted April 28, 2015 03:20 PM
Edited above ... I guess I was wondering if things could happen durring a pre or post position or if would only be durring the actual rx. IP: Logged |
vesta Knowflake Posts: 2864 From: Stars Registered: May 2009
posted April 28, 2015 03:27 PM
And another quick thought ?? If you have mercury direct in natal but was rx in solar return then your thinking might have not been so clear ( confusion ) but now with it rx the clouds clear and give clear thinking. Is that possible ?
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Ceridwen Moderator Posts: 19047 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted April 29, 2015 01:15 AM
Some say, that people with MErcury rx natally have less trouble with Mercury going retro in transits, might be similiar with solar return as well, but I have not really observed it so far (not that it is not true, I just never payed attention).BTW here is an article IP: Logged |